Seemed like a massive promotion for Telegram to me. It became #1 download in France, and jumped way up in the US as well.

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

WOW! That was nothing short of inspiring and courageous!

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Pavel.was in young global leaders 2017 class.

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Thank you my friend.

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You're welcome bro

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

Yes, thanks for that Joao

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Like someone said: the whole world is a stage.

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Yes indeed... and on this stage a lot of things are staged...

Portugal are engaging in the Digital ID?

That my friend is one stage too far....

To unstage the staged clownshow we have to rip the curtains away and set fire to the charade.

Doesn't matter how far you've come

You've always got further to go


Love my friend

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Aug 29·edited Aug 30Liked by Fritz Freud

Australia is too-we are deep in do-do 🙁 Our gov’t rushed through legislation for the Digital ID Bill, with no debate by parliament (it wouldn’t have mattered anyway), then one Klaus Schwab himself phoned our weaselly Prime Minister to congratulate him for getting this ID through parliament! 🤮 Our Prime Minister’s name is Anthony Albanese, which many people including myself, abbreviate to AnAl, or Anal.

We have a uniparty consisting of five different branches, all from the same tree, just like most western countries in the world. Also Anal was selected, not elected. So many Aussies haven’t a clue as to what’s been going on since “covid”, but more are awakening, I try to tell people as much as I can, while I can! As are more people doing the same. Sometimes there is no reaction at all.

I’ll probably end up in someplace bad-some “quarantine kamp”.

Kim dotcom won’t be safe in N.Z. for much longer- they’re the same or worse than Australia, I don’t know.

Just think of Australia and N.Z. like little USA. Same with UK, Ireland, but they’ve got more people closer together. Safer than big empty Australia, or not, I don’t know.

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Aug 28Liked by Fritz Freud

"The multipolar order is winning. US empire is doomed. "

We appreciate Kim Dotcom's message and it's a pity that he is buying into the globalist BRICS/West dialectic. His multipolar order is unfortunately controlled by the very "unipolar" globalist BIS bank.

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Macron va-t-on !!!

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Fritz, love your work, and this story of the Fagan little girl shows the evil mofo were in control of America in 1913, and the ADL started by Leo Frank's money.

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I thought Macron was supposed to be replaced 🤔

Is this true?

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Macron holds onto power...

He rejects and PM other than himself.

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Aug 28Liked by Fritz Freud

Thanks for clarifying that,Fritz.

Too bad for France.

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

Isn’t Macron President, but they also have a Prime Minister. If so, it’s the same as in Singapore, where I lived for nearly 3 years. Big whoop, I know!

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I'm shocked that Kim Dotcom seems to see Russia as a victim rather than an integral part of a conspiracy against humanity. Did [beep] buy him?

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Russia is a pawn used by the cabal... the enemy they created.

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Well said! Is there any further update on the status of Kim's extradition to the US? Last I saw he felt he would not be going. Sincere question.

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I think he is still in NZ.

Free to speak his mind.... as he was able to post this.

The Deep state Cabal is losing it... and we must put the dagger in... all of us.

Let the shithouse implode and then we rebuild in OUR image.

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Aug 28Liked by Fritz Freud

Thank you, I hope so.

I don't see the Deep State Cabal losing it, I see them doubling down. The UK is the best example of it. And in Ireland UN Peace Keepers have arrived, with machine guns, no less. And no coverage of this other than what I have seen on Telegram.

In the opinion of England's John O'Looney the next stage will not be an implosion, far from it.


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It is our duty to stand up and communicate.

Even troops are just humans... some clones.

Doubling down they do yes.

Prepare for the AI war... I been warning about this for years.

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

Thanks Fritz for this whole post. I hate Macron. He’s very ugly as well, but that’s irrelevant I know! I don’t like his hus…er wife looking entity either.

There dictator-I’ve criticised you, what next?

Is this whole thing just a show? I say probably, now we know Pavel is a WEF boy, thanks to Joao!

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

This is very bad. Thanks for posting it Frances.

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You're welcome! Thank heavens those in the Blackwatch trusted him enough to tell him.

I just hope enough people in England and the UK wake up and have the courage to take their nations back. It does seem that the UK is the NWO tip of the spear.

John is a very, very brave man. He was one of the first, if not the first in the UK to notice the damage from vaccines. He runs a funeral home and he was seeing a massive increase in deaths. He met with medical, and govt officials, got nowhere so decided to speak out directly.

He was the first to notice that English hospitals were no longer sending early infant deaths to funeral homes, but were arranging to have them cremated directly. Why? Because there were so many and they wanted to keep it quiet.

He has been harrassed constantly, but never stopped speaking out. I am in awe of his courage, commitment and dedication. This link has a number of his videos, and interviews.


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Yes, I know he’s been speaking out from the start! Thanks again Frances!

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Even if you don’t use your phone number, you do have an ip address connecting to you from wherever you go online. So they can still find you. Besides if they want someone bad enough they will find them anyway, even if it isn’t legal way. Use a vpn at least make them work for it if they do ever want you 😂

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I do.

Anyway... they know who I am... I got nothing to hide.

Still I don't like to be controlled...

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Aug 29Liked by Fritz Freud

Me either, ever since I started cybersecurity I’ve gotten a chance to see that even when we think we are “hiding” online we aren’t 😑 anything can be found and that’s terrible.

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I have only one advice… stay with the Truth.

Many people especially in high places are lying and covering for others.

Don’t do it.

Stay with the Truth and follow the path of ZEN.

It is so easy to hack people… it is harder to live by the Truth.

But in the end if you don’t live by Truth you don’t live.

Ever watched “Darknet Diaries”… look it up.

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