This is great.

Khmer Stammer thrown out of the Pub!


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The same in a better video quality:


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I think that was a year ago... something like that...

But still it's great!

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It was 3 years ago, this explains the mask wearing.

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Was this Islington upstairs the Garage?

I think I recall this to there…

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This didn't happen in London, but in the city of Bath (Somerset).

This BBC article has related the incident:


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Yes... I recall... Bath... been there many times... probably the most beautiful city in the UK.

U know the tower aside of the bridge?

Top floor Apartment belonged to my friend and I stayed there.

The guy was right then.

Starmer Stalin is a Bolshevik and a danger for all of humanity.

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Yep. They ain’t human. Just ask Mike Huggins. He’s on Substack, and has experiences with them a while.

I really REALLY wanted to send this to my sister, but she’d just chalk me up to crazy shit.

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This Video... it is great and full of details I reccomend.


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Break her in gently. Try Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan. Easy to find PDF

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As we know from Geou-wish media that Muslims are savages. No one talks about Geouze are liers, and thieves.

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Disgusting filthy bunch. Yes . They are NOT human . Severe brain structural defect. Thats why they have their own set of Zionist hospitals and NO autopsies will be performed and released to the general public. They have to hide the brain defects from the Goyim. May they all rot.

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"We are living in a political Khakistocracy with a Cooperate Oligarchy and a Financial Aristocracy.

The Financial Aristocracy finances the Cooperate Oligarchy which results in a political Khakistocracy."

And yet, I wonder whether they use God's chosen psychopaths or vice versa, as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers only have that power since two, three centuries.

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"The King can do no wrong" as well as "The state does not make mistakes." ("Der Staat macht keine Fehler.")

— Robert Habeck, Economicdestructionasclimatebullshitsavingministerinpersonalunion

("Wirtschaftsvernichtungsweilklimabullshitrettungsministerinpersonalunion") of shithole Germoney)

Apropos: Image this guy with a toothbrush. Does look like Stalin, doesn't he?

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A toothbrush! 😂

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Wow Fritz, we can really feel your pent up rage in this article.

And it is certainly justified. I think there are a lot of people who feel EXACTLY as you do, and as you expressed yourself in this article.

I remember you are pissed off with Musk for appropriating your ideas on the hyperloop.

But I can't recall if you've done any work, designs, thinking on energy machines?

I have come to the conclusion that the slavery systems that we are all trapped in all relates to energy.

What creates the economy and valued added services and goods that we all rely on to meet our daily cost of living are the following -

1. Human energy (division of labor)

2. External energy (sources e.g. fossil fuels, solar, wind, nuclear, used to create electrical energy and mechanical energy)

3. Natural resources (available free from nature - and the costs of extraction relate to 1 and 2)

4. Organizational structures & rules (e.g. corporations, laws, regulation etc)

5. Money energy - the use of money to organize 1-4

It is the combination of all of these that creates the value added contention, goods, and services that make up human life.

Now, while the global monopolists control almost all of them, and the supply, and so manipulate the cost of living - one of the key forms of energy is electricity. But we are held hostage to utility monopolies that supply the electricity, which have traditionally been supplied with fossil fuels, and under the Net Zero Fascism they are trying to drive us to use solar, wind, and other stupidity, because the International Money Cartel and their partners in China own every inch of that supply chain and are making trillions in profits from it.

I worked out last week that in the USA the wind turbines that feed into the grid, the real cost of production of the amount of electricity that the end user consumers is 12% of the total costs that the consumer pays for. 88% is represented as the profits and paying for the costs to manage the system, and also for the consumer to pay for the 50% of electricity that is lost in heat as transmission. Yep it's that high on average. So the consumer pays twice.

The biggest way to save fossil fuels, (not that I believe we are running short) and reduce the costs of one of the most important energy factors in modern life, electricity, is to completely and utterly DECENTRALIZE the production of electricity.

If the average man can manaage his own car he can manage his own on site electrical generation systems, as could every home, shop, factory and whatever.

And that would take the supply of electricity out of the hands of MONOPOLY CAPITALISM, and it would also destroy zillions of their monopoly models that screw over billions of people, while driving down the COST OF LIVING, which in turn DRIVES UP THE ECONOMY because it lowers the costs of creating goods and services, travel and everything.

It is one place the cabal is vulnerable.

So, my question to you is -

Do you have any simple, practical designs for producing electricity in a decentralized way as I suggested where we can empower the consumer to produce their on electricity on site? '

I call this principle HOBEGS - Hybrid On Board Electrical Generation Systems. Which is exactly what a diesel electric train runs on, the most efficient transport system in the world.

If you really want REVENGE on these monsters - this is the way to do it.

Because to spread the ability to create energy onsite, will deeply screw up multiple mechanisms of monopoly. And in fact even though I strongly urge the non-patenting of such a system, there are multiple ways this idea can be monetized for the creator, and also spread far and wide really quickly.



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By the way... I am open to cooperation especially on this issue.

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Yes I have...

Some I have to hold back because it would create new patents.

The main thing is water as energy source I am telling people all along.

And from Ponds & Fleischman (Cold Fusion) to overunity machines like Bruce DePalma's N-Machine there are many examples of this we all can use.

I written many articles about this here.

Especially Prof Dan Nocera who brought up his Artificial leaf in 2010 but has vanished... into Harvard.






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Fritz, I thought you and others might be interested in what this UK lady has to say-it’s not all about women, and she mentions Nikola Tesla https://christinagerrard.substack.com/p/tis-targeted-individuals-and-those

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Does anyone know why this Starmer Harmer bloke became a “sir”?

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In a whack'a'mole society where the dumbest are promoted... those who show intelligence and ambitions must be punished... as to discourage "Wrongthink".

Oh, but how I am all too familiar with this! My ass was hauled upstairs to management and corporate so many frikken times I can’t count. I could scarcely believe how idiotic my ‘superiors’ were. Pretty sure that outfit is Freemason infested too.

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Darn right you are...

They are not stupid... they believe sincereley we are god's mistake and that they have to "correct" God's mistake...

Pretty ambitious if you ask me...

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Just like they’re trying to ‘correct’ everything in Nature because they can do ‘better.’ Right then. It amazes me how they cannot even see themselves to recognize their INSANITY! And the ones who nod dumbly, smile and nod yes to the insanity…no hope in hell for them.

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How do you tell an alien he is an alien?

For an insane person insanity is their normality...

Quite frankly... normal is boring... but sometimes boring is good.

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Fritz will you run for public office?

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I don't think so...

Why would I want to be part of a system that is so obviously corrupt?

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Unfortunately all anyone does is talk, but never is there a plan of action

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As Joel Skousen stated, the Soviets never left.


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