Last few months, at least, I've seen strange straight black lines in the middle of chemtrails. Today I've seen it but I could not hold my phone where I was to take pictures or make a video.

People are starting to wake up. We're all becoming farmers on every corner. Dutch flag upside down can be seen every where. It's starting Fritz, it's starting. There's no way back. It's gonna be a long and hard winter in the Netherlands.

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Jan 22Liked by Fritz Freud

Linked to an article today. Missed this one before. Adds up

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Jan 21Liked by Fritz Freud

Jesus trips to study in many areas of the far east is mentioned in the reading I mentioned. So here is to each his or her finding their own way. I resonate with the Sufi saying, "there are as many ways to God as there are people," so onward we all go to find our way. 🕊

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Jan 21Liked by Fritz Freud

I personally am not interested in another dogma made by man taking over the figuring out of who we are and the best way to get there, a subject that only each of us can do for and within our selves. We need no one else to tell us who we are. When we go that route it is just replacing one dogma system for another. We can listen to others yet we still must each every moment do our own work to find the way that is personally best for us in the moment. All we have to do is study ourselves, beginning from the moment of how we take human form with the help of our human mothers and fathers. In the books I mentioned in my previous post on this thread, that are extensive yet easy reading - not short thoughts or sound bites, but real long term thoughtful reading in a manner that creates a space, with no machine shinning in our face, to explore in quiet personal thoughtful mode the old masters who are not interested in telling us what to do. Masters that includes Jesus minus today's religions dogma presented in his name, that shares the message he always gave "you can do what I do." A message that is not related to the dogma of the religions today.

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Jan 21Liked by Fritz Freud

From what I see as a common sense mystic I would say the connection that makes these things in the sky powerful on earth is the cell towers and the devices we are all using to create the power the sky objects have on us on earth. We can always shut off our WIFI and Bluetooth devices and take down the towers and install the originally promised in the ground fiber optic system which provides all computing abilities without the EMF dangers.

From what I understand when Clinton/Gore rolled out the idea of the world wide web a small amount was tacked onto our phone bills that was intended to pay for installing an underground grid of fiber optics. I learned this from seeing a few years ago an article online (where?) that noted there was a group that had brought a law suit against the Utilities companies for their failure of using these funds to follow through on providing the promised safe fiber optic installation. I have seen nothing regarding this law suit since.

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Sort of "wayward wizards" in a nutshell.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Fritz Freud

“The Starlink Network is exactly that and more.

It has capabilities from the Schuman Resonance meaning it can send messages on Brainwave levels to multiple outputs directed onto one target as a direct energy weapon with deadly consequences...” I have to say camping in death Valley out in the open and seeing star link several times Makes me wonder if that is where the psy attacks on me come from. It is so Savage that I can’t camp there because I’m out in the open and can be triangulated. I do reality checks with another targeted individual and he cannot camp there either.

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🕊 be with you.

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deletedAug 14, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud
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