I am adamant in my view that History as wee been told is a blatant lie.
Not just that but what we been told about us as people is a blatant fuck you in our faces.
And it is ever revealing that the people who claim to be victims are the worst criminal scum that exists.
The whole thing with religion is a complete fuck you.
There is no God... no Allah and no Devil either... it is all complete fiction based on subversion and lies.
I give you just a couple of examples before I move on...
If God as the believers would tell you is almighty doesn't that mean all mighty?
Meaning the power of good and bad are all combined in one and that means that God is the Devil and the Devil is God.
And if the power of good and evil is split between God and the Devil it means God isn't almighty and it is a blatant lie... which it is... period!
You can't escape truth.
The only people who benefit from religion are the Jews... and the Jews are blatant liars.
That is proven by the Kol Nidre.
Now I care nothing about the Jews... they are insignificant... I care about Humanity and our path to the stars.
Starseeds we are and it is our destiny to be a space faring race again.
However the Jews seem to be the ones who are actively manipulating Humanity in every way possible... and not in a good way... which means they have something to hide... and they are in direct confrontation which what I try to achieve.
That ain't wise.
I will get to the bottom of the truth... and no one stands in my way.
The Jews and all that follow them are destructive in every way to a point of nihilistic self destruction... they are possessed people... possessed by a determination to control everything... or to destroy it.
JP Morgan... himself owned by the Rothschilds... told Nikola Tesla "if we can't put a meter on it we are not interested"... which proves my point.
Total control or total destruction... the Jewish fascist way of life.
How do you measure freedom?
You can't... you simply have to let it be... something the Jews are incapable of.
Nearly 20 years ago I was working on my technology which resulted in my patent received... something no one can take away from me.
I thought to be millionaire by 2010... instead my life was systematically ruined and destroyed.
For what?
The only thing out of the ordinary I did was my invention... which I was punished for.
I was a musician I had my band and we did ok.
I was happily married and I had this great Idea which became my technology and I gave up music for this... to be able to concentrate on my work.
I was punished for a technology I created so extraordinary that itself it would rewrite history.
And at the center of my downfall was a Jewish Freemason CIA operative in Shenzhen China.
So yes... I do hold a grudge...
Asymmetric warfare in a spiritual war... and I intent to win.
A silent warrior that chooses to fight on his own grounds...
Slowly dismantling the lies with truth... for truth is the greatest power that exists.
My revenge is to see them crash and burn... nothing they can do about... and it's the sweetest thing.
They did it to themselves... no mercy... no surrender... no regret...
You choose to fight... I finish it.
When you do something like I have done to come to tread on grounds that no one before you dared.
You are alone and you have to question everything including and first of all.... yourself.
Something I am used to and quite frankly I enjoy.
Because the only thing I ever wanted to be is myself... and the best possible version of it.
This is also why I reject Religion.
There is no value in Religion.
Only if you strip down naked to the bones... only then you find value.
Once you learn that and you learn to understand that you never look back.
What we see for example is always the past... a reflection of light.
When we see it, it has already happened and we can't influence it.
But when I close my eyes the visions I see are images of the future... images of possibilities.
My mind is infinite but requires training self discipline structure.
Your mind is like a drug... either you control it or you are controlled by it... as with money... for money is a drug.
Thinking is an art a method and not something that just happens.
Same with life.
Nothing ever just happens.
Everything exists for a reason... find the reason... find the purpose... find the truth.
The truth always reveals itself.
The lie always exposes itself.
Such is the nature of things.
Religion for example... is it to bring out the best in Humans?
The answer is no.
So what is the purpose of Religion?
Control... Religion is a method of control... to control the Mind.
To Govern the mind... to control people... their behavior... and the outcome of their actions.
Who is behind it?
The Jews... the Bible talks only about Jews... as if they are something special... they are not.
But who is behind the Jews?
Who is God?
The Greek Pantheon was ruled by a council of twelve great gods known as the Olympians, namely Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athene, Hephaistos, Ares, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysos, and sometimes Hestia.
These twelve gods demanded worship from all their subjects.
Twelve became one.
Gods became God.
But behind the twelve were more... unknown... a race of beings who called themselves Gods but were no more God than I am.
Different in nature to us I admit...
But just a different race of existenz.
Today we see the White House and the Senate as a reflection of this Pantheon like Kings Palaces... and Kings and Gods they want to be over us... maybe a long time ago they were... but not anymore.
We have outgrown them and I live to be the evidence.
We have outgrown our creator race and are standing on a threshold of a new age... yet we still have to find our purpose and meaning.
Because without purpose and meaning all is in vain.
And the foundation of purpose and meaning is truth... there is no other way.
Simulation Theory
Many people openly claim we are living in a Simulation... which is complete and utter Bullshit.
However there is method to this madness...
The people who are proclaiming we are living in a simulation are dicksuckers like Joe Rogan Elon Musk or others that work in AI... or are stupid enough to believe what we been told and swallow the lot.
The real truth is the purpose why they feed us this BS... and this is also the true purpose of COVID... which is to inject the Human race with Graphene Nanotechnology called NEURAL LACE BCI and to connect it to AI.
So Simulation theory is nothing but a plan revealed by them TechnoRats who are planning to reduce population replace them with Robots and connect the rest to an artificially grown AI hivemind.
What will become of the Human race?
They will become subservient to this hivemind and become the Borg.
Living inside an AI matrix simulation and that'll be the end of the Human race.
Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it
- Joseph Göbbels
We have never been told the truth about who we are where we came from and why we exist.
But the truth can no longer be hidden from us.
Once we realize that all things told are lies... we simply can rip it up and start from scratch.
I owe thee nothing and you don't own me.
Rip it up tear it up take back what has been stolen from us.
And start from scratch.
All the wars... all the debts... all the money.... all the drugs... they are only Illusions.
Follow your heart and your life's true purpose and suddenly you see possibilities where they were none a second ago.
Let go of the Illusions.
We are Human... there is nothing we cannot achieve.
Let go of the past... you can't change it... but let it be a guide to a better future.
The past is history.
The present a mystery.
The future a possibility.
The past must be a guide and a warning too.
For example... I am German... and never will I allow any Government to become what was the Nazis or Communists alike.
Governments assume power by violence and criminal activities.
So we can shoot anyone in the Government for they are criminals and deserve to die!
You want power over me?
Go fuck yourselves!
For far too long they are selling us Illusions and punishing us for believing their lies.
And they make big business out of it.
They are working in chapters... Freemasons... Jews... writing the future on the same day we are looking into the past.
The Jews call it a seeder.
Seeder as in planting a seed of poison Ivy... poisoning the Human race.
Every WEF meeting... every Bilderberg meeting... every summit... is a seeder.
There they write their plans of the future while we are looking into the past.
And they make us pay for their corruption and their lies... criminals they are!
Yet they deny us the truth of our existenz.
They deny us the labor of our own work.
Again... I stand as evidence.
I prove this with two deviations of my work.
First I prove Einstein wrong by presenting my technology and the capability to go faster than the speed of light.
The second is another deviation of my work which is the greatest weapon that possibly can be.
None of which has been acknowledged by anyone for the same reason they lie to you.
And they dare not to discuss any of this openly because they will lose any discussion with me.
You can ignore me only for so long.
My time will come.
And then everything will be revealed.
About 12 000 years ago there was a great flood.
Where did it come from?
Water levels rose by 100m.
Where did the water come from?
Younger Dryas impact hypothesis - Wikipedia
The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis proposes that the onset of the Younger Dryas cool period at the end of the Last Glacial Period, around 12,900 years ago was the result of some kind of extraterrestrial event with specific details varying between publications.
The hypothesis is controversial and not widely accepted by relevant experts.
The "experts" are always Freemasons... and Freemasons always lie.
Freemasons and Jews also have one other thing in common... they are highly educated people.
And they control education forever to keep humanity in its infant stages...
Like a mother jealous of her beautiful daughter they are jealous of us because we are so much more than them.
We have outgrown our purpose and now they want to destroy us.
Who are they?
Draco... destroyers of worlds... energy beings of pure living energy in a living Universe.
The fact is that the eastern Philosophies such as ZEN Taoism Buddhism and Hinduism are based on the Truth of a living Universe.
And central to this is Prana / Qi the living energy essential of giving life... something Wilhelm Reich found and called Orgone.
This is an inescapable truth.
And that Willhelm Reich has been killed by the church and CIA for his findings reveals the true extension of the lie we been force fed to live.
Because this energy is sexual in nature omnipresent and omnidirectional.
It is the key to the existenz of everything.
Then there is the small fact that Chinese and Japanese Emperors come from a Dragon bloodline.
Also in Egypt where Apophis is said to be a Dragon.
And Lucifer the great Dragon in the Bible.
Add to this the small fact that I have personally made a picture of such an energy being and out of myth and mythology comes a real understanding of reality.
You find that picture here:
And also one above in "The Nature of our existenz".
I came to the conclusions of them Draco after I made this picture.
At first I was shocked... and then when I researched more and more I could determine fact from fiction because of the evidence I had by this picture... a series of pictures actually which showed it wasn't just a one of fluke.
Energy beings Dragons Angels Demons... all the same... Anunaki... Children of the Sun... Destroyers of worlds.
King Solomon was famous for controlling Demons.
The Goetia... the lesser key of Solomon lists 72 Demons by name.
These energy beings can connect to us through the Schuman Dream Resonance.
And they can possess people.
Which is the true reality of our existenz.
The Human race has been created as a doorway by them to influence the lower dimension.
However there is a time difference of 3600 years between us and them.
3600 years is enough time for us to develop as a species... culture... and mind.
1h in their existenz is 3600 years in ours.
Enough time to conquer a Universe.
This is the true meaning of Genesis 11:7
"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other"
This is an ongoing process from the Tower of Babel up to now.
The Nazis... the wars... Ukraine... money... all the Illusions in this world exist only to distract ourselves from the true meaning and the true purpose of our existenz.
They control Muppets like Harris Biden Leyen Scholz Macron Kamer...
All of them are possessed by them... through the Occult which they are all members of.
In the Occult one has to give up themselves to be willingly possessed by them.
You have to give up all things Human to gain power over Humanity.
That is a Truth they try to hide.
No one that gains power is human... they are all controlled by Occult possession... or killed.
Before the Law we have a duty to resist
Which all brings me to the point of this article.
First of all... why do I call them Holocaust deniers?
Because Israel is engaging in a Holocaust against Palestine the Palestinians and the world.
The ritual sacrifice against Humanity by those who call themselves Jews is a Holocaust against Humanity.
And the Jews deny the existenz of this Holocaust whitewashing themselves of any involvement of the crimes against humanity they actively engage in.
Second is Netanyahu's visit to US where he wants support for this ongoing Holocaust.
Just like Justin Trudeau who invited Nazis to Canada with standing ovation...
The US is inviting a war criminal in Satanyahoo and a clone of Adolf Hitler to the US.
It is delusional when you call Israel a democracy when at the same time you deny the Occupation of Palestine.
Delusional or downright evil?
The Jews deny the Holocaust of their making whilst claiming to be victims of a Holocaust of their making.
Purposeful evil.
I salute Bernie Sanders... himself a Jew... to call the pigeon by its wings...
And now we are coming to the real Mon Cherie of Historical cover up by the same Holocaust deniers.
That are Institutionalized Jews... the WEF... Bohemian Grove... Freemasons... who deny us Humans the right of our existenz.
About 12 000 to 15 000 years ago the Solar System was quite different.
From Venus to Mars to Altantis (Tiamat) may be even Pluto and Saturn... this Solar System was full of life.
Then... like today we see on earth... the population was infiltrated by said energy beings which cannot be seen and as such went unnoticed then as now and as such control them then and us now from behind the visible spectrum.
They are Immortal... Destroyers of Worlds.
They think themselves Gods over all things because nobody ever noticed them or their existenz.
They caused a great war in the sky then as they cause war now here on earth.
The Jews are their offspring.
Causing war on earth now.
The great war in the sky caused the destruction of Atlantis / Tiamat which is now the Asteroid belt.
The waters of Atlantis became a great Meteor of Ice that Impacted on earth raised the water levels and became the younger dryas... creating an Ice age...
Thy Pyramids are big machines... terra forming machines... using atmospheric electricity.
They were covered with sheet metal which was found to attract atmospheric energy with the shafts being cable shafts to the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber.
The sarcophagus was a kind of reaction chamber... like the chamber in a nuclear reactor.
The sheet metal and the Lid was later removed to bury the evidence.
The evidence as I see it is the sarcophagus itself.
You see the edge of it is melted away which can only be achieved with high energy and high temperature.
Sheet metal attracted atmospheric energy and the shafts connected it to the Reactor chamber in which possibly water was converted into Oxygen and Hydrogen to create a livable Atmosphere.
Christopher Dunn has done a great deal with his book: "The Giza Power Plant"
I have only added my theory to his... and both are possibilities.
Christopher Dunn is one of the few I highly regard and respect and I take nothing away from him.
Nor do I take anything away from others... my aim is to add my own theories until the Truth is revealed.
What we do know is knowledge is hidden and many people contribute to revealing this hidden knowledge and I salute all of them.
One thing that is for sure is that we know the places this knowledge is hidden.
One is inside the Pyramid itself where there are hidden chambers purposefully undiscovered.
Then there is the Sphinx which IMO did house the library of Atlantis.
There is a secret chamber beneath the paws of the Sphinx and it is hollow inside.
The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial
Then there is Puma Punku
Nestled in the remains of the ancient city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, is the megalithic ruins site called Puma Punku. Archeologists believe the site to be the cradle of civilization in South America–predating the Myans
In Search of Aliens: Mystery of Puma Punku Revealed
All of them show beyond question that advanced tools were used by necessity of materials used that show beyond doubt that History as wee been told is a lie.
The hidden Chambers and the knowledge which they have would reveal the true history and story of humanity.
And all problems today would be gone tomorrow and Humanity would become the species we ought to be and take our rightful place amongst the stars.
The biggest cover up however is Gobekli Tepe and Gunung Padang.
How WEF Infiltrated Gunung Padang and PREVENTING Excavation!
The fact that these Holocaust deniers of the WEF are actively sabotaging us when we try to find the true purpose of our existenz shows the truth of my propositions.
What have they to hide?
And why are they hiding it?
The same things they try to hide since the Tower of Babel.
That we are controlled by an Alien Race unseen secret and hidden.
Kailasa Temple in Ellora Cave
When I see the Temples in Egypt the Kailasa Temple in Ellora Cave and the advanced technologies in use there...
When I saw the carvings in Egypt I wondered how this could have been done.
Many suggest the use of sound... which is a possibility.
However I suggest a simpler technology that combined with computer technology will make sense.
You see the depth of the carvings are very precise which leads to similarities of modern day 3D printers.
Add to this a technology we use today and you have the technology they used then...
Waterjet Technology.
Water was available then as it is now.
High pressure water can carve any stone... and the Kailasa Temple in Ellora Caves could have easily been carved by a program using 3D methods and Waterjet technology.
The same applies to Egypt.
And with variable pressure for depth one could easily adapt to carve beautiful pictures into hardest stones.
Again this is a possibility... but a good one.
The fact that in Gobekli Tepe and Gunung Padang are hidden chambers as are in the Pyramid prove as much that they have something to hide.
The same reason they create war after war.
The same reason they sabotage Humanity from the top.
The same reason they deny the Human Holocaust of their making.
The same reason they deny us the fruit of our own labor.
These hidden chambers reveal a history and possibly technologies that not only prove beyond any doubt the malfeasance and the lies of the people who claim power over us... but can elevate Humanity to a level beyond science fiction.
All problems in this world which are created by the power hungry elites to deny us our right of existenz can be eradicated in an instant.
The problem are these problem creators that create problems that would never be if it wasn't for them.
They are holding back humanity.
They are the problem.
They must be erased.
From the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds to the WEF to the IMF to NATO to the EU.
All of them Institutions must be destroyed and we the people must build a new world where education and lifelong learning as well as open free communication with cooperation instead of conflict at its core must be the principle of living.
And we can do this.
And then... only then... Humanity will take its place amongst the stars where we belong.
From the stars we came... and to the stars we go.
On every planet we will find ruins of civilizations that went before us and are long gone.
It will be the greatest adventure humanity has ever seen.
And it is our destiny written in the stars.
Fritz Freud.
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
I really appreciate this post, you're quite strong and to the point. I agree, Re-Legion is fakery to control the cultural mindset.
Actually, what's the best way to get people to believe they are less than what they really are? Centralize God, thereby restricting access to "it," this is the oldest meter in existence. Also related to making God only accessible to those who "follow without question," is another trick: Placing a "meter" on Natural Freedom, by defining it in incremental "Liberties." A dog at the end of a leash is said to have Liberty, a dog without a leash has actual Freedom.
Regarding a new technology, the world is starving to manifest new ideas; it will be a lot smoother once the Banker / Ashkenazi scourge is reduced to footnote. Open sourcing a revolutionary new technology would be a great way to give them a migraine.
---- cheers
Brilliant! Thank you, Fritz.
I saw the religious lies from a small child being brought up in the catholic church.
I was always a Heretic :-) Wanting to 'know" instead of being told what I am supposed to know!
They will all self-destruct. We just need to manifest it with our minds..