The world is been driven evermore into a mass controlled Hysteria by sophisticated methods of mind control mixed with goof old Fascism.
And I can tell you right away who these people are and what the common denominator is... they are all Jews.
This is what I wrote two years ago and it is coming true as I wrote it then.
Covid-19 or the presumption of it is in fact a MK Ultra Operation designed to control your thinking and by extension your doing.
The Apple Iphone with its capabilities is designed as a Mesh Surveillance Network that can detect you even if you have no Iphone and it works well together with Elon Musk and his Neural Link / Starlink Network especially if you had your nano injection shots of Graphene that assembles inside your body to form their own personal mesh network called Neural Lace.
If I am wrong please sue me Mr. Musk.
Fuck you Elon Musk!
You are a thief a Liar and a Coward you are not even a human!
Which brings me to Mr. Musk's real employers, that is Unit 8200 of the Israeli defense forces.
It is really laughable that they call themselves "defense force" nothing could be further from the truth.
The Israelis are cowards that can only fight little children or shoot old woman in the back from behind but only if they are in handcuffs such is the coward that is Israel.
If an Israeli ever fights a man you see the bitch inside weeping: "We are your friends we help you and (pointing at someone else to take the blame) they are your enemy we are your friends".
So naturally I expose those little bitches as I expose the ADL.
Compare Jewish Propaganda
With Truth
Truth always wins!
One Truth most people don't want to hear is that Elon Musk is a deep state (Jewish) Trojan horse.
He is paid for and bought through the Illuminazi Bloodlines he is a part of.
And his sole ambiguous ambition is to create the AI war... first through Neural Lace in the Jabs... and then through his Terminator ARmy of Robots.
Musk was put in his position by default by the so called deep state.
The deep state are the 13 tribes of the Jews who control the money media politics and wage war against Humanity.
This is how the scam goes... in fact I repeat my sole vision so you can compare and tell me I am wrong... you only prove me right.
Fact 1:
About 12 000 bc the water levels rose about 100m.
That water must have come from outside... outside of Earth's Atmosphere.
A look into the sky tells us that there is an Asteroid belt where once a planet was.
That is the source of this gigantic Ice Meteor.
Some say this planet was called Tiamat... I say this was Atlantis.
Because the destruction of Atlantis is set to the same point in time... about 12000 BC.
The Pyramids are nothing more than terraforming machines designed to heat up the Atmosphere which was blinded by the impact of this Meteor.
And the Sphinx held the Library of Atlantis as well as the hidden chambers in the Pyramid hold still technology way beyond our current capabilities.
Ever since the ancient Human Population was wiped out... but not entirely.
You see the oldest civilizations on Earth are the Chinese and the Indians... both came from the Himalayas where all life began.
The Native Americans are actually Chinese and use similar expressions... have the same bone structures... the same earth religion and connectivity to earth... something we been uneducated from.
In case of the Navaho they also use a 4 tonal language system proving my point.
And Ancient Chinese and Native American DNA matched 40.000 years ago.
That goes down to the Inca and Easter Islands.
As for Machu Picchu... what I see there is rice terraces...
That makes a lot of sense since rice is one of the oldest cultivated crops.
Fact 2: Organized Religion
There is no God... or else... prove it!
Better introduce me to God so I can ask him one Question:
Why do you allow scum like Elon Musk Pete Hegseth and Nethanyahoo to exist?
The prove is in the pudding.
Those Atlanteans that came with the Ice Meteorite have been... prior to the destruction of Atlantis... infiltrated and invaded by a force that is unseen.
Imagine there is a war and you don't know about it.
Imagine there is an enemy that you cannot see.
Imagine there is a prison that has no walls.
Imagine there is a weapon that has no sound.
Imagine a bomb that you build without knowing.
Imagine a grave you dig for yourselves.
I have a theory and it will be proven right.
Prior to the destruction of Atlantis all of this solar system was full of life... Venus... Mars... Maybe even Jupiter... and Atlantis.
The prove is and will be the remnants of Ancient Civilizations still left there where they been destroyed some 13000 years ago in a great war in the sky.
The planets then and now Humanity has been infiltrated by an outside Alien force with no physical body driving Humanity now and the planets then into insanity in order to create war.
Their main weapon is mind control.
Because that is what they can... communicate through the mind... Schuman Resonance... dream state.
They have no physical body so all they can do is to use our thoughts against us... driving us insane because we don't know of their existenz.
And this is why they created Religion in order to pretend they are Gods over us.
Mind control 101.
Oh... and that they do exist I know 10000000%.
Because when I filed my patent of my incredible technology they did everything they could to do this to me... to destroy my life... and drive me insane...
They failed.
But they gifted me with an understanding that is invaluable.
In much the same way I know that Elon Musk is controlled by them.
If Elon Musk is Voldemort than I am Harry Potter.
Elon Musk stole my Invention!
And the fact that no one dares to mention my Invention in the circles of the Illuminazi or Jews for they are the same... proves how schitface scared the lot of them are... scared of the Truth I represent.
Because I and others like me provide solutions to the problems of their creation while they sell you cancer as the cure.
And their solutions are always the same... money... which is a scam... a ponzi scheme like whatever the Jews do is a ponzi scheme.
Banking is their main system of control over the material realm.
Fractional reserve banking is the backbone of modern financial systems. It allows banks to lend out a portion of their customers’ deposits while maintaining a fraction in reserve. By doing so, banks play a pivotal role in expanding the economy, providing credit, and fostering investment.
10% they hold and if they lend you money they also charge you interest and steal your houses.
In simple terms... the harder you work the worse it gets.
For every Dollar you put into the Bank they create 10 Dollar... it is a Ponzi scheme.
Through that Ponzi Scheme they buy all Politicians and create scum like Mark Zuckerberg Jeff Bezos Elon Musk and Bill Gaytes...
Bill Gaytes should be killed where he stands... as the rest of the lot.
Add to this Larry Fink Blackrock Vanguard and so on.
These are all ponzi schemes based of Fractional reserve banking which is the greatest ponzi scheme.
This is represented in the biggest ponzi scum... the Freemasons...
The starting point of OUR story starts at Babylon or better the Tower of Babylon aka Babel.
There the so called Gods aka "The enemy within" ... created the Talmud and as such Religion... Abraham Religion.
By way of Deception thou shall create war...
Money is all but one of the ponzi schemes of the Jews and Masons alike... because Masons are nothing more than Jewish Donkeys...
And from there they took us... the white race they created... and build up empires that they destroyed from within... by the enemy within... unseen... unbeknown.
You can follow this Journey from Babylon to Egypt to Greece to the Romans to Hitler and to Biden.
Everywhere they went they left behind Freemasons to rule over the defeated.
That is why Jews and Freemasons will not be charged with any crime because their sole providence is to create crimes... plain and simple.
Every Freemason is a criminal and should be shot where they stand.
On top of that pyramid scheme are the Illuminazi Bankers who control all of politics and all politicians are part of their family tree.
Oh and that includes Donald Trump.
The Rothschild and Rockefeller scum have 10000% Alien DNA... they are what always was known as the blue blood families.
These Are The 13 Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything - From Politics To Terrorism
And on top you have the greatest ponzi schemers... the Rockefeller and Rothschild scum
Here is how the ponzi scheme works...
On top are the Illuminazi Families who not only have Alien DNA but through the Jewish occult communicate with them.
They are the "Gods" aka Parasites of Humanity.
They control the Money and as such have infinite money to spent on wars famine and disease.
Oh and they pay for Jews because Jews are the Devil and they need not and must not do good deeds to Humanity.
Jews and Freemasons that is.
They are also controlling education and as such control our being.
People like Nikola Tesla and myself are a thorn in their side because we expose their lies.
This is the sole reason why we learn nothing in school... because dumb people are easy to be controlled.
The Banks then lend money to the Government of which 90% don't exist which the Government then sends to Ukraine or somewhere else where it is wasted.
And everywhere you look there is a Jew involved... the great washing machine of infinite money laundering... paving the way for slavery infinity.
The Government then sells Bonds i.e. it sells you... the land and its people to the Banks who then demand the culling of the herd.
Politicians are nothing more than traitors that should be hanged.
Freemasons Jews and other scum that lied their arses into power they neither deserve nor by their actions should be allowed to occupy.
Take the war in Ukraine for example...
Well known Pedophile Joe Biden "pardoned" his crack head whore son of a bitch Hunter.
When a crack head son of a pedophile sits on top of the Pyramid... prove of a ponzi scheme.
Then we have the war in Syria…
One thing about this irks me strongly… The Astana format
The Astana format refers to a diplomatic process initiated in January 2017 aimed at resolving the Syrian conflict, involving talks hosted by Kazakhstan with participation from Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It focuses on establishing ceasefires and facilitating political negotiations among various Syrian factions.
Astana, Kazakhstan - The Illuminati and New World Order Capital City
Astana is the Illuminazi Capitol of the world and one has to see that shit to believe it.
Financed by the Rothschild scum of course.
And the attack on Sysria again just like 9/11 and 7/7 uses ISIS which is MOSSAD which they control Terrorism.
Same shit as it ever was.
Syrian rebel leader's extremist past raises questions about his future
He was second in command of ISIS… and ISIS was a MOSSAD Operation.
The Strange Case of Baghdadi, Was He the Jewish Head of a Mossad Run ISIS?
If Baghdadi was who we think he was, he didn't die whimpering but as a hero of Israel with Netanyahu by his side...perhaps in 2015
These Illuminazi Families have no morals whatsoever.
Everything they do is a lie that you would go to prison for.
Hunter Biden and Pedo Joe both work for the CIA which works for the Rothschild and Rockefeller scum using Jews and Freemasons to create the destruction of the world.
What they do is simple: Creating problems to sell you solutions which inevitably blame you and enslave you... essentially selling cancer as the cure to the problems of their creation which would not exists other than for them to seize control by stealth.
One prove of this is the war in Ukraine that is exclusively made by Jews the CIA and the Rothschild scum who afterwards send in Blackrock... also Rothschild scum... to buy the land they destroyed by killing off the population.
From Lindsey Graham to Victoria Nuland to Zelinsky and even Putin... they are all Jews... or controlled by Jews.
Like the Biden Family... and Putin.
Berel Lazar Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Orthodox rabbi
Shlomo Dov Pinchas Lazar, better known as Berel Lazar, is an Orthodox, Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic rabbi.
He began his service in Russia in 1990. Known for his friendship with Vladimir Putin, since 2000, he has been a Chief Rabbi of Russia
Chabad-Lubavitch the same scum that control Xavier Milei of Argentina... Schweinbaum of Mexico and builds tunnels under the City of New york where they rape and murder babies for their Adrenochrome productions... allegedly.
Jewish New Year: Ukraine Sees Record Number of Hasidic Pilgrims, Despite the War
More than 30,000 people came to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Kyiv Post interviewed some of them to get their views on the war and what they know about Ukraine.
Now why would the Jews in their thousands go to Ukraine other than to celebrate the death of this country?
You tell me!
Why are so many Jews allowed even to enter a war zone?
Why would they want to be in a war Zone anyway?
Here you see the incest written in their faces underwritten by their stupidity while they celebrate the death of Ukraine.
If this don't show you their evilness then what does?
Maybe this one...
Look at the Rabbi that got arrested and how he starts to dance.
Then look at the other Jews going mental like apes.
Speaking of apes... Jews think of themselves as the Kings of the apes...
Thinking they are allowed anything and everything...
But in the end... Jews are only apes.
That is the basis of the Jewish Deception... making the gullible believe they are children of God when all they are... walking abortions!
Yet these Jews control the money and as such the outcome of everyone's work.
Talking about a ponzi scheme here...
It's the Jewish ponzi scam that can collapse the economy any second they want.
And they will collapse the economy and devaluate all currencies... that is their game... at a point when it suits them... bringing in Communism which is the Endgame of their scam.
Capitalism and fractional reserve Banking they use to make everyone poor and steal the land.
Communism they use to keep everyone poor.
End the Fed.
End the IMF.
Arrest or shoot all of Blackrock
Arrest and shoot every WEF member.
End Jewish Supremacy.
Everything they do is a ponzi scheme from FTX to the IMF.
Aren't Jews the good people we are always told?
So when you come to a point like this you have to make a choice, do you pursue your principle values or do you lie to protect?
The path of Zen is clear, Truth & Honesty are the foundations of this path and no matter what you must always have Truth as your highest value.
Because without Truth there can be no Freedom.
If a certain people like the Jews who knowingly and willingly pursue the lie and lie in our faces as they speak they must be confronted with the Truth of their lies.
And if they knowingly and willingly lie into our faces knowing they are wrong, they must be removed, simple as that.
And it matters not who they say they are, it matters not if they are black or white or Jews.
The Liars must perish.
The Truth must be upheld.
The FED is the biggest of their local ponzi schemes.
Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Janet Yellen & Elon Musk
To arms Citizen and free yourself from Tyranny
The Devil walks down the hall of mirrors... nowhere to be seen.
He quietly sits down at his seat at the Rothschild's Mansion.
"It is foretold" he begins "By me I must add... that at some time the Golem have acquired spirit."
"So it seems" Lord Rothschild replies.
"They don't believe our lies no more... so how do we crush them... for crush we must".
"May I offer my assistance? A cometh may impact unexpected... an alien invasion perhaps?
We may erase the Atmosphere so they all suffocate?
Poison the air... the wind and the water?"
"We did it already... now we want war.
The Golem should kill each other in Battle that we arranged using our weapons and ammunition."
"A clever plan... but make it quick... I hear them screaming your name."
"My followers?"
"Your victims!"
It is a ponzi scheme... everything the Jews do is a ponzi scheme.
Creating problems for solutions we are already way ahead.
It is the Jews creating problems to scam Humanity for nefarious evil reasons because the Jews ARE Evil beyond comprehension.
Creating a Problem for a Solution I found 20 Years ago
A Film For the Future
Mind Control is not just a simple thing like snapping a finger and someone pulls the trigger...
It is a rather delicious way of making someone do what they don't want to do with the intent to do as much harm as possible whilst being a bystander or even pretending to help or be thy savior.
Mind control is as much as controlled induced schizophrenia as it is as simple as paying someone to beat someone up.
Fear and acceptance is the basic from of Mind control... and if you accept your fear you are worse for wear.
Mind Control wants to control your actions by controlling your thinking.
It can be as subtle as voting and as bad as a school shooter.
Mind Control works usually by splitting the personality of a Human being into fragments, each one with its own personality and treats like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
But Mind Control can be as simple as calling someone an Anti Semite for pointing out facts.
And of course the Jews are behind AI...
AI I call the Elon Musk Ponzi scheme.
The Rothschilds see themselves as offspring of Nimrod.
Nimrod was Anunaki... aka Draco aka Destroyers of worlds.
AN Ancient Alien Race that exists as energy alone... the enemy within.
As such they have created the great war in the sky some 13000 years ago and they are doing the same now.
The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
From Nimrod to Yuval Harari
Elon Musk is a deep state Jewish creation.
For a very long time I warn about this guy who has now stolen a seat in Trumps administration
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead new ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ in Trump administration
Now we all agree that the Government is bloated.
So how do they do it?
By introducing AI into the Government.
Trap set click bait and checkmate!
Making the wolf in sheep's clothing the protector of the herd.
Project Omega... AI Government.
This is how they work... creating problems to sell you their solutions... selling cancer as the cure.
FYI... I have seen a few UFO's and there is one underlying truth...
Wherever they go there is an eerie silence and not even wind can be felt.
It is as if these things suck all the energy into themselves which is kind of what they do using atmospheric energy.
Usually they are lights traveling... and I once saw about a dozen or so over London... Harringay...and we were about 20 people gathering who saw them.
These things are different... and they wanted to be seen.
Which to me comes to no surprise as the first STARLINK cluster is finished.
Why is that important?
These Drones are Government Drones… DARPA Drones… TESLA Drones… that even can be used to simulate a fake Alien attack and we know that this is on the Government Agenda.
The Government are Jews.
And the Jews are the real Aliens we should be concerned with.
The real Alien Invasion is the Invasion of the Mind... something they try to prepare us for.
By stealth because everything the Jews do is a lie and a ponzi scheme.
Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.
“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.
Putin was referencing the library of Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The books, which are claimed by Chabad representatives in the United States, began being moved to the museum in Moscow this month.
As I said a many times... we are living in the AI war
And we all must rise up to stop them
What will you be remembered for?
Louis Rossmann makes great videos on the right to repair and other relevant topics.
His honesty speaks for itself and as such you should listen to what he has to say about the same topics but with a different angle.
The cost of looking the other way
Additionally… Small Victory
Georgia primed by the MCC Millenium Challenge Cooperation has elected a new president.
Time IS for Heroes…
WHY ARE WE HERE A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story
Full Documentary
This is a video I saved a while ago… in essence it is a proven Document that the Jews initiated WW2 in order to create the state of Israel.
And it serves today as a reminder that all those who create war are guilty of warcrimes… for war is a crime… every war… everywhere.
WW2 then… WW3 now…. NO is the answer.
Fritz Freud
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There is a lot of work going into this.
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This Blog has been under attack for some time.
As such please share this information as far as you can.
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Thank you
Best Truthful Posting Everyone should read listen to be Aware Of Evil out there
"the Jews initiated WW2 in order to create the state of Israel"
I think we could also put the Young Turk revolution on their account, as this was the real starting point for the creation of the state of Israel and the prelude for WW1 and the partition of the Ottoman empire.
As the saying goes, the Young Turks were just Old Jews (see Donmeh).