I just heard the most outrageous lie coming from President Donald Trump:
Someone stole Hypersonic missile technology and gave it to Putin.
This is a lie Mr. Trump and you know it.
You Mr. President of the USA Donald Trump are a fucking Liar.
And I won't have it from you or any other scumbag.
So I demand an open apology from you and a clear statement from the white house that this is my technology.
In 2005 the first Hypersonic flight was launched in Woomera, South Australia... the HYCAUSE.
It reached Mach 7.
The first patent for a scramjet a supersonic combustion ramjet was filed by a French man in 1919.
Several others filed patents contributing to this technology.
Between 2005 and until today I worked on this phenomenal Technology that you don't even understand because you are too stupid.
And you will never understand it because you are only a greedy lying money lender.
On May 5th 2008 I filed my patent in Hong Kong using this exact technology.
Your CIA knows all about my technology because the CIA operative in Shenzhen China where I lived at that time tried to sabotage me.
He failed.
Because the CIA is a failure... and so are you.
Here is my patent.
After I filed my patent the CIA and the Mossad destroyed my life... yet I live to tell the tale.
And I tell it for everyone to know and to notice and blame you for the liar you are.
Yes they tried to kill me and yes they failed.
Because in 2009 I put all the Information of my Invention out there and sent over 2500 emails to everyone so that in case I was disappeared my work would survive.
Beside you in your shitty Administration you have the conman Elon Musk who on behalf of the CIA created the Hyperloop scam so people would dismiss my technology as a copy of his... clearly it is the opposite that is true.
Elon Musk is a short Arse pimp that has stolen my Invention.
And Hypersonic Missiles would not have been possible without my work.
I have well documented this and the Timeline speaks clearly that I speak the Truth and you are dumb as fuck.
I developed the Hypersonic Technology and yes... Russia has also copied it from me... or at least used my research as a blueprint.
I have documented this on my substack and I demand you retract your statement.
If anything... both the USA and Russia have stolen this Technology from me.
Obama was even twice as dumb as you... he couldn't do it anyway... and the CIA are a bunch of Pedophiles.
Only a German could Invent such a beautiful Technology... and it was me.
What I tried and succeeded was to create a peaceful technology based on the research NASA and others have done to bring this world together.
Elon Musk and SpaceX copied the whole of my Website and I have still evidence that holds up in any court of law... least of all my Patent which is clearly ahead of everyone.
Elon Musk is a fraud.
Bill Gates is a murderer and deserves the Death penalty.
It speaks volumes that you surround yourself with scum like that.
When it comes to my work however... nobody takes that away from me... nobody.
This Hypersonic Technology was stolen from me.
You Mr. President of the USA Donald Trump are a fucking Liar and I demand an apology.
Release all the security camera footage from 9/11 so the world knows that 9/11 was an inside job once and for all!
P.s. That was the website… but they deleted it.
I know I have readers who know this website so please if you will… verify it.
No more Lies.
Fritz Freud.
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
This Blog has been under attack for some time.
As such please share this information as far as you can.
Anywhere you can.
Thank you
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Fritz! I am sharing ALL your posts everywhere I can…and I don’t give a fuck what people say or think of me. We must destroy the Khazarian Jews!
Hello Fritzi, I know exactly how it feels to be robbed of a lifes work, to have nobody believe what occurred, to have none that will even look.
It is the degradation of a man's purpose, triumphs, winding path of hard-won discoveries, and work of persistence, intellect and application. Why we chose to be here& live through this now, @the most corrupt, degenerate, and hidden truth time is anyone guess. But I feel you. And I am inspired every day by your posts to keep up my own fight. I am on my way to the courthouse today to submit what can only be described as inflammatory docs. Your story gives me the nerve to stand against the tyranny no matter how many times I have been knocked down the last 14 years.
You are the very essence of the word intrepid.