Sadly but no longer holding it back, I must agree with you Fritz Freud that a great number of our problems from the top down, in over a hundred plus nations have been directly attributed to the evil jew.
However, I must delineate and define something here: These are the dark doings of the Lucifer led JOTSOS. JINOs. (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9) Jews of the Synagogue of Satan. Jews In Name Only.
There are some true jews who are NOT EVIL, a small but mighty remnant, God's Word tells us who will not follow or obey the antichrist the one world leader to appear in these last days but will instead do much good and only obey & Follow Him, the Christ, soon to return, HalleluYah ! Judgment Day is coming ! Repent and Believe !
Where are we (Uber drivers) in your view of everything? I know my bosses are pure evil, but I’m a mere gig-work schlep-rock. Do I get a pass or do I get put up against the wall?
Sadly but no longer holding it back, I must agree with you Fritz Freud that a great number of our problems from the top down, in over a hundred plus nations have been directly attributed to the evil jew.
However, I must delineate and define something here: These are the dark doings of the Lucifer led JOTSOS. JINOs. (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9) Jews of the Synagogue of Satan. Jews In Name Only.
There are some true jews who are NOT EVIL, a small but mighty remnant, God's Word tells us who will not follow or obey the antichrist the one world leader to appear in these last days but will instead do much good and only obey & Follow Him, the Christ, soon to return, HalleluYah ! Judgment Day is coming ! Repent and Believe !
I don't repend... I got nothing to repend.
I don't believe God is Dead... God is a Lie.
I never done anything Bad.
I have nothing to confess.
I am Great.
Brilliant work as usual. Check out this guy about food. I knew about Codex Alimentarius before but this guy has done some invaluable research. Am already poisoned but maybe we are immune cockroaches or rats now...
Good to see someone who says it like it is. Good on you!
Carnality and Temporality are twin Sister, and is the problem for (almost) everyone today !!!
Just dont understand why people keep these regime in power by working.. Just cant understand it. At least dont do a shit.
Spot on... work hard get fucked harder...
Slavery is more honest.
Save the trucks. Replace ALL truckers.
Uber driver... says it all.
Where are we (Uber drivers) in your view of everything? I know my bosses are pure evil, but I’m a mere gig-work schlep-rock. Do I get a pass or do I get put up against the wall?
Gone... replaced by machines...
Self driving cars Uber alles...
Homosexuality and pedophilia are closely related... the retard is you!
Careful calling me an Idiot.
If you can't handle my Opinion... don't even bother...
I think you are a psychopath... that is what you are.