Jun 13Liked by Fritz Freud


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Jun 19Liked by Fritz Freud


IS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.

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Jun 14Liked by Fritz Freud

Absolutely! Thanks.

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Jun 14Liked by Fritz Freud

The convoluted nature of our reality!!!!

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Auch heute wieder eine geballte Ladung starker Tobak !!!πŸ‘πŸ‘

Komme aus dem Husten gar nicht mehr heraus ...🀣🀣🀣

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But its all true isn’t it?

Their problem is they Lie from Dusk to Dawn and sleep hanging from the ceiling.

My Bed is made from Truth.

I will not falter.

Until them are gone.

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CORRECT !!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

{...sleep hanging from the ceiling...} How much I wish, it only were bats hanging in a cave ...

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Great article, again.

I noticed a lot of nouns that you capitalized. Are you a native German speaker?

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RemovedJun 16
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Jun 16Β·edited Jun 16Author

Von der Lying studied in London Jewish Studies under the name Rose Ladson an American Slave Trader... Jewish Origin... her Family.


The Talmud originated in Babylon as do the Freemasons.

Jews and Freemasons alike take the role of the Devil in the scripture to ensure the power of God over Humanity which lies within the Priest class... the Educators... the Aristocracy.


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RemovedJun 16
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I cannot argument with that... I cannot make a blind man see.

She is a satanist... she has produced the 7th child of a 7th child.

Her Family is Albrecht... a satanic family.

She is Jewish through and through.

The proof is her lies... only Jews lie without blinking... and insist they are right.

That is what incest does.

Oh before you thing you can counter that... Sarah and Abraham were sister and Brother... that makes all Jew a product of Incest.

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RemovedJun 16
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She is Jewish!

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