Your substack is underrated.

I'm with you 100% man.

This is war and we must face it for what it really is.

This is not only about fighting this "vaccination" thing as we know what's coming next on clown klaus mind and plan.

People are trying not to face reality. They're stuck on vaccination and that's just the first part of their monstrous agenda.

That being said, most people will drop down the guard when next month all the draconian measures will start falling, but they forget that, at this time, at least 80% of European residents are full "vaccinated" and another 50% already took the boosters.

This war it's just begining.

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Thank you very much.

I came to know about this since about 2005 / 2006 when they deleted my entire mail account just because I was just asking questions and suddenly my mail account which I had for a longtime was gone and with it all my contacts.

In 2008 I filed the patent for my Invention and when I did all hell broke loose and my life got systematically destroyed my marriage got destroyed and I found myself homeless at times with no way out.

Elon Musk I tried to contact hims for I saw his company space x copying my website and I tried to offer him cooperation, never happened.

Instead he came up with the Hyperloop a blatent copy of my invention slower more expensive and It won't work.

So ever since I have a good look at this guy and what he is up too and I know what he is up to.

They tried to break me they destroyed my life and I knew that something like this was coming.

Last year I had a blog on medium which was deleted after I had over 5000 readers in 14 days.

Substack seems different because the writer owns its creation as it should be.

I write because it is the only thing left for me but the Truth is on my side and that they fear most.

Yes this is a war and yes it is only the beginning and If I can help waking people up to the Truth it will be worthwhile.

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After 9II I've started following z3itg3ist m0v3ment and v3nus pr0j3ct until they've been awarded by UN. After that I have realized that this technocracy they're now full gas implementing it's totally connected with mf fr3sc0. This is step by step fr3sc0 plans. Ok, one can say even fr3sc0 was only a puppet, but the seeds were spread all over the world by this two movements. One is death. Zm. But vp stills there and healthy just waiting for the proper time to jump in.

We're on the same boat although I've not been cancelled like you. But I also didn't go so far as you.

Keep it up bro.

We zijn samen in deze strijd.


This (fr3sc0) it's only to fuck AI and machine learning.

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Mr Frsc and the vns prjct still would need a transportation methond. I have that.

And Ai learns from everything.

Funny really they stop us from learning and discourage us from becoming who we truly are at the same time they build a new AI that is really a living machine designed to kill everything.

That shows you how crazy they are and by living we drive them even more insane.

Do it!

Make them mad and don't comply!

There are a lot of folks out there who bide their time and see through the mist that I believe.

It is for us to show them the way.

I just wait for my chance.

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You should've registered your patente. I know it's expensive but that would have protected your rights.

What about Atlas development? The one from b0st0n dynamics? Taking into consideration the street we're going that shit scares me. That will be used to protect the ruling elite, I think. It's been more than one year without any new video from them. Backflip most of humans cannot perform...

What's your opinion about Atlas?

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First of all I did do everything I could and living in china at that time I was "asked" to leave the country I am now blacklisted.

I can be happy just to be alive.

And "Atlas" is called "Elon" and BD is xcalled Tesla.

Top Story on my page explains you everything including the coming AI war.

What they fear most is the knowledge that I have and more patents that due to lack of sources are in their infant stages.

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Thanks man.

I practice zazen for about 15 years.

Not even that can keep me calm on this times we're living.

I'll keep in touch here and following your good substack.

I'm creating one on my own, target to Portuguese speakers.

I will keep focused on what's coming next.

Past 2 years they've created European Health Union with a lot of new legislation. All countries sovereign power has been given to them.

That's why I know this is just round one.


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Totally spot on bro… I knew all of this but it is good, you should include some stuff from the book “ the money and the power “ it’s about Vegas and how Meyer Lanskey jew head of the syndicate mafia funneled billions to Israhell…..

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You should include references to books, articles to authenticate your work.

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Hi Fritz -

As Joaa said in the following comment "Your Substack is underrated."

That was an amazing deep dive, and I spent a couple of hours reading your article, making notes in my own research folders, and downloading some of the books you made reference too.

I want to add some thoughts to your thinking, and hopefully you might find some gems to add to your work.

Declarations of War

I have come to the conclusion that the elites that are waging War on Humanity, (-which in the broadest terms I call the World Government Alliance, which captures everyone from the head of the snake, to the lowest useful idiot working in an NGO-) these elites make Declarations of War in various ways which due to the fact that they control the media and almost every facet of society, we are never informed of the ugly, evil, inconvenient truth that these are declarations of war.

Let me illustrate using this article of yours, and also a couple more examples.

1. 1897 Basel Program manifesto by the World Zionism Organization was a DECLARATION OF WAR on the Ottoman Empire and all of the people living in Palestine, especially non-Jewish people.

2. 1917 Balfour Declaration by the British government was equally a DECLARATION OF WAR on the people living in Palestine, and BETRAYED all the Arab people who had fought for Britain in WW1.

3. 1965 United Nations Security Council Resolutions 216 and 217 - were a DECLARATION OF WAR against Rhodesia, but in particular it used vile racist rhetoric to DECLARE WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE-which I suspect is the beginning of the UN's white supremacists war on white people - and they DENIED Rhodesia's Universal Declaration of Independence from Britain -not 20 years after giving Palestine to the Zionists!!!!!!!

4. 2023 COP28 Dubai - the United Nations COP28 meeting declared "Net Zero by 2050 and an END TO FOSSIL FUELS" - so they effectively issued a DECLARATION OF WAR. ON HUMANITY-using their communist lies about CO2 being a dangerous gas, and man-made climate change hoax.

Ahhh!! I could do this all day - and I missed the most important one of all the 2015 Paris Accords that give us the Sustainable Development Goals, the blueprint for World Communism, Agenda 21, and Agenda 2030!!!!

I have long been trying to find more evidence of how Hitler was working for the British Empire, and your article added greatly to that, and I was aware that the Lusitania was likely a false flag, but I had not done any research on that, so this created a file on that topic in my False Flags folder, and shows clearly how this conspiracy unfolded - with Winston Churchill's finger prints all over it, so thank you very much for that!

Regarding Winston Churchill, who has so many crimes to his name it is unfathomable, he infamously declared in 1936, the year that Hitler hosted the Olympics, that "Germany must be destroyed." 1936!!!!! This was 3 years after the Jewish media headlines screamed "Jews Declare War on Germany." But it wasn't the Jews. As you rightly pointed out Jews all over the world were assimilated, thought of themselves as citizens of those nations-no dual citizenship with Israel yet, and were overwhelmingly not Zionists.

So, in reality it was International Money Cartel that declared war on Hitler, which is made up of the bankers, billionaires, and monarchies who are all shareholders in the worlds biggest banks, the ones that are 'too big to fail' because they own the International Monetary System, especially the Central Banks Cartel, which includes the BIS, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve - and it came out recently that the BoE financed WW2 for Britain because they failed to sell enough war bonds. After the war Winston Churchill was quoted as saying "Hitler's real crime was opposing World Finance and trying to prevent them from taking their profits."

Now this is where it gets interesting. Hitler arrested Rothschild in Germany, and nationalized the Central Bank. He truthfully spoke about the evils of the international bankers in his book, Mein Kampf, (which one suspects was written for him), and accused them of impoverishing the people - they were and still are worldwide, because central banking is the key wealth extraction tool of the global cartel, and the key reason that the bottom half gets more and more impoverished!!!

Hitler in taking over the central bank, printing their own money, without interest, and without the need to tax the people, he was able to rebuild Germany in record time. From 7 million unemployed, and 2 million homeless in 1933, he had full employment and booming by 1936 when they had the Olympics, in the middle of the Great Depression. And to put all those scientists and boffins to work churning out masses of new technology, and equipment for war. And all that technology was largely stolen by the Americans after WW2, when they asset stripped the country-living up to the promise of Churchill- "Germany must be destroyed." They were destroying their competition to global empire building.

Germany was always going to lose the war based on sheer numbers. Despite the brilliance of its military men, and the advanced technology they produced, they were always outgunned. Many summaries of the German army versus the Allies show they were outgunned by 5:1 once America entered the war. Planes, boats, men, oil etc. And the Allies had oodles of cheap American oil.

But it still took all of the allegedly 'democratic nations' and all of the communists -remember Soviet Russia was communist and Britain's ally!! - it took all of the rest of the world to beat Germany, because the German people believed they were fighting the true evil in the world, the Jewish communists in Russia and the west! They were right. But they didn't know the man running the show was not really on their side.

And this is where I found the information you presented in this article brilliant, and the questions that you raised about Hitler's actions that showed he was betraying Germany. By the way, in a great expose by Richard Poe, Britain betrayed all of the allies troops at Dunkirk I think it was - I forget the details - but the British wanted the oil in Persia and they had a secret deal with the Soviets......this would have been WW1 and they betrayed the fighting men and let them lose the battle, and many died, so that Britain could get the oil- Ever since I read it I have burned inside with rage, and still do, at the betrayal of the British elites letting our men, and our Australian boys, die in that battle!!! Basically 'mistakes were made' so that they'd lose.

Regarding that letter by Albert Pike - do you have a credible source for that? I have seen this quoted a couple of times, and the letter was on display in a London museum until about the 1970s but it has been removed. And we see clearly the plan for WW3 is being orchestrated today, as they play charades again.

And what is the significance of your explanation of IS RA EL? Can you explain this in detail?

Coming back to the key point throughout your article, which is to say that the key architects are the Rothschild bankers - this is an accusation that is made all over the Internet and has in fact been perpetuated for a couple of hundred years. While they are involved I personally do not believe they are the head of the beast.

Have you read the book The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?

If not I highly recommend it. It is a clear outline of the world plan for communism.

Which yes it has been hatched within the Jewish community - as detailed by Rabbi Antleman in his 2 volumes called To Eliminate the Opiate - the bankers and Zionist elites in Germany had been working on creating the communism movement all through the 1700s into 1800s, 1848 attempt in Europe, and then Karl Marx, etc. And then the Bolsheviks.

But the Rabbi dates it back to the fracturing of Judaism, the destruction of the influence of the religious rabbis rebranded 'Orthodox" and the new Reform Judaism movement- which is secular, and the basis of Zionism, all of which dates back to 1666 with the fake Jewish messiah Sabbati Zevi and his Redemption Through Sin doctrines - creating essentially a sect of extreme evil in the Jewish community. It split the Jewish community in 2 worldwide. And the ones with more money, the Zionists, are the winners. Robert Sepehr has a great book on this. Rabbi Antleman points out that any Jew who is not following the Torah is not a Jew and is a JINO - Jew in name only! Think George Soros.

So it's simply the evil bastards. Religion is not important, unless its the religion of 'might is right.'

(this is continued in the reply)

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The International Money Cartel holds important clues for us.

This was a commonly known term before WW2 but has disappeared from the mass media, which has all come under the control of the global cartel, as has most of the worlds economy since the end of the war, so we live in a Monopoly Capitalism system, where the biggest banks, finance companies, and investment companies act as a transnational cartel and own and control almost every industry on earth- think BlackRock, Vanguard and Statestreet - which are the Icons of this, but it is a very large group. And today they've formed a membership club, the World Economic Forum, so now they are on display clear as day - bankers, billionaires and monarchies, all working together.

The International Money Cartel goes back hundreds of years, and I would put the most important date at 1694 which was the founding of the Bank of England, and helped the City of London, a tax-haven and mini-state like the Vatican, to be the center of world finance for 300 years, and some argue it still is. The City of London is the home of the HQ for global Freemasonry, and the British monarch is the head of that!

The Bank of England, as all European central banks, was chartered by their monarchy, the British monarchy, and that means their monarchy's government, The Crown, gets 50%, because that was always the deal between the British monarchy and all the multinationals it chartered to wage war on the world, think the British East India Company, which allegedly sucked $45 trillion out of India.

My point here is that the Bank of England might be run by bankers, but it was always owned by the monarchy, billionaire investors, and the bankers. And the bankers manage all their money. And this is the same for all of the international banks that were chartered into existence during hundreds of years of colonialism. These are the banks today that are 'too big to fail.' E.G. HSBC, Standard Chartered. Goldman Sachs. JP Morgan.

My main point is this. The monarchical families, and the nobility of Britain and Europe go back thousands of years. The British Royal family can track their family to Julius Caesar in Rome. And countless noble families can do the same. And they've been plundering the world for a very, very, long time. The bankers have helped them to do this. But I don't believe that the Rothschild's are the head of this beast - I think they are part of the team. And while they were part of the Holy Roman Empire back in the 1500s, they only became nobility by being appointed by the monarchies. And the fact that we can see them tells us they are not the absolute head of the beast. They are managing the money, and helping run the global operations, but they are not the necessarily the only owners.

So who are the owners at the top?

We could conclude in a simple way it includes the bankers, billionaires and monarchies - which are the three main groups that are funding all the programs that the UN-WEF alliance are using to attack humanity. But let's dive a little deeper.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion tells us that they are in control of the world, and that they have the gold, and the banking system, the Freemasons, the media, the secret societies etc. The Protocols are very clear about the fact that they are the internationalists and that they are obsessed with Zion.


When we think of this we make the mistake of thinking Jews.

But we know the northern Kingdom of Israel, after the Assyrians conquered them, most of them converted to other religions. The historian Robert Sepehr tracked the flow of the 10 lost tribes of Israel to Europe, Britain and Ireland. And guess what the monarchies of all the western nations have in common? The Lion of Judah!!!!

And then when the Romans destroyed the second temple in AD70 many of the Jewish people migrated to Europe, especially the elites, many of the Jewish elites married into elite Roman Empire families. And then in 391 AD when the Roman Emperor declared the Empire to be Christian, his edict demanded all non-Christians convert or be expelled from the empire. The Christian hoards massacred Jews, pagans and others who refused to convert. Many converted.

I submit that when the Jewish nobility migrated to Europe after the Romans destroyed the second temple, they discovered their ancient cousins, the lost tribes of Israel, were all over the region and the ruling elites! The Roman ruling elites were organized into the Roman Imperial Cult, which were the group of ruling families who decided who would rule.

My theory is that the Elders of Zion are the amalgamation of all of the families from the Roman Imperial Cult, which would have been able to track their histories back to the Levant as well, and those that arrived in the wave after the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah.

This theory came to mind when I watched Robert Sepehr's video on Donald Trump's bloodline. He comes from a German family - and they have a Roman Empire family crest! And was the most pro-Zionist president in US history, and made a visit to the wailing wall with his skull cap on.


My theory - the Elders of Zion are the bloodlines of the 12 tribes of Israel, represented by the 12 stars on the European Union flag - these people's families became the Roman Empire, became the Roman Catholic Church, the used their skills in banking to take all of the wealth of the Roman Empire, which is really why it was weakened and fell because by the time it fell in 486 the Church and 2,000 families owned all the wealth, and all of the people were either slaves or impoverished.

However the Roman Catholic Church fix was in, and they used their monotheistic religious doctrine to wage war on humanity for the quest of World Government, aka the New World Order, aka World Communism, aka a one world monarchy system. That was always the quest of Rome, the empire, and the Church.

The mindset and philosophy to rule the world come from the Crown Monarchy Mandate, which goes back beyond Babylon, to the Sumerian Empire, which gave us the Sumerian texts, which take us back over a hundred thousand years to the history of the Annunaki, that the people of the Levant called the sky-gods, because they rode in 'chariots of fire' (space-ships), and they ruled the earth, and enslaved mankind, and according to these records they were aliens that came from the 12th planet, Nibiru, and created mankind as slaves and ruled over them as monarch, with the king of kings doctrine, where one king ruled them all - the doctrine of empire.

But the key takeaway here is the Annunaki are the originators of the Crown Monarchy Mandate, where the family that rules gets their 'mandate from heaven' and that for the ruling power they do so by 'might is right' - and the elites are made up of the Monarchy Imperial Cult, and everyone else are slaves to their totalitarian system for wealth extraction. And this philosophy was transferred to the Babylonians, and the worship of the poly-gods, polytheism, was common for thousands of years, as these gods were the Annunaki.

And then the Israelites, and Moses, who descended from Noah, who was said to have descended from the Annunaki, decided they were only going to worship one god, their warrior god Yahweh, and they created Judaism, and called polytheism paganism, and branded themselves as "god's chosen people" which meant all others were to be inferior to them - this was 3,000 years ago.

And they set up the Kingdom of Judah, and the Kingdom of Israel, and having learned the power of money to extract the wealth and bankrupt nations, they set their sights on ruling the world.

(Last part follows)

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But the Roman Empire beat them into submission. And so they joined forces with the Roman Elites. And became the Roman Empire, and then the Roman Catholic Church and its colony nations of monarchies!!!

And this group of ancient bloodlines have been fighting between themselves to create supreme rulership over the earth and all its people, as the Roman Catholic Church's Popes have stated numerous times, for thousands of years. And anyone that stood in the way of the strongest factions gets destroyed. Think Russia. China. France. Germany. Ethiopia. etc.

By the end of WW1 the winning faction, the British, established the League of Nations - and if you read its constitution, its intention to be a world dictatorship was crystal clear. Which is probably why it failed. But not before they'd created the Mandate for Palestine. In a closed door meeting.

And so I submit that the ruling elites are those that have formed a cartel, which I like to call the Roman Empire Cartel, because that's the symbols and signs they use everywhere, and even though all of that can also be tracked to the Annunaki it is Rome that bought it forward to today.

And that Roman Empire Cartel is made up of the elites from Zion, the Elders of Zion, the Roman Imperial Cult, and they have partnered with monarchies around the world, which includes the communist parties, which are simply neo-monarchies that exactly mirror the structure of the absolute monarchy of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church, which the religion of Atheism, just made for totalitarianism!!!

How can we summarize this.

OVERALL: World Government Alliance-W.G.A.

DOCTRINE: Crown Monarchy Mandate - might is right totalitarianism! etc.

QUEST: World Government (aka New World Order, aka World Communism) 1% rulers, 10% helpers and 90% Slaves

OWNERS: Monarchy Imperial Cult (Elders of Zion & Roman Imperial Cult)

TOP AGENTS: Oligarchs-bankers, and billionaires, - insiders. (E.g. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Gates etc.)

MONEY MONOPOLY: International Money Cartel Central Banks Cartel, International Monetary System etc.

MONOPOLY CAPITALISM: World Economic Forum's transnational cartel - and control of almost all major corporations in the world through the giants like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street-in all nations, including China.

WORLD TEAM: Roman Empire Cartel - includes leaders of all nations and political parties which are on the WGA team - e.g. Neo-monarchies, like Saudi Arabia, and communist parties, like CCP etc.

SECRET SOCIETIES: Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Skull & Bones, Vril society, Thule society etc.

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - policy enforcers e.g. UN, IMF, World Bank, UNESCO, WTO, WHO, G20, G7 etc.

THINK TANKS - Bilderberg group, Trllateral commission, CFR, Chatham House, Club of Rome etc...

ROMAN EMPIRE COLONIES - nations that are under the power of the Roman Empire Cartel for the World Government Alliance - most G20 nations!!!!

UNI-PARTY: IPU-Interparliamentary Union, Socialist International, Progressive Alliance etc. This is the Left and the Right, organized at the international level.

CHARITIES: e.g. Red Cross

FOUNDATIONS - Rockefeller, BMGF etc.

TAX FREE - all organizations, structures, and wealth are hidden away in tax havens, trusts and foundations.

And through this vast army, the elites at the top are able to control the high ground in every aspect of our nations, academia, business, charities, foundations, journalists, media, medicine, politics, public health, and technology. And in the era pre-Internet it was easy for the World Government Alliance to keep the people in the dark, and go about their business of waging war on the world, pretending it in the name of 'democracy, freedom, and sovereignty' and hide their crimes against humanity. But today the Internet has made it very difficult, which is why they are busy trying to destroy free speech, destroy the Internet's openness and accessibility, and depopulate the earth so they can rule without the 5 billion or so people they have driven into poverty with their Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism - and for the rest 'by 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy' because as they crash the economy the are taking it all.

The head of the beast is the elites of the Roman Empire Cartel - and for me that is the families of the Elders of Zion and the Roman Imperial Cult that track their history back to Zion, and believe it is their god given right to follow the Crown Monarchy Mandate where they rule humanity, and everyone is their slave.

Sorry this is so long - if you read it all then well done. I just couldn't stop writing.

Best to you.


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WWI was a trade war. Germany was a rising manufacturer making high quality goods in more modern factories than the British. Added to that a continental railway would see British merchant navy out of the loop.

Germany had to be taken down.

WWII was to finish the job.

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WW1 2 3

All wars for Israel.

Read Albert Pike's letter to Manzini.

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Great story except I believe you are wrong.

Big on opinion and short on substance.

The German National Socialists did not term themselves Nazis. You do.

Nazi is an applied slur term stuck on them by their detractors.

You also incorrectly use the term fascism.

Mussolini got rid of the mafia. After the war they returned.

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Actually factually I am right.

Mussolini Mafia Church... all the same...

Mussolini coined the Term, Fascists.

And it doesn't matter if the Nazis called themselves the Micky Mouse club...

This is hair splitting... it doesn't really matter.

What matters are facts... and i am right on this one.

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Note you can get the blueprints and plans(which were available from the ships themselves) for the White Star liners, including Lusitania and the Titanic, I looked this theory up, and it relied upon cargo holds which did not exist, there are several room sized used for ship stores(tiny fore and aft), but the main volume taken up in the hull, was the coal bunkers and the engine room.

Sometimes you just have to accept the Prussian total war doctrine did exist(von Clausewitz) and it was exercised against several UK fishing towns, just because they could. And indiscriminate mining of sea routes, also because they could(which luckily just sank HMS Audacious with the loss of 1 man), from disguised merchant ships, and in this case because they could they sank a liner, and invented a fake arms shipment to justify the deaths. Look its simple. All Britain had to do is ship explosives under the US flag and for WW1 Germany would have left them alone. And that kiddies is exactly what happened.

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They found the weapons...

Article on top.

Your point is invalid.

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Notice that this was by volume <1/30th of the ship,

There are 2 holds usually one was the trimming tank, the other filled with passenger cargo

It was claimed 147 tonnes ammunition was on board

Cruiser Rules were in effect(The Hague Convention) , the ship was unarmed and was to be sunk when the passengers & crew disembarked. This is the important part.

In fact small arm ammunition was listed on its New York manifest. And no it should not have been on there. Smuggling however was taking place. This is also the company which puts 1/3rd of the necessary lifeboats on a ship when life rafts had been available for 40 years.

German Prize Laws rules were also in effect and the Hochseeflotte was operating in 1915 on this standing order, no permitted attacks(direct) allowed on passenger vessels or neutral vessels. The attack was therefore officially against known orders.

Its safe to say every ship has something to hide. It did not justify unlimited warfare against its passengers. And no explosives were found in the resulting diving expeditions.

The bullets did not explode. your estimating 4 million rounds, at that time the British/irish million is 400,000, thats 5 tonnes(@13g per .303 ), which is about right. You can go higher, but this is a guesstimate by the divers. Not 147 tonne. They cant dig them out, or check depth, its enough to justify a sinking we have had enough false flags, and sometimes this is provided to order to enable it. But again, Cruiser Rules (1899 Hague Convention, was in effect)

Most of the German claims were on the explosions, but it was a steam ship with almost empty and dust filled bunkers at that time, steamships in combat exploded all the time. Known for it.

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Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship


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What is not mentioned is if the bullets were .303 rimless or not, were they destined for France use or England, apparently at the time France operated as a standard arm a Lewis gun The Chauchat and the US calibre 30.06 Springfield - the British .303 rimmed which was incompatible and already made in England in entirely sufficient quantities(the common arm being the .303 Belgian Lee Enfield rifle).

The destination of the rounds was France, so the question should be, was this a French smuggling operation gone wrong or a UK secret service op to bait Germany into breaking the international laws to bring the US into the conflict by salting passenger liner cargos.

Germany did though sink the ship in violation of the 1899 Hague convention, let passengers off first.

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I think you find that within the realms of history this was a weapons transport.

Ordered by the Rothchilds.

In much the same way as the Biological Weapons Laboratories planted in Ukraine by Joe Biden and the CIA was exactly that.

A provocation to find an excuse to provoke a war.

Nothing has changed.

The Rothchilds are the real culprits now and then and here and today.

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Isis RA? You are nuts. KJV was written before this time and Israel is clearly a legit name with meaning.

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I question your IQ...

Or you are a Troll....

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Fritz, you need to lay off this shit man. It ain't good for you.

And get your Latin right.

Or better yet, stop writing this stuff. It's keeping you angry. Not healthy.

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