Isn't it ironic and wonderful how the Universe works, soooo good to be alive. I have been quoting the old native saying, "its a good day to be alive," for the past year as I watch the world species wake up. I was glad to be given this little book at the time I found it in the free basket as always I found the universe affirming the way is given freely right there and then. 😊
Dear Fritz, I just read this latest written excellent post from and thought of you two as a good match and someone that would be good person for you to get to know. You may already know of his work. I do not know you but I think of you as young man that represents what this 70 year old man was like when he was young, whose knowledge now has years of experience in the same world you are so adapt within. If you are unfamiliar with his work do check it out and reach out to him, as you in my mind are one of his compatriots and your youth and his years of experience in this world can be of support to each other. Be well and continue to thrive little brother.
Well our correspondence in crossing in interesting ways. 😊 Yes Authority resides within each of us at all times and no where else. I do sense we are all within an electrical system that carries our thoughts here and there so we are in creation mode at ll times and keeping in the goodness of our human heart and soul as you so beautifully stated no matter what will be our rising from the pit of ignorance. I found a most charming book, THE WAY OF LIFE by LAO TZU at a free basket at the thrift shop and it so gives a beautiful look at the WAY that dovetails in a most simple yet powerful manner with so many other teachings I have studied. 🕊
Calling Jews ZioNazis and Khazarian fake Jew Nazis is a Jewish trick to deceive. All Jews are real Jews, there are no fake Jews, no Khazarian converts.
There is no such thing as ZioNazis, and Hamas are a documented Israeli government-created and run and funded organization at the very top using duped soldiers on the bottom levels.
Khazarian Mafia ZioNazi fake Jews are no such thing, they are just Jews, full stop, they are a myth deliberately created and used by the same Jews who print such trash as that the Jews funded the National Socialist Party in Germany, or that Hitler or Goebbels were really Jews.
Ever heard of Sefton Delmer? He was responsible along with Stalin for initiating much of the never-ending hostile and false propaganda that is still even today being created against National Socialist Germany. Delmer along with Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt were the darkest malevolent evil incarnate.
British Jews first caused WWI after Natty Rothschild funded and ultimately organized a secret elite group of influential news magnates and politicians in England to do his dirty work, with Churchill who became Admiralty Lord involved also even in the instigation of WWI and then again in WWII as Rothschild's Jewish warlord when Churchill was never even elected by the British people and was just into place as PM by TPTB. Churchill's mother was a New York Jewess called Jerome.
Natty Rothschild was not only responsible for instigating WWI and ultimately WWII, but also for instigating the Bolshevik Jewish terrorist takeover of Russia, with 66 million Christians murdered there, and the same process of mass carnage of 'reactionary' (meaning resistant) innocent unarmed Gentile civilians was thoroughly planned to sweep right through Germany and then the rest of Europe, and ultimately, the rest of the entire world. Stalin had 30,000 Gentile Russian army officers executed and replaced them all with Jews, a sign of things intended to come everywhere else.
Photographic records exist of the utterly horrific torture methods and murders inflicted by sadistic blood-crazed Jewish Bolshevik forces on defenceless Gentile civilians as they swept through European nations that I publish on my own site, and Germany knew exactly the sort of thing their own people could expect to suffer if the Jewish communists seized control of Germany itself, and by holding the communist Jewish-led Russian forces back as they did so heroically for so long, the Germans saved many scores of millions of lives in Europe.
Do not forget Churchill said WWII could have been prevented at any time, and even stopped at any time once it had started but that he himself chose to make it start, and for it to be made to go on, and he stated that he personally was responsible for the war being made to carry on in documented communications to Stalin.
Also, do not forget these wars were simply organized mass slaughter of Gentiles who the Jews say must all be killed as 'Amalek', 'the Second Rome', who Jewish rabbis and the policiticians they work with intend to totally exterminate according to the words of these rabbis. I publish several videos of rabbis saying just that on my own site, with one of the videos featuring a rabbi saying all Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, leaving 'no survivors' as he says very happily.
WWI and WWII were instigated entirely by Jews as a crafty means of imposing Isaiah 19:2 on the Gentiles to get the dirty work of the entirely malevolent Jews done by Gentile dupes against the Axis force nations and their civilian peoples instead. There was no need at all for WWI or WWII, and there is NO need or the slightest genuine justification for all the total bullcrap about German National Socialism. 30% of all white people in America were derived from German stock originally, thus the Jews maliciously made Gentile brother kill Gentile brother.
WWII was simply a more or less direct continuation of WWI and was planned to be so, and Churchill stated this, adding that war could have been prevented at any time, but that Hitler would have war (forced on him) whether he wanted it or not.
It is a matter of historical record that Hitler offered to melt down every gun possessed by the German army if the nations surrounding Germany would agree to abide with already established treaty terms and guarantee not to attack Germany, but these nations really had no intentions of abiding by treaty terms and only behaved as such, as the complete destruction of Germany was already fully intended, especially by the Rothschilds, who really desired Germany destroyed so that their created and emplaced Jewish-controlled Bolshevik forces in Russia would then be able to sweep right through Europe unopposed, as far as the Rothschilds wished that is, and not be hindered by any powerful Germany, which was the only nation then powerful enough to stop a Russian advance right through Europe to fully enslave that for the Jews also, so WWI and WWII were deliberately arranged precisely to remove that obstacle of Germany, and at the same time cause mass carnage among the white Gentile 'Amalek' 'Second Rome' who Jewish rabbis as the authorised and accepted leaders of the Jews openly state are fully intended by them to be totally exterminated, first of all throughout all of Euope, then in the US, Canada, NZ, Australia etc., then all other Gentile races and peoples are similarly to be exterminated just as the Zohar edicts reveal.
Chabad Lubavitcher Noahide Laws are first to be employed to kill all 'idolaters' practicing any non-Jewish religion as part of this program, and that law, one of several that carry death penalties only for Gentiles for contraventions, will authorize the total liquidation of 6 billion people, quite a way towards the 7.5 billion (Gentiles) required dead by the Jew Klaus Schwab, whose mother was Jewish and who keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, who said 9 out of every 10 being killed throughout the entire world by the Communist revolution around 100 years ago even at that time would be quite acceptable.
Now Schwab the WEF head wants to see 15 out of every 16 wiped out with his 7.5 billion total, which is not of course part of any plan to save the world, it is of course simply a Communist plan to kill all non-Jews, and the rest of the Gentiles after the first 7.5 billion will be totally liquidated when the first 7.5 billion have been removed if they can get away with this, especially when DARPA humanoid robots that self-build replicas of themselves are deployed to fully replace present skilled humanoid labour, and you can bet they have humanoid robots 30 years in advance of the silly little toys they show on television at present, just not yet in sufficient numbers. One humanoid robot that plays ping pong like an extremely skilled olympic athlete with perfect accuracy at lightning speed, moving exactly as a human does in every respect while playing against a highly-skilled human opponent is a slight indication, and if one of those is programmed one day to give a karate chop to the throat of a Gentile at lightning speed quite unexpectedly and suddenly rather than making them a cup of tea, that will be it for any remaining Gentiles that day if the robots are all triggered all over the world to do that at the same time.
One rabbi in a video I feature on my site says 580 million white people that Jewish law identifies as Second Rome Amalek must be killed in Europe.
So-called historians repeatedly fail to reveal that all the attempts by Hitler both to prevent war and to stop it after it had been started by England were constantly ignored by Churchill, as the greatest carnage possible of Gentiles on both sides was intended to occur by Jewish arrangement.
Churchill stated that what had actually been most difficult was how to get the war started, and once it had been started not then how to stop it as quickly as possible, but how to keep it continuing as long as possible. This is the typically-seen mass-murderous Jewish MO as is again being inflicted on Gentiles in Gaza and Ukraine today, where a Big Israel is intended to be established by Zelensky on the earlier orders of the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson to be created by means of a war being deliberately started to get the Slavs there to wipe each other out (or be forced off the land), and very cohencidentally for millions of Jews from Israel to then move there, hence the 'sudden' organized mass depopulation in both Gaza and Ukraine by murder most foul.
German National Socialism was not evil. Any attempt to make out that it was merely repeats malicious and false Jewish propaganda. The Jewish so-called religion is in fact communism and is entirely intended on the ultimate total physical extermination of all Gentiles in the entire world, so if misled people want to pick little faults with the NSDAP who tried to stop Jewish communism from achieving the Jewish goal of eventual total physical annihilation of ALL Gentiles (which the WEF is very clearly a front for) and even call the WEF 'Nazis' (Jews themselves are behind that particular propaganda campaign), then they are round the bloody twist.
Ever wonder why every single day there are several TV programs relentlessly pumping the trash narrative that a holocaust of Jews really occurred and that any criticism of Judaism is evil?
That is getting nastier, as not so long ago in Marxist Canada and Russia, both run by Chabad Lubavitcher devotee crypto-Jews Trudeau and Putin, they have banned 'holocaust denial' and made that an imprisonable offence.
Did you know Stalin was really a Jew? I show photos of him on my Substack site dressed in full Bukharian Jewish religious regalia in the association of openly known Jewish Bolsheviks who are dressed exactly the same. Stalin, the so-called Georgian Gentile 'anti-semite' actually passed a law throughout Soviet Russia that stated any person deemed guilty of 'antisemitism' would face an automatic mandatory death penalty. In the documented wording accompanying that law, Stalin clearly stated that the law had been created because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist revolution. Fake historians tell us Stalin was a Gentile and not a Jew only to make it look like a Gentile was responsible for killing the many millions he had murdered.
After WWII, the Kremlin initially pressed for the imposition of that same law in every nation throughout the entire world, but later decided to employ less obvious methods outside Russia. THAT IS WHAT WWII REALLY GOT FOUGHT FOR.
Stalin murdered millions of Christians in Russia just as his predecessors had done, and he carried on murdering Christians in Russia right through WWII that was entirely started by Jews right up to 1953 when Stalin Died.
Read about the Pitesti Experiment in Romania, then tell me you oppose German National Socialist resistance to the corrosively lethal spread of Bolshevism, all this woke 'anti-Nazi' self-righteous stuff is entirely mistaken.
Communism IS Judaism, just as Rabbi Stephen Wise said, just as many other Jews have said, and the end goal of Judaism is precisely that of Communism. Karl Marx printed these words in his foreign language political journal in 1849; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". Jew Commies try to apply false interpretations of various kinds to those words, saying they 'only' mean this or only mean 'that'.
The Jewish Zohar of the 'good Jews' explicitly states all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately to be physically totally exterminated and that even their Gentile souls are all to be sent to hell.
Lenin stated 9 out of every 10 people in the world being killed is quite acceptable to effect the communist (Jewish) revolution.
Klaus Schwab, who yet more clever Jewish propaganda purposely misidentifies as a German 'Nazi' actually had a Jewish mother, this being a very well-researched fact, and he says 7.5 billion are to be killed, that is 15 out of every 16 now, yet Lenin said what he said around a century ago, well before any made -up 'overpopulation' and faked global warming crisis 'necessitating' a suicidal war on CO2 that plants need to make oxygen for us to breathe. But neck-breathing shape-shifting reptilian Jews in human skin suits like Pfizer's Al Bourla don't need oxygen of course, haha.
Marx printed what he did, no matter whether he or Engels actually wrote it as many quibble over, with Marx very obviously having chosen to publish those words as concurring with his own views. Marxism, Leninism or whatever you may call Communism, is nothing but criminal terrorist standard mainstream Judaism in the ultimate analysis, despite 'yer good Jews' who are very good actors indeed as long as they superficially appear to be quietly playing along with everyone else in any Gentile nation only in order to get well-accepted and infiltrated to more effectively participate in the Jewish agenda which is to conquer the entire world.
The political invention of fake Jew imposter Jews is quite frankly a very obvious and very ridiculous means of deception used by Jews to pass off blame for their own crimes onto those-called fake Jews, who when it comes down to it, are never around to take any real blame, and live in Israel where they cannot be touched anyway, while Jews in Israel laugh at the stupidity of the goyim slaves for believing such Jewish deceptions.
These Jews very ridiculously say that even Jews like Netanyahu himself are 'Zionazi Khazarian Mafia imposter fake Jews' with Netanyahu they say deliberately giving the real Jews bad name, and that Netanyahu and his 'ZioNazi' IDF 'fake Jew' armed forces are killing not only Palestinians in Gaza but 'real Jews' in Israel, and that no real Jews are involved in Zionism, and that real Jews are not Zionists.
Head Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis says the obvious fact that Zionism is Judaism, and that they are inseperable from each other.
Meanwhile Jews and their lickspittles wrap arms round each other telling the gullible goyim that they condemn the actions of the 'Zionists' in Israel, who are now supposedly not Jews all of a sudden, while those in the West are suddenly just Jews and not Zionists as well all of a sudden, whereas previously any criticism of Israel or Zionism would very often be met with the most hateful and often physically violent response by large gangs of Jewish sayanim heavies.
The Jewish Zohar says all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated, that is the Jewish religion, and Torah verses from Deuteronomy are often stated by the rabbis in support of their sermons on this subject to fellow Jews in these videos. Tell me some Jews are good and I can see you have been duped.
No holocaust of 6 million Jews ever could have taken place, no gas chambers that could possibly have been used to commit homicide even existed in the German-run camps and Hitler never started the war and tried to stop it many times, the documented statements of Churchill himself prove that. Two census organizations, one of them even a Jewish organization, both compiled world Jewish population figures both before just before WWII and just after WWII, in all 4 instances the figures are virtually identical.
Even Jerusalem University professors and Dr Karl Skorecki have openly stated now that no mass conversion of Jews in Khazaria ever took place, so there really is no fake Jew Khazarian Mafia, they are simply Jews, and in any case when you really think about it, many Jews who are very cheekily still attempting that very obvious deception do so not only so that Jews can be declared innocent of criminality so as to enable them to remain acceptable in political circles around the world in many Jewish-controlled nations, but also to tell us that Gentiles are really the ones who are responsible for these crimes.
Hitler stated in Mein Kampf that if the Jews are ever allowed to succeed in their plans, that this world will be left a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space. Think of the cobalt 60 nuclear dirty bomb patented in 1950 by the Jew Leo Szilard in the US. He stated 400 of these devices (of the small size then available at that time) would permanently destroy all forms of life on this entire planet. That is the criminally insane nihilist Jewish mindset and intention spelled out for you.
Szilard earlier invented and patented the atom bomb explosive mechanism in London in 1934 before later migrating to America to continue his dark work there.
Anyone attacking National Socialism under Jewish hypnosis is only doing the Jews' work for them by opposing the only real understanding to ever effectively begin to actually oppose Jewish world domination.
There are no good Jews, Judaism in its entirety is purely a criminal terrorist racist supremacist organization lethally intended against all actually human life on this planet; the Jewish scriptures indisputably and openly state that all Gentiles are to be exterminated.
"Full Length Holocaust Documentary. Did Nazi Germany Systematically Murder 6 Million Jews? This Analysis Concludes Its an Impossibility, We Will Be Putting Some of the Mainstream Theories Under the Scope, for the Purpose of Analysis and Revision."
I L❤️VED This for soo many reasons! Bravo!
Isn't it ironic and wonderful how the Universe works, soooo good to be alive. I have been quoting the old native saying, "its a good day to be alive," for the past year as I watch the world species wake up. I was glad to be given this little book at the time I found it in the free basket as always I found the universe affirming the way is given freely right there and then. 😊
Dear Fritz, I just read this latest written excellent post from and thought of you two as a good match and someone that would be good person for you to get to know. You may already know of his work. I do not know you but I think of you as young man that represents what this 70 year old man was like when he was young, whose knowledge now has years of experience in the same world you are so adapt within. If you are unfamiliar with his work do check it out and reach out to him, as you in my mind are one of his compatriots and your youth and his years of experience in this world can be of support to each other. Be well and continue to thrive little brother.
Thank you.
I know CH respect him with a little Objection because I am not a religious person...
I object especially to the Illusion of Authority of a non existing God.
On the other hand I believe in the goodness of the soul of the Human heart...
Every Human given the choice and proper ZEN education will eventually make the right decisions at the right time.
Believe is a Disease.
Knowledge Truth... these are true powers.
These are the legs to stand on if wan wants to become human.
Well our correspondence in crossing in interesting ways. 😊 Yes Authority resides within each of us at all times and no where else. I do sense we are all within an electrical system that carries our thoughts here and there so we are in creation mode at ll times and keeping in the goodness of our human heart and soul as you so beautifully stated no matter what will be our rising from the pit of ignorance. I found a most charming book, THE WAY OF LIFE by LAO TZU at a free basket at the thrift shop and it so gives a beautiful look at the WAY that dovetails in a most simple yet powerful manner with so many other teachings I have studied. 🕊
ZEN you are talking about ZEN.
Lao Tse is the founder of Taoism.
Yet Taoism and Zen are way older.
The foundation of Taoism as well as Chinese Medicine and Kung Fu and ZEN are all interconnected and based on the living Universe and living energies.
I respectfully suggest you look upon Wilhelm Reich because he proves this to be true.
No one said it was gonna be easy living on a Satanic, reptilian world...keep yer head on a swivel.
Calling Jews ZioNazis and Khazarian fake Jew Nazis is a Jewish trick to deceive. All Jews are real Jews, there are no fake Jews, no Khazarian converts.
There is no such thing as ZioNazis, and Hamas are a documented Israeli government-created and run and funded organization at the very top using duped soldiers on the bottom levels.
Khazarian Mafia ZioNazi fake Jews are no such thing, they are just Jews, full stop, they are a myth deliberately created and used by the same Jews who print such trash as that the Jews funded the National Socialist Party in Germany, or that Hitler or Goebbels were really Jews.
Ever heard of Sefton Delmer? He was responsible along with Stalin for initiating much of the never-ending hostile and false propaganda that is still even today being created against National Socialist Germany. Delmer along with Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt were the darkest malevolent evil incarnate.
British Jews first caused WWI after Natty Rothschild funded and ultimately organized a secret elite group of influential news magnates and politicians in England to do his dirty work, with Churchill who became Admiralty Lord involved also even in the instigation of WWI and then again in WWII as Rothschild's Jewish warlord when Churchill was never even elected by the British people and was just into place as PM by TPTB. Churchill's mother was a New York Jewess called Jerome.
Natty Rothschild was not only responsible for instigating WWI and ultimately WWII, but also for instigating the Bolshevik Jewish terrorist takeover of Russia, with 66 million Christians murdered there, and the same process of mass carnage of 'reactionary' (meaning resistant) innocent unarmed Gentile civilians was thoroughly planned to sweep right through Germany and then the rest of Europe, and ultimately, the rest of the entire world. Stalin had 30,000 Gentile Russian army officers executed and replaced them all with Jews, a sign of things intended to come everywhere else.
Photographic records exist of the utterly horrific torture methods and murders inflicted by sadistic blood-crazed Jewish Bolshevik forces on defenceless Gentile civilians as they swept through European nations that I publish on my own site, and Germany knew exactly the sort of thing their own people could expect to suffer if the Jewish communists seized control of Germany itself, and by holding the communist Jewish-led Russian forces back as they did so heroically for so long, the Germans saved many scores of millions of lives in Europe.
Do not forget Churchill said WWII could have been prevented at any time, and even stopped at any time once it had started but that he himself chose to make it start, and for it to be made to go on, and he stated that he personally was responsible for the war being made to carry on in documented communications to Stalin.
Also, do not forget these wars were simply organized mass slaughter of Gentiles who the Jews say must all be killed as 'Amalek', 'the Second Rome', who Jewish rabbis and the policiticians they work with intend to totally exterminate according to the words of these rabbis. I publish several videos of rabbis saying just that on my own site, with one of the videos featuring a rabbi saying all Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, leaving 'no survivors' as he says very happily.
WWI and WWII were instigated entirely by Jews as a crafty means of imposing Isaiah 19:2 on the Gentiles to get the dirty work of the entirely malevolent Jews done by Gentile dupes against the Axis force nations and their civilian peoples instead. There was no need at all for WWI or WWII, and there is NO need or the slightest genuine justification for all the total bullcrap about German National Socialism. 30% of all white people in America were derived from German stock originally, thus the Jews maliciously made Gentile brother kill Gentile brother.
WWII was simply a more or less direct continuation of WWI and was planned to be so, and Churchill stated this, adding that war could have been prevented at any time, but that Hitler would have war (forced on him) whether he wanted it or not.
It is a matter of historical record that Hitler offered to melt down every gun possessed by the German army if the nations surrounding Germany would agree to abide with already established treaty terms and guarantee not to attack Germany, but these nations really had no intentions of abiding by treaty terms and only behaved as such, as the complete destruction of Germany was already fully intended, especially by the Rothschilds, who really desired Germany destroyed so that their created and emplaced Jewish-controlled Bolshevik forces in Russia would then be able to sweep right through Europe unopposed, as far as the Rothschilds wished that is, and not be hindered by any powerful Germany, which was the only nation then powerful enough to stop a Russian advance right through Europe to fully enslave that for the Jews also, so WWI and WWII were deliberately arranged precisely to remove that obstacle of Germany, and at the same time cause mass carnage among the white Gentile 'Amalek' 'Second Rome' who Jewish rabbis as the authorised and accepted leaders of the Jews openly state are fully intended by them to be totally exterminated, first of all throughout all of Euope, then in the US, Canada, NZ, Australia etc., then all other Gentile races and peoples are similarly to be exterminated just as the Zohar edicts reveal.
Chabad Lubavitcher Noahide Laws are first to be employed to kill all 'idolaters' practicing any non-Jewish religion as part of this program, and that law, one of several that carry death penalties only for Gentiles for contraventions, will authorize the total liquidation of 6 billion people, quite a way towards the 7.5 billion (Gentiles) required dead by the Jew Klaus Schwab, whose mother was Jewish and who keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, who said 9 out of every 10 being killed throughout the entire world by the Communist revolution around 100 years ago even at that time would be quite acceptable.
Now Schwab the WEF head wants to see 15 out of every 16 wiped out with his 7.5 billion total, which is not of course part of any plan to save the world, it is of course simply a Communist plan to kill all non-Jews, and the rest of the Gentiles after the first 7.5 billion will be totally liquidated when the first 7.5 billion have been removed if they can get away with this, especially when DARPA humanoid robots that self-build replicas of themselves are deployed to fully replace present skilled humanoid labour, and you can bet they have humanoid robots 30 years in advance of the silly little toys they show on television at present, just not yet in sufficient numbers. One humanoid robot that plays ping pong like an extremely skilled olympic athlete with perfect accuracy at lightning speed, moving exactly as a human does in every respect while playing against a highly-skilled human opponent is a slight indication, and if one of those is programmed one day to give a karate chop to the throat of a Gentile at lightning speed quite unexpectedly and suddenly rather than making them a cup of tea, that will be it for any remaining Gentiles that day if the robots are all triggered all over the world to do that at the same time.
One rabbi in a video I feature on my site says 580 million white people that Jewish law identifies as Second Rome Amalek must be killed in Europe.
So-called historians repeatedly fail to reveal that all the attempts by Hitler both to prevent war and to stop it after it had been started by England were constantly ignored by Churchill, as the greatest carnage possible of Gentiles on both sides was intended to occur by Jewish arrangement.
Churchill stated that what had actually been most difficult was how to get the war started, and once it had been started not then how to stop it as quickly as possible, but how to keep it continuing as long as possible. This is the typically-seen mass-murderous Jewish MO as is again being inflicted on Gentiles in Gaza and Ukraine today, where a Big Israel is intended to be established by Zelensky on the earlier orders of the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson to be created by means of a war being deliberately started to get the Slavs there to wipe each other out (or be forced off the land), and very cohencidentally for millions of Jews from Israel to then move there, hence the 'sudden' organized mass depopulation in both Gaza and Ukraine by murder most foul.
German National Socialism was not evil. Any attempt to make out that it was merely repeats malicious and false Jewish propaganda. The Jewish so-called religion is in fact communism and is entirely intended on the ultimate total physical extermination of all Gentiles in the entire world, so if misled people want to pick little faults with the NSDAP who tried to stop Jewish communism from achieving the Jewish goal of eventual total physical annihilation of ALL Gentiles (which the WEF is very clearly a front for) and even call the WEF 'Nazis' (Jews themselves are behind that particular propaganda campaign), then they are round the bloody twist.
Ever wonder why every single day there are several TV programs relentlessly pumping the trash narrative that a holocaust of Jews really occurred and that any criticism of Judaism is evil?
That is getting nastier, as not so long ago in Marxist Canada and Russia, both run by Chabad Lubavitcher devotee crypto-Jews Trudeau and Putin, they have banned 'holocaust denial' and made that an imprisonable offence.
Did you know Stalin was really a Jew? I show photos of him on my Substack site dressed in full Bukharian Jewish religious regalia in the association of openly known Jewish Bolsheviks who are dressed exactly the same. Stalin, the so-called Georgian Gentile 'anti-semite' actually passed a law throughout Soviet Russia that stated any person deemed guilty of 'antisemitism' would face an automatic mandatory death penalty. In the documented wording accompanying that law, Stalin clearly stated that the law had been created because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist revolution. Fake historians tell us Stalin was a Gentile and not a Jew only to make it look like a Gentile was responsible for killing the many millions he had murdered.
After WWII, the Kremlin initially pressed for the imposition of that same law in every nation throughout the entire world, but later decided to employ less obvious methods outside Russia. THAT IS WHAT WWII REALLY GOT FOUGHT FOR.
Stalin murdered millions of Christians in Russia just as his predecessors had done, and he carried on murdering Christians in Russia right through WWII that was entirely started by Jews right up to 1953 when Stalin Died.
Read about the Pitesti Experiment in Romania, then tell me you oppose German National Socialist resistance to the corrosively lethal spread of Bolshevism, all this woke 'anti-Nazi' self-righteous stuff is entirely mistaken.
Communism IS Judaism, just as Rabbi Stephen Wise said, just as many other Jews have said, and the end goal of Judaism is precisely that of Communism. Karl Marx printed these words in his foreign language political journal in 1849; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". Jew Commies try to apply false interpretations of various kinds to those words, saying they 'only' mean this or only mean 'that'.
The Jewish Zohar of the 'good Jews' explicitly states all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately to be physically totally exterminated and that even their Gentile souls are all to be sent to hell.
Lenin stated 9 out of every 10 people in the world being killed is quite acceptable to effect the communist (Jewish) revolution.
Klaus Schwab, who yet more clever Jewish propaganda purposely misidentifies as a German 'Nazi' actually had a Jewish mother, this being a very well-researched fact, and he says 7.5 billion are to be killed, that is 15 out of every 16 now, yet Lenin said what he said around a century ago, well before any made -up 'overpopulation' and faked global warming crisis 'necessitating' a suicidal war on CO2 that plants need to make oxygen for us to breathe. But neck-breathing shape-shifting reptilian Jews in human skin suits like Pfizer's Al Bourla don't need oxygen of course, haha.
Marx printed what he did, no matter whether he or Engels actually wrote it as many quibble over, with Marx very obviously having chosen to publish those words as concurring with his own views. Marxism, Leninism or whatever you may call Communism, is nothing but criminal terrorist standard mainstream Judaism in the ultimate analysis, despite 'yer good Jews' who are very good actors indeed as long as they superficially appear to be quietly playing along with everyone else in any Gentile nation only in order to get well-accepted and infiltrated to more effectively participate in the Jewish agenda which is to conquer the entire world.
The political invention of fake Jew imposter Jews is quite frankly a very obvious and very ridiculous means of deception used by Jews to pass off blame for their own crimes onto those-called fake Jews, who when it comes down to it, are never around to take any real blame, and live in Israel where they cannot be touched anyway, while Jews in Israel laugh at the stupidity of the goyim slaves for believing such Jewish deceptions.
These Jews very ridiculously say that even Jews like Netanyahu himself are 'Zionazi Khazarian Mafia imposter fake Jews' with Netanyahu they say deliberately giving the real Jews bad name, and that Netanyahu and his 'ZioNazi' IDF 'fake Jew' armed forces are killing not only Palestinians in Gaza but 'real Jews' in Israel, and that no real Jews are involved in Zionism, and that real Jews are not Zionists.
Head Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis says the obvious fact that Zionism is Judaism, and that they are inseperable from each other.
Meanwhile Jews and their lickspittles wrap arms round each other telling the gullible goyim that they condemn the actions of the 'Zionists' in Israel, who are now supposedly not Jews all of a sudden, while those in the West are suddenly just Jews and not Zionists as well all of a sudden, whereas previously any criticism of Israel or Zionism would very often be met with the most hateful and often physically violent response by large gangs of Jewish sayanim heavies.
The Jewish Zohar says all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated, that is the Jewish religion, and Torah verses from Deuteronomy are often stated by the rabbis in support of their sermons on this subject to fellow Jews in these videos. Tell me some Jews are good and I can see you have been duped.
No holocaust of 6 million Jews ever could have taken place, no gas chambers that could possibly have been used to commit homicide even existed in the German-run camps and Hitler never started the war and tried to stop it many times, the documented statements of Churchill himself prove that. Two census organizations, one of them even a Jewish organization, both compiled world Jewish population figures both before just before WWII and just after WWII, in all 4 instances the figures are virtually identical.
Even Jerusalem University professors and Dr Karl Skorecki have openly stated now that no mass conversion of Jews in Khazaria ever took place, so there really is no fake Jew Khazarian Mafia, they are simply Jews, and in any case when you really think about it, many Jews who are very cheekily still attempting that very obvious deception do so not only so that Jews can be declared innocent of criminality so as to enable them to remain acceptable in political circles around the world in many Jewish-controlled nations, but also to tell us that Gentiles are really the ones who are responsible for these crimes.
Hitler stated in Mein Kampf that if the Jews are ever allowed to succeed in their plans, that this world will be left a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space. Think of the cobalt 60 nuclear dirty bomb patented in 1950 by the Jew Leo Szilard in the US. He stated 400 of these devices (of the small size then available at that time) would permanently destroy all forms of life on this entire planet. That is the criminally insane nihilist Jewish mindset and intention spelled out for you.
Szilard earlier invented and patented the atom bomb explosive mechanism in London in 1934 before later migrating to America to continue his dark work there.
Anyone attacking National Socialism under Jewish hypnosis is only doing the Jews' work for them by opposing the only real understanding to ever effectively begin to actually oppose Jewish world domination.
There are no good Jews, Judaism in its entirety is purely a criminal terrorist racist supremacist organization lethally intended against all actually human life on this planet; the Jewish scriptures indisputably and openly state that all Gentiles are to be exterminated.
Under the title "Atonement for Auschwitz", "Welt im Film" reports on the judgments in the Krakow Auschwitz trial of 1947/48:
"A total of almost 300,000 people from different nations perished in the Auschwitz concentration camp. (…)
The Auschwitz concentration camp remains as a memorial to shame as it stands today. In memory of its 300,000 victims."
- "Welt im Film 137/1948" -
The new religion by Bishop Williamson -
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