I am dismayed / disappointed in most who will not do anything that threatens their comfort, status, wealth, social standing etc. for what is right. Look how quickly people buckled to the jab mandates. The whole world just gave their lunch money to the school yard bully.

Id never heard of this social experiment. Very interesting.

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Most people have not heard about this... I am not most people.

This is the reason I posted this.

Most people will never ever accept they are fooled...

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

― Mark Twain

I try to tell people that what is going on right now with Jabs social collapse etc. is exactly 100% the same way as the Nazis came into power and Klaus Schwab is Adolf Hitler.

But hey... who am I?

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I had an experience yesterday that I could not describe. But listening to Ron Jones describe fascism, I can now better understand what happened. And the person with whom I had experienced it is regarded as a highly educated authority and popular public figure. He and his groupies tolerate no deviance from the group, and they express their woes with the world as if they are victims of the stupidity of all others. It scares me to see such weakness in a person who could be a strong leader.

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Tell me more...

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In Canada, Pierre Pierre has recently been elected as leader of the Progressive Conservative party, official opposition of Justin Treaudeau.

On the east coast most people are as you have described in your post. Not able to see reality.

A Facebook post by a Halifax Green Party member displayed a hateful and false quote from an anonymous ex PC party staffer. It ended by stating that Pierre Poilievre was dislikable. There were 30 insulting comments that agreed with the message, all hateful and mindless and untrue. It was disturbing. So I commented as follows :

1. Many find Polievre likable.

2. If you are commenting here you have lost the ability to think for yourself and are now participating in identity politics (sure you disagree).

3. If you don't think that our country is getting into irreparable debt resulting in a collapse similar to what happened in Sri Lanka, then 1 and 2 are correct.

So the person quickly deleted my post and unfriended me.

I suppose I was harsh, but all of the weak minded comments set me off.

I'm sure that none of this seems surprising. If I could sum iit up , I would say it fit the description of fascism, as described by that history teacher. Wouldn't it be incredible if kids could learn this at school?

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So you think School is for learning?

School is the first step of Behavioral Modification... or as I call it Indoctrination.

I tell you a secret...

First year in school they wrote I had too much fantasy... too much Imagination...

And they "disciplined" me by caning my hands.

Ever since I hate Authority.

I value my Imagination and I am a very Observation capable person.... And I study the human mind...

I never did well in school because I didn't want to... I did just enough but I grew up speaking English and German before I went to school because we had American Soldiers living in our house and I grew up with them.

Someone like me I never fit in... I had to find my own way and I had to find it the hard way against all odds.

Also since all m,y life I hate Fascism and Authority is fascism for me.

People are controlled by money and money is fascism... Money controls your behavior.

And now when people lose everything they worked so hard for because the value of money is controlled by one group of people they will get really angry. because this group of people want you to get angry so they deflate the currency.

They then want to channel this anger into creating a rift in society and use it for their purpose which ultimately is control over each and everyone..

It is deep psychology of how to control a society by stealth...

Behavioral Modification Science.

Do you know how many people I lost because I am not following their way of thinking?

All of them.

Does it hurt?


But it hurts more to Lie to myself and I am quite content.

You see if you have to lie just to keep friends they are really not friends.

Truth is the only thing that matters.

Truth and ZEN... and one cannot achieve ZEN without Truth.

Let them go... follow Truth... follow your heart.

Don't try to convince them... I don't.

But I confront them with their Lies.

Because you can Lie to everyone.... you cannot Lie to yourself.

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I had better teachers. Did you get along with the American soldiers , the ones you said you lived with?

Most people I know well enough to voice my views do not agree with me but they are tolerant of

our differing views. I agree with you about the truth, I will let people go, who are intolerant of my views, without trying to convince them.

I like the idea of ZEN. It would also be a good addition to our schools.

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The Basis of ZEN is Atheism... we do not believe other that in ourself.

I still have their contact and may father was a lifelong Friend of them.

They even visited them in America.

Zen is the soul of Kung Fu.

Qi Gong is the greatest of all Gung Fu.

It is a meditational form of standing breathing exercises.

10 minutes a day and your life will change.

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