Fritz, excellent article, as usual. The poem at the start is really good.(Understatement) You are so creative and intelligent! Thank you!
Yesterday I spoke to a fellow Aussie on internet-he was sending out emails for people to join a meeting, but not many replies. He thinks substack is shadow banning him, but he thinks the substack app is part of the problem. That people who rely on the app don’t get his emails.
Maybe the same is happening with your target people Fritz? Michael (his substack Actionable Truths)-is a tech expert and he says people should avoid the app at all costs. But those who use it need to check for notifications from substack. I don’t know if this could help in any way Fritz.
Down under, we are being shat on. The gov’t already rammed through the digital ID Bill. And I really mean rammed-no debate allowed in the house with the ability to block it-just Senators voting. And easily passed in the lower house. (Westminster system) Sorry if I’ve already said this before. And the Prime Minister gets a phone call from Klaus Schwab, congratulating him on getting the bill through. (Puke)
So we are not far away from having everything linked to our dig. ID. Including “vaccination” status. This is what I spoke briefly with Michael about-we agree we’ve got to scare people into not going along with it-terrify them that they’ll lose all their money to hackers, and house title deeds etc (these are digital now here-easily lost by the gov’t). We’ve got to scare the pants off everyone, else all of us who didn’t take the vax will go to all the beautiful quarantine centres, built whilst we were all locked down.
Every country is at a different step in this agenda 2030. And it’s all bad.
I love your invention-I love what you want to do. But my damned country has put the skids on average people having much money. I want to help with your special project, I’ve got the email, thanks Fritz. I’ll see what I can do.
Also, I believe in God and Jesus, but Jesus said to help people, which is what you’re trying to do. And I haven’t got rocks for brains-I’m not sitting around waiting to be raptured up to meet Jesus up in the sky! Some Christians think this, so they sit around, waiting for this to happen. It’s not going to happen, things are going to get worse, and all these Christians will have to go through it also. It’s stupid of them to think they won’t- and they won’t be prepared, so won’t survive-that’s my take.
I’m not Catholic either. I hate the catholic church!
I’ll stop rambling, but please don’t think I’m stupid for trying to be Christian. We don’t even go to church, as they’ve all been infiltrated also!
You may remember Michael and his substack Actionable Truths-that was where I first saw you. And here I still am. You enthralled me-got me interested in what you were saying, and proposing! (btw, Michael is not Christian, I’m not saying that- but he wants action also, to stop what we can)
I need to read your article again, and hopefully I’ll make a better comment! I just mainly wanted to tell you what may be happening on substack. Oh, Australia also has the mis/dis information bill in the pipeline, and then censorship will really be on. Substack’s also doing that, as I’m sure you know, but it’s getting worse with substack. I don’t go on anything else.
Thanks for all your hard work, I’ll be back later Fritz!
Michael (his substack Actionable Truths).. he is good… say hello.
But he is a Jew and he don’t like me calling out the Jews as a whole…I told him I do that because we Germans and especially I am been characterized as Nazis all my live… I never were I never will be.But Hitler was a Rothschild… that irks me still.
That is why I do what i do.
All the tech experts confronted with my technology have to admit they are not really experts.
Because if they were they would support my technology.
About the Digital ID… made by IBM for the Nazis in Auschwitz.
Fritz-I’ll say hello to Michael for you! He is not a practising Jew! He was born in Belarus, but grew up in Israel-served in the Israeli Defence Force, then they come to Australia. He hates what Israel is doing! He tried to show us pictures and footage of the latest killing of the Hamas leader-he doesn’t think it’s the real Hamas leader who’s dead! He knows Israel lies-he should know! But he got censored by substack! His photos could not be sent to any of us! Substack turned all our switches off, so we couldn’t view Michael’s content. He’s angry!
It’s not just jews he doesn’t like being called out, it’s any race of people. He says we shouldn’t blame any particular country or population, because it’s these self proclaimed “Elite” who are doing this stuff to us. Some of them pretend to be jews-fake jews. We know the families-as you said-Rothschilds, all the other wealthy Satanic bloodlines, like Astor, all the royal families, all the bankers, Musk, Bezos, all those disgusting billionaires/trillionaires who want to take everything from us and kill us. He wants us all to not focus on one race/religion, but just get on with it to stop them. So that’s only why he doesn’t want people to blame just the Jews.
Michael has many ideas, unfortunately I’ve had to disagree with him about a lot he says, so he keeps trying new ideas, and right now we are trying to scare people away from dig ID.
I understand about you being German and hating Hitler, but some stupid people thinking Germans still like or are being like Hitler, or being called Nazi.
None of that is good.
One thing-you probably know Fritz-Israel is not full of jews only. There are so many different religions, and different people. And their flag is a lie-there’s no such thing as the Star of David. It’s the seal of Solomon, David’s son. Solomon went bad, a Jew who turned against God. Israel is just an excuse to destroy Palestinians-they have more Semitic blood in them than jews do. Israel is an excuse for America to fight Israel’s enemies. etc. Israel is full of Sh**, but many good people live there, from what I’ve read. Israel kills its own people, as we know from last year. Mossad are bast***s. But clever ones.
When I said about tech, I meant substack-people using the app may not get your emails- they may have to check notifications. Michael says for people to not use the app, it’s not good, as people didn’t respond to his meeting, so maybe this is why a lot of your work is not being seen. I don’t know, but I used the app for a while, but stopped because I didn’t like it. Even now, I have to check substack notifications to see if someone has “liked” a comment, or replied to a comment I’ve made. I used to get emails for everything on substack, but not now. It’s annoying. You told me Fritz, that substack introduced AI, December last year, and I think it’s gone downhill from there.
I don’t know what Michael thinks about your technology, I’m sure he’d like it! I’ll get him to restack this, and I’ll show your tech to a Danish engineer I know, who lives in Thailand with his wife. He will be impressed, I’m sure. But he’s same as me-doesn’t have much money. He had a bad motorcycle accident, and doctors failed to reconnect his hand nerves etc to his arm properly, so he can’t use it properly.
So many of us who know what’s really going on in the world, we mostly have so many problems.
I’ll spread your stack where I can-some people won’t like all the swearing, but we will see! So many people think life is going back to normal-especially in Australia. I have to be careful, as someone who gets on the same substacks as me doesn’t like me, and said she’ll get the “substack police” on to me! Ha-it’s funny! An Australian, who doesn’t like my sense of humour!
Oh, also, it turns out I’m maybe an Ashkenazi Jew, because being Jewish runs through females, and my Great Grandmother was a German Jew, so the Ashkenazi jews came from Russia and Northern European countries such as Germany. My sister’s name is Judith, she likes to be called Jude. One of our cousins thought we were raised to be Jewish! I just laugh my head off about this!
Annastacia Palaszczuk's father is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing and the Digital ID.
I signed your petition, and it’s well known amongst people who are awake in Australia about the now former QLD premier bitch Palachook’s and her father’s company.
Not one politician who was in charge of any state or the whole country during covid is around anymore-like a lot of countries. Most have taken jobs with WEF. Surprise surprise!
Is your petition declaring WEF to be a terrorist organisation still available? I hate those bastards with everything I have in me!!!
Wow Fritz, you do have energy. I am with you on many of these things, especially religion. They hijacked and put true spirituality upside down because true spirituality is the only way least for me. I found my peace with all this shit. Do you want your mind blown?
Google "I Am That" free .pdf version by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Spirituality for smart people that makes sense.
Non-duality is the way out. It works.
The rest is up to you, mate.
You can rant on until you go mad (with no-one listening) and those few that do listen already know anyway.
Or you find your way out of the Matrix and Non-Duality can be a way out if you have the brains to get it instantly.
You only need to read the first page of that either gets you or not.
Hi again, is Sri N.M. still alive? This is a long read, I’ll probably not get to be reading it, but an answer to this question would be gratefully appreciated!
No, he died in the early 1980ties. You only need to read the first page, it contains everything you need to know about everything- if you fully realize what the first page means, you realize reality as it is, not the mental dream world most people life in. If it doesn't grab you something else needs to happen first. That's all. :-)
“Zen focuses on the direct experience of reality, achieved through meditation and mindful living rather than theoretical knowledge or dogmatic beliefs.”
This it shares with the Non-Duality taught by Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Zen is characterized by its emphasis on meditation, known as ‘zazen’ or zen meditation. This practice is central to Zen and involves sitting in a specific posture, focusing on one’s breath, and observing thoughts and sensations as they arise and pass.”
I did this kind of meditation for a while, culminating in a 10-day Vipassana silence meditation. During this meditation, I had a number of very interesting experiences, which ultimately led me to abandon this kind of meditation.
I stopped any “outer” and deliberate spiritual practice for about ten years and let ripen what needed to ripen in the unconscious background.
Ten years later, I was ready for Non-duality. What’s the difference?
You don’t sit in a particular posture or have a specific practice time to observe whatever appears.
Instead, you are given a specific focus point to remember, the “I AM”, which is one of the oldest spiritual concepts and also the name often given to “God” (By Moses and Jesus, for example).
In this case, it is the thought and sense of pure existence. I AM in the sense of “I exist.” Not as a body-mind but as pure consciousness recognizing itself. As soon as we remember the “I Am” in everyday life, we dwell in it, are it—no matter where we are or what we do.
Non-duality works with understanding and logic. It directly dials into the root of our mind, the structure of how our mind is designed and functions: Duality. It differs between the personal mind (ego) and the universal mind (functioning within the cosmic flow of the universal Logos). Only the personal mind is dualistic, of course, because at the very core of our ego is the wrong idea that there is a subject (“I”) and an object (“the world - all experience, whatever we perceive or conceive)
It then draws all the attention to this “I” by evoking the curiosity about “Who am I”, the perceiver and conceiver of the world. The personal mind's own logic is used to dissolve itself, similar to a wooden stick that stirs a bonfire and burns itself to ashes in the process. The logical conclusion that changes everything is this: “I” can’t be whatever I perceive or conceive because I am the one perceiving it. I can’t be the object, I am the subject.
From there starts the Neti Neti journey. It means “Not This, Not That” and is the process of discarding anything that is not “I”, any object I perceive or conceive: The world, this body I call mine, is realized as “not me” because I can perceive it. This personal mind I call “mine” is discarded (ignored, attention withdrawn) because “I” can observe and conceive all mind activity. I dwelled in the “I Am” and Neti Neti for another ten years or so daily while reading the book about seven times front to back. (I am a slow learner :-) )
In everyday life, almost 100% of our attention rests on objects - this is called attachment. Shifting the attention to the subject is a magic trick because it is impossible to “perceive” or “know” our “I” precisely in the same way that our eyes can’t see themselves. However, we stop attaching ourselves to objects by trying to focus on the “I” instead. We withdraw attention from the world and sort of redirect it, trying to observe a black hole that absorbs it.
That was the moment when I fully realized, without any doubt because it was experienced in reality, the nature of my true being as pure, still awareness. It also made me aware of the nature of our egoic false being as purely mental and not needed at all to live in this reality of impersonally organic, and perfect functioning that is the only reality there is. Everything else is pure mental imagination.
I had this overwhelming sense of liberation from everything, freedom from everything, absolute unconditional freedom, which is our true and only home. I felt like I returned home again, and everything was very ordinary but perfect as it was.
My egoic personality and sense of “I” returned, but they lost significant importance. Rather than being “Me,” the only way of being in the world I ever knew, this “Me” feels more like a long, warm, silky coat I am wearing to avoid standing naked in the illusionary world of attachments.
Where from here? Nowhere, of course, being Nobody whenever I remember it. No goals or desires are required anymore to get anywhere because we are home. All our seeking is for the seeking being home again. All our actions are misdirected but necessary distractions on the path home. “I” continue the practice of “I Am” but it is more accurate to say that “the practice just happens and “I” imagine myself doing it.” This is true for any other action, too. The Universal flow of the Logos takes care of it. The former egoic “I” gained a new dimension of “impersonality” in that the “I Am-ness” is the absence of the “Me-ness” and is not personal anymore. The “I Am-ness” is shared with reality, or, reality IS pure and simple “I Am-ness”, still, empty, unmoving awareness of whatever IS. And “I” simply dissolve the “personal I” (which is just a mental construct) in the universal “Am-ness”. It is both the awareness itself and being aware of the awareness. Awareness recognises itself.
Getting too long now. I probably do a Substack on it. Cheers. Take care.
I am planning to write a book about the essence of life… about ZEN.But right now I am not surer if people are interested.And your guru is wrong… Duality is the essence of being.
Also ZEN does not require specific poses… zazen does.ZEN is the starting point of “The Intelligence of Feelings”.
People think too much or too little.
ZEN requires you to reflect digest and foresee.
WEN comes from the simple thought of making one self a better person every day.
It incooperates the cycle of existenz duality of life.
Breathing exercises Gung Fu are tools you can use… but don’t need to.
The problem with Meditation as prescribed is that without intent it is useless.
The real goal of Meditation is acquiring qi and stretching out your senses your feelings and be aware mindful about it.
Remote viewing transcendental traveling out of body experience… are all part of it.
The Brain acts like a stomach of thoughts… and thoughts need to me digested.
Fat people carry only their own shit around.
Stupid people carry their own stupidity.
Oh by the way… ZEN and the Intelligence of feelings are the basis of Telepathy and other things like telekinetic,
My dear friend Fritz, I don't know how to break it to you other then by being brutally direct and blunt (I think you can handle it 😊 ) but we are miles apart when it comes to spirituality. You still.”think” spirituality, I “know” the nature of my true being through direct experience. There is no difference between Zen, Non-duality or even Christian mysticism.
There is a link in the above article where I describe a recent ego-death experience. Only then you know anything about spirituality. Until then it is just ever-changing useless thinking and imagining about it. Only when the mind is absolutely still and all thinking ceases can reality be experienced.
I LOVE snoopy !!! Snoopy's philosophy for president; f*ck oligarch- and corporation-owned puppets !!!
But I cannot share your views on hydrogen; its energy-budget from production, transport-storage-distribution is less than abysmal ... though, there are perfect niche-applications for it.
Hello Fritz, I had a career in energy, including alternative energy? However, just like all scientists, we rely on information from other scientists so that we don't get in too many details of reinventing the wheels?
Many decades ago, the concept of using water as energy source was inspected by scientists? They reported back to us:
1- it takes more energy to dissociate H2 from H2O?
2- Hydrogen as fuel is dangerous because it explodes? So, let us focus instead on alcohol as a fuel.
Now, at my older years it appears to me that both points above were effing lies by our overlords that made us scientists ignore looking into H2 as fuel.
The evidences of that 2 retraction from H2 are lies are here.
1- I currently have a water gadget that creates additional Hydrogen gas? This hydrogenation of water gadget is made in a glass cylinder that shows Hydrogen bubbles being made by a very small amount of power.
2- H2 explosion? How about propane tanks explosion or gasoline tanks explosion or LNG ships explosion?
The effing lying POS geouze have fooled me as a scientist.
Again, thank you very much for your extensive well presented analysis, which includes SOLUTIONS to the problems. Hoping that you will go viral with this invaluable presentation god bless you man.
Didn't know you were a scientist... so double thanx.
Yes I heard the same excuses for that is what they are.
Incredibly the same people who sell us Energy say that energy cannot be created nor being destroyed.. yet they sell us energy and charge for it.
Personally... I feel one needs to present solutions so people understand that what I have to say is perfectly true.
Personally it is easy to say don't do it... by force or by farce...
It is easy to look away.
However if I say you can do better in every sense... I make the argument obsolete by giving them something better... and we can do so much better.
Aviation... best example... unnecessary if you can provide a better solution.
And the best argument is this:
Transportation rate per h.
If I can cramp 1000 people in a train or 500 people in a plane... it slows it down because of Inertia.
If I can for example transport 128 people in a train in 1h compared with 500 in 12 or 1000 in 48 I have a much higher transition of passengers with less going through the needle's eye.
My estimation is that I have a 500% higher passenger transition rate.
Science is a lie because it follows the constraints of politics and finance. and religion.
So we have a Religious timeline science has to follow or else finances will be cut and political alienation.
The real process is this
H²O +MG (Magnesium) burns into MGO (Salt) and H²
2H² +O² = 2H²O
2 energy releasing processes that correctly implemented can be sustained indefinitely.
Fritz, excellent article, as usual. The poem at the start is really good.(Understatement) You are so creative and intelligent! Thank you!
Yesterday I spoke to a fellow Aussie on internet-he was sending out emails for people to join a meeting, but not many replies. He thinks substack is shadow banning him, but he thinks the substack app is part of the problem. That people who rely on the app don’t get his emails.
Maybe the same is happening with your target people Fritz? Michael (his substack Actionable Truths)-is a tech expert and he says people should avoid the app at all costs. But those who use it need to check for notifications from substack. I don’t know if this could help in any way Fritz.
Down under, we are being shat on. The gov’t already rammed through the digital ID Bill. And I really mean rammed-no debate allowed in the house with the ability to block it-just Senators voting. And easily passed in the lower house. (Westminster system) Sorry if I’ve already said this before. And the Prime Minister gets a phone call from Klaus Schwab, congratulating him on getting the bill through. (Puke)
So we are not far away from having everything linked to our dig. ID. Including “vaccination” status. This is what I spoke briefly with Michael about-we agree we’ve got to scare people into not going along with it-terrify them that they’ll lose all their money to hackers, and house title deeds etc (these are digital now here-easily lost by the gov’t). We’ve got to scare the pants off everyone, else all of us who didn’t take the vax will go to all the beautiful quarantine centres, built whilst we were all locked down.
Every country is at a different step in this agenda 2030. And it’s all bad.
I love your invention-I love what you want to do. But my damned country has put the skids on average people having much money. I want to help with your special project, I’ve got the email, thanks Fritz. I’ll see what I can do.
Also, I believe in God and Jesus, but Jesus said to help people, which is what you’re trying to do. And I haven’t got rocks for brains-I’m not sitting around waiting to be raptured up to meet Jesus up in the sky! Some Christians think this, so they sit around, waiting for this to happen. It’s not going to happen, things are going to get worse, and all these Christians will have to go through it also. It’s stupid of them to think they won’t- and they won’t be prepared, so won’t survive-that’s my take.
I’m not Catholic either. I hate the catholic church!
I’ll stop rambling, but please don’t think I’m stupid for trying to be Christian. We don’t even go to church, as they’ve all been infiltrated also!
You may remember Michael and his substack Actionable Truths-that was where I first saw you. And here I still am. You enthralled me-got me interested in what you were saying, and proposing! (btw, Michael is not Christian, I’m not saying that- but he wants action also, to stop what we can)
I need to read your article again, and hopefully I’ll make a better comment! I just mainly wanted to tell you what may be happening on substack. Oh, Australia also has the mis/dis information bill in the pipeline, and then censorship will really be on. Substack’s also doing that, as I’m sure you know, but it’s getting worse with substack. I don’t go on anything else.
Thanks for all your hard work, I’ll be back later Fritz!
Michael (his substack Actionable Truths).. he is good… say hello.
But he is a Jew and he don’t like me calling out the Jews as a whole…I told him I do that because we Germans and especially I am been characterized as Nazis all my live… I never were I never will be.But Hitler was a Rothschild… that irks me still.
That is why I do what i do.
All the tech experts confronted with my technology have to admit they are not really experts.
Because if they were they would support my technology.
About the Digital ID… made by IBM for the Nazis in Auschwitz.
Tell michael to restack this…
Tell everyone to restack this.
Hell I got a Jewish Rabbi signing the petition as Matt LeTisier also signed it.
Jews Gentiles everyone should restack this post.
Fritz-I’ll say hello to Michael for you! He is not a practising Jew! He was born in Belarus, but grew up in Israel-served in the Israeli Defence Force, then they come to Australia. He hates what Israel is doing! He tried to show us pictures and footage of the latest killing of the Hamas leader-he doesn’t think it’s the real Hamas leader who’s dead! He knows Israel lies-he should know! But he got censored by substack! His photos could not be sent to any of us! Substack turned all our switches off, so we couldn’t view Michael’s content. He’s angry!
It’s not just jews he doesn’t like being called out, it’s any race of people. He says we shouldn’t blame any particular country or population, because it’s these self proclaimed “Elite” who are doing this stuff to us. Some of them pretend to be jews-fake jews. We know the families-as you said-Rothschilds, all the other wealthy Satanic bloodlines, like Astor, all the royal families, all the bankers, Musk, Bezos, all those disgusting billionaires/trillionaires who want to take everything from us and kill us. He wants us all to not focus on one race/religion, but just get on with it to stop them. So that’s only why he doesn’t want people to blame just the Jews.
Michael has many ideas, unfortunately I’ve had to disagree with him about a lot he says, so he keeps trying new ideas, and right now we are trying to scare people away from dig ID.
I understand about you being German and hating Hitler, but some stupid people thinking Germans still like or are being like Hitler, or being called Nazi.
None of that is good.
One thing-you probably know Fritz-Israel is not full of jews only. There are so many different religions, and different people. And their flag is a lie-there’s no such thing as the Star of David. It’s the seal of Solomon, David’s son. Solomon went bad, a Jew who turned against God. Israel is just an excuse to destroy Palestinians-they have more Semitic blood in them than jews do. Israel is an excuse for America to fight Israel’s enemies. etc. Israel is full of Sh**, but many good people live there, from what I’ve read. Israel kills its own people, as we know from last year. Mossad are bast***s. But clever ones.
When I said about tech, I meant substack-people using the app may not get your emails- they may have to check notifications. Michael says for people to not use the app, it’s not good, as people didn’t respond to his meeting, so maybe this is why a lot of your work is not being seen. I don’t know, but I used the app for a while, but stopped because I didn’t like it. Even now, I have to check substack notifications to see if someone has “liked” a comment, or replied to a comment I’ve made. I used to get emails for everything on substack, but not now. It’s annoying. You told me Fritz, that substack introduced AI, December last year, and I think it’s gone downhill from there.
I don’t know what Michael thinks about your technology, I’m sure he’d like it! I’ll get him to restack this, and I’ll show your tech to a Danish engineer I know, who lives in Thailand with his wife. He will be impressed, I’m sure. But he’s same as me-doesn’t have much money. He had a bad motorcycle accident, and doctors failed to reconnect his hand nerves etc to his arm properly, so he can’t use it properly.
So many of us who know what’s really going on in the world, we mostly have so many problems.
I’ll spread your stack where I can-some people won’t like all the swearing, but we will see! So many people think life is going back to normal-especially in Australia. I have to be careful, as someone who gets on the same substacks as me doesn’t like me, and said she’ll get the “substack police” on to me! Ha-it’s funny! An Australian, who doesn’t like my sense of humour!
Oh, also, it turns out I’m maybe an Ashkenazi Jew, because being Jewish runs through females, and my Great Grandmother was a German Jew, so the Ashkenazi jews came from Russia and Northern European countries such as Germany. My sister’s name is Judith, she likes to be called Jude. One of our cousins thought we were raised to be Jewish! I just laugh my head off about this!
I don't treat Michael as a Jew... I think he's ok and he knows that.
The Digital ID is born in Auschwitz
Annastacia Palaszczuk's father is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing and the Digital ID.
It is basically a Human rights violation.
Tell him and say hello
I signed your petition, and it’s well known amongst people who are awake in Australia about the now former QLD premier bitch Palachook’s and her father’s company.
Not one politician who was in charge of any state or the whole country during covid is around anymore-like a lot of countries. Most have taken jobs with WEF. Surprise surprise!
Is your petition declaring WEF to be a terrorist organisation still available? I hate those bastards with everything I have in me!!!
It is still open i never closed it bur it didn’t go viral and I have not the signatures I wanted…
100 000 is needed minimum tp make an impact.
State sponsored terrorism.
Yes, we need more people to act on things. Thank you!
Wow Fritz, you do have energy. I am with you on many of these things, especially religion. They hijacked and put true spirituality upside down because true spirituality is the only way least for me. I found my peace with all this shit. Do you want your mind blown?
Google "I Am That" free .pdf version by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Spirituality for smart people that makes sense.
Non-duality is the way out. It works.
The rest is up to you, mate.
You can rant on until you go mad (with no-one listening) and those few that do listen already know anyway.
Or you find your way out of the Matrix and Non-Duality can be a way out if you have the brains to get it instantly.
You only need to read the first page of that either gets you or not.
Good luck.
He does have energy, that’s for sure! I’ll check out this pdf you speak of.
Where does life come from?
We are living inside a living Universe... ZEN.
Everything is alive.
Everyone is a product of their Environment.
Opposites attract.
Basic ZEN Taoism.
Thank you for the book.
Hi again, is Sri N.M. still alive? This is a long read, I’ll probably not get to be reading it, but an answer to this question would be gratefully appreciated!
No, he died in the early 1980ties. You only need to read the first page, it contains everything you need to know about everything- if you fully realize what the first page means, you realize reality as it is, not the mental dream world most people life in. If it doesn't grab you something else needs to happen first. That's all. :-)
I did.
Essentially it is ZEN.
Both Hinduism and Buddhism ZEN share similar roots.
Only Buddha follo0wed ZEN to become Buddha.
ZEN is the way... the path... a refuge... a well... the source of everything... the power that creates life with the essence of life... love...
Yes it includes Zen but takes it further.
“Zen focuses on the direct experience of reality, achieved through meditation and mindful living rather than theoretical knowledge or dogmatic beliefs.”
This it shares with the Non-Duality taught by Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Zen is characterized by its emphasis on meditation, known as ‘zazen’ or zen meditation. This practice is central to Zen and involves sitting in a specific posture, focusing on one’s breath, and observing thoughts and sensations as they arise and pass.”
I did this kind of meditation for a while, culminating in a 10-day Vipassana silence meditation. During this meditation, I had a number of very interesting experiences, which ultimately led me to abandon this kind of meditation.
I stopped any “outer” and deliberate spiritual practice for about ten years and let ripen what needed to ripen in the unconscious background.
Ten years later, I was ready for Non-duality. What’s the difference?
You don’t sit in a particular posture or have a specific practice time to observe whatever appears.
Instead, you are given a specific focus point to remember, the “I AM”, which is one of the oldest spiritual concepts and also the name often given to “God” (By Moses and Jesus, for example).
In this case, it is the thought and sense of pure existence. I AM in the sense of “I exist.” Not as a body-mind but as pure consciousness recognizing itself. As soon as we remember the “I Am” in everyday life, we dwell in it, are it—no matter where we are or what we do.
Non-duality works with understanding and logic. It directly dials into the root of our mind, the structure of how our mind is designed and functions: Duality. It differs between the personal mind (ego) and the universal mind (functioning within the cosmic flow of the universal Logos). Only the personal mind is dualistic, of course, because at the very core of our ego is the wrong idea that there is a subject (“I”) and an object (“the world - all experience, whatever we perceive or conceive)
It then draws all the attention to this “I” by evoking the curiosity about “Who am I”, the perceiver and conceiver of the world. The personal mind's own logic is used to dissolve itself, similar to a wooden stick that stirs a bonfire and burns itself to ashes in the process. The logical conclusion that changes everything is this: “I” can’t be whatever I perceive or conceive because I am the one perceiving it. I can’t be the object, I am the subject.
From there starts the Neti Neti journey. It means “Not This, Not That” and is the process of discarding anything that is not “I”, any object I perceive or conceive: The world, this body I call mine, is realized as “not me” because I can perceive it. This personal mind I call “mine” is discarded (ignored, attention withdrawn) because “I” can observe and conceive all mind activity. I dwelled in the “I Am” and Neti Neti for another ten years or so daily while reading the book about seven times front to back. (I am a slow learner :-) )
In everyday life, almost 100% of our attention rests on objects - this is called attachment. Shifting the attention to the subject is a magic trick because it is impossible to “perceive” or “know” our “I” precisely in the same way that our eyes can’t see themselves. However, we stop attaching ourselves to objects by trying to focus on the “I” instead. We withdraw attention from the world and sort of redirect it, trying to observe a black hole that absorbs it.
Eventually, it happens without warning. I disappeared into this black hole. This awakening experience of temporary ego-death is described here:
That was the moment when I fully realized, without any doubt because it was experienced in reality, the nature of my true being as pure, still awareness. It also made me aware of the nature of our egoic false being as purely mental and not needed at all to live in this reality of impersonally organic, and perfect functioning that is the only reality there is. Everything else is pure mental imagination.
I had this overwhelming sense of liberation from everything, freedom from everything, absolute unconditional freedom, which is our true and only home. I felt like I returned home again, and everything was very ordinary but perfect as it was.
My egoic personality and sense of “I” returned, but they lost significant importance. Rather than being “Me,” the only way of being in the world I ever knew, this “Me” feels more like a long, warm, silky coat I am wearing to avoid standing naked in the illusionary world of attachments.
Where from here? Nowhere, of course, being Nobody whenever I remember it. No goals or desires are required anymore to get anywhere because we are home. All our seeking is for the seeking being home again. All our actions are misdirected but necessary distractions on the path home. “I” continue the practice of “I Am” but it is more accurate to say that “the practice just happens and “I” imagine myself doing it.” This is true for any other action, too. The Universal flow of the Logos takes care of it. The former egoic “I” gained a new dimension of “impersonality” in that the “I Am-ness” is the absence of the “Me-ness” and is not personal anymore. The “I Am-ness” is shared with reality, or, reality IS pure and simple “I Am-ness”, still, empty, unmoving awareness of whatever IS. And “I” simply dissolve the “personal I” (which is just a mental construct) in the universal “Am-ness”. It is both the awareness itself and being aware of the awareness. Awareness recognises itself.
Getting too long now. I probably do a Substack on it. Cheers. Take care.
I would be happy to co write.
I am planning to write a book about the essence of life… about ZEN.But right now I am not surer if people are interested.And your guru is wrong… Duality is the essence of being.
Also ZEN does not require specific poses… zazen does.ZEN is the starting point of “The Intelligence of Feelings”.
People think too much or too little.
ZEN requires you to reflect digest and foresee.
WEN comes from the simple thought of making one self a better person every day.
It incooperates the cycle of existenz duality of life.
Breathing exercises Gung Fu are tools you can use… but don’t need to.
The problem with Meditation as prescribed is that without intent it is useless.
The real goal of Meditation is acquiring qi and stretching out your senses your feelings and be aware mindful about it.
Remote viewing transcendental traveling out of body experience… are all part of it.
The Brain acts like a stomach of thoughts… and thoughts need to me digested.
Fat people carry only their own shit around.
Stupid people carry their own stupidity.
Oh by the way… ZEN and the Intelligence of feelings are the basis of Telepathy and other things like telekinetic,
My dear friend Fritz, I don't know how to break it to you other then by being brutally direct and blunt (I think you can handle it 😊 ) but we are miles apart when it comes to spirituality. You still.”think” spirituality, I “know” the nature of my true being through direct experience. There is no difference between Zen, Non-duality or even Christian mysticism.
There is a link in the above article where I describe a recent ego-death experience. Only then you know anything about spirituality. Until then it is just ever-changing useless thinking and imagining about it. Only when the mind is absolutely still and all thinking ceases can reality be experienced.
Wow! Love The Lady of Elche. Ancient Brain Interface . Your poem is beautifully heartfelt.
Takes me a few fays to read your posts Fritz but well worth it.
Solution . So needed.
Thank You
I LOVE snoopy !!! Snoopy's philosophy for president; f*ck oligarch- and corporation-owned puppets !!!
But I cannot share your views on hydrogen; its energy-budget from production, transport-storage-distribution is less than abysmal ... though, there are perfect niche-applications for it.
If Hydrogen as a fuel is applied we solve problems created by waste management and pollution.
So there can be NO argument against it.
Hello Fritz, I had a career in energy, including alternative energy? However, just like all scientists, we rely on information from other scientists so that we don't get in too many details of reinventing the wheels?
Many decades ago, the concept of using water as energy source was inspected by scientists? They reported back to us:
1- it takes more energy to dissociate H2 from H2O?
2- Hydrogen as fuel is dangerous because it explodes? So, let us focus instead on alcohol as a fuel.
Now, at my older years it appears to me that both points above were effing lies by our overlords that made us scientists ignore looking into H2 as fuel.
The evidences of that 2 retraction from H2 are lies are here.
1- I currently have a water gadget that creates additional Hydrogen gas? This hydrogenation of water gadget is made in a glass cylinder that shows Hydrogen bubbles being made by a very small amount of power.
2- H2 explosion? How about propane tanks explosion or gasoline tanks explosion or LNG ships explosion?
The effing lying POS geouze have fooled me as a scientist.
Again, thank you very much for your extensive well presented analysis, which includes SOLUTIONS to the problems. Hoping that you will go viral with this invaluable presentation god bless you man.
Hello and thank you.
Didn't know you were a scientist... so double thanx.
Yes I heard the same excuses for that is what they are.
Incredibly the same people who sell us Energy say that energy cannot be created nor being destroyed.. yet they sell us energy and charge for it.
Personally... I feel one needs to present solutions so people understand that what I have to say is perfectly true.
Personally it is easy to say don't do it... by force or by farce...
It is easy to look away.
However if I say you can do better in every sense... I make the argument obsolete by giving them something better... and we can do so much better.
Aviation... best example... unnecessary if you can provide a better solution.
And the best argument is this:
Transportation rate per h.
If I can cramp 1000 people in a train or 500 people in a plane... it slows it down because of Inertia.
If I can for example transport 128 people in a train in 1h compared with 500 in 12 or 1000 in 48 I have a much higher transition of passengers with less going through the needle's eye.
My estimation is that I have a 500% higher passenger transition rate.
Science is a lie because it follows the constraints of politics and finance. and religion.
So we have a Religious timeline science has to follow or else finances will be cut and political alienation.
The real process is this
H²O +MG (Magnesium) burns into MGO (Salt) and H²
2H² +O² = 2H²O
2 energy releasing processes that correctly implemented can be sustained indefinitely.
Yes. I remember reading about all their lies with water as energy. They lie about everything.
I have one of those hydrogen water bottles too.
Thanks for your work!
Keep in mind that nobody talks about The Lombard Jews of Venice ????
There’s an area called Lombardy, that’s about all I know……