You could have been more concise on democracy: “Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a country run by Jews.” (Ezra Pound)

"We are sheep they are wolves so to speak". This is also the way they see it: " The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? ...." Protocol 11 (V. Marsden translation).

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I rather not be as specific to any race or group of people as this would be counter productive...

Also being German I have seen those who are specific against any group or race and I rather detest them.

I also detest Jewish Supremacy in much the same way as any other supremacy simply because I know that it matters most who you are not what you look like...

Also them wolves get a good kicking because this sheep does wing chung.

And knowing the capabilities good and bad of the human race and the individual them wolves are only cockroaches in wolves clothing.

My mission is to take their power away by publishing Truth.

And that I will do and I will hurt them more by doing it that way.

Knowledge is power.

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Klaus Schwab happens not to be Mexican and his project of "6uilding 6ack 6etter" is coming straight from the Kabbalah. Before going to the battle, isn't it better to know and name your enemy? We know that the fake Jews controlling the "demockracies" are not the common Jews, who follow the Torah and who are totally ignorant of who is ruling over Judaism today. Similarly, the majority of the Christians still send their children to church and don't know that Satanists are also ruling over the Church. The same for the Muslims, who keep doing the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Makkah, thinking it is the holiest place on earth and would not believe you if you tell them that the Kaaba is in the hands of Sabbatean Jews. Those fake Jews are the ones who funded Hitler and created antisemitism as their ultimate protection. They are the "deep state" of Judaism and most common Jews still don't realize it. What you call Jewish supremacism is their ideology of world control, as exposed in the Protocols.

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First of all Adolf Hitler was a Jew under his own laws...

And there are many other Jewish Neo Nazi leaders...

Religion is not the problem... but it is THE problem.

Judaism was the Religion given to do evil over other races in the Image of the Nephilim / Anunaki /Draco.

Image here means to create the devil to proof god.

Freemasonry and Judaism are alike twin sisters.

Christianity is for Gentiles so they do not interfer with the business end which is preserved for jews and freemasons.

Islam was done to create an enemy to christianity to create war.

Religion i.e the Legions of Amun Ra was created top make war to destroy the earth.

All religion is fake.

But Judaism allows to do evil.... thats all.

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Nice read. I read somewhere that the so called war i Ukraine will last another 10yrs. What a joke! I am already feeling the rise in prices of things and it will get worse. All planned

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It is up to us to stop them...

I deny them Authority I am Authority....

My authority is my knowledge my self believe and I contradict their lies...

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By now you must have heard that the Brazilian president has said that Brazil will not sign the Pandemic treaty. What a brave guy! We need more leaders like him who really care about their citizens. The Florida Governor is also okay

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The Brazil President is a young global leader...

Do not trust them...

At this stage I trust no one...

I trust only those who support me and that right now is no one...

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