Good and exhaustive detective work on Unit 8200, Fritz.

Thank You, Vielen Dank!

All communications are monitored and summarized by AI, and these encapsulations are used for mass monitoring of societal thoughts and attitude changes, and can be zeroed-in on, as you point out.

We have no secrets. I think that's why rich people talk things out on golf courses.

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Newly subbed. I am thoroughly impressed with your material. I remember Sept 11 like it was last year, and the suspicions I felt coupled with the collective grief that ensued. I heart goes out to anyone who was lost, and to those who did lose loved ones.

We must keep our humanity when learning these deeply dark truths - or obtain affirmation of our sneaking suspicions - from that time. Too many questions and not enough truthful answers and heaven forbid "full public disclosure" before the msm skirts us off into yet another distraction.

I am deeply saddened by all the heavy truth bombs here and elsewhere but truth is the only mechanism that can shed light on the shadows where these parasites run freely....but the sun is rising and the darkest corners can no longer lurk there.

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Thank you... I am impressed... Sarah is probably the oldest Jewish Name there is.

My story is simple... I Invented the worlds most advanced Transportation System... a complete System of Infrastructure and Transportation that creates absolute zero emissions forever.

For doing that my life has been threatened I lost everything and I was tortured hunted and outcast from society.

They even tried to kill me... to this day.

But they underestimated me... I have a very good memory...

And what I learned are things no one has ever seen.

They had to reveal themselves against me and use their most advanced technology but they can't shut me up... even they sent me into the darkest corners of human existenz.

Again they underestimated me...

I follow the path of Zen... Truth is the basis of Zen... and I knew Covid was coming... I can read their signs.

I pushed them... through my invention... to push their plan... too soon... they made mistakes... they continue to make mistakes... and that woke up and wakes up more people everyday.

This battle is far from over... and I intend to push them over the edge.

The most important thing is this...

We are spirited Animals... they are the remnant pf our creator race... a race in decline.

We have infinite potential.

But we must learn to become Human... something we are not right now.

Only then we can fulfill our true potential... and ZEN is the key.


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You have me intrigued.

And yes, my parents chose that name intentionly though I carry zero 'Jewish' lineage.

Truth to power, always.

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Sarah and Abraham were sister and brother... they are the Adam and Eve of Jews.

Actually they were Isis and Osiris... hence IS (Isis) Ra (Amun Ra) El (Osiris) =Israel

The Pyramids... or underneath they found the grave of Osiris surrounded by a pool of mercury...

It is the Alien Connection of the Jews...

Christians often name their children Biblical... like Noah... which i find odd.

I like your comments... and you seem to be a good person.

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HOW ISRAEL HARDWARE BACKDOORED EVERYTHING - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSIsLxwcUrU

Microsoft is essentially an ISraeli company. It applies to many other Companies, too, Intel, Broadcom etc.

Microsoft is of course member of the Linux Foundation.

Every public institution that uses proprietary MS software allows ISrael to spy and manipulate all of their data. Why is that even possible? They must be forced to use open source software with all source code open.

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Right! I'll do it

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Good Girl... XXX

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My best friend says the same thing, he calls them "replicants". Perhaps their first incarnation on the Earth sim was the Akkadian Empire because if you look at Akkad history they seem so similar...

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Replicants comes from the Phillip K Dick Novel " Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep"...

Or was this Nexus?

Anyway ... Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep... I recommend you read that book.

Blade Runner the film is based loosely on this book.

But the book is better.

They are Nexus... no Empathy... No Emotions....

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I am new to your work. A lot is very believable but I don't trust anyone. Two questions:

1. You are exposing very damaging material - why are you still able to do that and why are you still alive if they have that much power?

2. It is obvious that the power-greed paradigm is in full out-of-control swing now and that Isreal is heavily involved can be seen clearly. Their immense power is also obvious - they not even denying or trying to hide the current Genoicde in Gaza - only someone that feels immensely powerful doesn't give a shit anymore how they are perceived by others.

However, please explain the underground city strategy. It would only makes sense if the mass-murdering elites only use it temporarily for themselves and the useful idiots they still need. Billionaires don't want to live in underground cities forever. So, is it, in your opinion, a temporary shield while the satellite network does its work? If yes, why then connecting these cities if it is only temporary?

I recently did a very shallow dive into Musk and when I came to this "boring company" I wondered, why the fuck that? Knowing that these guys always have a deeper nefarious purpose in whatever they do.

But still, why would the most powerful people chose to live underground? There is no fun or joy in this.

Thanks for your great detective work. I always thought we can only win this battle with highly intelligent dissident nerds that know these systems and how they operate.

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First of all thank you.

Second I don't want you to believe me.

In fact don't.

Prove me wrong you only prove me right... this is the mantra I operate on.

I don't want you to believe me... I want you to prove me wrong and doing your own research.

Eventually you will come to the same or similar conclusions.


When I filed my Patent they had to use technology so advanced to destroy my life and exposed their hidden hand.

The one reason I am still alive is that I spent most time with my Kung Fu brothers training up to 6 - 9 h a day in the only place I felt save with my teachers and brothers.

I am not official a teacher in Kung Fu but my teachers taught me to be so... and that is the level I am at.

You can't intimidate me nor bully me.

As for underground cities...

They want to poison the Atmosphere to kill us.

Which means the earth needs recreational cycles to restore it.

And then reclaim the earth for their new world kingdom.

You should read my Elon Musk files.

Boring Elon Musk makes only sense in what I wrote about the Hyperloop (my Invention) and its real purpose.

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Thank you. I don't trust Musk one bit and will look into your work.

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Explain how the Rothschilds are involved here. And the protocols of the elders of Zion. You all here are a bunch of antisemitic conspiracy freaks

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Is the Jewish race Akkadian?

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If you ask me they are not human.

They come from the Anunaki.

No empathy.

All mathematical.

Nexus 7.

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tikkun olam

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your time and attention to research and respect of Trivium is self evident; thank you;

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self evident... thank you.

That is the purpose of my writing... to be self evident so people get it.

You couldn't have made me a nicer compliment.

Thank you.

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for one to 'not hinder' 'true'; is to by that 'rite' by and through author of psykhe that 'true' dyna-mates and re-sona(r)tes with; an enjoyable state of dynamic flux ya got going on here; i look forward to reading more of your work;

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