What about sonic booms? Won't the AST cause booms everywhere it goes?
I remember before ultrasonic travel was banned over cities, we used to get regular sonic booms - shaking (and sometimes breaking) the windows. Even trees would break sometimes. Then they banned it. This was a moderate city in the Midwest - nothing special, not near any major cities, in the 1970's.
I came by way of Sylvia, the Embassador. She recommended you. Not disappointed by your music or your writing. But I have to ask, where were you born? Is English your native language? Some of the grammatical errors make me think, you learned English later.
That you have engaged the JQ speaks volumes to me. You are angry about their influence. I mean take over. I am too, but try not to let emotion mess up my persuasive intention. Occasional outbursts are necessary to relieve internal pressure and act as indicators of authenticity. Speaking of, your music and prose confirm each other as authentic expressions of soul. That you are a scientific inventor is impressive but beyond my ken.
The one and only motif I want to contest is the following: They are as Fascist as Hitler Stalin Lenin Trotzky if not worse and they are also Crypto Jews Zionists and corrupt the same as Hitler Stalin Lenin Trotzky.
You replace those names with Klaus Schwab = Hitler, Yuval Harari = Dr. Mengele, von der Leyen = Himmler, Zelinsky = Muff the Puffin, Joseph Goebbels = the Media and so on and you will understand what I mean.
They the Zionists created the Nazis and they were just learning... now they want the whole world...
The equation of Nazis and Zionists, tho common among truthers, is a misdirection. It comes from the Left. I remember seeing it on banners protesting the invasion of Iraq back in 2003. Along w/ No Blood for Oil. Both were misdirections. Iraq wasn't pulverized so America could enrich its empire w/ stolen oil. And Nazis and Zionists aren't cut from the same cloth. (Nazis have much better tailors, lol)
Zionists are wannabe fascists. They yearned for blood and soil, but being confined to Eastern Europe, they lacked both. Nazis, as the name implies, were National Socialists, technically not fascists but cousins, kissing cousins to Italy. Nazis had their own blood and soil, much more integral to their race/ethnicity and geography than diaspora Jewry.
But I sense you are using the term fascist in the common misunderstanding of brutal or authoritarian. Jewish brutality is communism, a totalitarian expression of power. Whenever fascist gets used instead of brutal it covers over the Jewish version of even worse coercion.
Now, did the Rothschilds create Nazism and promote Hitler so that he could start a gentile bloodletting? Many, too many, truthers believe this. They also believe Hitler was part Jewish, a chosen one related to the House of Reds. More bs. More reading of revisionist history would likely be necessary for you to accept my judgment. But I just want you to hear a different take on the Nazis and Hitler from someone who's completely independent and a long time student of the issue. If you're interested, we can converse more.
Fuck you and your Jewish god . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are newer, but only reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
Fritz is a musician too! Course he is!
Only for you...
I uploaded my old songs on Soundcloud.
Does exactly what it says on the tin..
What about sonic booms? Won't the AST cause booms everywhere it goes?
I remember before ultrasonic travel was banned over cities, we used to get regular sonic booms - shaking (and sometimes breaking) the windows. Even trees would break sometimes. Then they banned it. This was a moderate city in the Midwest - nothing special, not near any major cities, in the 1970's.
Sonic Booms are created by the Wings of an Aircraft.
The Wings use the Natural Air Resistenz and that allows them to fly.
At Transsonic speed they create a shock-wave in front of the wings which stops the plane dead.
This Phenomenon was realized and resulted in the Delta wing design which allows this shockwave to travel over the body of the Aircraft.
If the Aircraft travels faster than speed of sound it cuts this shockwave in half creates a vacuum behind the wings.
The sonic boom is the sound you hear when these two halves clash back together... like you clap your hands.
My AST does not have nor need wings.
The Vacuum created if filled with exhaust gases which are actually water.
As such the AST creates no sonic boom.
You good thing you!
where is the prototype?
marcin jakubowski?
are you repeating tesla's mistakes?
They stopped me building the prototype.
They tried to kill me.
They failed.
So I am looking for people.
The only thing I can do right now is to write and tell people about the possibilities.
Once I get people on Board I can continue my work.
I won't repeat Tesla's mistakes.
Hello there FF here...
I tried this morning to lock into my substack account but it seems I been locked out.
I can't get into it.
After what i told you yesterday it really seems they are coming to get me.
This is really disturbing...
It seems that I cannot lock into my substack account.
Meaning they disabled me.
Meaning I have actually triggered something.
Now why would substack do this I don't know
What do you think?
I don't know how deep this goes but it seems this goes really dark.
I had some phishing emails and they know precisely what I am about...
And I had some devious phone calls.
Substack disabled me.
I came by way of Sylvia, the Embassador. She recommended you. Not disappointed by your music or your writing. But I have to ask, where were you born? Is English your native language? Some of the grammatical errors make me think, you learned English later.
That you have engaged the JQ speaks volumes to me. You are angry about their influence. I mean take over. I am too, but try not to let emotion mess up my persuasive intention. Occasional outbursts are necessary to relieve internal pressure and act as indicators of authenticity. Speaking of, your music and prose confirm each other as authentic expressions of soul. That you are a scientific inventor is impressive but beyond my ken.
The one and only motif I want to contest is the following: They are as Fascist as Hitler Stalin Lenin Trotzky if not worse and they are also Crypto Jews Zionists and corrupt the same as Hitler Stalin Lenin Trotzky.
You replace those names with Klaus Schwab = Hitler, Yuval Harari = Dr. Mengele, von der Leyen = Himmler, Zelinsky = Muff the Puffin, Joseph Goebbels = the Media and so on and you will understand what I mean.
They the Zionists created the Nazis and they were just learning... now they want the whole world...
The equation of Nazis and Zionists, tho common among truthers, is a misdirection. It comes from the Left. I remember seeing it on banners protesting the invasion of Iraq back in 2003. Along w/ No Blood for Oil. Both were misdirections. Iraq wasn't pulverized so America could enrich its empire w/ stolen oil. And Nazis and Zionists aren't cut from the same cloth. (Nazis have much better tailors, lol)
Zionists are wannabe fascists. They yearned for blood and soil, but being confined to Eastern Europe, they lacked both. Nazis, as the name implies, were National Socialists, technically not fascists but cousins, kissing cousins to Italy. Nazis had their own blood and soil, much more integral to their race/ethnicity and geography than diaspora Jewry.
But I sense you are using the term fascist in the common misunderstanding of brutal or authoritarian. Jewish brutality is communism, a totalitarian expression of power. Whenever fascist gets used instead of brutal it covers over the Jewish version of even worse coercion.
Now, did the Rothschilds create Nazism and promote Hitler so that he could start a gentile bloodletting? Many, too many, truthers believe this. They also believe Hitler was part Jewish, a chosen one related to the House of Reds. More bs. More reading of revisionist history would likely be necessary for you to accept my judgment. But I just want you to hear a different take on the Nazis and Hitler from someone who's completely independent and a long time student of the issue. If you're interested, we can converse more.
Keep the faith, comrade.
Billy T
Dolfuss the Austrian Chancellor... he was the only one who died in Hitler's invasion of Austria.
Because he researched Hitler's origin...
When you write you need to throw in a bit of dark sensed humor not to bore your audience and not to lose them...
Fascism= Authority... yes.
So when I become too Authoritarian in my writing I too become Fascist.. something I try to avoid.
After all being a Fascist is far too much work.
I prefer having a good time with my friends and playing music or inventing stuff.
Music needs company.
Inventing needs solitaire...
I am both.
When you write you need to throw in a bit of dark sensed humor not to bore your audience and not to lose them...
Well, you just lost me. I thought you were more serious. My mistake.
Oh I am absolutely serious.
When someone comes up with an Invention that proves Einstein wrong... as I do... One must be 1000% sure about what he is talking about.
Otherwise he will be torn to pieces.
Also... since I claim to be the Inventor of the Hyperloop I make myself liable to legal action if I would falsely state this.
And since neither Richard Branson nor Elon Musk have sued me... and I assure you they won't... I must be very serious about what I am saying.
They won't touch me because they try to hide the fact that they are scumbag liars & Frauds.
As for Richard Branson he was on Eppstein's Black book and his neighbor.
They know they stole my Invention but they dare not give me an opportunity in court.
Because they are conmen thieves and scumbag frauds.
And I assume it is you who listened to my music...Jamie.
To Invent something is like writing a song.
You create something out of nothing.
This is the ability of a creatice person. I make something on my own terms.
I have no rules to abide.
I make my own rules.
Life is too short to not have a bit of fun.
BTW... who is Sylvia?
Fuck you and your Jewish god . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are newer, but only reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.