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Like the pixies where is my mind link. Additional link "lnstitutionalised" Suicidal tendencies

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Additionally... "War inside my Head" Suicidal Tendencies...

Where is my Mind seemed perfect.

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Ends do not justify means. The means (volition) is the beginning the middle the end & the companion (inheritance) of the player. Law of nature

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If you can't be the master of your own mind then how can anyone else be that. Put another way, these oligarchs, individually do not look like they are the masters of their own minds, how can they be the master of other's minds. It's a fallacious folly

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Institutions are the lengthened shadows of normally one person in militant power over paradigms. Civil duty to subvert. It's against nature & natural law

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Seek the divine in your heart and mind, and listen. The Divine will only inspire you to compassionate actions. This may often be difficult. I feel sadness a lot as I see the misguided people, but my work remains my work, which is to help as I can. Of course, we must prepare to live in times of privation, different forms of war. We need to outlive these times through wisdom and compassion.

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Nice1 Fritz but its all kayfabe


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Isn't all politics are kayfabe?

Can we change it?

Fuck yeah.

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Humanity is a victim of its own evolutionary complexity. It’s a tragedy we find ourselves in, seemingly time and time again. Opposable thumbs, terrestrial in nature and an overly swollen prefrontal cortex that enables self reflection, theory of mind and a perception of consciousness and time. It seems inevitable that such a creature would go on to develop all manner of divisions, fantasies, hierarchies, laws, ethics, technologies, art etc. To be part of this peregrination of understanding is to be human. It’s a sad state of affairs because it causes all manner of pain and strife.

I often wonder what they (we) are looking for?

But that’s probably just a precipitate of the situation. There is no purpose to all of this, it’s an inevitability of the aforementioned circumstances.

Like many forms of “spiritual” thought it occurs to us that all this mess is illusion - an illusion of our own creation at least and that TRUTH lies within unity. The non-dualists, represented in many forms, have it right. There is only a single indivisible reality. All our separate notions are inventions. The cruel joke is that although they are inventions they are all too real. If one tries to live in a natural state he/she will be killed. This is well illustrated in Camus’ The Stranger. Meursault is a man who simply is driven by his natural desires, a rebel in that he does not acknowledge the world and its petty games. He sees it but is either unimpressed or simply not that interested. He follows his own path and is, by twist of circumstance, committed to death.

I prefer the world of Meursault. At least he died having lived with his own determination. There is no way out of this maze of illusion that our brains have created for us but perhaps we will snooker ourselves? Perhaps we will be forced, by twists of fate, to confront the ways we construct our reality and perhaps we shall develop a different relationship to all that is.

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Actually you are wrong.

Humanity is a victim of control by our creator race.

They do not want us to evolve beyond the state of an infant.

We are capable beyond infinity.

My work proves that.

And I will break their spell.

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Maybe the reason they target those who are intelligent and highly woken

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I wish you well.

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I came to the (con)clusion that we all became bit part actors in a dystopian sci fi novel when the virus kicked off.If the last two years were condensed into a film and you sat and watched it would you think it based on fact🤔Queenies funeral🇬🇧 went picture perfect but in every other way the country is falling to bits, it's all a show and the only bit that matters is the royals on the world stage and the myth that goes with it🍻

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Like in every film there is a script.

And the script is executed with military precision.

The whole of the last two years are in fact a Mind Control Operation.

This Operation is now widened to climate change.

Nothing over the last few years has been an accident... it all has been planned this way.

That is why I had to write this article.

To try to make people understand.

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Thank you for taking the time to write it👍 we seem to have been divided into two camps and those that have taken the juice are not keen to admit that they have been conned.

Have said covid and cult are different spelling of the same word and the cult members can be very defensive. There is as you say more than one cult which makes it all the harder to navigate.Its not accidental with the jabs ,they went for vulnerable groups ,the elderly,expecting mothers and 6 months or older babies.They new exactly what they were doing and the only word that fits for me is evil.Net zero=no people👍🍻

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Yes... but...

I don't know if you read all my writings but I am a proponent of Absolute Zero Emission Technology based on my patent.

They tried to destroy me for that.

This is why I expose them to the best I can.

Absolute Zero Emission Technology is the Future... end of problems and a new golden age.

They know that.

That is why they throw the kitchen sink at us.

Resist I say.

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I have no issue with zero emissions it's just that it's being used as another stick to beat us with as the overseers fly round in there private jets and tell us all were worthless ,it's the useless eaters thing.There absolute hypocrites ,I see no real evidence that they care about the planet but are more interested in the digitisation and enslavement of the human species.

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That is my point....

I created this Technology which is the most advanced in the world to make a statement.

I knew then they would use this argument to enslave us... 20 years ago.

That is why I kill their argument and I can use this now... and I do.


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Will check out the link you provided👍

Have you come across void is in the yin Yang YouTube channel ? , I suspect you may find it most interesting , the guy has more brains in his toenail than I have in my head.

Well worth checking out👍

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Good to see were both fanboys of Elon and all🍻

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My war black flag. The jam don't tell them your sane. ETC minutemen

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You can listen to the greatest rebel song on soundcloud... mine


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All my Articles have respectfully Lyrics and music to start with.

Here are my selected Rebellion Songs.


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