The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named.
The technology the techno-mages use consists of bio-technological implants. The process of installing the implants and adjusting to them is excruciatingly painful. The presence of these implants means that techno-mages are effectively cyborgs. A techno-mage may choose to establish a "place of power" for themselves, such as a particular planet.
The first time I came across the term "Techno Mage" was in the series "Babylon 5" and they describe themselves as "Dreamers, Shapers, Singers, Makers"...
They use Technology to give the Illusion of Magic.... by which I thought... great... isn't that what Magicians do...?
Generally speaking a Magician or Wizard is not something superficial.
The Term Wizard is a combination of the words Wiz and Art... one referring to the capabilities of the mind... and the other of the tools of creation as to manifest the product of your imagination.
So it is really someone that can Imagine something and also has the understanding and tools to manifest this... essentially creating something out of nothing... like a musician... or an Inventor.
But most magicians you see on the stage are not magicians they are Illusionists.
There is a difference to this... there is no substance in Illusions... no magic... all huff & puff.
The greatest Illusionists today are on the political stage... doing more harm to the human race than ever before... pretending to be what they are not... like the tentacles of a great Octopus.
A Techno Mage gives the Illusion of Magical Powers through the use of Technology.
So basically a Techno Mage is an illusionist.
The great Illusion of this world is perpetuated by a vast Network of Media & Military Technology through which the Technomages wield their influential powers.
They want to reach you... want to touch you... want to influence you... want to control you.
They give you the Illusion of being small by making them look great...
It is the same like a child walking for the first time into a cathedral where every whisper is amplified by infinity and the child scared by its own voice silently shy's away..
It's the old trick of creating Gods by installing an inferiority complex into the masses... Covid anyone?
Remember the Wizard of Oz?
Behind the curtain... behind the veil... there he stands in his own light... a far cry from the Illusion he portraits.
Tom Waits, full time alcoholic, part time singer... used to say:
" Reality is for people who can't face Drugs".
I say: "Illusion is the Drug for people who can't face Reality".
But the knowledge of Illusion also gives the power of the weapon... the power of technology.
Knowledge is the weapon.
When David defeated Goliath he used a slingshot... he used technology to defeat a mightier opponent... David was a Techno Mage...
Magic is the power to control people and make them do your will... and a Techno Mage does exactly what it tells you on the Tin...
They control People though the means of technology.
All it takes for one to become God is to be treated like one by his followers...
In the end when you have enough people who believe you are a God... by definition you are.
Actors Politicians and Gods sell you an Image of themselves that might not be entirely accurate but dare you to suggest anything other than obedience and pure adulation and they throw you into the pits of hell.
Imagine a Mage being a Hypnotist... using Technology to reach people and occupy them .
It is like Pavlov's Dogs on steroids... isn't it?
Everywhere you see people hooked on their remote control devices by which they are controlled remotely by the clever use of fear lies deception and fraud... and all through the power of suggestion.
Today's Techno Mages are Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Mosk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Klaus Schwab, Ray Kurzweil, Yuval Harari... all using Technology to control your behavior (Behavioral Modification Science) to an outcome suitable for them to ensure their power and control over you...
They care nothing about Truth only control... and they do anything to get it...
Least they think of it that way.
For them you are nothing more than Pavlov's dogs... and you prove it to them every day that you are... by following their "Orders" or better suggestions.
And because they build this vast network of powerful Mind control... they cannot allow such things as Truth to cross their way.
Who controls the controllers?
The Guild of Techno Mages refuses entry to all those who want to change the fabric of their Illusion and lift the veil cursed upon humanity... they are increasingly a family of the few to enslave this whole world and open fascism brutality and genocide will be the endgame of their deception wars...
It is like the Mafia a Family affair...
After all they are related to each other... and they all show you their Dick... and it is a circumcised dick... which Amazon shows you every Day a million times...
It is their way of saying "Thank you"... for bending over and let yourselves be fucked every day...
Here is the circumcised Amazon Dick...
To be a Techno Mage is a genetic affair... you are either born into it or not at all.
And the small fact that circumcision makes you a crazy sex driven megalomaniac with pedophile tendencies is a wanted side effect that can be attributed to the worst kind of people ever to steal our air...
After all... good people never achieve anything...
That is if you play the game by their rulebook.
And their rule is simple... they rule the world by scarcity of materialistic achievements where as both the market and the medium are the main means of control.
Let me explain:
The Value of any and every currency is controlled by the IMF/ Central Bank Mafia under Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde... another circumcised dick... for the owners of the IMF the Rothschilds.
And it is a revolving door where all them can be exchanged for one another... but never any change will happen because they are a Mafia Family.
They sell you the Illusion that without their control nothing would get done when the reality is that without their control everything would get done faster, better, cheaper.
But they don't just sell you the Illusion but also control the market place where to buy the Illusion and who can sell you the Illusion and what Illusion you can buy.
The greatest Illusion they sell you is the Illusion of a free market society in which the Victim / Customer can chose freely to buy the Illusion of their own free will from the Illusionist of their own free choice.
Control is not an Illusion... it's a mental disease... Authority is a mental disease.
The Government full of sick silly shameless people is the disease...
All Government employees are driven by the manic Idea of total control... and the fear of being exposed for the frauds they are... are past the point of no return... on a downward road straight to hell...
Hold onto them and you drown with them.
So they control the market and the market place and the means by operating in the market place (Money) and the value of the means of operating in the market place all based on Illusion.
At the same time what you can buy i.e. what comes into the market place is controlled by the Government regulated by trade laws and arrangements to protect those inside the market which is ultimately controlled by money which means in the end it is controlled by the Banks.
More Government regulations means more value is taking out of the System.
In the end it is all a charade to protect the System from exposing the real Truth about it.
It is a system of corruption ruled by a Mafia Family of circumcised Dickheads that are above the rules with no supervision.
The Banks, the IMF ECB FED have no rules to abide to other than the ones they give themselves.
This is called Anarchy.
It is inevitably a System of Anarchy that rules Democracy (or the image of it) by controlling the money through their vast network of corruption...
Scrape away the Illusion of democracy and you will find underneath a thick layer of good old Fascism.
And it is not just any old fascism... it is Jewish Fascism... you are either born into it or you are little people... Goy as they say...
At the same time they show you the opulence and wastefulness of their anarchic lifestyle that you can never achieve for you to copy them... for you to break their rules they never complied with in the first place... and by doing so for you to get caught into their web of deception... Imprisoned... betrayed... another life taken... fooled away... by the whisper of lies in a narcissist world.
Their power over other people comes from the control of people.
It is a shady neo feudalistic society where the Lawmakers have to abide the Kingmakers who control the Gold... hoard the Gold... and steal the value.
They are so powerful they are always right...
At least they think that way.
In today's world we have the "Great Mage" Klaus Schwab whispering through the Media on "Why does not everyone want to get shot... I don't understand..." in the most pretentious lie but directed to those believers of the vast Network of those who think themselves better but really are sold a long time ago... to Klaus Schwab the Devil himself.
If Klaus Schwab can be compared with Historical Figureheads he would be a mashup between Adolf Hitler and Henry Kissinger... and that is very accurate...
Both Kissinger and Hitler were Technomages ... and so is Klaus Schwab.
Hitler introduced Mass Media to the German people by introduction of the "Volksempfänger".
Kissinger and Schwab on the other hand used the vast Network of the Jewish Occult.
The WEF is Kissinger's Brainchild... it is in fact the open society of Jewish Occult Fascism using the tried and tested megalomaniac thinking of Jewish elitism based on Groupthink and victimhood.
We are always right because the Nazis put us into concentration camps... that is the mantra by which they justify all matters and actions... self preservation on steroids.
However the picture becomes to crumble when you realize that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild and he was one of them... into dust.
There is no difference between Klaus Schwab Henry Kissinger Adolf Hitler Trotzky Stalin Lenin... all members of the Guild of Technomages better known as the Jewish Occult Network.
Their power comes from the Ignorance of the masses which they control trough Information supplied (MSM) action forced and gratitude given (Money).
And behind that is the old Magik of Hypnotization through the means of Technology.
Their power comes from the study and observation of Humanity especially in the field of applied psychology... in the real life laboratory called earth... Behavioral Modification Science.
Father of this will be Sigmund Freud and all who studied Humanity in order to destroy it… hiding the Truth all along.
What is more they always frame their wording to put you in a disadvantage... with such questions as: "why won't you do this... or that..." in order for you to question yourself and the decision you made... in order to install or "invocate" an inferiority complex into humanity.
Invocation itself is one technique of the Occult with other things like "Charms" meaning simply that if you are nice to people you can play them like a fiddle.
This Occult knowledge is the basis of propaganda...
And today the propaganda is brought to you by trusted people like Dr. Robert Malone who insists that "Mass Formation" is a new phenomenon when deep down he knows that it is the same old psychology of fascism or Group Think on which every empire has been build upon.
In order for their "spell" to work they need you to trust them... and only them.
Not only that... they need to reach you... need to touch you... need to control you...
The Church has put a spell on you...
Covid is a spell cast upon humanity...
Which also means that contradictory evidence is to be erased by this propaganda Network... a propaganda Network that reminds me of no one else but Joseph Goebbels.
And to prove you that I encourage you to look at this clip from the Lotuseaters in which they not only dissect the Propaganda of Joseph Goebbels BBC but also highlight the fact all those pleading for your trust cannot be trusted because they are paid by the same entities that make money from harming and maiming Humanity...
And above all shines the Grand Master of the Occult and his Zionist Terrorist Organization...
control is the currency... a vultures disease.
But every day people are born with the gift of Truth inside every Human Soul... the natural given Truth on what is right and what is wrong.
They cannot control this and that drives them mad.
Control is the currency of the Technomages... they call it "followers" and they are the "influencers" sounding much like the common flu to me... in the global game of narcissistic vanity all they do is to compete for your attention.
And they again control the market and the value by controlling Hollywood... the center of Technomage's ... and the delivery System of MSM Netflix Youtube... while at the same time actively destroying any contradiction to their dictatorship... and all this by playing victim all along.
Have we ever heard this story anywhere...
History is repeating itself because the same people of the Jewish Incest Occult play the same tricks upon humanity they played the last time... same procedure as last year Mrs. Sophie.
Same shit... new advertising campaign... same outcome... Fascism.
Adolf Hitler himself was a Techno Mage using the "Volksempfänger" to reach out to all the German People so to Mass Hypnotize them into supporting him... just like Klaus Schwab does today.
And in an Instant we see that both the Nazis and the Great Reset of today's Techno Mages are identical in their use of propaganda lies and technology.
Or how would you else make me understand that there are people who actively stop people growing food?
It is by far the most evil thing ever to be inflicted upon humanity, worse than Auschwitz... worse than Hiroshima & Nagasaki... and worse than the plague.
To force people to stop growing food is nothing short of genocide.
Even worse, by forcing Farmers to protest against this genocide they effectively stop Farmers growing food.
I say for a very long time that these people have the power of controlling the mind.
Just the other day I had this comment:
If "they" can "control the mind of the weak by direct initiation (some call this telepathy) of thought transmission", what is the need for such an elaborated propaganda industrial complex?
And the answer is:
In order to control someone's mind you have to engage them, synchronize their thinking, make them believe and make them cooperate... and this is done through the means of technology such as a "Smartphone" or Iphone.
Any Illusionist needs to control the environment they operate in... hiding things in plain sight... mirrors so they can make things vanish... secrets pass ways...
They cannot operate outside their environment.
So the megalomaniac Technomages of the Guild of the Jewish Occult have decided to make the stage bigger... bigger than ever before... the world is their stage.
And the endgame of total control is played out before our very eyes.
While the curtain of Illusion is pulled over the sheep they sing their song into your ears...
"Sleep sheep sleep... we care for you... you dream your dream... we care for you... and kill you in your sleep... while you dream of being alive..."
The Starlink Network is exactly that and more.
It has capabilities from the Schuman Resonance meaning it can send messages on Brainwave levels to multiple outputs directed onto one target as a direct energy weapon with deadly consequences...
But that is not the big problem....
It works together with other technologies like Apple Air Tag or Amazon Sidewalk Amazon Ring and other technologies.
And since we know what is behind them... and who... we understand what is coming.
Transhumanists... technocrats...Technomages... they are all one and the same.
But with this vast network of automated control environment that is now installed with us already inside... it gives them infinite possibilities ... infinite control.
Those who control Starlink control the world.
Starlink is a weapons system.
Starlink is controlled by just a handful of people.
It is the same when Adolf Hitller build the Autobahn so he could move his troops quicker for a war yet not announced.
Starlink is the Autobahn for autonomous AI Warfare...
Starlink is the world stage for the Technomages to wield power of destruction against all those who seek freedom.
Starlink is the power by force with nothing but blind obedience to their Illusion will quench their thirst for world domination.
With an Implant they control an Army of drones through the Starlink Network they can call upon at any place any time... and for the cast majority it will look like Magic.
With an Implant they can strike a bolt of directed energy just like Zeus did and maybe Zeus was a Technomage himself... but to the vast majority it will look like Magic.
With an Implant they can make it rain or burn the woods...
They can hunt you down wherever you are.
Such is the power of the Autobahn of AI that is the Starlink Network.
And both Elon Musk and Adolf Hitler are Tecnomages using technology as a means to control people while they sell you the Illusion of who they want you to think they are.
With one being the past which we can learn from to the other being the future we can avoid.
At least that is while we have a choice.
Worried About Robots? Just Become One
Tech CEO Elon Musk says artificial intelligence is a big threat to humans, so we should… surgically implant wires in our brains?
When speaking about Technomages we must not forget the worst of their kind... Schmendrik Bill Gaytes.
His use of Technology against Humanity is legendary... from the stealing of DR DOS and the consequential killing of Gary A. Kildall... to the mass sterilization through the use of genetic engineering and MRNA Vaxxination.
Another giveaway is the responsible abortions program of irresponsible controlled demolition of humanity by control of reproductive health so they say...
The leaders of man are the downfall of men... just like in the good old olden days.
When their self fulfilling prophecy if fulfilled (by themselves) it will be the end of the world as we know it.
It will be the beginning of the war of the few against the many using the Illusion of Magic and the power of good old Fascism.
Imagine Klaus Schwab or Bill Gaytes whispering in your dreams... "Kill yourself... pull the trigger...".
You know I wrote before that they have this technology all along creating school shooters.
Now imagine the same technology being backed up by this Starlink Network.
Imagine your child eating their Cornflakes then suddenly stopping, opening the window and jumping to their death right in front of their mothers eyes.
It is possible with Computer chips at Atomic Level .
Even more... Imagine you get into your car and you are driven straight into a re education Concentration camp for questioning the Illusion.
In there you will be tortured until you obey the silliest of stupidities served by them.
And if you think this is over the top... think again...
This is the Great Reset... the fourth Industrial Revolution... the fourth Reich.
It is automated Fascism on the Autobahn of AI... Starlink.
It is their AI Infrastructure... the AI of the Technomages... Transhumanists... Technocrats...
Without Starlink they will not be able to operate.
Even with Starlink they want to Chip you using technologies such as Neural Lace Neural Link and Open AI to control you like you have no life of your own.
Because they don't want you to have a life of your own.
The possessed want to possess you... bring you down to their level.
The Truth is that you have ZEN... you just don't know it...
ZEN is nothing but a way... a path of life, not a destination.
But ZEN is the antidote to Fascism.
Zen is Toto lifting the Veil of the Transhumanist Technomages of past and future.
ZEN is the Human Spirit.
Be like water my friend... be ZEN.
Fritz Freud.
Last few months, at least, I've seen strange straight black lines in the middle of chemtrails. Today I've seen it but I could not hold my phone where I was to take pictures or make a video.
People are starting to wake up. We're all becoming farmers on every corner. Dutch flag upside down can be seen every where. It's starting Fritz, it's starting. There's no way back. It's gonna be a long and hard winter in the Netherlands.
I personally am not interested in another dogma made by man taking over the figuring out of who we are and the best way to get there, a subject that only each of us can do for and within our selves. We need no one else to tell us who we are. When we go that route it is just replacing one dogma system for another. We can listen to others yet we still must each every moment do our own work to find the way that is personally best for us in the moment. All we have to do is study ourselves, beginning from the moment of how we take human form with the help of our human mothers and fathers. In the books I mentioned in my previous post on this thread, that are extensive yet easy reading - not short thoughts or sound bites, but real long term thoughtful reading in a manner that creates a space, with no machine shinning in our face, to explore in quiet personal thoughtful mode the old masters who are not interested in telling us what to do. Masters that includes Jesus minus today's religions dogma presented in his name, that shares the message he always gave "you can do what I do." A message that is not related to the dogma of the religions today.