That’s a boatload of connected dots. Nice sleuth work.

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Nice piece of work Fritz, well done.

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I do what has to be done.

I expose them.

What must be done must be done.

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I do the same my friend...even if we have to pass to the other side...what egoistic , arrogant psychopaths...sick, deranged lunatics. A bunch of Asperger's syndrome, autistic wack jobs.

EMP their sick twisted demonic egoistic brains! There's an idea...

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Don't slam dunk.

I am Autistic.

I am also a Moonchild.

Nothing wrong with that.

If it weren't for people with Aspergers you would not have Electricity.

We are born Geniuses.... we have no boundaries.

It is us you have to thank because we open the doors of perception for you to live in luxury.

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If your intentions are good, you have no worries Fritz. What about these egotistical Jew Nazi psychopaths who are committing global crimes against humanity, should we pity them because they're all aspergers syndrome, autistic psychopaths. Their brains and balls are growing faster than their skulls. They've got everyone under threat or mind control including Elon Musk.

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Wait for my next post...

I don't speak for them... I despise them.

Today I woke up from a dream...

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We need many more autistic, Aspergers syndrome brilliant minds like you to help us defeat these arrogant demons.

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I am an Indigo child, empathetic towards others...we are the same...

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See my newest latest post of a revolutionary new technology MedBed 90.10 quantum technology that will end all diseases and illnesses as we know it! Scans, repairs all damages to the human body, even can grow limbs, restore eyesight, hearing, even mental health issues. It does it all in just minutes! Sounds crazy? Check it out...they're even selling them...Free trials! Heard about the 90.10 Quantum Technology MedBed? It's real and it's here now...

Revolutionary Quantum technology


Aug 30, 2023 https://watchmanfortruth2023.substack.com/p/heard-about-the-9010-quantum-technology

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I must say... there is nothing better than a waterbed...

AND I lived in China... for healing I practice Tai Chi and wing chung.

Nothing is better than training...

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It's NOT a waterbed, it's a Quantum technology futuristic healing bed! Ha ha Ha....you kill me...did you look at the info, watch a few video's on Jewtube?

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To heal all that a Human needs is love and time and peace...

A waterbed is healing to me...

We sometimes try to do too much... less is sometimes more... that is what I learned in my life.

When I was in China... one day an old China man came to watch me doing my exercise in the park.

He sat down across and watched me training.

After he came and congratulated me... told me he never seen a Guai Lo exercising like me.

He then shared with me some of his knowledge.

An old man teaching you Kung Fu.

That was the most honorable thing I always fondly remember for all of my life.

How many people can experience something like that?

For my Invention they have punished me... taken everything from me.

I do not even have enough money right now to buy food or to pay my bills.

However I have something more... I have spirit.

I have lost my thirst for material achievements.

But I am proud of my spiritual achievements.

I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time to the wrong parents.

But maybe not.

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MedBed 90.10 quantum technology healing Fritz in your language of German https://app.9010.com/haftungsausschluss

Disclaimer to make the psychopaths happy...he he he...😝 😜 🤪

This English disclaimer is provided for convenience only and will not be interpreted to modify the German version. For the German version please see the German Haftungsausschluss.

90.10. does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website or related videos. Reliance on any information appearing on the website or related videos is solely at everyone’s own risk. Statements made on this website and in related videos have not been evaluated by the EFSA or FDA (Food and Drug Administration). 90.10. products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Fritz my new very bright and intelligent German friend from Germany. I am in Canada, in Montreal, Quebec, may I make another suggestion? Change your page name to Fritz Feud Substack page, why? Because it will get more attention since many medical doctors and scientists use this page to reach more good awakened people who are curious to know the truths!

German translation: Fritz, mein neuer, sehr aufgeweckter und intelligenter deutscher Freund aus Deutschland. Ich bin in Kanada, in Montreal, Quebec. Darf ich noch einen Vorschlag machen? Ändern Sie Ihren Seitennamen in Fritz Feud Substack-Seite. Warum? Weil es mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten wird, da viele Ärzte und Wissenschaftler diese Seite nutzen, um mehr gute, erwachte Menschen zu erreichen, die neugierig sind, die Wahrheiten zu erfahren!

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I like it this way.

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Wie alt bist du?

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My personal opinion, no hard feelings intended Fritz, you need a catchier title...Fritz Freud sounds like this older animated adult cartoon I saw a while back...you need to market yourself a bit more profoundly. More PIZZAZ! Like example: Fritz Freud, Zio-Huntr Substack page - You don't think so? It was one of my older titles...Zio-Huntr...catchy...

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