They are trying to start a CIVIL WAR. These ridiculous mandates are their efficient use of the hegelian Dialectic It is meant to cause division, strife, wars, hate, etc.. It is actually a brilliant plan, coordinated world wide.


Quote by

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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I know... I wrote about this here

Civil War... Viva La Muerte

The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War


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So desperately trying to believe it was NOT a manual but it's getting harder and harder...with every passing week the picture seems to be getting more and more clear. Thank you FF

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I couldn’t stop reading. Thank you for your insight.

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thank you

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Since I am mentioned in this article, I did not receive an invitation (as far as I can see in my Substack) emails to respond. The goal of this material, as in all "anti-Jewish" material is scare the Jew into thinking the world is hostile and therefore the reassuring powers will be more comforting. And, merely secondary goal is to keep those who fail to actually check sources and require proof in what they read, well agitated with incendiary material so they mistake the Jews as the source of the problems, distracting the general population from the real source of the problems we face in every country - Amalek through all its different current presentations - the Enlightenment, Marxism, Red Islam, Zionism created as a Marxist movement to serve the objectives of Marxism. The current article does nothing to really expose Zionism despite its subtitle. The founder of the Torah Yeshiva that I learned in called Zionism Apikursis - a denial of G-d Al-mighty and His Torah - because it was invented by anti-G-d and anti-Torah Jews who sought to advance Marxism by co-opting Jewish sounding concepts to mislead the Jews and the non-Jews into choosing sides in a phony dialectic. More to come at RabbiSmith.Substack.com. So in the article here there is no exposure of Zionism - rather calling Klaus Schwab, someone with no connection to being Jewish, a Jew! hoping the two aforementioned purposes of this type of writing will be accomplished.

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Yes Rabbi I mentioned you... Officer Fritz here.

I mentioned you because you Lied.

Don't play the victim here.. this is my turf.

So you say that Klaus Schwab George Soros Yuval Harari Yanet Yellen Kelinsky Hansjörg Wyss+++ all of them who are currently the Monsters of Humanity and actively trying to reduce the Population by sterilization and eternal slavery are not Jews?

Who are you?

They say they are Jews.

You have no Authority to tell anyone who they are least of all me.

What about the Talmud?

What about the Kol Nidre?

What about the 2800 slaves every Jews receives when the Messiah comes`?

These are all serious allegations and I want answers.

You are in a position to give answers so I challenge you.

Do not spread mis information... don't tell me who I am...

You don't know me...but I know you.

Your God Is a Lie

Your Religion is a Lie.

That is for Christianity Judaism and Islam alike.

The scriptures are written by your people.

I am Zen.

The only thing that matters to me is Truth.

Officer Fritz

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Are you trying to get accused of hate speech? What do you think of Brendon O'Connell?

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Oh they hate me for sure...

I don't know this guy...

They tried to kill me, ruined me and stopped my Invention from going mainstream.

So I expose their lies with Truth... the greatest weapon of all in a war by deception.

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the term "the jews" is what I referred to. Calling any group of people "the ___________" is questionable. I questioned it.

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It's what they call themselves that matters.

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it is a trap

just like it is ok for blacks to use the n-word but racist for anyone else

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