Well-written as always. But I must say yours is the strangest substack I read. I recently went further down the rabbit hole and learned the Illuminati/cabal/satanic cult is real and they run the world and they practice witchcraft and child sacrifice. (Most people scoff at this which is why they get away with it.) There are 3 possibilities about this cabal:

1) They're fanatical and delusional psycopaths who worship imaginary demons. This is "good news" because delusional people will eventually crash and burn.

2) The Bible is real after all and Christ will eventually defeat Lucifer per Revelations. If so, then we can't do much except wait for Revelations to play out.

3) The "demons" are real but they're not supernatural. Your theory falls into this category. In this case, no one will save us except us.

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Number 3 I guess... and this is a good reason to become spiritual.

Can I ask you one question?

Why isn't you and everyone else educated to the best of their respective abilities?

Why are we held back when we could be so much more?

For example I have the only patent for a solution which would give everyone the ability to travel everywhere within one hour by creating absolute zero emissions.

Now you recognized that all the food fuel heating electricity prizes have doubled over the last year.

This is to the "Green New Deal" that is implemented without your consent.

I on the other hand have absolute Zero Emission technology that is not even considered.

I call the bluff. This is a full blown dictatorship.

And those "Angels Demons Energy beings" they exist and I personally saw in China how they controlled a mass of people of over 100 people at an instance.

But if you know they are there you recognize them.

And you train your brains.

They don't want you to know they are there because then their power evaporates.

To awaken the human spirit the awareness and the mind is the best self defense against them.

That is what I do.

And i wrote about them on many occations.

The Human Bonsai


The enemy within

Here you find that picture that brought me onto the path.


And the nature of our existence.


There is a picture of such an energy being I captured on my camera which brought me onto the path of living energy.

It is also here an article I wrote for the Sleuth Journal some years ago with pictures.


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You know I put this picture I made on top of this post https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/the-enemy-within?s=w

It was nut just one picture but three or four in which appeared a "blue shadow" out of many I taken that day and with that subject.

So it cam and went.

This one picture is for me the proof that life exists without a body.

In simplest Buddhist and Taoist tradition everything is alive and everything is connected, everything matters.

If people would be educated to live by the Truth non of the problems we face would ever have been.

They literally sell you a lie and profit from the lie.

They live on your fear the demons and their henchmen and that can easily be countered.

Have no fear.

If you show no fear there is nothing they can do.

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"lioness of judah" is one of the talmudic "archetypes" up there with their images of baphomet..

the "tone" of lioness of judah became distinctly pro kike follwing the Oct 7 psyop

in the same way "dr naomi wolf" whines about vaccines and vaccine damage whist being totaly aware that her "dna group" are not affected..

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Anything without freedom is a machine, it may be biological and look like a man, but it is still a machine. In previous ages they were called golems or goyim, today they're robots and NPC's.

Freedom is what makes people greater than the matter that they're made of. That was the creator's invention and / or discovery.

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true… except for one thing…

Or creator race is a dying race.

They created us because they are destroyers.

They made us perfect… and we are better than them because we are not destroyers.

So they want to destroy us and make the same mistake again.

denying us our Freedom.


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Thanks for your insight Fritz. I thought I was having trouble living in between dimensions. It is become more difficult every day.

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you do know, I am sure you do, that there is no aerodynamic imperative for objects to travel at relativistic speed in a vacuum ... yes?

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Impact at speed whether is a vacuum or not will result (at very high speed) in an impact accident. The shape is not for aerodynamics but to minimize the impact surface so there are ni right angles on which the impact is maximized.

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Probably your best post.

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nibiru, "x" strange coincidence?

5th element, "star-gate", they so love to tease..

footage of "wailing wall" demon portal visits, that makes so much sense, wailing wall being remainder of solomons temple:


i would add to that "looking glass project" zigurat and saddams collection of "ancient sumerian" artefacts, to lesser degree Gadaffi too..

Fuck me hilary is really time to sacrifice another "chicken" to moloch? or more we came, we saw, he died,

Much, much evidence and correlation is now settling clean like fresh snow, a single coherent truth of where and in what "evil" lies, its intention, its true face..

As Hawkwind once posited "We are the fire that will burn the waste to the finest ash, We are the wind that will blow the ash away as if it never existed" Warrior on the edge of time..

Meanwhile, humour levels must always be kept up and in that i present Rubber Bandits with "horse outside, sadly jewtube but such is the situation..:


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