It seems that Israel and the US are planning to build concentration camps in Gaza, complete with biometric ID for the Palestinians to get basic rations, like food and water. The control grid layout of these camps is something similar to the 15 min Cities that are also being built.
The Western Empire, as run by the Jews, (Yaldabaoth worshipers) appears to be graduating into a Globalist tax and labor farm. Since Israel is planning on this as their post war "Morgenthau Plan" it is clear that they want to try to do to the Palestinians what really happened to the Germans. History keeps repeating in similar patterns.
The Allied Occupation of Germany killed close to 6 million Germans; post war. Those deaths of 6 million then got relabeled as "Jewish," some may have been, but I suspect they were mostly German POWs and Civilians.
Later on, Non—Jewish German people were effectively blamed and brow beaten into a cultural guilt for these deaths, when it was 5.7 million of regular Germans themselves who died. Just imagine being blamed for your own death; fatal starvation caused by the Allied Occupation, then to be relabeled as a Jewish 'casualty' caused Nazis. That's how history works, written by those who hold the pen and the purse.
I Love you so much for saying what I know, but can not say as eloquently as you. Thank you. It's the truth and we can't talk about it. Because most of the world is too lazy or stupid to do research. Fucking stupid bizarro world.
Only if the Rothschilds and the UK royals they have interbred with are abolished..for starters ie centuries of looting and genocide globally to become so wealthy still happening with UK & it's partner in crime USA bombing Middle East to rubble & making trillions in profit from these once peaceful ancient coubtrues
We have all been indoctrinated about both WW1 and WW2 - both were planned and organized by the Jews Although the "victors" are said to write the history - it seems to be a certain group that owns the publishing companies for text book, heads the committees which decide what they should include, owns the media and controls the narrative. Look at what happened to those who write the truth. These videos are based on books - I never learned about the afterwar plan to kill 1/3 of the German population and steal all of its patents and industry - much less who developed the plan and who consented to it. The only Holocausts that happened in Germany- was the one done to it by USSR, UK, France and the US. David Irving's books also tells the real history - because he used original sources. David Irving -
Hitler's companion, Eva Braun was also an Ashkenazi as Robert Sepehr, author of '1666, Redemption through Sin' has noted. Gertrude Braun, a cousin to Eva revealed the family secret in a Channel 4 documentary stating, "Eva and me are also of Jewish origin."
It seems that Israel and the US are planning to build concentration camps in Gaza, complete with biometric ID for the Palestinians to get basic rations, like food and water. The control grid layout of these camps is something similar to the 15 min Cities that are also being built.
The Western Empire, as run by the Jews, (Yaldabaoth worshipers) appears to be graduating into a Globalist tax and labor farm. Since Israel is planning on this as their post war "Morgenthau Plan" it is clear that they want to try to do to the Palestinians what really happened to the Germans. History keeps repeating in similar patterns.
The Allied Occupation of Germany killed close to 6 million Germans; post war. Those deaths of 6 million then got relabeled as "Jewish," some may have been, but I suspect they were mostly German POWs and Civilians.
Later on, Non—Jewish German people were effectively blamed and brow beaten into a cultural guilt for these deaths, when it was 5.7 million of regular Germans themselves who died. Just imagine being blamed for your own death; fatal starvation caused by the Allied Occupation, then to be relabeled as a Jewish 'casualty' caused Nazis. That's how history works, written by those who hold the pen and the purse.
I covered this in my post on Adolph Eichmann:
Bottom line for me is -- I agree with you 100%.
Maybe Israel will cease to exist and all the Ashke-Nazis can go and live in what's left of Ukraine.
Spot on...
Morgentau Plan
Yinnon Plan
Using Lies to fulfill their own self fulfilling prophecy..
15 mi cities are concentration camps.
We are living in the Ai war.
And we both agree my friend.
And we both mustn't be ashamed because we both fight.
I Love you so much for saying what I know, but can not say as eloquently as you. Thank you. It's the truth and we can't talk about it. Because most of the world is too lazy or stupid to do research. Fucking stupid bizarro world.
Thank you.
We can make this world whole again…
Better than it ever was before.
Only if the Rothschilds and the UK royals they have interbred with are abolished..for starters ie centuries of looting and genocide globally to become so wealthy still happening with UK & it's partner in crime USA bombing Middle East to rubble & making trillions in profit from these once peaceful ancient coubtrues
So we hang them... problem solve.
Other Losses: The Concealed Aftermath of WWII in Europe
Hellstorm: The Hidden History of WWII
We have all been indoctrinated about both WW1 and WW2 - both were planned and organized by the Jews Although the "victors" are said to write the history - it seems to be a certain group that owns the publishing companies for text book, heads the committees which decide what they should include, owns the media and controls the narrative. Look at what happened to those who write the truth. These videos are based on books - I never learned about the afterwar plan to kill 1/3 of the German population and steal all of its patents and industry - much less who developed the plan and who consented to it. The only Holocausts that happened in Germany- was the one done to it by USSR, UK, France and the US. David Irving's books also tells the real history - because he used original sources. David Irving -
The Manipulation of History
Stay Free
Hitler's companion, Eva Braun was also an Ashkenazi as Robert Sepehr, author of '1666, Redemption through Sin' has noted. Gertrude Braun, a cousin to Eva revealed the family secret in a Channel 4 documentary stating, "Eva and me are also of Jewish origin."
And she was also a cousin of Adolf Hitler… Family business…
Thank you.