Thank you from the bottom of my heart Fritz! I am sharing ALL your posts everywhere I can…and I don’t give a fuck what people say or think of me. We must destroy the Khazarian Jews!
This isn't about the Jews... however if they stand in my way they perish.
And my way is clear... I want Freedom and education and to accelerate Humanity to the best of everyone's possibility... so everyone is the best version of what they could be...
I want to give everyone the possibility and I think we all can do this together.
There is an inequality in this world from the Top.
So we must build a new society from the Ground.
To make people see the infinite possibilities we have is my work.
Thank you... and we never should bow down to oppression or censorship.
Fritz, did you get in trouble with Substack? What for ?
Now I understand why Trump wants Canada,and thinks he can get it.
I'm sad about the ability to travel faster than light being taken from us. Maybe it will be used by the elite to escape earth when they are ready to bail out of here.
I think we are getting ready for a war between North America and South America. And we need Canada for its resources.
This needs to be put out there because I just watched a video the other day from Australia over a case of police brutality. They said Julian Assange said with his case, he had to go to Washington DC, Australia is no longer a country, it is a corporation registered in Washington. They said with the recent tour of that Bozo King Charles, he was signing documents for this to all be finalized. We are no longer under the monarchy / commonwealth, so in some effect, this means they have no official LAW anymore? They asked a court official lawyer to say who he has his oath with and he refused.
Thanks for that link, there are a few things wrong with what they’re saying, but it seems Charlie dickhead created a new “seal” for Australia, and the kangaroo on our Coat of Arms has been copywritten in Switzerland!
They say Sovereign Citizen a lot, that is an oxymoron. If folks are interested, look up each word separately. (Sorry for the late reply, but I couldn’t get the link to work at first-we have shithouse internet here). Thanks again for the link.
I agree, they are using innocent propagandarised terminology. I did notice that myself. They also mentioned the sovereign court that has no "power" within the maritime court of law legal system. So any guilty verdicts or "orders" as such, have no weight behind them. But they mean well with their fight for freedom. Thank you for replying and clarifying a few things. Especially regarding the Kangaroo logo. I feel the same way about the monarchy. So sad to see the UK worshipping their captor the way they do. Not really much different though what I see within the USA and the Maga movement. All waving their USA flags and celebrating the right wings turn to sit on the throne in the devils house thinking its a good thing while all the technocrats from Silicon Valley who were all at the inauguration get into position. lol
Yes Gina, I skimmed over it a bit, but basically all cops in Australia are rogue-there is no “Australian” law they, or judges, defence forces and obviously much more have to abide by. It’s all in Washington (DC), but they also say Washington DC is now known as Washington “City”. Like “City of London” is not part of UK, or Vatican City, is not part of Italy.
This has been planned for a long time. Most Aussies don’t know any of this, but thank you for the Wednesday night News report which I, myself (embarrassingly) knew nothing about.
Yes this technocrat Stargate AI is very bad, and Fritz has been telling us for years! (I never watched Stargate for what that’s worth, I mean I didn’t see the predictive programming show(s), if that’s what it was/were.)
That is so sad regarding the cops in Aussie. Here across the ditch in New Zealand, I know for a fact there are still quite a few genuine good cops. The every day kiwi cop who believes in protecting their community are still on duty because I have worked with them doing neighbourhood support and community patrol volunteer work. I've stopped the practical side of the work and now do online work instead, so I don't go to the meetings like I used to where I'd chat with the cops a lot over local issues. But I do still see them and chat with them if I'm out and see one I know. The ones we saw who were behaving badly during the Wellington Occupation, were not our usual. Some have suggested many were "brought in" to deal with that and many local cops were just as horrified as the people over the police antagonising and brutality we witnessed. I knew the cop who was shot on duty in Westgate, a cruel sacrifice of one of the good cops to push narratives over gang issuess. So it's not as bad over here. I know a few who fled to there over the severity of how Ardern treated Auckland with lockdowns, but have since cime back lol
What is register in Washington DC is that Canada is a foreign agent. It may also be registered as the owner of Crown Corporations, and no, the "Crown" is not the reigning monarch. The Canadian Supreme Court has ruled several times that the "Crown" is the government, either federal or provincial as the case may be.
The East India Company (EIC), established in 1600, and the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC), established in 1670, were both London-based joint-stock companies whose royal charters granted them monopolies on trade in distant lands reachable by means of long sea voyages.
I live in what was HBC territory's headquarters. It's more complicated than what is generally reported. The company would not have been formed had two French traders, Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart, Sieur Des Groseilliers, who were forbidden by France to travel north and west of "New France" - the current Wisconsin and Minnesota of the US - gone to London to seek partners in the fur trade. There were constant battles for control of the area with the English finally winning out. The first inland foray by HBC was in 1690-92 by Henry Kelsey who documented his travels with the Indians. As an aside, had there been no ice age, what is now the Western half of the Missouri River watershed in the US, would still be draining into Hudson Bay.
Hello Fritzi, I know exactly how it feels to be robbed of a lifes work, to have nobody believe what occurred, to have none that will even look.
It is the degradation of a man's purpose, triumphs, winding path of hard-won discoveries, and work of persistence, intellect and application. Why we chose to be here& live through this now, @the most corrupt, degenerate, and hidden truth time is anyone guess. But I feel you. And I am inspired every day by your posts to keep up my own fight. I am on my way to the courthouse today to submit what can only be described as inflammatory docs. Your story gives me the nerve to stand against the tyranny no matter how many times I have been knocked down the last 14 years.
“the degradation of a man's purpose, triumphs, winding path of hard-won discoveries, and work of persistence, intellect and application”… well said and spot on.
And then... wow... and thank you.
Never since I encountered Jao and Kami two of my most "senior" readers whom I love both deeply have I encountered such a wave of support from all over the spectrum... from all over the world.
I mean I knew when I started this Blog that what I have to say goes hard against the mainstream... having ben deleted from the internet totally .
You are about the 5th or so person in this month alone who tells me a similar thing.
I always felt I am a lone wolf... howling to a dying moon... in the middle of nowhere.
To be called and Inspiration is humbling... gratious... and inspiring... knowing that I touch the hearts and minds of the last few good un-corrupted people in this world.
I feel there is a power shift within humanity and i feel i played a part... and if you say I did for you that is all you deserve... because you deserve it.
Courage is contagious... so keep fighting and stay true... don't let yourself be drawn into their game... play it smart and draw them out of their comfort zone.
Confront their lies with Truth.
Courage is contagious... reverse the trend... return to sender 10 fold.
Thank you... all of you...
The Revolution is a personal one and like Go Bang... with every Patient turned... with every stone unveiled... their power diminishes.
You are welcome, Fritz. I meant every word. Yesterday's trip to the courthouse in fear and reluctance turned to mere "shaking with resolve" because I read you. You lost much more than I, because of the POTENTIALS. Mostly to us as "humanity" at large, but your own financial security and how about the potential funding, recognition and collaboration for more of the same creativity!?!?
Some thoughts that may help us understand what's happening.
We may not need to have farms and migant ( cheap)labor, if we cut the population down to 10% of what it is today.
I also think that we are planning such a cut back, as Arizona stopped funding Medicare today ( That's what happened to me at least).
Just like in California before the fires started and insurance companies dropped home insurance.
Are we getting ready for a massive domestic problem ?
Civil War perhaps?
The folks leaving are overwhelmingly none violent.
So those that stay plan to fight.
The streets remain relatively peaceful.
I think its the calm before the hurricane.
I've also heard that Arizona is dropping lots of folks off the government's assistance housing list. These are old folks that now are just useless eaters, in the eyes of our government.
Gosh!!! Are you suggesting that everything was not invented in the USA, as is considered Gospel by the massively overwhelming majority of 'Murcans?
Didn't know much about Musk, but it was evident to me that anyone "exploding" onto the scene as he did, is an artificial construct, just like Bill Gates.
Thanks Fritz. Have been sharing away on various channels and have asked that this article be send to the fiduciary of the unincorporated United States of America. You may like to contact her yourself.
Wow, THEY do not have the "kill" rate HE does, so far....Now THEY creates the RNA Vaxxxx The Orange Trojan horse will do anything for a few crypto "Fartcoins"
Good on you Fritz! Don’t let the bastards get away with it.
If we all could spare some spending money for Fritz to develop this…..But I do understand not having much to spare, and Fritz is grateful for any support.
This really is a damned disgrace. Look at all Fritz’s articles about his technology. Fantastic!
I guess hypersonic can be confusing. The V2 rocket during WW2 approached hypersonic speed (Mach 5). The SR71 designed in the 50's was Mach 3 at altitude or 2,000mph. All ICBM's are at least Mach 5 (3,705mph). The missile defense shield was based on a US interceptor missile without a warhead crashing into an incoming missile destroying it using kinetic energy. One flaw, if the incoming missile changed course you would not hit it. SCRAM jet is a different animal. If a SCRAM jet had the ability to sustain speeds at various altitudes, maneuver and loiter, then you would have a cool weapon. I don't know enough about the Russian design or if it is real or deployed.
That is cool. The SR71 had a variable geometry inlet. The faster it went, the less the fuel burn. Yes the speed of light is just an Einstein guess. In the electric universe you can exceed it. With regard to Scramjets I thought some limitations will be caused by material science. Jet engine technology has not evolved much since the 80’s due to temperatures.
Well put, going after the farm workers who do the work most of us city dwellers could not do if we tried as we have become so lazy, while ignoring the immigrants in the cities who came to cause problems. Note I feel this latter group is a small minority of those who truly came to the US through the open boarders. It seems T is doing his part under the guise of clearing out illegals to contribute to the lack of food supply and to destroy our farmers.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Fritz! I am sharing ALL your posts everywhere I can…and I don’t give a fuck what people say or think of me. We must destroy the Khazarian Jews!
Thank you for your appreciation.
This isn't about the Jews... however if they stand in my way they perish.
And my way is clear... I want Freedom and education and to accelerate Humanity to the best of everyone's possibility... so everyone is the best version of what they could be...
I want to give everyone the possibility and I think we all can do this together.
There is an inequality in this world from the Top.
So we must build a new society from the Ground.
To make people see the infinite possibilities we have is my work.
Thank you... and we never should bow down to oppression or censorship.
I have joined the Tera Canada States Assembly. We have discovered that Canada is not a country…it is a corporation registered in Washington DC.
If you research this a bit more you will find the connection to the Hudson Bay Company and the East India Company.
Both are Illuminati Companies the Rothschild Russel Sassoon Families who made their money through the Opium Trade.
Linked to Yale and Harvard through Yale and through that to Skull & Bones,
P.S... Substack limited my ability to like and so...
Fritz, did you get in trouble with Substack? What for ?
Now I understand why Trump wants Canada,and thinks he can get it.
I'm sad about the ability to travel faster than light being taken from us. Maybe it will be used by the elite to escape earth when they are ready to bail out of here.
I think we are getting ready for a war between North America and South America. And we need Canada for its resources.
We all will find out soon enough.
Don't let the hook noses keep you down !
Substack is censoring my ability to like and more…
I keep on pissing on their legs… everyone should do the same.
If my technology which is a game changer isn’t recognized I carry< on pissing on the lot.
Nobody controls me.
Trump wants Canada also for the power (electricity) for this huge 5 billion dollar AI Stargate bullshit.
I’ve heard Canada has a lot of hydro. (does that include Niagara Falls?)
Niagara Falls, while a large generating station, is a blip in the overall hydro-electric power generation in Canada.
Oh good, thanks for answering me Curmudgeon. Trump said Canada has a lot of hydro.
I could have looked it up, but I really appreciate this answer. (I’m down under).
This needs to be put out there because I just watched a video the other day from Australia over a case of police brutality. They said Julian Assange said with his case, he had to go to Washington DC, Australia is no longer a country, it is a corporation registered in Washington. They said with the recent tour of that Bozo King Charles, he was signing documents for this to all be finalized. We are no longer under the monarchy / commonwealth, so in some effect, this means they have no official LAW anymore? They asked a court official lawyer to say who he has his oath with and he refused.
It was finalised before King Dickhead graced down under. I loathe that bastard, and all royal family members of all countries.
Thanks for that link, there are a few things wrong with what they’re saying, but it seems Charlie dickhead created a new “seal” for Australia, and the kangaroo on our Coat of Arms has been copywritten in Switzerland!
They say Sovereign Citizen a lot, that is an oxymoron. If folks are interested, look up each word separately. (Sorry for the late reply, but I couldn’t get the link to work at first-we have shithouse internet here). Thanks again for the link.
I agree, they are using innocent propagandarised terminology. I did notice that myself. They also mentioned the sovereign court that has no "power" within the maritime court of law legal system. So any guilty verdicts or "orders" as such, have no weight behind them. But they mean well with their fight for freedom. Thank you for replying and clarifying a few things. Especially regarding the Kangaroo logo. I feel the same way about the monarchy. So sad to see the UK worshipping their captor the way they do. Not really much different though what I see within the USA and the Maga movement. All waving their USA flags and celebrating the right wings turn to sit on the throne in the devils house thinking its a good thing while all the technocrats from Silicon Valley who were all at the inauguration get into position. lol
Yes Gina, I skimmed over it a bit, but basically all cops in Australia are rogue-there is no “Australian” law they, or judges, defence forces and obviously much more have to abide by. It’s all in Washington (DC), but they also say Washington DC is now known as Washington “City”. Like “City of London” is not part of UK, or Vatican City, is not part of Italy.
This has been planned for a long time. Most Aussies don’t know any of this, but thank you for the Wednesday night News report which I, myself (embarrassingly) knew nothing about.
Yes this technocrat Stargate AI is very bad, and Fritz has been telling us for years! (I never watched Stargate for what that’s worth, I mean I didn’t see the predictive programming show(s), if that’s what it was/were.)
That is so sad regarding the cops in Aussie. Here across the ditch in New Zealand, I know for a fact there are still quite a few genuine good cops. The every day kiwi cop who believes in protecting their community are still on duty because I have worked with them doing neighbourhood support and community patrol volunteer work. I've stopped the practical side of the work and now do online work instead, so I don't go to the meetings like I used to where I'd chat with the cops a lot over local issues. But I do still see them and chat with them if I'm out and see one I know. The ones we saw who were behaving badly during the Wellington Occupation, were not our usual. Some have suggested many were "brought in" to deal with that and many local cops were just as horrified as the people over the police antagonising and brutality we witnessed. I knew the cop who was shot on duty in Westgate, a cruel sacrifice of one of the good cops to push narratives over gang issuess. So it's not as bad over here. I know a few who fled to there over the severity of how Ardern treated Auckland with lockdowns, but have since cime back lol
What is register in Washington DC is that Canada is a foreign agent. It may also be registered as the owner of Crown Corporations, and no, the "Crown" is not the reigning monarch. The Canadian Supreme Court has ruled several times that the "Crown" is the government, either federal or provincial as the case may be.
The East India Company (EIC), established in 1600, and the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC), established in 1670, were both London-based joint-stock companies whose royal charters granted them monopolies on trade in distant lands reachable by means of long sea voyages.
I live in what was HBC territory's headquarters. It's more complicated than what is generally reported. The company would not have been formed had two French traders, Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart, Sieur Des Groseilliers, who were forbidden by France to travel north and west of "New France" - the current Wisconsin and Minnesota of the US - gone to London to seek partners in the fur trade. There were constant battles for control of the area with the English finally winning out. The first inland foray by HBC was in 1690-92 by Henry Kelsey who documented his travels with the Indians. As an aside, had there been no ice age, what is now the Western half of the Missouri River watershed in the US, would still be draining into Hudson Bay.
Same for Australia! Signed away in 1983 I think. It may have been earlier. (I have a bad memory) Some say 1987. Some say 1974 or 75. I need to check.
There are Assemblies starting up in all states and many countries
Yes!! Anna lives here in Alaska. Those of us who read and are literate on basic issues ( maybe 50%) we love her!
Hello Fritzi, I know exactly how it feels to be robbed of a lifes work, to have nobody believe what occurred, to have none that will even look.
It is the degradation of a man's purpose, triumphs, winding path of hard-won discoveries, and work of persistence, intellect and application. Why we chose to be here& live through this now, @the most corrupt, degenerate, and hidden truth time is anyone guess. But I feel you. And I am inspired every day by your posts to keep up my own fight. I am on my way to the courthouse today to submit what can only be described as inflammatory docs. Your story gives me the nerve to stand against the tyranny no matter how many times I have been knocked down the last 14 years.
You are the very essence of the word intrepid.
“the degradation of a man's purpose, triumphs, winding path of hard-won discoveries, and work of persistence, intellect and application”… well said and spot on.
And then... wow... and thank you.
Never since I encountered Jao and Kami two of my most "senior" readers whom I love both deeply have I encountered such a wave of support from all over the spectrum... from all over the world.
I mean I knew when I started this Blog that what I have to say goes hard against the mainstream... having ben deleted from the internet totally .
You are about the 5th or so person in this month alone who tells me a similar thing.
I always felt I am a lone wolf... howling to a dying moon... in the middle of nowhere.
To be called and Inspiration is humbling... gratious... and inspiring... knowing that I touch the hearts and minds of the last few good un-corrupted people in this world.
I feel there is a power shift within humanity and i feel i played a part... and if you say I did for you that is all you deserve... because you deserve it.
Courage is contagious... so keep fighting and stay true... don't let yourself be drawn into their game... play it smart and draw them out of their comfort zone.
Confront their lies with Truth.
Courage is contagious... reverse the trend... return to sender 10 fold.
Thank you... all of you...
The Revolution is a personal one and like Go Bang... with every Patient turned... with every stone unveiled... their power diminishes.
To all and everyone... thank you.
You are welcome, Fritz. I meant every word. Yesterday's trip to the courthouse in fear and reluctance turned to mere "shaking with resolve" because I read you. You lost much more than I, because of the POTENTIALS. Mostly to us as "humanity" at large, but your own financial security and how about the potential funding, recognition and collaboration for more of the same creativity!?!?
Staggering, really.
Warm hugs thru the aether.
Some thoughts that may help us understand what's happening.
We may not need to have farms and migant ( cheap)labor, if we cut the population down to 10% of what it is today.
I also think that we are planning such a cut back, as Arizona stopped funding Medicare today ( That's what happened to me at least).
Just like in California before the fires started and insurance companies dropped home insurance.
Are we getting ready for a massive domestic problem ?
Civil War perhaps?
The folks leaving are overwhelmingly none violent.
So those that stay plan to fight.
The streets remain relatively peaceful.
I think its the calm before the hurricane.
I've also heard that Arizona is dropping lots of folks off the government's assistance housing list. These are old folks that now are just useless eaters, in the eyes of our government.
You work until you die.
No retirement for wage slaves.
Is this what we wanted?
No it isn’t
Them must go.
Culled from the Top.
Gosh!!! Are you suggesting that everything was not invented in the USA, as is considered Gospel by the massively overwhelming majority of 'Murcans?
Didn't know much about Musk, but it was evident to me that anyone "exploding" onto the scene as he did, is an artificial construct, just like Bill Gates.
I’ve shared your stack on one other substack.
I’ll keep at it, but people don’t like me much at the moment! 🙂
We should all keep sharing it-let the world know it’s Fritz’s wonderful invention! Truth must prevail !
Thanks Fritz. Have been sharing away on various channels and have asked that this article be send to the fiduciary of the unincorporated United States of America. You may like to contact her yourself.
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
I meant to say Fritz, that you are correct in saying only a German could create such beautiful technology.
For decades, in Australia, people (sane people) knew that the best technology comes/came from Germany.
I said once before, I say it again, you are very very clever Fritz!
Wow, THEY do not have the "kill" rate HE does, so far....Now THEY creates the RNA Vaxxxx The Orange Trojan horse will do anything for a few crypto "Fartcoins"
Good on you Fritz! Don’t let the bastards get away with it.
If we all could spare some spending money for Fritz to develop this…..But I do understand not having much to spare, and Fritz is grateful for any support.
This really is a damned disgrace. Look at all Fritz’s articles about his technology. Fantastic!
Fritz is also modest. A gem of a man! You deserve recognition and building of your invention.
USA gov’t can ef ‘emselves!
I guess hypersonic can be confusing. The V2 rocket during WW2 approached hypersonic speed (Mach 5). The SR71 designed in the 50's was Mach 3 at altitude or 2,000mph. All ICBM's are at least Mach 5 (3,705mph). The missile defense shield was based on a US interceptor missile without a warhead crashing into an incoming missile destroying it using kinetic energy. One flaw, if the incoming missile changed course you would not hit it. SCRAM jet is a different animal. If a SCRAM jet had the ability to sustain speeds at various altitudes, maneuver and loiter, then you would have a cool weapon. I don't know enough about the Russian design or if it is real or deployed.
Actually.. it is easy...
Hypersonic wich is above Mach 5.
Yet the speed increase by increasing the compression rate and as such the amount of fuel one can burn.
My Technology has no limitations so in theory it can speed up to over the speed of light.
That is cool. The SR71 had a variable geometry inlet. The faster it went, the less the fuel burn. Yes the speed of light is just an Einstein guess. In the electric universe you can exceed it. With regard to Scramjets I thought some limitations will be caused by material science. Jet engine technology has not evolved much since the 80’s due to temperatures.
You made a good point there... the faster the SR71 went the less fuel it needed... that is the power of momentum.
And yes Materials have not been developed enough but with ceramics and other technologies we can achieve that.
Above a certain speed a plasma bubble is created... and my best guess is that we can use this plasma as a fuel.
However that is one of the many theories I have and I can't even talk about.
But if it works... I have solved the problem of Interstellar Space Travel.
This is how important this technology is.
Old woman here. At those speeds, how do you stop at the place you want to, not overshoot? :-)
Airbrakes and reverse thrust.
That is one option. I think gravity is part of the electric universe (scalar energy). Once we tap into it, Warp 20 Scotty.
Gravity exists only close to a planet.
But actually we could use Gravity as an engine i.e. Gravity Sails.
The main problem of Interstellar Travel however is Radiation shielding.
Therefore we must use Gold which does the Job.
Is gravity really a factor of temperature?
Well put, going after the farm workers who do the work most of us city dwellers could not do if we tried as we have become so lazy, while ignoring the immigrants in the cities who came to cause problems. Note I feel this latter group is a small minority of those who truly came to the US through the open boarders. It seems T is doing his part under the guise of clearing out illegals to contribute to the lack of food supply and to destroy our farmers.
Please share this post everywhere...
I had it...
I should be a Millionaire... nevermind I have become something better.
Expose them I do and only I can.
So please share this all over especially on X and Facebook which I am banned from.
I’m only on substack, but I’ll share where I can Fritz. Too many people won’t look.
I’ve been in a few arguments lately, I be careful where I share! 🙂