Becoming Human: Project for a Global Revolution
A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most
One day... there would come a time,
when the earth being ravaged and polluted,
the forests being destroyed,
the birds would fall from the air,
the waters would be blackened,
the fish being poisoned in the streams,
and the trees would no longer be,
mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.
When the Last Tree Is Cut Down,
the Last Fish Eaten,
and the Last Stream Poisoned,
You Will Realize
That You Cannot Eat Money
Cree Prophecy
The only thing that is permanent in the Universe is change.
Everything changes every time so why do we insist on keeping things the same?
I live my life with Cinderella's law and it is simple; you keep the good and dismiss the bad.
That with the practice reflection meditation and forward thinking works well together.
But I detached from society a while ago a society that is drawn to material things but is stuck in a spiritual cul de sac with no way out and that is by design.
The only way out is to retract your steps and analyze where you went wrong something that we as a whole are not doing a sign of the oppression we are in.
Confucius says that when one acquires new knowledge one must act accordingly and sometimes this new knowledge can and must have a domino effect.
But what if you based your life on a lie not even an outright lie but an untruth so to speak or a fact or knowledge that isn't real and has never been proven?
Would you not live your life like a mere sleepwalker functioning but afraid to be woken up because you might find yourself on top of a cliff at high tide in a blizzard.
How would you react then?
Currently the sleepwalking human race is standing on top of that cliff and it needs to wake up fast come what may.
But the ones that are in control of the human race lead the human race to this point deliberately waiting to pull the trigger for the final execution of mankind.
These our holy leaders have become a problem and since they don't speak for us have served our purpose.
These are not the ones that save you and neither will it be Jesus or another Messiah.
In fact this Messiah complex was used to bring in Adolf Schickelgruber 100 years ago and they are planning the same now.
So I want to point out onto a few things that everyone can do to become a better person and throw a spanner into their plans.
Mind Pong
The first thing is believe you mustn't believe anyone.
This also includes believe systems such as religion.
Names like Allah Jesus G-D Lucifer Satan are just that names designed to fool you.
They have no merit whatsoever until you give them value.
Their value comes from your acceptance.
Your freedom comes from knowledge not believe.
To obtain knowledge you mustn't believe you must question everything least of all your own self.
And most of all you must question authority.
Demand proof and do not be intimidated by those fools in power because their power is the power of corruption lies and disinformation designed to fool you.
Such are the religious leaders as are the politicians and the media corrupt to the bone.
Foundation (The Truth of Water)
The foundation of knowledge is Truth.
There is no substitute for truth.
One truth that I came across is the truth of water.
Water is the combination (Oxidization) of Hydrogen and Oxygen two gases that when ignited burn together into water.
Water can be reduced into hydrogen and can be split into hydrogen and oxygen with the appliance of an electrical current and there are infinite ways to do that.
Now many Idiots will say that water is an ash which it is not.
Water is in fact the foundation of our atmosphere and as such the foundation of life as we know it.
Water comes in four stages:
Today we face the "Green New Deal" to "Build back Better" from the World Economic Fascists meaning that they plan to destroy everything to create a new world order in their image.
Their future their image for you is a world enslaved with us being connected via "Neural Lace" and "Starlink" and you will be controlled by Elon Musk's Tesla Robot Army.
I personally am an advocate and Inventor of a Zero Emission World that I know is possible with the slightest of adjustments necessary to do just that.
There is no need for electric cars because every 4 stroke engine can run on hydrogen that comes from a fuel cell that creates hydrogen from water in no time at all.
There is no need for oil for the same reason.
All energy can be created from water and as such no water will be polluted and all of it with little to no costs.
Mass transportation can be done with Hypersonic Zero Emission trains and all Airports can be made into living space all of it with little costs that is an inescapable truth for those fascists currently in power.
And it should serve as a foundation a backbone of our society.
Purity of food
You are what you eat simple as that.
The building blocks of your body are provided by what you take into.
And what is more there is a chain of food.
So when you eat something that has eaten something that has eaten something you take in all of it.
You eat a bird that has eaten a fox that has eaten a rat that has eaten shit you eat shit the rat the fox and the bird and more.
What they feed chickens is just that shit you eat chicken you eat shit.
What they have in mind for you those World Economic Fascists is worse, meat that ain't meat Insects of the worst kind and aborted fetus cells in the baby milk powder they supply you with it is cannibalism induced by the World Economic Fascists.
I make a strong statement here for being and becoming a Vegetarian not only for health benefits but also to curb aggression and the Animal at heart that we are.
Meat is murder and that is a truth.
And the reason for a tree or plant to grow a fruit is the reason of life itself; procreation.
The tree wraps its seed into a delicious packaging to attract an animal to eat the fruit to spread the seed to procreate it onto a different place to grow a new tree.
Such is the intelligence of nature and the wisdom that comes with it.
Purity of thought
All things must be digested.
And knowledge must be digested as well.
In fact when you compare the stomach with the Brain it sure looks similar because it works similar.
Knowledge as well as food has to be digested and waste has to be extracted so that only the essence is kept and the essence of all knowledge is truth.
Believe is a poison and must be discouraged.
If you chose to believe in anything believe in yourself and that within you, you have the power to change and make a difference and by doing so you know that you can and as such you change believe into knowledge.
Those who believe don't know and those who know don't believe such is the nature of nature.
Keep it simple and life will be kind to you.
Movement and kinetic energy
The Human body is a kinetic machine that consumes and creates energy.
I make here a strong statement for Qi Gong and Tai Qi and Chinese Gong Fu in general as a spiritual practice.
All the organs inside your body require movement to work and function properly.
All organs communicate to your heart the center of your soul.
They also create and consume electrical energy also known as "Qi" as in the life giving energy that surrounds us all.
Most of you work in jobs using the computer and as such sit the whole day and waste their time (and thought) by nibbling on some sugar coated poison that the body stores as fat to be used when needed.
But since you feed your habit out of laziness it stores and stores much more until the cupboard is full and you need to stuff it in by force without ever losing an inch.
For every gram you eat you need three to digest.
There is a strong statement here to be made for at least three days of fasting every month in order for your own body to be in balance with itself.
And when you achieve this balance you will feel better about you yourselves and your surroundings.
Do you know that you do not need to wait for spring to make a spring cleaning?
The Intelligence of Feelings
Those who lead this materialistic fascism that consumes humanity are purely mathematical and as such have no feelings.
I call them Nexus 7.
But the truth is inescapable as I shall demonstrate.
The first language one must learn is body language it is the foundation of understanding.
Fear help danger all being expressed with the body adjusting to a situation confronted.
I on my travels in this world have used this wisdom a many a time when words lost its meanings in difficult places.
Through this I gained extensive knowledge about myself driven by the love of life and hungry for learning about culture and the ways of other people.
When I learned Gong Fu I started to understand myself better.
The essence of Gong Fu is Qi Gong where as the "gong" means to accumulate.
Chinese Gong Fu has its origins in Yoga and meditation it is a spiritual practice and in Qi Gong you stand and hold your balance while concentrating on your breathing and relaxing your mind it is essentially standing meditation.
When the mind relaxes as your body does it slows down and it comes nearer to 8 Hz which is the pulse of the earth.
Your sensitivity is heightened and you connect to other peoples thoughts in the dream state of your mind connecting essentially into this "dream dimension" where everything comes together.
Also your subconsciousness is telling you something about yourself something you missed or something you did wrong bringing balance to yourselves.
It is one of the many fail safe devices that are built into the human body and brain.
Your feelings tell you truth so you must learn to listen to your heart and that is through endless practice of Gong Fu and truth to yourself.
You can lie to your teacher to your husband / wife and friends; but you cannot lie to yourselves such is the nature of humanity and to lie to yourselves means to live against yourselves and that fight you cannot win.
Body language and understanding of feelings is the first step of telepathic communication that is to communicate without words because after all knowledge is a feeling.
Your senses like smell see hear feel taste if you train them you will get a combination of all together at the same time which is known as the sixth sense.
It is a spiritual practice based on truth which is essentially the practice of Gong Fu.
Learn to fight in order to live in peace
Those bullies that fight other people for fun are cowards such is their nature.
You look them into their eyes and make it clear that they will be killed if they try it and soon they crawl away such is their nature.
People pray and as a result they become prey and become the hunted because their weakness attracts the predators.
In fact the Christian Religion is designed to be that way so that the predatory Religions such as Judaism and Islam can use them to feed upon and it is all by design.
In order to live in peace one must learn to show strength and show them that you are capable again this is done through practice and body language.
If you know how to grow food you will not starve.
If you know how to cook you will not eat shit.
If you know how to defend yourself you will not be attacked.
If you know how to play an Instrument you will not be bored.
If you know how to be creative your options are limitless.
Education comes in circles and the number of the circle is 12.
12 years five senses and you have a sixty year circle as in the Chinese calendar.
At the age of twelve you finished unpacking from the womb and your second cycle starts puberty and the hormones flowing.
At the start of 24 you start your third cycle which is your spirituality finishing with 36.
At any given age one should be free to educate themselves instead being stuck in a dead man's job.
An educated man is less likely to be fooled such is the nature.
Education is the key.
We have now an economy that is based on Oil.
Gasoline plastic medicine it is all essentially based on oil.
My personal theory about oil is that we consume in reality the bodies of those who came before us liquefied into this black mass that is essentially oil.
And this is also the source of their power.
So if we for example use water as a means of energy production and fuel for our machines we take away their power over us.
Again this was done before and as always the fascists new and old had to kill to subvert the human race.
American Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 20, 1998) was killed by the CIA for creating a fuel cell based on the splitting of water through a direct current.
In the mid 1930s Dr. Willhelm Reich began noticing an energetic connection that is shared by all living beings and had the clarity of mind to not dismiss the observation as unimportant. Dr. Reich called this energy "orgone"(Qi) and worked for decades demonstrating its laws and studying its various manifestations.
These are just two examples of better than alternatives for Oil and the more people concentrate on this work the better it will be for humanity and the less power for the World Economic Fascists
The powers of the Rothschilds WEF Rockefellers it all comes down to one thing that is the ignorance of the masses.
They control humanity through the control of Government Media Education Money Drugs Transportation War and Trade.
We can take their power by empowering those who need it most that is the fools who follow them.
That is what I intent to do.
Just like Mahatma Ghandi who walked to the beach to pick up a grain of salt that was at the time forbidden by the Indians on behalf of the Sassoon / Rothschild East India Cooperation as a symbolic principle; I try to do the same.
Their power comes from controlling you and by making you a better person I will take their power away such is the nature of nature.
And together we can do this and so much more.
We can change this world for the better.
There is no Covid it is all in your mind.
Fritz Freud
I always say, stay human
; )
"their value comes from your acceptance"
yes, you'll see it when you believe it – Wayne Dyer
it's all in our choice
what we choose to be do say think believe
all blessings
There are several things you may have missed in the last several days, the new sth American president schooled the WEF and the Davos gathering that socialism doesn’t work. The elite probably went into apoplexy. The new conservative government cancelled all funding for UN agenda woke programs ( Sweden stack) and Armstrong economics has reported Poland 🇵🇱 s giving call up notices for troops to report within six hours.