"We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light.

It is all about perception.

It is all about understanding.

But we never have been taught to understand only obedience and follow the leaders which always lead us into self destruction.

Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them."

Several things----From my own experience I can say this:

We are both the creation AND the Creator there is no duality in the fabric of existentiality.

Yes it is all about perception; but NOT about "understanding."It is more about SIGHT. True Knowledge is from sight itself. Not the mental process.

The word UNDERSTAND is an authoritarian one; from old Victorian: To "stand under" the authority of the King ---- this is one of the things that really got the Colonists pissed off at King George for the "Stamp Act."

"Our 'Brain' capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics.

Mathematics is part of our visual sense.

Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense.

By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability.

That is by design so we do not become who we truly are.

Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination.

We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side.

This creates problems that are never healed but symptoms are cured with cancer from the chemical manufacturers of poison."

Again I'll agree in part:

First -- The Brain: "We use only 10% of our brain capability" Yes, that is generally true, but it is NOT caused by Mathematics, which is really only an intellectual way to express underlying elemental portions of the physical manifestation. Think of the sacred geometry, like the Mandelbrot Set or the Juliet Set. The math in it is expressing the reflexive sense that everything in the physical is due to frequency and vibration. 

About the Brain vs the Mind; the Western Sciences follow a dogma that everything that is actually  real fits nicely into an "Objective Reality," yet the sciences have already opened the Pandora of "Seeing" what is going on. In the Quantum study involving entanglement, science itself is now learning that ALL reality is most likely Subjective only. We are both the Observer and the Observed.

Another aspect of this is that the physical is only an overall expression of that which is not physical. Everything that IS, is because there is a formless reality that is standing behind it.

Actually, in the Western Mind, there is still a lot of confusion between what the brain is versus the mind. I'll offer my take:

The Brain is equipped with many features of physical construction, functioning from the basis of "Biology," just as the body is a whole physical organism with many tiny elements that are constantly kept in balance, science actually knows very little about most of these balances. This is why they keep trying to put things into the body that don't belong. Vaccines, Hydrogel and Tech Devices. The Mind is not a physical thing, it is a non physical movement of energy informed by the element of consciousness that is manifest in the Being of an Individual Human Experience; the Brain is a functionary of the Mind.

Just as the true essence of the Being is not a physical reality, physical technology cannot be created that can directly engage, monitor or control the Mental Processes. So, the Western Sciences have it exactly backward where the origin of thought is concerned. Thoughts are constructs of silent perceptions that can become articulated through the mental process; however, the mind in this sense is really more like a radio receiver to what thoughts are. Whatever I CAN think, another person can also think -- the thought elemental structure can be identical, yet the origin of the perception will always be unique to each individual. Many people Identify with the Mind as a base for all perception, but that's not from where it originates. Everything comes from Consciousness. Consciousness does not come from the Mental Process at all, the mental process is caused by consciousness. The Technocrats cannot create ANYTHING that will ever affect Consciousness. Our true Being is non-physical. We are and always have been exempt from Control Hierarchies. 

We are not the Body 

We are not the Mind 

We are not the Emotional Senses 

Those are just temporary Experiences of this thing called Human.

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Very thoughtful... almost Buddhist.

The eternal state of everything is ZEN

We are Body Mind and soul.

Born or created from Animals with the infinite mind.

We don't even know who we are because we been mislead all the time.

Which means we have great potential.

Which means there is more than hope for Humanity when we realize that everything we been taught and told is a Lie.

A great way to start.

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I always look forward to reading your Articles. They are quite interesting

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I can see you had a good night sleep. You're on fire man. Nice to see. Nice to read.

You've told me before that Blavatsky was part of their crew. I tend to agree with you but at the same time, after reading her first three books from secret doctrine and Isis unveiled, I can match your anunaki (pure energy life form) ideas with everything she states in her books. She bases all her secret doctrine in old Hinduism and oriental spirituality. She keeps crushing monoteism religions. I know you're gonna tell me that reading her books I'm following what they want, but believe me, there's a lot of good info in there. One just need to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Not related to this, I've stopped to send alert emails to subscribers. They can read the whole post on the email. That's not good.

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I do not think you follow...

Monotheistic religions want to take the fact away that it is a God Race... a race of aliens so to speak... also monotheistic opens the doorway to fascism

"I've stopped to send alert emails to subscribers" what do you suggest?

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A real follower will see the post without any kind of "alarm" needed.

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You know I never was a follower... and since Medium deleted my blog within 14 days I rather have a hardcopy...

My trust is at an all time low...

So much potential still everyone try's to put me down...

I am grateful though to you and all others who appreciate what I do and I hope I can Inspire people to think and to think differently...

To see the world with open eyes... make people think...

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Came here from your comment on Frances and added one of my own. Brilliant piece as ever Fritz....

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Another great post!

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Thank you very much...

It's the Truth and I am only a messenger...

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So many "fallen angel" and "nephilim" stories speak of a separation from Divine Love and Communion, and the empty, or mirror-world attempts to make something that looks like the Divine Composition, but without the Divine, so it eats itself and suffers and stuff. Some "fallen" entities seem to feed off the energy of anguished-suffering, "Loosh" energy https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/

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In Chinese there is Qi and Sha.

Qi is the living Energy Sha is negative.

These "Dragons" Energy beings feed of our energy... some call the Demons.

They basically live on our fear...

In Chinese Mythology the Dragons cast out of Heaven by the Angels... a bit of the same as Lucifer was a dragon cast out of the heavens.

So the Occult is based on Fear and fear invites Dragons... Demons...

The nature of our existenz is living energy and a living Universe.


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What makes Hitler so terrible in your eyes? The rotten winners of WWII wrote his legacy of historical lies, they edited and altered his book in English so that English speaking people would believe lies of his words. They are never to be trusted with our history in WWII or any history, even their own! The communist Bolsheviks imprinted onto Hitler what they did in 1917 USSR. Hitler did not do any of the horrors written about him. It was the Bolsheviks he was up against just like what we are up against today. And if we don't round them all up we will not be saved from their horrors of their NWO of their world domination agenda.

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I am German...

Hitler destroyed my life.

You can't understand this.

I don't expect you too.

But Nazis I fight for all my life and I will fight them for all eternity.

You should listen to this poem from Gunter Grass... he describes the stain on being German.

It is called consciousness.

You see I am a Buddhist... I have evolved into a Human.

Nazis are Animals... and Jews are Nazis.

I am better... I am Human... I am Zen...

I am what everyone needs to be... I don't expect everyone to understand... but some do... eventually.


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Hey Fritz, great writing as everyone else has pointed out.

I’ve only just begun to seriously entertain the idea of earth being seeded by aliens recently, so bear that in mind, but I do feel like there is a difference between “the gods” and God. I think of the gods as those whom seeded us and make up the stories of old. Angels, fall angels, nephilim, whatever. God with a capital G I view as the clockwork Source, the unemotional natural law that contains this existence.

In my appraisal of the situation, I think that we incarnate in this realm to learn, grow, and experience. Unfortunately, suffering is the catalyst to these events. Perhaps that makes God evil, but I don’t believe we incarnate to sit at the beach sipping wine coolers and experiencing unlimited pleasure. All of that is to say that I believe suffering is built into the equation just as much as love and beauty is; that we cannot experience one without the other in this realm of duality. That would therefore imply that psychopaths are a feature of humanity and not a flaw. I suspect you have some input on that idea and I would love to hear what you have to say.

My question for you then is, do you think we incarnate here for a reason? I have a more important question floating in my head that I cannot seem to formulate at this time, so I will leave it at that for now.

Thanks again :)

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Interesting what you say about the light. I've seen written several times that when you pass, do not head for the light, as this will result in your memoryless soul reincarnating. Who really knows though, as no one's come back to verify.

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Who really knows though, as no one's come back to verify....

Sense and sensibility...

In Kung Fu we have a saying...

Never trust your eyes... they might deceive you...

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Exceptional piece of literature. I recommend reading the entire essay.

Thanks Fritz. Here's my contribution:


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Hi Fritz, what do you know about the Rothschild wanting a country called Israel in Palestine. To fill that country with Jews? That was a problem because the Jews were too comfortable living as upper class in Europe. The life in the ME desert was not attractive. Consequently, the theory was Rothschild needed to make their lives miserable to offer them a way ticket to Israel? In such scenario, Hitler a part of the Rothschilds were instrumental in help pushing Jews to Palestine?

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