I thought the appropriate soundtrack for this article would be from the works of Phillip Glass… Metamorphosis…
Names change… thoughts are eternal…
When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king.
The palace becomes a circus.
Joe Biden is a Clown... and no one laughs.
Boris Johnson is a Clown.
Macron Merkel Sholz Leyen... they are all Clowns... evil Clowns.
I can see no one smiling here.
What I see is tears they try to hide while trying to keep their face.
Everyone wears a mask... they try to hide... for the Truth is too bitter a pill to swallow.
They celebrate their own downfall while ignoring the facts... for the Truth is too bitter a pill to swallow.
All the same... while they sing their songs of doom declaring us to have no power... singing "We appreciate power" (Grimes)... and the meaning is lost to the gullible sheep... for the Truth is too bitter a pill to swallow.
It is a grand machine of universal hypnotics to install one message only... you are doomed... this is the end... there is nothing you can do... get on with it.
And if you or anyone tells me that this is the result of a Human being that came up with this shit... I have got some of Saddam Hussein's weapons to sell to you... and a big clock...
There can only be one explanation whether you like it or not... I don't really care... and that is that out there is an extra planetary Intelligence that sees us the same way we see ants... just crawling around ready to be trampled at...
And what they want is simple... they want it all for them and nothing for us.
They want this place for them... and we are in their way.
They are behind this Transhumanist movement and the Trans Agenda Gender bending bullshit that we are fed through this mass perverted indoctrination system.
When was the last time you read a book?
The pleasure in delving into another's mind, recreating their train of thoughts is all gone due to the hardcore force-fed fear porn of the mass hypnotization device called "Imagination killer".
"Imagination killer" not only destroys the most powerful virtue any human has, but it is also a "Brand mark" in which the Illusion is burnt into your vision resulting in your dreams programmed by them to fool you into the Illusion of Freedom you never had..
A Gamer for example dreams only of the games he plays for that is the only vision he has.
A dreamer dreams up his own visions in the game that is called life.
I am a dreamer... always have been... always will be...
These Generations using the Imagination killer device to communicate BS... have lost their sense of everything... they don't even know if they are man or women... confused by the Indoctrination of this extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Speaking of BS... I recently had a conversation online with a Transhumanist Occultist Martial Artist who was also a scientist and wrote on Medium...
He wrote me that my Invention which I openly state is the basis of the Hyperloop was in fact not my Invention because Jules Verne has written a novel with a Train in a tunnel...
Sad state of humanity when such people are allowed to call themselves scientists...
Anyway... I read one of his articles on which he stated that conscience can be transferred into a hard drive... one of the most blatant Transhumanist lies.
Grimes the little witch that pedo Elon Musk fucked... she sang also that we can transfer our conscience into a hard drive... which is a problem because the stupid believe such things... believers are like that…
What is worse... many people are so disgusted by the state of our world that they wish they could just do this...change into a fly…
Be careful what you wish for I say to them.
Let alone there is no mathematical equation for feelings...
There can never be a mathematical equation for feelings because feelings and mathematics cannot co exist.
Mathematicians are best without feelings attached….
The Intelligence of feelings is the highest form of intelligence that there is.
It is to feel with your brain… no need for words… no need for explanation.
You feel the knowledge and you understand your feelings.
Mathematics is just a two dimensional construct of a world.
Mathematics is a limitation of our senses.
And sensibility is the highest form of intelligence together with music.
So what would actually happen if one could transfer their consciousness?
Well Franz Kafka wrote a Novel... Metamorphosis... in which he woke up one day and became a large Insect.
It actually is one of my favorite books... surrealism in words... a personal rebellion against the constructs of a material world.
it was his rebellion against an oppressing father in a strict Jewish Household.
I visited Franz Kafka's house and the bookshop of his parents... just to say.
In the shadow of the church in Prague…
But back to Metamorphosis.
The burden of working clockwise like a machine made him write this novel... a kind of intellectual rebellion.
So in his Imagination he transformed into this great insect that lay on its back unable to move until people came to turn him over.
But they wouldn't come fast... first they be shocked... then they be disgusted...
Then they had to hide this great Insect from view of thy neighbor's to keep their own faces.
Meanwhile the reader enjoyed the thinking of Franz inside this big Insect and his view of the world.
You should try it for yourself... think of you as an insect...
For me it is easy.
In Zen as in Taoism we believe the world is alive and all creatures alike share the same spirit that manifests in every being.
In fact the only difference is the tools of expression we have.
A hare for example can do only as a hare can do... jump around eat grass and shag...
A Wolf on the other hand can only do as a wolf can do... driven by their emotions and the tools of expressions they are hunters... always on the war path... driven by hunger and insatiable lust for blood.
However their spirit is the same, but their body of expression and the senses by which this body is fed are different.
The spirit works in many ways like an operation system on your computer.
It is basic at first but develops with the hardware that you use.
So any computer system is different to any other by preference of expression hardware and input.
Your senses are the input of your spirit operating system.
Cut them off and what is left?
So if you someday wake up as an insect and you want to make a coffee... you are screwed.
Or have you ever seen a dung beetle in starbucks?
Yet alone putting on the Kettle?
Or grinding the beans?
It is quite difficult I have to say...
You must understand that our mind depends on input, and the input comes from our senses and the sense belongs to the body.
So feeling essentially is a transformation of environmental input into electrical current that transmits information to the Brain our main data processing center.
And how that date is processed depends on our body structure and its use.
The body and the mind both are driven by hunger, hunger for food, hunger for information.
The predators have a different hunger, different tools, they need to hunt.
The main weapon of a predator is patience, wait until their prey comes, sneak up behind them and then strike with all might.
The spider sits with patience in the corner of its web... waiting for the insect to be caught in the strings of the web... then strikes forward to bite and inject the insect with either it's larva so it can be eaten alive by the young spiders hatching, or with poison that dissolves the insects inside, liquefied, and then drunk through the straw of their teeth.
Imagine you wake up as an Insect with the spider sitting in the corner wafting to devour you... Metamorphosis.
It's just a thought but how stupid are those Transhumanists?
Have you ever seen Grimes?
She looks like a twelve year old with the mind of a baby...
And she grew up in a cult… so she said…
Which leads me to the question:
What attracted Elon Musk to her?
Was it his pedophile tendencies?
After all she is a Child with no brains and a chest that is flatter then the Mojave desert.
Certainly not my type... more like Jimmy Savills type... the same as Elon Musk.
They are all Occultists they are all Satanists stupid enough to believe anything they been told.
Mind you Elon Musk's father had sex with his step sister... so all comes clear now...
Satanism and pedophilia do go hand in hand.
Transhumanism is also just another form of Satanism.
They eat all the same shit from the same plate... Plato you might say.
So you think you can transfer consciousness?
A New Start-Up Wants to Transfer Your Consciousness to an Artificial Body So You Can Live Forever
There are some Immortal beings on this planet.
The chinese and Japanese Emperors said to are said to come from Immortal beings… Dragons… Draco… the cycle closes.
The beginning is the end is the beginning…
In Chinese mythology the Eight Immortals are believed to know the secrets of nature. They represent separately male, female, the old, the young, the rich, the noble, the poor, and the humble.
Four opposing facts… every young grows old… every old was young… rich fear to be poor… poor dream of being rich… man love women… women hate men… the world is made of opposites… we are all in this together.
In Stargate SG-1 Apophis was an immortal that had to transfer himself into a human body that quickly was destroyed upon his infestation.
In Egypt Apophis was the equivalent of Lucifer.
He’s known as the god of evil, chaos, darkness and destruction.
In some retelling of his legend, Apophis was actually a former sun god, who was pushed aside when Ra came onto the stage. Ra and Apophis are therefore constantly fighting, since Apophis does not want him to succeed in his task of bringing the dawn every day.
You could argue that Apophis was a Transhumanist... Draco... an energy being that used the human Body to get a hold on this dimension.
Essentially the whole of Transhumanism comes from the Jewish Occult.
And the Jewish Occult comes from the Anunaki.
The Anunaki where exactly that... Apophis... Ra... Hermes...
They were energy beings that manifested into this dimension.
But by manifesting in this dimension they became mortal.
You might say the Gods cheated on themselves and lost... and now they cheat the human race.
And the first ones they cheated are the Jews.
The Jews are promised Immortality by luring the human race into mutual self destruction.
There is a catch...
Immortality is only possible when you have no body.
But when you have no body you only become a shadow.
You cannot interact with this dimension because you have no tools, no hands, you can't breathe the air, no smell no taste nothing.
All those senses come from the body.
Take away the body and you take away the soul.
Fooled they are... all of them.
I rather have 100 years of bliss than immortality as a shadow.
A good life is worth living that is my motto.
A good life lives by the Truth… everything else is a lie.
So we all know Transhumanists are rather stupid.
Let's play a game...
Robocop, you know this film.
Essentially it is a Transhumanist Movie.
The mind of a dying SS officer is transformed into a machine...
You know what happened there...
The first experiments were as such that the mind rejected the new body and became infinitely violent destroying everything in its path.
It works just in the same way how other transplants work... very bad or not at all.
Most transplants are a failure because the new body rejects the new organ.
There are many factors for this to work...
Same Bloodtype... same lifestyle...
Imagine a fat drunken slob gets the arm and leg from a dead professional sportsman... quite the picture...
Or reverse that thought... imagine you are a professional footballer and lose both legs in a car accident... now you get two new ones from an alcoholic smoker with arthritis...
Quite the thought isn't it.
Just like in Metamorphosis when you wake up from your sleep and you realize you are in another's body the mind might reject that and acts violently...
I want my old body... which by now is cremated...so you are dust figuratively speaking...ashes to ashes… dust to dust.
Or imagine you are vegetarian and you become a shark a hyena or a vulture...
Baaad choice...
Or you are a meat eater waking up as a rabbit...
The train of thought goes on the infinite highway of possibilities but the destination is inevitability of a process finished that cannot be reversed.
Here is another thought... Imagine you wake up as a bomb.
A quite intelligent bomb but still a bomb.
Imagine you are a bomb sitting under your Families table and you know you explode in six seconds taking everyone of your family with you?
How does that sound?
The Transhumanists are quite stupid simply because they only see what they want to see.
They are fooled by their own desires... they are blind to anything that contradicts their believe.
Transhumanism is the product of an empty shallow promise that of Immortality.
You might become immortal... but you may also become an arsehole... an Immortal arsehole so to speak.
The human nature is quite fragile and our nature and time to develop is cut in half. We are more like a plant which needs roots and the correct environment to blossom. We grow in cycles of twelve years and develop physical, sexual and spiritual in 36 years and we then develop the way we want.
But at 36 years most are either drunk dead or bored.
And then they have a midlife crisis waking up where they were pushed into but not by choice.
Then there is another thing...
If shall we say we can transfer the conscience into a hard drive... who is storing the hard drive?
And what guaranty do we have we wake up in the right body?
Imagine you wake up in a tesla mowing down schoolchildren...
Or in a Bomb... or you realize you are an intelligent sewing plant... or you become an exhaust...
Immortal infinity of infinite stupidity... this is what Transhumanism is...
It is a big Lie by cock ups who failed in their life because of one thing.
They failed to become Human.
They think themselves better than they are, without trying to become better.
Only by being humble one can achieve greatness… even I stumble upon this hurdle… sometimes I want too much.
Transhumanists are failures and that is the truth.
Because they fail in the most basic of ways...
To appreciate life.
Fritz Freud
Wow, I love this post! As hidig said, it took me places, too. WONDERFUL. Thanks! And the music, too-- it WAS perfect.
Simply marvelously written! Thank you!!! I am soo glad to see that there are still sentient beings on this rock!