Damn Fritz, outstanding post. You made my day.

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This is by far the best post/article/facts, I’ve ever read! Thanks Fritz.

You said what the lot of us want to say.

I will send this not only to my senators, governors, and my congressman Tom Kean, Jr., who took money out of our children’s mouths and went to Ukraine and gave it to Zelensky. I did a post on that, sent it to him, he asked for a donation. A-hole.

I am mad. I stick up for the people of my state, only to get shot down. I am living in a dumb dem state. And I am not a dumb dem. That’s what sucks in Amerika, monkey see, monkey do.

There is no originality, anymore, like this post. Fritz, there are so many of “us”, and so little of them, why can’t we do something. Or is it the wrong/right people complacent?

I agree with every fiber of my being to yours, this needs to be an Ipso facto=a Latin phrase, directly translated as "by the fact itself", which means that a specific phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., "Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance" or "These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp ipso facto is a blackguard".

There is no turning away from the facts.

We all know and believe this.

Thanks a million, Fritz 😎

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The best article you ever read?

You mustn’t be reading much…

Joke aside… thank you… you are humbling me.

The more they squeeze us… the more their grip will fail.

A simple “Fuck You” to Authorities goes a long way.

The Israel Lobby is the biggest problem in this world…

So Attack them philosophically truthfully honestly and tell them they are barbaric moles with the chin of a goat.

When someone calls you Antisemitic make a joke… laugh at them…

Drive them mad and insane by using their arguments against them… it works.

I know coz I did it… after all Israel is a Fascist Nazi state… and that fact I won’t let them escape…

The thing that got me triggered… as a German… is that they… the Rothschilds themselves put Adolf Hitler in power in Germany and controlled him to the benefits of Zionist and Israel.

This I make them swallow until they choke to death.

Be my guest.

Sent this letter to anyone… let the world know we had enough.

Post it wherever you like.

That was the purpose of me writing it.

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Thank you, and you know I will! ❤️ lololol I don’t read much, 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I do read a lot and write. I am reading, “the diary of an angry targeted individual”, Renee Pittman. Good read. 🌞

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Semitic doesn’t just apply to jews-it applies to all who are living around the Middle East, this is verifiable everyone, just look it up. In an actual book if necessary, if “they’ve” obliterated this from internet. Jews don’t like this fact.

It’s been said that Palestinians have more Semitic blood in them than Israelites-perhaps this is partly why Netanyahu has been trying to obliterate Palestine and her people.

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the same applies for all the scum in pedowood

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Great post.

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The Fritz Files :-)

Yes! Disavow NOW

Much love through the Ether Fritz!

See you in the beauty to come.

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That's why I named them the DemonRats and the RepubTurds!! All of them are inept, corrupt, feckless, POS!!

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Banana Republicans DemonicRats Killibetrtines and Dragnet Queens

Don't feed the Politicians


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Like it! I call them demolition - rats, and the

re-do public! 😂 I like demon rats 👍🏻 that’s right on!

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After laws fail to be upheld, then God acts. You must then have faith in God that He will do something, otherwise He will not prove anything to you. That's how faith works.

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Government is a monopoly on fraud and force, which will never be peacefully relinquished. The only rights you truly have are those you are able and willing to defend with any and all necessary force up to and including possibility of death - this is not a world of equality and fairness. Those who simply wish to be left alone are considered dangerous extremists, terrorists.

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I agree... Government is a Mafia based on Fraud.

First step to defeat the enemy is to recognize it is the enemy.

This war will be won on the Intellectual Battlefield.

And they can't defend themselves because they did not expect us to put up a fight.

They thought they could use the good old brute force approach.

As you see on my blog I been predicting their moves... as are others.

Their approach isn't fit because they underestimated us... they don't know the enemy... they didn't expect resistance.

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You are a bright guy and I wish you the best. I gave you my two cents of wisdom, and I hope this can help some day. Regards

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If every single politician was crooked as you say, you would not be able to write this anymore, and you'd be some place bitting your own stuff, since you would not be able to give any opinion to nearby people either. Come on dude, have some faith in people and life. The world cannot function on lawlessness, and you are more often than not calling for lawlessness, which is an oxymoron to what you say you spouse. Goodness will still shine until the end, so don't give up.

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How do you know?

State your reason.

You make a lot of assumptions and they are all wrong.

And nothing you sate I say I say.

And contrary to you I never give up and I never surrender.

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Well, violence is never the answer, but seeking justice is the way. This does not mean seeking justice will be easy or painless, but there is a reason God allows this lawlessness for now, which is for us to learn to have self-control while waiting for Him to act in regards to what we cannot do ourselves. Lawlessness will not always exist, and total peace will reign when God lives in eternity with all of us that trust Him. Give God (Jesus) a chance, and you will see. He truly exists and knows what's going on. Only study the bible by yourself, and don't hang around religious people, as this is what ruins true faith (religious people will tell you how to be, but they never cease failing, and that is why faith is and must be a personal thing).

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Pile of Bullshit you are spewing.

Fuck off you Liar.

I never call for Violence and you are a bullshit Liar.

One more hit like this and I delete you.

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Sometimes violence is the answer.

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Let’s face it… this isn’t violence… this is self defense.

We are being attacked by our own Governments.

We have any right and every right and the Duty to fight back take them out anyway we see fit.

They started this fight… I finish them.

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But they will use your self-defense as a means to crush you. This stuff is bigger than any of us, so that's why we truly need God's help. For now, other than exposing what's going on will give these people the pretext to impose harsher rulings. They have mind weapons and other technology with which to disable people in a split second. They know they now have the means for total control. God allows this, so people finally put their trust in Him and ask for help. God is a loving person, and is waiting for us to call on Him. Take the step or you will fail fighting this stuff with your own little means.

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You are a bright guy and I wish you the best. I gave you my two cents of wisdom, and I hope it can help you some day. Regards

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Why do you feel the need to help darling Fritz, I wonder? None of us here found he needs help. Only you. Why is that? He is the only one having the guts to speak out miĺions of minds. Extraordinery weĺl he does it. You must be boiling inside, this presented calmness is completely fake, I can sense it.

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Hasbara Trolls…

The Christians want their Armageddon so ban… they shoot themselves in the Arse…

The book is called “Waiting for the Antichrist”…

The Christians literally raise evil… by allowing it… which is the whole purpose.

Evil is a sneaky coward…

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Because that person is christian and thinks we should turn the other cheek. Cuz jesus said so.

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Let Fritz think about it, he doesn't need your help.

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well I ve been pretty angry too. and someone close to me is calling .e something I did not see myself as, as I rationalize angrily how I want to confront this ilk. I dont want to be cornered into their manipulative bullsh#t. I will fight, I would rather spend myself fighting to not comply. I can already see my choice in this. whoever those asessors around me stepping in my toes intensionally. never letting me get ahead for myself. I see you and your bs scheme. sorry. not gonna bite. I ll tear this whole bs agenda down. and sue you all for the stress it gave us.

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Jul 3
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unfortunately that's the problem. the ppl pushing this are THOSE GUYS we all know well. f em. and they never face you like a normal person. but in schemes. passing their opinions but never letting you if they can become more than THEIR opinions. sounds a little injust if you ask me. " THIS IS MY PERCEPTION OF YOU -- BUT I STAND IN THE WAY OF YOU CHOOSING OTHER OPTIONS -- so is that perception valid ??

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Yup Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were good Statemans with integrity !!!!

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I meant that the post is original. Geez, not used to ai for f—-ing ai sake!

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This post has bee edited by Fritz LEID !!!

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