Jan 9, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

I agree. Hard to read. Don't be lazy. Any good writer uses punctuation! Please!😊

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wut you r so slow i read a page inflash so i think so i see yet tou cant add the idea

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First, no punctuation except periods at the end of sentences is very difficult to read accurately, and properly discern the exact meaning intended. I very strongly suggest you start using appropriate punctuation. Or, are you a machine, so punctuation is (excuse the pun), pointless?

Second, this all sounds great, and is logical to a great degree. And, a lot of it is info a lot of us have heard/read elsewhere. However - and, it's a big "however" - where's your proof for any of it? How & why should any of us believe any of this, when you provide no proof? A big reason info such as what you're presenting is not believed is because no reasonable, reliable, verifiable proof is provided. So, without providing proof, we're left with the same questions - and lack of answers - we had before.

Third, what's your solution? You leave us with "If we kill them it is in self defense our natural right and we must use it" - is THAT what you're suggesting, advocating, supporting for us to do? And, let's suppose we do just that - THEN what? HOW do we go about truly "fixing" the problems, and building/rebuilding governments that truly work FOR us? Or, do you not offer any solutions because you really don't think there are any? OR - do you not offer any solutions, just "kill, kill, kill", because you're really on THEIR side, and working for them to try to work us up into OUR starting WWIII?

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