Jun 1Liked by Fritz Freud

Keep pointing your finger Fritz, it's the only way to build the army we desperately need.

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Jun 1Liked by Fritz Freud

The Spirit of Freedom Will Never Be Crushed. It's The End of the Anglo-Dutch Neo-Liberal Empire.

The Resistance continues to grow!

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Anglo-Dutch? 2 worthless old kingdoms. China, and Russia can stump these godless satanic kingdoms I a few weeks

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Love and tolerance are the solution.

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Jun 1Liked by Fritz Freud

It truly seems to be the fight between Good and Evil.

Let's hope the heavens will give human kind another chance!

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The fight between Good and Evil is won in the heart of men.

The choice you take is the life you make.

The heavens will not be on our side… they never gave Humanity a chance.

There is your enemy.

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I believe in the soul, conscience, the God particle or spark.. whatever we want to call it.

There is good in all of us. That goodness will grow exponentially if we learn to put our petty differences aside ( like you said, in the heart of men ) and we chose love and kindness everytime we get a chance.

It starts at home, with each individual.

And on that basis the "good" is unbeatable.

It doesn't matter what we call it. The spititual pricipals are universal laws.

We cannot get distracted by religion either.

Religion has become another separation in human kind. And they are too arrogant and ignoramt, too indoctrinated to make a much needsd change.

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Jun 1Liked by Fritz Freud

Very correct. Never should any sane human get to their level 🙏🏾

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"We must call to Putin that our Government cannot be trusted"

This seems to imply that Putin's government can be trusted and this is not demonstrated by facts.

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It does imply that we sort out Government out… and Putin stays put.

They need an enemy… Putin… they created.

Russian is now No.1 Military power.

To provoke Russia doe only someone extremely stupid… extremely ruthless… or someone suicidal possessed by evil who wants to kill us all .

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You're extreme and lashing out a little, but over an extremely dangerous situation, and mostly correct otherwise.

All men were created equal -- as humans -- under the law. The Bible, Gods and religion in general mythology or just ideas about largely the unknown, especially after death of course. Often just used to control the masses, and shouldn't be taken seriously, being even criminal.

Made by and for the elites to put them above the law, specifically, and us therefore, when bowed down before, literally or not!

Justice for all, instead! The reason for a separation of church and state. Eisenhower violated that in 1954 with #UnderGod in our pledge of allegiance (to Israel then). Sabotage!

#Yehwey (of the Bible, that Jesus is just the bait for) is a mythological God of war too, and the very reason we're in this situation! Because it's believed as truth instead by too many. Even pretended to be believed in (as our propaganda when its our sworn enemies' instead), and it's all imagination, stories!

Therefore, they're not "evil" they're just greedy and corrupt! But then we need justice for their crimes against humanity, as with their abuse of power of office too, over the people. Mass murders, treason too. So, yeah very serious but they're still only people nonetheless.

And some people just happen to be homosexual too. You don't need to resort to offensive name calling, being divisive, as most religions naturally are. Buddhism the only benign there is, that I know of anyway.

This is however a very dangerous situation and the rest should be taken very seriously!

Thanks for your time and efforts.

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All men are created equal?... No me don't think so.

All men are created different... but within all of them resides the same great spirit... spirit on the earth... the Human Spirit.

So if you think that everyone is the same... you always wonder why everyone else isn't.

So everyone thinks that everyone is insane because everyone thinks that everyone is the same when everyone is really different but because everyone thinks that everyone is the same they are driving everyone including themselves insane,

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Only under the law! No one's an "animal" (Talmud)!

Unless what's happening in Gaza -- to the 'human animals' there -- isn't a big red flag to you, to consider!

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You left out the Zuckerberg who’s already constructed an underground bunker.

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Not really...

He is included in the Demons club.

But I can't list all of them every time in every post.

I would then become like them which I won't.

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