"“We will see diseases get cured at an unprecedented rate. We will be amazed at how quickly we’re curing this cancer and that one — and heart disease."

Of course…

Not that they could have created all these diseases before.






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In order to cure a disease one has to create it first.

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I believe we're looking at the build out of artificial super intelligence


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Look at my article "The final Solution".

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I read it. I loved it. Reminds me of something I wrote in 2003


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Only the difference that this is real...

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About the immigrants, illegal or not, I’m sure you know it’s a worldwide phenomenon-there is a theory that it’s a global thing to move “the immigrants” all over the place, keep them many, and unsettled, so one world government makes more sense to people.

Like-hey if the government of the world says I can stay >here<(insert country)-well that’s great! Maybe one world government isn’t so bad after all.

Or-hey-if we get this one world government, we won’t have to worry about more illegals coming, they’ll stay where they are.

And “they” want one world religion (I know Fritz!)-so they can’t have a majority of muslims or Christians, or any other religion in a particular area. How could “they” control religion otherwise?

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Why bother with birth anymore?

Plug the foetus into AI and live in AI land for evermore....

Wear AI gloves and play like Mozart.

Wear AI boots and be George Best.

Be AI and just give boring old sleep, eat, sex and living in the real world a miss.

Larry Ellison looks awful. Why is it these billionaires are apparently so dumb?

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They are possessed... they are on the surface illogical.

Only when you take into the equation that they are possessed and as such anti human it makes sense.

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They’re all full of it. Dunno what else to say. Except that I for sure agree with you Fritz!

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