People don't want the Truth.
Because they have to admit that they were wrong.
That they have been fooled and lied to all their life.
It takes a lot of guts to admit that.
Nobody has that guts.
They all are bought and have no thought of their own.
A copy of a copycat copying a drowned cat.
And they have no clue on what life is really about.
I rather be a bad original than a good copy.
Life is about possibilities.
Life is about breaking boundaries.
Life is about challenges and change.
And most people are scared of change.
Scared of life.
I am not.
I am change.
What must be said can never be said enough.
So I say it again.
The Jews are a danger to this world and must be removed from power everywhere and anywhere.
Because it is the Jews who are waging a war against Humanity.
Follow the money.
I put it straight… Jews can do what they want unless their actions affect me or anyone else.
Creating war is a crime and Jews are guilty.
War is murder... and state sponsored terrorism... undermined by the WEF which is a Jewish terrorist organization... Freemasons who are scum... and Satanists who are even worse scum.
Freemasonry... Aristocracy... and the alike
I do not take it lightly when anyone in power… especially Jews… make decisions… as they do… which endanger the world and me respectively.
What must be said can never be said enough.
So I say it again.
Jews of all people should be a voice for freedom peace cooperation.
Based on the presumption that they were Victims of the Holocaust.
But they are not.
In fact Jews are war mongers... just like they have been at all times... selling cancer as the cure.
As evidence we have Albert Pike and his... or better their plan to enslave the world by creating 3 World Wars.
If Jews were... as they proclaim... victims of war... they would be the first voice for peace.
Are they?
The answer is no!
The Jews are Liars.
The Jews are merchants of war... splitting Humanity into splinters to be defeated by their lies.
Don't ever believe a Jew.
Playing victims they are not.
The war in Ukraine and Israel was created by Jews.
Divide and conquer.
To create WW3.
And only an inhumane Alien race would do such a deed.
And that is what Jews are... an inhumane Alien race.
There is nothing Human inside Jews.
Prove me wrong you only proof me right.
IF... the Jews are a voice for peace... show me... show me or shut the fuck up.
Alan Dershowitz says that anyone performing an "antisemitic act" should be sued, bankrupted and homeless
Alan Derschow is a Witz... and witz in German means Joke... so Alan Dershow is a joke.
If anyone ever sees him... give him a five finger death punch up his arse until he laughs.
The evidence is evident in the actions of thee... remorseless... no empathy... no consideration of Humanity... driven by hate greed and infinite selfishness... Nexus they are.
The war in Israel speaks for itself... Gaza is and always was a concentration camp.
What is worse...
Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos
I mean... let's face it... who in the right mind would order their own people to be killed for any reason?
I mean you must be really stupid to do that because it goes against everything that we are... we were... and we will be...
But of course the Jews are incest driven imbeciles who are driven by controlling others and they sacrifice their own... as they have done before... and will do again.
The Jewish Zionist Mafia sold their own Jews to the Nazis to create the terrorist state of Israel.
Which leads the one question: Would Israel exist hadn't the Jews created Adolf Hitler?
Me thinks no.
Without Adolf Hitler there would be no Israel which makes Adolf Hitler the founder of Israel.
And of course this fact is well documented.
The Transfer agreement anyone?
And now they are sacrificing Israel.
Hannibal Directive... such a great name for such an evil deed.
How do those people even exist?
If life would be a parody the Jews are a parody of a parody... mimicking the existenz of life without ever understanding it... like a Parrot mimicking words without understanding the meaning.
Like CNN... the Clown News Network.
The more damage Israel chooses to do, the more damage will be done in return.
It is ultimately be self-defeating .
100 years ago in Germany... now in the USA... lead by traitors... to destroy the empire from within.
Same MO as always by the same leaders of men to lead the world into mutual assured self destruction since men's inception.
Take their reasoning and use it against them.
Make fun of these clowns and ridicule them as they are ridiculous waste of blood organs and fresh air.
After all I ... and I am nobody... present solutions to the problems of their creation.
They are nobodies and can only be defeated by a nobody like me.
We should celebrate their stupidity by making a laughing stock out of them.
We should not take them seriously for they are monkeys not even human.
We shall not respect them for they don't deserve respect.
What do you think of Tottenham?
What do you think of shit?
Thank you
That's alright
We hate Tottenham
We hate Tottenham
We hate Tottenham
We hate Tottenham
We hate Tottenham
We hate Tottenham
The thing is... there is a growing movement supported by the Jewish MSM... a kind of resurrection of the Nazis... and the Jews are behind it.
Anyone who has anything good to say about Adolf Hitler falls into the Jewish trap.
Hitler was a Rothschild.
And this new emergence of the Hitler cult is for Idiots because the Jews are behind it.
In Germany the complete Neo-Nazi scene is financed and controlled by the BND and Mossad.
Here is how this game is played:
The Jews finance the Neo-Nazi scene so they have an excuse to cry foul.
"Oh the world hates us because we are Jews," what a fuck up.
NOBODY hates the Jews because they are Jews.
We hate them because they are fascists and they manipulate society into WW3.
And it is my Human right to hate them... because I hate Nazis.
The Jews finance this new Hitler cult because the Jews need enemies... as all the evidence is clear the Jews hate peace... Jews can never live with people and get along with other people... History tells us that as a fact.
And now you have this new emergence of a Hitler cult under the pretext that Hitler did fight the Jews 100 years ago... which is a Lie.
Hitler was a Jew and a Rothschild and worked for them against the population of Germany which was destroyed then.
Right now I ask you which country is worst of because of geopolitics?
Germany that's right.
I had a lot of conversations with C.J. Hopkins... himself a Jew who had done the cardinal sin of putting a swastika on a book he published in Germany.
A law put into place by the Jews who rule Germany.
And Germany today is more fascist than the Nazis were... and the new fascists are Jews.
But of course C.J. called me a fascist Nazi... as this cretin sees all Germans as Nazis.I don't like him.
Jews are all about money and profit from conflict they create... C.J. is no different.
A Jew can't speak the truth even if they would want to.
And C.J. is no difference... here is some excepts on what he wrote:
Basically, if the German authorities want to keep torturing me, they can drag this out for quite a long time.
Fortunately, I have a couple things going for me.
One … you. Because of your generosity, the authorities have not been able to bankrupt me with legal costs. Contributions from readers like you have paid most of those costs.
Two … public opinion, which is shifting in Germany. Slowly. Gradually. But definitely shifting. The recent revelations in the Robert Koch-Institute Files (“RKI Files”) have had a lot to do with that, as have the rising number of adverse side effects caused by the “vaccines.” If you can read German, you can read this report in Multipolar. I have translated the lede for those who can’t.
“According to a representative survey, the number of critics of the Covid measures has increased significantly — apparently due in part to the publication of the RKI protocols. According to the survey, the number of vaccination side effects is much higher than previously admitted. Forty percent of those polled are now calling for an official inquiry, and twenty-nine percent are calling for legal investigations of the politicians responsible.”
What C.J. don't tell you is that the AFD predominately strong in the old FRG (DDR) is behind this new awakening.
You see the Jewish Nazis controlling Germany want to paint the AFD as neo Nazis but the AFD was created in the old Communist states who have seen Communism which Angela Merkel... herself a STASI agent brought back to western Germany and is now creating a DDR³.
So the new neo Fascist Jews controlling Germany want to prohibit the AFD and paint as right wing which it isn't.
And C.J. fell into his own trap... or better the trap his brethren conducted to trap the Germans again... like they did 100 years ago to bring the Jews to Israel.
And by the way the whole of covid was Jewish made.
Which is a pity for people like C.J. who want to play the tune the pied piper wrote... but blame others for their own evil deeds... no remorse... no empathy... no truth... Nexus.
I am German.
A long time ago I swore never to allow new Fascism to take hold ever again.
Nobody tells me what I have to do.
And I draw the line.
Be my guest... try me.
Israel today is worse than Nazi Germany ever was.
The Jews who support Israel are Nazis.
They have crossed this line.
They either will back off and apologize to the world or they will vanish.
But the Jews have no remorse... so they will be killed.
Not my problem.
War with Iran?
Fuck you.
War in Ukraine?
Fuck you double with a fist up your arse.
The war crimes conducted by the IDF in one year are more than in the 2nd world war Germany has done.
As such there must be a Nuremberg Trial in which Nethanyahoo the scum must be hanged.
And with him most of the Israeli Government in the same way it was done 100 years ago.
Israel has crossed the line that Hitler drew... and must be punished as a whole and as a state.
One part of this is that the Rothschilds should be stripped of the right to exist.
Money belongs to the people... and must be given back to the people.
I outlined the complete plan here.
100 years ago Nikola Tesla envisioned free energy for all... it is them Rothschild scum and J.P. Morgan who we have to thank for being slaves to a Jewish controlled business run by slave owners and pharmaceutical Nazis who want to depopulate the world.
And now them Jews want to create WW3.
Fuck you.
You crossed the line and now its personal.
You want war?
I give you war!
I expose you all for you crossed the line that allows me to say NEVER AGAIN.
Jews and Gentiles alike who chose to stand on the right side of History will rise up.
Israel will be eliminated from existenz.
From the dawn of a new Horizon will come a new Humanity better stronger and wiser than ever before.
And there is nothing you can do.
Take the EU for example...
Born as a trade organization it has now assumed powers that it don't have... just like Hitler did.
With the Big Pharma and Ursula the whore fucking us every day.
With Bill Gates the maggot monkey assuming dictatorial powers that will be his death.
With the pretentious Impostor scum Elon Musk building not only the Infrastructure for the coming AI war but building the Robot Army we have to fight soon to gain our Freedom.
For me as a German the Historical line that Adolf Hitler has drawn they all overstepped.
Which means they are all guilty.
Sue me... take me to the courts.
My life belongs to me and no one else.
You don't want to give me what is mine?
You can't... you can't even take it away... It belongs to me and never left me.
Try me.
My Ideas I put out into the open for everyone to see...
Your failures and unwillingness is exposed at the same time.
You present us with problems yet at the same time you stop us bringing solutions on the table.
I call that Facism.
There is a schizophrenic approach by those imbeciles that they think they get away with... creating problems to increase their power without the honesty or will to allow real change to take place.
You inject the population with poison for your own Religious Holocaust because you want to kill 6 Billion people... and as a lesson in math's that is 6000 times more than you claim the Nazis killed Jews.
And if you think you get away with this... well you don't.
You are exposed.
Follow the money.
What we have on our side is History.
Pol Pot Margaret Thatcher Hitler Stalin Lenin Trotzky Mao Idi Amin Keir Starmer Napoleon... the list of Jewish Dicktators is endless...
Yet we have always been told that we fought those for our freedom.
Where is that freedom now?
You think or you thought with the excuse of our health you could implement a new Fascism that we long ago as a society globally reject?
You fucking arrogant scum.
The line that Hitler drew stands in our favor.
And all the members of the WEF... all the Rothschilds Rockefeller scum are guilty of attempted Mass murder and for that they all deserve the death penalty thrice over.
You are the problem and History will not repeat itself.
You crossed the line.
You pay for it.
If you think you can create WW3 then I personally vouch to slit the throat of every Rothschild.
History has drawn the line.
This war is our war... a war for Freedom... and we take it.
Because there is no future without Freedom.
And no future we had once.
The times are changing.
The Digital ID is the same as the Auschwitz IBM Number Tattoo.
The line is crossed.
Never again.
Those who support the Digital ID must hang from the next tree… from the rivers to the seas.
Fritz Freud
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
This Blog has been under attack for some time.
As such please share this information as far as you can.
Anywhere you can.
Thank you
It seems that Israel and the US are planning to build concentration camps in Gaza, complete with biometric ID for the Palestinians to get basic rations, like food and water. The control grid layout of these camps is something similar to the 15 min Cities that are also being built.
The Western Empire, as run by the Jews, (Yaldabaoth worshipers) appears to be graduating into a Globalist tax and labor farm. Since Israel is planning on this as their post war "Morgenthau Plan" it is clear that they want to try to do to the Palestinians what really happened to the Germans. History keeps repeating in similar patterns.
The Allied Occupation of Germany killed close to 6 million Germans; post war. Those deaths of 6 million then got relabeled as "Jewish," some may have been, but I suspect they were mostly German POWs and Civilians.
Later on, Non—Jewish German people were effectively blamed and brow beaten into a cultural guilt for these deaths, when it was 5.7 million of regular Germans themselves who died. Just imagine being blamed for your own death; fatal starvation caused by the Allied Occupation, then to be relabeled as a Jewish 'casualty' caused Nazis. That's how history works, written by those who hold the pen and the purse.
I covered this in my post on Adolph Eichmann:
Bottom line for me is -- I agree with you 100%.
Maybe Israel will cease to exist and all the Ashke-Nazis can go and live in what's left of Ukraine.
I Love you so much for saying what I know, but can not say as eloquently as you. Thank you. It's the truth and we can't talk about it. Because most of the world is too lazy or stupid to do research. Fucking stupid bizarro world.