Brilliant expose. If only this could be told on MSM. If only the masses would wake up. If only...

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THIS is IT! Exquisite content, explicit vocabulary, I have never heard of the GVP. Sounds interesting...

I still don't understand why THEY keep such a necro as a president - to test if Americans are sufficiently brainwashed?

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Great read, thank you!

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Mar 25Liked by Fritz Freud

Pedo Joe is a natural born liar and the perfect "goy", a useful idiot if you will. His son isn't much better and should've been put in jail not into a cushy board member position. There is so much corruption it truly makes my head spin. And like a previous person commented, "sometimes I wish I didn't know..." I'm in the same boat: once you see, you can't unsee."

The rabbit hole is deep and has many corridors off it. But all roads lead back to the Zionist Rothchild incestuous clan. BUT, they aren't the ones pulling the ultimate strings. To know that, you have to look to the jesuits. They are the ultimate impostors, actually using Jesus' name to fool people into thinking they're a Christian organization. Ignatius Loyola was a marreno aka crypto jew who was forced to convert to Christianity. Like all other CJ's, they proclaim they are Christians but secretly worship their god-Molloch. Yea this hole goes deep and wide. I just wish these evil doers would fall into one, back to the hell they came from. I can go on and on about the Babylonian Talmud and other aspects of their plans to exterminate white European Christians but people have to connect those dots on their own and I am praying they do before it's too late. And time is NOT on our side.

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My countryman observations (with subtitles) https://www.bitchute.com/video/tLpubehHS7yf/

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Actually it is WHO who doesn't want WW3? I didn't find a confirmation in the linked post.

Nevertheless, I checked on quite a few of your posts and they look as if you were using my notes and thoughts as a script. Well done!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Yes but how can we get him out? How do we take this further? I see many people are fed up but no actions are being taken.

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