A person who practices politics. “Politics” is derived from the words “poly” meaning “many”, and “tics” meaning “blood-sucking parasites”.

Urban Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary

Politician: A schemer or plotter; a shrewd, sagacious, or crafty person.

Samuel Johnson in his 1755 dictionary defines politician quite straightforwardly as “a man of artifice; one of deep contrivance.”

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Man, what an article.

"Problem... Reaction... Revolution."

A NO! could already change the world if all say it.

Americanism -v- Judaism - https://rumble.com/v4vms90-americanism-v-judaism.html

And the pressure is getting higher and higher and higher…

"Basically, this is setting up a system, where, if you are not certified under their global health certification network, you are effectively locked out of different areas of society, and they tested that during Covid…"

— Maria Zeee - https://rumble.com/v4vp1fi-maria-zeee-live-6pm-full-blown-tyranny-digital-id-what-it-really-means-and-.html?start=660



"The United Nations is a terror organization created by the New World Order."

— Rabbi Alon Anava - https://www.bitchute.com/video/mIsjBGddKtuP/

Like it or not, but he is right.

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Truth is our weapon... thanx.

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Absolute Truth 🌹

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Boycott all systems. Back to basics and our independence.

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Okay, but when was that?

👹☣🔴⚠🔴☣👹The Truth about The Greatest Deception of All Time - Crisis Ahead (Prof. Walter Veith) - https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/The-Greatest-Deception-of-All-Time---Crisis-Ahead-(Prof.-Walter-Veith):5

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I love this article! Excellent, brilliant…💯

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Thanx... Somehow I can't like any Comment no more...

Subliminal Suppression?

I must be doing something right.

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Right on!

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This type thing has been happening on substack for at least 2 weeks-more odd things also, like people not getting newsletters/emails from writers, and comments disappearing, “likes” disappearing…..substack censorship?

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It started with the implementation of AI December 2023.

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Some are starting to make louder noise. We need more of this and it has to go mainstream enough that the perpetrators spend the rest of their days hiding from the light like the rats they are.


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Yes... Share it!

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This is an awesome post, Fritz. You are making point after point here, without hesitation. I would love to make this post go viral, if that's still a thing these days.

The Truth has no agenda, the agenda of government is to prevent us from seeking the Truth. Even the Constitution is only a Conspirator's handbook. To have Liberty is to live at the end of a Leash, to have True Freedom is to know thy Self within and deliberately Live unconditionally.

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Thank you.

I would like to like it but they don't like me to like...

"I would love to make this post go viral"... please do so...

After all I rely on the Quality of my posts and I try not to be cornered...

As I said from the beginning... my work has been stolen from me (Hyperloop) and therefore I write Truth to power and by doing so force them into revealing themselves... their lies and Agenda...

"True Freedom is to know thy Self"... yes my friend.

History will be on our side.

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There is a problem with the software in substack. I was also having a problem with using the "like" button while on a few of Tereza's post recently as well. She states that she was having problems using the like button from her end. I wonder if substack is trying to install AI, commentator restrictions. "Community Guidelines," moderation type BS. If this is the case, please make sure that you back up everything offline --- Especially your hard work here. I typically copy paste everything that's important into a PDF, just in case they start something like content moderation on Substack.

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I told people that from Dec 2023 AI takeover will start.

And this is exactly what is happening.

Teresa Banned me...

And I see my numbers suddenly fall for no other explanation thought...

I write my articles in Word before posting them here.

I do this always...

I had my MEDIUM Blog deleted for posting Truth.

And long before about many Email Accounts deleted for the same.

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I'm puzzled, Tereza banned you? Why?

I just cross posted your post to my substack. I think what you say here is important.

In all the message I get from your post, the biggest one is Individual Sovereignty, it's what we are standing for and that's Actual Freedom.

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Yes... that is what I am all about.

I resent Religion as Indoctrination as well as political Indoctrination and manipulation.

If people try to "convert" me I can bite...

After all I am well trained in Kung Fu... and the principles of ZEN and Kung Fu are the highest rules anyone can have..

Wing Chung Vegetarian... don't tread on me... I bite!

Some people tried to convert me... oh I bite with words harder than a Rattlesnake... below the belt... there where it hurts...

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The thing is, this is a spiritual war between good (Jesus) and evil (Satan)! The awesome part is that Jesus has already won and conquered on the cross! Jesus overcame for us! Our battle involves wresting souls from Satan’s clutches! Jesus is allowing all of this to show its face now to wake people up. If Covid hadn’t happened (and God allowed it to happen) people would never have awoken to the evil that surrounds them on a daily basis. Satan is as a roaring Lion and he’s not giving up. In fact, hold on, it’s about to get A LOT worse. We (the world) will never win this fight against these satanists but we can put in the armor of God and go fight to wrest souls from the enemy. A lake of fire is prepared for the devil and his followers but a crown, a heavenly mansion and an eternity spent with Jesus are waiting for those who put on the armor and are found with Christ’s robe of righteousness! Jesus’ pan wasn’t easy and neither will ours be! What’s needed is spiritual warriors right now. Jesus will go before us! We know what their fate will be, what will be ours?

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Jesus isn't Good...

He is an Act among Actors.

Everyone has to decide for themselves if they are good or not.

Becoming Human: Project for a Global Revolution

A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most


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Fritz, there are sooo many Christians (not catholic or jews) who believe Christ is coming back(again), soon. He is not dead. He already rose from the dead once, he lives up high, with God the Father and The Holy Spirit comes upon Christians.

Doesn’t mean we don’t want to do anything!!! We (a lot of us, I hope), will fight for the world, especially the innocent. We are prepared to die, because we believe in Jesus and God! We won’t renounce our Christianity, but we want to live in freedom as well !!! We think of children, and elderly, and infirm. We fight for them. Horrible Israel can fall apart. They commit genocide. They want everything, they want too much. The bad ones I mean, killing all the Palestinians. Even in Biblical times, Israel rebelled against God. Their fault. They may think they are chosen, but they will all face God’s judgement, individually.

Anyway, you won’t be able to change a lot of Christians, but a lot will stand with you, as you speak of things/people that must be destroyed.

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You can't destroy anything... especially not evil.

But Imagine the Devil in a Miniskirt with socks of yellow and red stripes...

Imagine King Charles as a Tampon...

Or the Queen having the shitters after a bad curry...

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Umm, yuck. I did hear about that king charles thing that he said.

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Amen! Thank you Lisa! Love you! I am a fellow Christian! Lisa✝️☦️❤️💯

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if we stop blaming the devil for eveything people might start taking some responsibility for their own actions again!

This is about the greater good.

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Fritz, when you're right, you're right.

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Thank you... we are all in this together.

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If you think Christianity looks to government, you are insane. Christ will crush every human government when he finalizes his kingdom.

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It is not his kingdom... Christ is dead.

And I will never be subject to any King for sure.

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I just tried to write a post explaining about how many Christians are on this planet, I don’t mean jews, and talking about satan and the rest of the fallen angels and how they mated with human women and their offspring still live today, I believe they are all royal families of Europe and Rothschilds mainly, etc.

My screen froze, this has happened to me several times on substack, in about the last 3 months. At least 5 times.

You said about AI in end 2023-I believe you Fritz, but I’m getting sick of this happening on ss. I believe I’m being censored/blocked, something. But often, when I talk about satanists-this has happened to me.

I think we have to beware of ss. I reckon they’ll use our comments/articles against us soon enough. They are the only site which doesn’t censor-everyone who is awake comes here.

Also beware of any sites that belong to a group called “Stardust”-they say they are doing a parallel economy, but Stardust is owned/run by a transhumansist someone F. Coulson? Something like this I can’t remember. But Rumble is run by the transhumanist so where is this censorship/satanism going to stop? Also The Wellness Company, Vigilant Fox News, and many more are run by this transhumanist. Whether these people know it or not, I don’t know.

Michael, of Actionable Truths was exposing some on substack notes on weekend. He may do a deep dive into this Stardust.

Sorry Fritz to change subject, but substack is the only one left. Unless Russia has something! Too much censorship-how can my screen just freeze about 5 times when I mention satanists nephalim rothschilds etc. Now I don’t want to redo my writing. I may come back tomorrow.

There are many bad jews, many FAKE jews, like in Ukraine especially, and bankers. Bad jews are everywhere. Netanyahu is a disgrace. He is trying to make prophecy come true. Good jews want this, but hopefully not like how Israel is doing it now. Their flag is not Star of David, but Seal of Solomon, he is David’s son, both Kings in Biblical times, but Solomon went bad, David did not. Israel is doing bad. They probably killed Iranian president they are such a terrorist force. Not all the public, obviously, but bad/fake jews of talmud. That word ends in mud. So should they!!

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There’s a law that says if you Threaten to harm or kill

ANY GOV Official

You can be punished as harshly as life in prison


was a pretty spot on article,

but I don’t agree with making threats towards those in power

No matter how evil they may be

It will only bring problems upon one’s self

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So you would allow Adolf Hitler to gas all Palestinians and start WW3?


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All the government officials should be gased as punishment for their crimes against humanity! I don't vote, period! Or support any politicans! They're all Zionists and they would stand up and support Israel over Americans and America every single time and sell out Americans!

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Sorry, what gov. official? Netanyahu? I just said my opinion.

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That’s funny.

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I’m surprised TIME magazine missed the opportunity they have taken in the past to make the ‘M’ into devil horns on his treasonous head.

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Wouldn't it be too obvious?

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You made me at the title. Restacking! Thank you.

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My only issue in all this is the lumping of ALL Jews into one. There are many sects. I have lifelong friends - nigh 50 years - who have had My european-mutt-with-native-american-on-both-sides back MANY times over the decades, who are Jewish. They are loving, giving, caring Ones who are from a sect that reviles the talmud for the psychopathic work it is, and are taught that They're not better for being "chosen," just have more rules to follow.

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One thing you do not seem to understand...

The Jews have been created to be the villain... the Devil in the scripture.

Jews and Freemasons alike...

Their true purpose is to make prophecies come true... such as Armageddon.

And Armageddon and WW3 are the true purpose of Religion.

So if you are a good Jew and follow the instructions given by the Talmud To Ra and Cabala... you are the villain... you are the devil.

This is how the Monarch Mind Control System works.

It has nothing to do with individual people who just want to live...

It has everything to do with Mind Control and Religious Indoctrination deception and Religious supremacy.

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The Jewish are not the ones actually in control. There are Sabbatean Frankist who work for the Black Nobility. The very few who continue everything, want people to attack the Jewish population. There may be quite a few Jews who will defend the leaders at the top, but that's out of ignorance.

It's better to pay attention to details and nuances in the Parasitic control grid. I thought you knew this.

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The Rothschilds whom you refer to come from Nimrod who was Anunaki.

Anunaki are Aliens... Draco... Dragons...

I don't really get into names like Black Nobility or Venetian Nobility... or Jews for that matter.

Rothschilds call themselves Jews too.

What it really is... Jews / Freemasons / Occult... is a pool of people based on supremacy that can be chosen to do certain tasks... such as Covid... GoF... or building a Nuclear Bomb or creating War in Ukraine.

So yes... attention to details is important... nut not when it comes to those groups.

IMO it is better to collectively push back against the whole Group and as such to force them to sort it out.

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There are Jews on here like Michael


Who share the same viewpoint as me.

This isn't about people or Jews.

I am not a racist... I just point out truth.

This is about the Indoctrination system of Religion and the lies of our upbringing.

And the Truth is that Religion especially the Abrahamic ones is a lie designed to drive us into WW3 Armageddon.

It is about Truth of life.

Those who live by the scriptures either Cristian Islam or Jew... are on the wrong side of History.

My Spirit is the Great Spirit that surrounds us all... and it comes from the Native Tradition which comes from China.


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My apologies, I'll go through the post again. I placed a comment just below for him to see.

You are 100% right, people are individuals not groups.

There are a lot of Jewish who are protesting against the violence and Genocide in Gaza.

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No need to apologize my friend.

Group think is the basis of Fascism..

Sorry to say that Jews collectively are masters of Group think.

But progress is always made by people who think like no one else before.

I am a forward thinker... always have been.

Group think holds me back...

Ever read "Willhelm Reich: The Mass Psychology of Fascism?"

Must read.

Oh and I recommend you read this... and watch this movie...

Frightening but incisive...


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PATENT # W20 060606

LUCIFERASE is owned by gates and Is

The Mark of the beast


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Christ is King! Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 - Jews who say they are Jews but are not - these are who you write about.

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I will never accept any King and I will never bow down.

All Religion is a Lie.

I am ZEN.

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I agree with a lot in this article, but in the last couple of months I have started to seriously question the official story about WWII and the Holocaust:


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Yeah I have too recently! What's happening over there in the middle east is causing people to question Israel and everything about Israel! What Israel is doing is genocide and it's wrong! Israel is showing it's true colors and who they really are! They are exposing what their intentions and plans are!

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Yes. Ultimately they would like to do the same thing to all Gentiles, except for the ones they would keep as slaves.

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Yeah 9/11 should have sent a strong message to all Americans! Not to mention the "dancing Isrealis" seen dancing when the buildings collapsed!

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This has been going on for a very long time .. very hidden and sneaky ... maybe it had to get this bad/ insane for human kind to truly wake up and make some changes all around.

I believe it is time.

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History repeats itself.

We will have to learn this lesson over and over ( the old Romans, Nazi's, Mayans, Inkans and so forth .. ) again until human kind has learned to abide the laws of the universe, the spiritual laws.

Enlightenment really means to stay away from greed, murder and all such soul and character corruption, to not be guided by the lowest and selfish desires.. ego is the devil and money is the cause of all evil..

Human kind has never been this ruthless and insane in such numbers. We have never been this rich in such numbers..

So let's hope we will really wake up globally and learn this lesson, before the real power of this universe decides it had enough...

Human kind has again been fooled and blinded by greed, arrognace and greed.

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Yes History rereads itself... by design.

There is a reason behind it... there is a pattern behind it.

Once you understand this you can see behind the veil.

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I wish that the real power of the universe would go ahead and make that decision! I think that the human race is a loss because man/humanity fucks up, spoils and soils everything he touches! Human beings haven't learned anything because they continue to give their power away! We are told from birth that we are broken and sinners, are good for nothing and we have to be "saved" and have to have a "savior"! We are told "don't think for yourself and do for yourself, give everything to Jesus and the Creator!" So people have passively sat back preying and doing nothing while their communities, villages, towns, etc are getting looted, destroyed, ransacked, their property and livelihood getting stolen, innocent people including women, children and the elderly are getting slaughtered, the people who aren't slaughtered get captured and are enslaved! All the while people are sitting passively preying to Jesus, God, The Creator or deity of their choice and loosing everything and not lifting a finger to help themselves or defend themselves believing that "It's God's will and God's will be done!" So my question is?? Why would a loving Creator God Infinite love with infinite universal power and control sit back and allow innocent people, especially babies and children get slaughtered, murdered, tortured and raped in the most horrific ways? Babies and young children forced into sex trafficking and people believing that this insanity is God's/Creator's will??? The thing that gets me is then we are told that "Earth is a school and we are here to learn lessons and have experiences!" "That our soul chooses what we want to experience!" So my question is why in the fuck would a soul choose to come into life on this earth and experience getting sex trafficked, tortured and raped as a baby and young child?? Why would a soul Created from a loving Creator want to choose to experience something like that? Soo many people in life are traumatized over and over again! So what in the fuck are these poor souls supposed to learn from continued trauma after trauma? We all have been traumatized in many ways! The only thing I've seen that people have learned is to hate living and dread living! That life is fucked up so suck it up and deal with it! Do the best you can and survive as best you can! Learn right from wrong and choose to live right! The same thing happens all of the time and history continues to repeat itself because human beings never learn! Humans lie, cheat and steal to get the most money they can and be damned the consequences! All throughout history people have sold out and sold each other out for money, gold, land and anything of value and just look at the problems it's caused! Humanity has failed every time and does immoral things for wealth and materialism! When will people learn??

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We already have the power. We forgot our independence.

We have come to think we need them.


They need us!

We cannot wait to be rescued.

If God/ the universe/ nature have to come in to put a stop to this madness, we will suffer a lot more...

It will have to come down to the comunities.

Back to basics!

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We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

The solution to the lesson is always based on love, in one form or another.. it is always found in spirituality.

Never in low human desires.

There really isn't a veil .. it is available to us all ... what we focus on. The more I pray and meditate the more I will be guided.

What is important to us, our choices will seal our fate.

Do we chose the greater good or selfish greed?

Do we follow the nasty or the light.

Whatever we go for, we will have.

Collectively and separtely,

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Too many if not all politicians, royals and even our celebrities have lost touch with reality…

Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed seem to reign.

Some think they can play God..

Narcissism, psycopaths, sociopaths .. seeminlgy the worst are in charge and succsessful…

All a reflection of how sick society has become.

We celebrate insanity and mediocrity..

Never even question it…


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Spot on.

Society is sick because we are ruled by sick people.

Possessed People.

Not even People they are... they have no cell of Humanity inside!

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Yeah and that's why I think that it's past time for the infinite Creator of everything to step in and clean up this shit show or completely end it and realize that He fucked up and made a mistake when he created human beings! We are supposed to be made in the likeness of our Creator and just look at how we've respected this! Human beings shit all over each other and on the Creator's creation! People don't respect each other so if we can't respect and love each other then how in the hell can we love the Creator? We can't! Humanity has been gaslighted into believing that psychopathy and narcissism is completely normal! That "I" "me" and "mine" is all that matters! "I need to get the most for myself and be damned everybody else!" Dog eat dog world! Jesus did come down to earth to teach humanity how to live right and how to treat each other! Humanity didn't listen! Instead humanity has taken Jesus's teachings and twisted them all up for control purposes! People forcing their beliefs on other people, especially Christians! Sick Church leaders take Jesus's teachings and twist them up inorder to abuse and control people! People have got to stop giving away their power and looking for leaders to lead them and to think for them! People need to lead themselves and think for themselves, learn right from wrong and choose right living!

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