You speak my mind, so there's not much left for me to comment.

Only that I am skeptical of us winning this one.

Most people are trapped in debt for which they have to travel to work in horrendous conditions (regardless whether they use public or private transport), slave the whole day, travel back (in the same horrendous conditions) to their mortgaged homes after which they need to tend to family business, get blue-pilled by their hypnotic flatscreens, fall asleep for the next day which will be exactly the same.

Week-ends, either more work to keep up with the payments, or get smashed on alcohol, weed, or whatever. DMT would help, but it is out of reach for common folk.

Therefore, not many have the time to think it over and realise that they are selling cheap their only, finite and most expensive asset - time. And freedom encompasses many things, but having more time for yourself I believe to be the most important.

This is why we are not allowed to be free, to have more of our time, because many more would start seeing the big fraud. This is why every second of our time must be occupied by some external input, work, radio, tv, fearmongering, internet, everything is there to steal our time, and everyone is addicted to these inputs. Ask anyone to live for a week without mobile phone, laptop, tv or radio. Just a HAM radio, in a cabin somewhere far from the general mayhem. If they resist, after this one week, they will be different, more human.

Unfortunately I am fantasizing here, it does not happen, and people will go back on their hamster wheels every morning, until dead.

And the whole world will die with them, something monstrous replacing it instead.

It's started already with the chemtrails, plastics, gmos, wars, clot shots, and more to come.

Technology is fine, but its abusive use is our downfall. And cities should be dismantled, for they are soul killers.

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I genuinely hope I can give you something more positive and hopeful to write about in the future.

Coming from all of this from a novel perspective, using the Constitution Act 1867, I honestly see how. we can cut the strings of the puppet masters and take back our power here in Canada.

Think about it, if the strings are cut, would the WEF, the WHO, the UN, the Pharma companies, etc. have any control at all?

I hope I have inspired and intriged you.


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Genuinely no disrespect... you are naive

The WEF is a terrorist Organization


Opetrating outside the Law... outside the Chain of command


And the Governmenthas lost its legitimacy


Hom much more positive can anyone be by Inventing a technology that can solve 90% of all problems in this world?


Politicians Lawyers and those in faver of a constitution that is abused by them problem creators are the problem


STARLINK is the problem


They prepare us for a War against AI... against machines we cannot win


We cannot win because people are so gullible and naive they think they can use the constitution and voting to get us out of this mess... the same things that brought us into this mess.

I am very positive.

I think you are willingly naive.

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With all due respect, why play the part of the doomsdayer - Chicken Little?

Without knowing the extent of my knowledge with regards to things like the WEF, the Government, the politicions, the lawyers, so on and so forth, you call me naive...

From the limited perspective I see of you, which you are presenting above, it appears to me that you are a doomsdayer broadcasting a message of hopelessness, like Chicken Little. In your own words "We cannot win..."

Unlike you, I am a fighter, seeking truth and justice in pursuit of restoring genuine freedom in Canada. I certainly didn't spend 3 weeks in Ottawa with the truckers out of naivity. Nor have I helped countless Canadians get their tickets withdrawn out of naivity.

Despite your allegations against me, I do see the WEF, and its control over our Government, with its infiltration of the Government's cabinet. I can also see and identify many, many of the other issues in relation to the other persons you point out, but to what purpose or benefit does focusing on it bring?

Best as I can tell, focusing in on the puppets and their puppet masters, you fail to see the strings attached.

Unlike you, I am an optimist. Seeing and knowing these issues, I have been looking for actionable solutions and as best as i can see. In this dedicated search I began, I see I am one of the only people in Canada looking in the direction of constitutional law.

Why is that? Why is it everyone, including the lawyers, seem to be so ignorant of Canada's supreme law?

It stands to reason that by usurping our educational curriculum they withheld this vital knowledge from us to lead us into ignorance which makes us easier to control.

At this point in time, I see, and can prove, in law an undue Conflict of Interest, which is unduly constitutionally repugnant, and which I am currently unveiling and exposing for any and all willing to receive.

Upon this big reveal, I will further reveal the plan of action I am taking my Stand on, so others may join me, should they be so willing. Should any join me in my Stand, it likely will be because they too see. through my sharing, what I see and seek genuine true change using the logical reasoning I present to bring about this genuine true change -- and all without voting!

There is more than one way to skin a cat, and I look for all the ways they 'don't' lead us to.

Should I get the attention of enough Canadians, it becomes very hard to silence our collective lawful voices. The louder we are, the harder this Conflict of Interest becomes to bury and should lead to destroying these Conflicts of Interest thus severing the strings which tie the WEF, the WHO, Big Pharma, etc to Canada, because with enough people speaking out and watching with this knowledge causes, or should cause, most being targeted to condede and surrender so as to not be knowingly breaking the law with witnesses.

To Be Clear: With so many witnesses watching and knowing the gig is up, any continuence of the CON after being made aware would then indeed be criminal and should establish the mens reus of a crime being knowingly committed leading to potential indictable conviction.



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Not ignorant of the Law... not disrespectful.

On contrary... I salute fighters.

Yes the Law is clear but if the executive an the legislative work hand in hand... make laws that protect them... instead of us... and the executive protects the criminals in charge... it is a dictatorship.

You know little about me... as I know about you.. still i salute you.

However... Government and Law is undermined by private interests... that I point out.

The law isn't working.

And that is a fact.

Even when it is on paper in our favor.

Why we all must Support #Farmers & #Truckers


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This is good. You appear to see much of the same issues I see. However, unlike me, it does not appear you see how every individual can bring these issues lawfully forward and on the public record to respectfully demand they follow the expressed rules.

Without relying on a currently meaningless vote, I have a way to call out these undue Conflicts of Interests on the public record in a manner which should dissolve each bad actors presumption of "good faith" in order to force their concession or pursue them personally under both civil and criminal law.

I have also tested it in several small measures. The one that caught my interest the most is when I served my MPP with a letter. I admit, the MPP was not the only one to receive a copy of this letter, but in response to that letter, I did not receive a dismissive form letter. On the contrary, I received a response from a Crown Attorney on behalf of the Minister of Justice of Canada acknowledging receipt of my correspondence and informing me a file has been opened for this matter and to be certain to include her in all future correspondence or service I may generate in pursuit of resolving the issue I established on the public record.

How many other people do you know have ever received any type of genuine response from writing his or her MPP or MP, other than a dismissive form letter?

As for me - I have been thinking outside of the box they built us and I am pursuing the dissolving of these gross Conflicts of Interest on grounds they are not only constitutionally repugnant, but violate the principles of fundamental justice.

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