I always say, stay human

; )

"their value comes from your acceptance"

yes, you'll see it when you believe it – Wayne Dyer

it's all in our choice

what we choose to be do say think believe

all blessings

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There are several things you may have missed in the last several days, the new sth American president schooled the WEF and the Davos gathering that socialism doesn’t work. The elite probably went into apoplexy. The new conservative government cancelled all funding for UN agenda woke programs ( Sweden stack) and Armstrong economics has reported Poland 🇵🇱 s giving call up notices for troops to report within six hours.

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Economics is a bold face lie.

The creation of Money out of thin air by the FED IMF and EZB which are all private Banks controlled by the Rothschild Cabal is the problem.

That must be taken from them.

We need to control Money Food and water so they cannot poison us.

Education must be free and for a lifetime.

Research must be open and available free and include as many people as possible.

Knowledge must be spread across all of Humanity.

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Totally agree. The US started out with banks that never lent more than was on deposit and ergo no interest on loans- it didn’t take long for the private banks to take over.

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I appreciate that you're open minded. Rather than assuming, for example, that "they" are pushing us toward a plant based diet so it must be bad and we should eat as much meat as possible, you are able to see things on their own merits.

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Yes I do... thank you.

I myself am Vegetarian.

But "Plant Based" means shit... Rabbits are also plant based...

But... as I am also a practitioner of Kung Fu... I always point out that Shaoling are all Vegetarians.

Because a true fighter needs to be calm... ZEN.

And every object and subject has its own soul... its own merit... its reason for existenz.

Something we ought to respect.

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To me, vegetarianism is a moral statement about not eating meat, whereas plant based is a choice of diet based on health, morality aside. Although I agree that we should respect that everything has a soul ... and its own energy. Once you learn to feel the energy in everything else, respect can't help but follow it seems to me. Respect for other beings and for the extraordinary life force behind it all.

Eating plants, especially raw ones, also gives you more energy since you consume the plant's energy. And as you mentioned, their purpose is to be eaten, unlike animals.

Thanks again!

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Plant based is just a marketing thing.,.. actually all those plant based foods are worse than meat... I avoid them.

They are not really healthy.

I respect your comments... they are spot on.

Thnx again...

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I agree re processed plant foods. I eat things that grow in the garden, forest or orchard not in labs or factories. Whole foods plant based is how I describe my diet, as many vegetarians eat eggs and dairy. I don't. Most vegans don't eat honey. I do. So it saves confusion. But the descriptor is less important than the actual food itself. I grow most of my own and it doesn't get better than that on so many levels! You really are what you eat on a cellular level. I also thank you for your comments and opinions.

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My Mother was a great Gardener... bad Mother but great Gardener.

I am a great cook... not so good in the garden.

But my curry is next to none.

Indian and Chinese food are the best Vegetarian with flavor galore..

Oh and you can't beat a good Alsace Cheese... Munster... and Flamkuch...

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For some reason, I can't "like" comments much as I'd like to! Indian's my personal favourite. Growing some of my own fenugreek this year ...

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Love your work! Thanks for sharing your wisdom! Kinda reminds me of the 37 practices of the Bodhisattva.

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thank you for your kind acknowledgement I appreciate it very much.

I feel that there is so much that we can do to become who we truly are.

Because if we do we have a future as one.

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This is beautiful.

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Thank you!

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