I cannot verify, but i bet you are honest.

So rhetorical questions...based on this premise, last Pope was Pius XII...

Big one... why did NWO feel it needed to effectivly take out Catholic Church in 1958, if it was so evil?

Why is there some thought mussolino had Pius XI killed?

Why did Hitler want Pius XII dead?

Why so many lies about Pius XII?

I bet you could not name 5 popes.

How many popes, within 25% range, were there

I think you have not researched Catholic Church, but gotten all info 2nd hand.

Catholic Church is a remnant... situation going on right now is partial evidence, not compelling in itself, but added with others that Catholic Church is one true faith necessary for salvation.

Btw, have you ever wondered why commies killed tens of millions of Catholics?

French revolution, 1920s mexico..Mexico... bloodbath for Catholics.

If you respond, I'll give my answers.

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1958 in the Church might not be a total change of paradigm, but just the last phase of the same project. To me, the principle of "No salvation outside the Church" has in itself something slightly "un-catholic" that seems to allude to the notion of "chosen people".

If you don't mind exploring other unusual avenues, the book of Edward Hendrie "Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great" might interest you.


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Link isn't working. Will try again. But a couple remarks that usually must be made. Jesus promised that gates of hell would never prevail over Catholic Church. Gates of hell mean heresy.

Catholic Church has never given poison to Her children in teaching on faith and morals, in Her liturgy (worship, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass), , in canon law, in canonizations...

With Vatican II, poison was solemnly promulgated... this was not, could not be Catholic Church...

Jesus never promised we would have popes and Bishops that all would be saints. We certainly are first to say this.

But a bad Pope will not interfere with learning catechism or praying or Mass.

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Finally, the Catholic Church went into eclipse in October 1958.

Catholic teaching can't contradict itself... it can only become clearer.

In October 1958, Roncalli Appeared to be pope, and started great deception, great apostasy.

God bless you.

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So, a Lutheran somehow is drawn to 7 Sorrows of Mary. He studies it, overwhelmed by it... keeps meditating on it. He gets in a car crash... alone, he knows he's slowly dying...

He is overcome by unbelievable sorrow for his sins, for offending the Great God. Then he dies.

He doesn't go to hell.

He doesn't go to purgatory.

He ends up in Heaven.

Perfect Contrition info can be found novusordowatch.org

You probably won't meet another Catholic... 7 Sorrows of Blessed Virgin Mary could also help save souls during this great apostasy especially

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Thank you for comment.

On No salvation outside church.... this is complicated. Catholics cannot personally interpret Bible . So to, they can't interpret solemnly defined teachings.

In other words, Feeneyites do this. They think that they ate Catholics. They aren't.

There is no salvation outside church means (and I am a poor uneducated layman who was robbed of my inheritance) Catholic Church is only true church.

IT DOES NOT mean a non Catholic can't go to heaven . A non Catholic can go to heaven thru invincible ignorance and grace.

One small way... on next post

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Couple days and you could not respond. YOUR POST, DICKLESS

You are a coward, both intellectually and otherwise.

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E por fim mostras a tua verdadeira face. Típico dos que batem com a mão no peito ao domingo enquanto papam a hóstia e bebem o sangue do crucificado.

Quantos homicídios às mãos da inquisição podemos contar em cerca de 7 séculos de tragédia?

A tua bíblia não passa de um plágio dos livros mosaicos dos judeus. Os livros mosaicos dos judeus não passam de plágios de religiões muito mais antigas do Oriente. Há muito mais verdade no paganismo do que em todas as religiões monoteístas atuais.

Comes aquilo que te metem na manjedoura e ainda agradeces no fim, pois é por misericórdia do espírito santo pé de orelha.

Entras na casa dos outros de pantufas e em menos de nada estás a ofender o dono da casa. És o espelho do fanatismo da religião que advogas.

Não vales um caralho otário. Cheiras a merda que tresandas.

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