Feb 24Liked by Fritz Freud

Man, this is one hell of a post.

I would agree with you that

"Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler".

But under Germany lawbraker's law that's probably a trivialization of Nazi crimes, which is punishable with prison for no less than 666 years, therefore only in the subjunctive.

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Fritz, wow man, this was really incredible. Thank you for putting it all together in this powerful post. I especially loved how you broke it all down re: politicians not being members of secret societies because corruption/compromise is already baked into that scenario. And another thing: why aren't WE THE PEOPLE allowed to "vote" on laws up for consideration? That's not part of the political process because they see us as dumb animals who can't think/discern for themselves. And if this method were in place, nearly none of their draconian laws would see the light of day. It's time for this political crapshow to come to an end.

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So many truths few know of, which isn’t surprising considering the dummied down America epoch!

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WOW! Definitely sums up the madness of this clown world. 💥🔥🎯

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Fritz this is one EPIC post!! I loved it. I especially like the gloves off approach to nailing them to their ties to "secret societies." I couldn't add much more to this.

Your quote: "Ursula von der Leyen is certainly the worst excuse of a Fascist Tampon that should never have been conceived in the first place." that just blows my hair back. ;-)

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Feb 26Liked by Fritz Freud

Off the charts summation of wtf is going on. Lies upon lies to preempt our liberties with state goons intimidating righteous people using the threat of violence manifested via fiat money. All a fake construct. Complete captured system of mkultra programming with compliance by we the people. And we fund this by taxation which is an percentile of our slave labor all under the illusion of freedom via usery debt system. Unless rejected violently this continues. Add the poison compliance being implemented to alter us into a borg hive existence for full animal farm existence. Beyond diabolical…

To make matters even more disturbing I am traveling and witnessing the overwhelming cluelessness of righteous peoples playing by the rules without an understanding of what is coming. China worldwide.

Mkultra umans that will not even know who they were. Memories erased. Like farm animal. While you can choose your future existence. Chickens? Pig? Hmmm observed as seen…

Fucking sad. But I’m going to compartmentalization this and carry on awaiting a call to action ready to see a synergy arise. Clif thinks similar…

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Feb 25Liked by Fritz Freud

Mann oh Mann, starker Tobak !!

Mit Hochgeschwindigkeit zurueck in die endgueltige Leibeigenschaft.

Fortschritt pur ...

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I've always "liked" the Bill Clinton in Lewinsky's "blue dress" picture, though in an immature 12 year old boy kind of way.

They "Arkancided" a lot of people, too, which is not humorous in the least.

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