I really appreciate this post, you're quite strong and to the point. I agree, Re-Legion is fakery to control the cultural mindset.

Actually, what's the best way to get people to believe they are less than what they really are? Centralize God, thereby restricting access to "it," this is the oldest meter in existence. Also related to making God only accessible to those who "follow without question," is another trick: Placing a "meter" on Natural Freedom, by defining it in incremental "Liberties." A dog at the end of a leash is said to have Liberty, a dog without a leash has actual Freedom.

Regarding a new technology, the world is starving to manifest new ideas; it will be a lot smoother once the Banker / Ashkenazi scourge is reduced to footnote. Open sourcing a revolutionary new technology would be a great way to give them a migraine.

---- cheers

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Thank you my friend….

God is an Impossibility… it is impossible for any being to know all.

But if you can make people believe in the Impossible you can control them.

They believe anything after that.

Religion is an answer to questions I never asked.

And If I didn’t ask the question how can you know the answer?

It is an impossibility.

People who try to answer to an impossibility are like dogs chasing their own tail.

People who believe in an impossibility are like drunk dos staring into the mirror looking for the sunrise.

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Your viewpoint here really resonates with my own natural ... hesitation to adopt any mindset. No cult formation for me please.

I am so grateful for your piece here!

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And I am grateful for your resonance.

Keep your mind pure... empty your cup...

People should realize that and good things will come.

All I do is to share my Journey and my thirst for freedom...

And my thirst for learning.

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Brilliant! Thank you, Fritz.

I saw the religious lies from a small child being brought up in the catholic church.

I was always a Heretic :-) Wanting to 'know" instead of being told what I am supposed to know!

They will all self-destruct. We just need to manifest it with our minds..

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2 = 1

We sure do....

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According to Velikovsky, the history of Ancient Egypt is out of synchronisation by many centuries by the Academic Malfeasance !!!!!

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Everything we been told is a lie...

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Hello Fritz and all comm-enters! I understand that there will always be divisions between those who choose to believe in God and those who don't . That is nothing new nor will it ever change. For those who elect not to there will never babe enough to convince them, otherwise. For those who do no explanation is necessary as for them faith is believing in that which isn't necessarily apparent to the naked eye. What we all, those who do and those who do not, are in need of realizing is that we all, humanity as a whole, are in the midst of the single greatest(in my estimation) evil ever confronting humanity and we, as a whole need to join with one another in combating it else we be pile driven into oblivion. I respect those who choose not be believe as well as those who, like myself are believers. It, doesn't appear to me, to be a time for quarreling among st ourselves in light of this.

Thank you, all and be well.

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Thank you for your input… interesting.

1213 = ACAB

You see there is an infinite possibility in believing..

But Truth is build on solid grounds.

I can believe pigs can fly yet the truth is they don’t… but shoot the through a canon they suddenly can.

When I know… I do not need to believe.

Believe by definition means I don’t know.

ZEN is a path of Truth… no believe necessary.

If I don’t know today come back tomorrow and I get into it find out and then I know.

People chose to believe which makes the vulnerable to lies and open for deception.

They chose Religion because they don’t know the origins of our species.

They cannot comprehend that we are genetically modified therapoda by an alien race that created us as slaves and treats us as such to this day.

So they chose the impossibility of an almighty god that appears out of nowhere and created everything.

However nothing comes from nothing.

Everything comes from everything.

When people don’t get answers they ask the wrong question or to the wrong person.

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Thank you!! I appreciate the explanation of your mindset. all as different as apples to oranges to bananas, etc.

You have found what works for you and for that I commend you. I, and a lot of others have found our own paths. I like that you mentioned "nothing comes from nothing' for my belief is that all of this was just that and that is to say came from nothing. No 'big bang' or I evolved from an ape or a fish that strolled up on land.

For me 'I know' when I awaken everyday (that is until I don't) when I look at everything around me it is evident to me of a being higher than myself and my own relative, nothingness. I know when I read of the examples of saintly people and how their lives were touched in unexplained ways as an example to myself of that presence and how I should try and model myself after these souls. I'm striving but will not attain that perfection in this life but it is in the attempt that I progress in the sanctification of my soul; my only priceless possession. That is "me' and how and why I try, within my limited human framework, to conduct my life.

1213?? Birthday.

Thank you and let's all set about trying to save our very selves from this evil.

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Evil can’t touch me.

I ain’t a saint… but I ain’t a sinner.

I have a purpose that took me a long time to understand… although I felt it from the very beginning.

When they take everything away from you and some more you know that all you have is your own self your dignity.

Don’t ever become like them… be better.

I pity them.

They have all the money.

Still they can’t touch me.

For I live by the Truth.

I am content with who I am… I do to the best of my abilities…

If I go today I have nothing to confess to no one.

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On God I would not be so drastic....

In the “spiritual” search, I have always been a freelance,

as a child I used to go into the woods alone to look for goblins.

“I won't say anything, I won't betray.

They will know.

And that is why I will be able to enter.”

I went on alone,

I let myself be led.

Like small stones that marked a path.

Without getting distracted, without stopping.

Without wanting anything.

Deeper and deeper. Stronger. Harder.

It was a frightening place,

But I walked in it without fear.

Like clean glass, clean inside and out.

Then one day

they realized I was an intruder

who only wanted to know,

but without using that knowledge.

I was just a seeker, a traveler, not one of them.

Too far into the forest,

I couldn't go back,

and they wouldn't let me go.

I cried out to God for help,

the Creator,

and the power of his arm brought me home.

I didn't know if I would get home alive,

but at least I had made my choice

to leave the forest behind.

Since then I have no more questions,

in the depths of that “I am alive!” made me hear from the Creator,

lies everything I needed to understand and to choose.

I also chose a middle way.

A very low profile. Lonely.

Not even a cat.

Because somehow they would take it away from me.

Evil is not a part of the unity.

Good, truth, is the full bottle. The perfection. The completeness.

Evil, the lie, is when part of the content of the bottle has been spilled. It is a minus.

(“The minus man”)

Good is an intact apple. Evil is when a bite has been eaten away from the apple.

God did not create evil,

God created a perfect book.

If we tear some pages out of that book,

what results is a less caused by man, not a more created by God.

I had tried with all my might to tear the veil open,

for years, like a madman.

As for me, I can say that those who keep asking, sooner or later receive...

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Let go of negativity and good will come.

To wake people up one has to scream.

Love is a whisper from heart to heart.

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"Let go of negativity and good will come."

So true!

“To wake people up one has to scream.”

Unfortunately, that often doesn't work either. Only those who want to wake up, wake up. The others don't wake up even if they go bang their snouts against the wall.

In pandemic times, I had one day talked to an “obedient” neighbor (her two daughters were teenagers) giving her all the information she needed about the side effects on the menstrual cycle, etc. She was not happy, finally, angry, she said to me, “How am I going to get my daughters vaccinated now?!” verbatim.

I never touched the subject again with her, I don't know if she got them vaccinated, but I certainly bitterly regretted warning her, and I hope she got vaccinated at least three times.

"Love is a whisper from heart to heart."

Beautiful definition!

They have betrayed and scrambled my little heart so many times, in so many different ways, that I have reached beyond trust and distrust...

“I believe you,

that you won't betray me,

but even if you do, I wouldn't be surprised.”

I am left with only the whisper of two hearts

meeting a moment

before boarding two different trains.

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The Burning World

A Poem for Armageddon


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The Elohim invaded Earth around 12,500 years ago, and we have been suffering the consequences ever since.

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Invaded isn't the right word... they came... via a gigantic Ice meteor that produced the younger dryas.

Tat is in order with my research.

You might find it here


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You had me hooked from sentence 1!

Thanks for another excellent peice 👍👍👍👍

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"The Jews... the Bible talks only about Jews"

"…the king james version was written in 1611, and that's when the major change was made and instead of Judean and Judahide…" (~4:24)

WHO REWROTE SCRIPTURES? FEAT. DR. LORRAINE DAY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxYUCmLOhoE

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Amazing post! Truly enjoyed this. ❤️

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Thank you.

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We have been living without God as part of our culture for decades. Our overlords have told us not to emphasize our faith in conversations as the media made fun of religious "nuts"! The elites, however, recently exposed themselves to be Talmudist or Satan worshippers. At this moment, it is very clear that we have a war between good and evil. It is a better choice to side with good or god.

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A computer is a bicycle of the mind - Steve Jobs.


God is like a crutch of the mind..

But if you can walk...

Why do you need a crutch? - Fritz Freud

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Thank you for ending on such a positive note.

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Thank you.

If we can't influence our life and our way of living... isn't this a dictatorship?

All our History is full of wars against so called dictators... Saddam... Ghaddafi and now Putin I recall.

But if we fight for freedom... where is the freedom they tell us we fought for?

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Bruh the holocaust is as fake and gay as the globe and space itself aa a realm accessible to us.

Space is so the goys look to the stars while jews steal everything in plain site.

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Been to Puma Punku in 2003 the stone are still alive, amazing site and by the way YOU should start CDS !?!?!?

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Yes, big time CDS is also known has MMS OR Chlorine Dioxide , Check this out with Dr Andreas Kalcker , the real one !!!!

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I am on penicillin...

The pus has stopped and I see the doctor in a couple of days .

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What is God? Its not religion. Its not fear. Its not wars. Its not money. Its not government. Its not politicians. Its not your goldfish.

Its you motherfuckers. Its us. Its everything and everyone. Its fucking love.

In this world its a choice. Love or fear. Simple. Choose love.

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Have you ever seen "Donny Darko"?

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One of my all time favourites!

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Thank you

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You should watch it... beautiful movie.... and the music is even better...

Why did I ask...

In this movie the pupils in the school are forced to validate things into fear and love according to some schmuck which later turned out to be a kiddyfucker.

Donnie burned down his house so that everyone knew.


Why did I mention this?

Because sometimes you have to burn bridges if you need to find your way.

I know I did.

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Interesting. I’ll check it out.

You make a good point.

I too have been betrayed and have burnt bridges.

I know fear needs to be acknowledged and walked through. Im still trying to figure out the love part. Truth seems more important than love. Without it love is a delusion. But what im trying not to do is vibrate kinetic energy. Even though my mind beckons it.

Should i be assailed i will respond but i want to forgive and move beyond. Otherwise they control me.

While i have no faith in religion or any organized institution i do know we are more than meets the eye in this world.

I will play my game as i see fit and deal with the outcome whatever it may be.

If i cannot rise above this materialism then what is it all for?

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This is an EXCELLENT piece of work!

Something (one of many) you said really caught my attention

"These energy beings can connect to us through the Schuman Dream Resonance"

Have you posted on dreamscapes & I missed it?

If not, have you considered it?

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First of all thank you.

To answer your question… no.

I don’t even know what this is…

Is it some kind of social Media?

The only thing I am on is here an Gettr…

And even from that I sometimes need to get away…

I don’t particularly like the bickering of social Media.

I like substack because people are a bit more intelligent… that is until they try to convince me of their religion or call me anti semite…

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No no no MY, mistake...I wrote like an illiterate. (I possibly am) Lol

"Have you posted on dreamscapes & I missed it?" Scratch THAT.

Have you written ABOUT dreamscapes or dreams ... Or, in Your words "Schuman Dream Resonance" ??

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A couple of days ago I been given a book:

"Bury my heart at wounded knee".

In my youth I read the novels of karl may.

Winnetou Old Shatterhand Old Shurehand and Hadschi Halef Omar Ben Hadschi Abul Abbas Ibn Hadschi Dawuhd al Gossarah

I listened to the Beatles and reconstructed their songs with a great affinity to John Lennon.

But only when I lived in England for a few years I understood the hidden meaning of the unspoken words.

I am drawn to things... and some take a long time to be understood and even longer to explain.

But and that is for sure when i was about 15 I saw water burning... and that is truth.

Once you find truth you never let it go... and you search for more.

George Orwell — "In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We are living through times of great deceit... control... and controlled opposition.

Most people like the lie better than the truth... because the Truth sometimes hurts.

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I read the book "Bury my heart at wounded knee" many moons ago. I read it as no fiction back in the day ... with today's age & eyes, .... It's a total fiction of rewritten history. IMO

Still enjoyable.

We will soon all see water burning.

My ex begged for me to lie to him. He just wanted to have a "good day". I just wanted the truth. He tried to drink away the reality of truth for the lie ... I left.

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God is not the author of evil.

He does allow evil, but only for a greater good

Jesus, true God, true man

Catholic Church is only true religion

The evidence is compelling.

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Personally... God is a lie... I think I stated that clearly.

What if God is a women?

And I like to see the evidence... after that I make up my own mind.

Is that ok?

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go to lessons in the faith.

You don't want to go to your judgment believing as you do

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Who do you think can teach me faith?

The false Messiah?

Who do you think can judge over me?

Nobody but myself.

I live by Zen... I have nothing to confess... nor do I have shame in any of my actions.

I do not need to believe... I live by the Truth.

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You don't seem to love the truth.

You have license to take this road of perdition.

But no right to do this.

You don't need to do this.

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By the way... I find it charming that someone with No Pope in his title advocates for the Catholic church to be the only truth...

Don't you find this as self contradicting?

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This is great apostasy.

This was foretold. If you look with care, this is another proof Catholic Church is church founded by Jesus.

Rome, Francis and his church isn't Catholic.

Catholic Church is tiny, a remnant. TY for your question- curiosity. Very very important.

Peace. Ask me anything anytime

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On contrary... ZEN is all about truth.

And by the way one don't need to love truth... one must live by truth... and sometimes truth is painful... least of all to one self.

I have every right to live my life as I see fit... and I have chosen my path a long time ago.

I can live with the decisions I made... can you?

Or do you blame others for the inviolability of your actions you wished you never made?

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How do you know Zen is about truth?

Jesus Christ was prophesied, and our worst enemies maintained these revords.

The detail is astounding. How Jews missed it??? (Some Jews knew!!! Whoa)

Public miracles. Not disputed during His time on earth.

His Apostles went to death for this truth. People don't die for a lie!

His prophecies, esp about His Church surviving, no heresy ever given by His Church.


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He’s a jewish shill whose mission is to divert us away from Christianity just like his Talmud teaches.

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