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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

Right on!!👊

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I remember very clearly watching this powerful early interview with compassionate good Jew Aaron Russo, being interviewed by Alex Jones on the now famous documentary. Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addenum and the third part also...I was a part of it in Montreal. I created a Montreal group back in 2007 that collapsed quickly because of fear propaganda video's that made these idiotic French morons all run. Pathetic fools... I had a nice group picture also, but I tore it up in pieces...

Zeitgeist film series inspired by visionary social engineer Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project https://thevenusproject.com/ I was also a part of The Venus Project, that group also collapsed in Montreal, Canada...but it's been growing all over the world. We invited Jacque Freson and Roxanne Meadows to a Concordia university hall meeting. I should have taken charge, I left it to others who were wussies...


Zeitgeist is a series of three documentary films released between 2007 and 2011 that present a number of conspiracy theories, as well as proposals for broad social and economic changes. The films, Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum and Zeitgeist: Moving Forward are all directed by Peter Joseph.Wikipedia

Director:Peter Joseph

Produced by:Peter Joseph

Writer(s):Peter Joseph

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

Love your posts, they're really clarifying everything for me.

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This is historical illiteracy.

I live in New Zealand. We have no history of facism, yet we are now even more "fascist" than Germany.

Nazis were acting in self defence against Bolshevik Jews. The Jews were an existential threat to the Germans. The Bolshevik Jews instigated and led the murder of tens of millions of Russians and were expanding west. Jews started the war against Germany and the Jews manipulated Britain and the US into war against Germany.

Bolshevik Jews won WW2, and the holocaust is now used as an excuse for Jews to get away with anything. The holocaust mythology has given Jews super powers.

Interestingly, the "six million Jews" and "Holocaust" buzzwords had been in use since the 1900's, as they had been making false complaints about a holocaust for decades before WW2. If you do a forensic or logistical analysis of the concentration camps you will find that the mass extermination of Jews in WW2 never happened. The Judeo-Bolsheviks won WW2. Their victory gave them power to write the history books, forcing everyone to accept a Holocaust bullshit story, which is based on a signed confession extracted under torture, presented at the kangaroo court Nuremberg Trials. You must accept the holocaust bullshit story, otherwise you can go to prison for even questioning that bullshit story in some countries.

Holocaust investigation:




(Deutsch http://holocausthandbuecher.com)

Mandatory viewing:


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I do hope that Nibiru has indeed already come and gone. There are people out there who claim that it is the Destroyer and that the poles are going to flip within a year!

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