I like your posts. If you choose not to believe in God that is your choice. You speak of truth but for myself, God IS Truth. I see Truth in every living thing I encounter and in all of nature. No one could convince me that this all came about from some explosion. I'll still look at your posts. Thank you.
In ZEN as in Taoism we acknowledge that the Universe is alive...
In fact the laughing Buddha represents the Universe in his belly and he is laughing because all the living creatures in his belly tickle him and he enjoys life... everything alive...
It is however an expression and open to interpretation.
But it is a very nice way to look upon all things living.
If you think that the Universe is a living organism and is God you are welcome as you should.
All life is sacred...
But if God is an angry being trying to control "his" creation and giving Orders to be followed then your God is "The Architect of the Universe" the God of Death Lucifer something you have to obey... I say no... I never.
And if God is open for interpretation as it is it doesn't exist...
As always it is a personal point of perception something that comes from you and you alone.
I believe that it's the same people destroying this World that introduced christianity to us . They have admitted that the bible is fake. THEY USED THE BIBLE TO CONFUSE PEOPLE AND IT HAS INFACT BEEN CHANGED MANY TIMES OVER THE YRS.
1) The Bible is real and we're experiencing the End Times per Revelations.
2) Non-human lifeforms have influenced humanity and may even have created us. This is Fritz's viewpoint (Annunaki ) and also Clif High (Elohim).
3) All religions, including satanism, are delusions and people are Evil and Stupid. If true, this means the cabal, who are Luciferians and murder children, have no one to blame but themselves.
I find it difficult to reply to your posts because your conversations are so interesting and deep it's hard to know where to start as I find myself agreeing with most of it. Unfortunately most people seem all too accepting of the stuff they see and hear from governments and the MSM that critical thought, or any thought for that matter, is deemed unnecessary, fortunately you are not like that and challenge all things using analogies which are a good way to help explain a point.
A perfect example to me of people NOT thinking is SAT NAV in cars! We live out in the countryside and are not difficult to find using a Map - the old traditional kind - but no...people seem to think the only way to get here is by using satnav. Because the (satnav) location given is wrong I always tell them we are 1/2 mile away due north of the location and guess what? every time people who have got lost and driven miles out of their way arrive here I always ask did you use satnav and every time the answer is the same YES ..every time. We even had two cars pull up at night with about 5 people thinking our house was the holiday property they booked - really! ..they actually drove 4 hrs to get here only to find they needed another 1hr drive in the opposite direction to their correct destination. Did they look at a map before they set off to get a general idea of where they were going - NO. did they look at the road signs while driving to see they were going in the right direction..NO obviously not -Someone had put in the wrong post code into the trusted satnav machine and just set off.
My point to all this is when people switch their SAT NAV on they switch their brains off.
This perfectly explains how most people would rather someone else do their thinking for them because thinking involves to much work ... so they will 'Trust' (mistakenly) that all will end well. Thankfully Fritz you are not one of these people so please continue writing, I for one really appreciate your insights and the work involved getting these posts together.
Thing is that technology such as sat nav or worse now Starlink are not created to benefit humanity but are planned for the destruction of humanity by the chosen few.
Nikola Tesla said once... “I am credited with being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is the equivalent of labour, for I have devoted to it almost all of my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the worst of idlers.”
I am a dreamer... I have become a fighter to protect my dreams... I dream of freedom in a world enslaved.
The world needs dreamers, most of the greatest achievements of civilization start with dreamers ...so dream on.
My post regarding sat nav was more about a reflection of our society as a whole rather than the tech stuff, it's just an example of how people 'Trust' their governments and so called leaders to steer and guide them to a place of safety and comfort which will be in their best interests, listen to politicians at election times they are always asking you to TRUST THEM, why .. because once you have given them your trust you have effectively handed over your ability to make your own choices and decisions and much like sat nav you stop thinking and making the best decisions about your direction of travel (not looking at the maps!) and pass the responsibility to others so when things go up shit-creek you only have yourself to blame because you gave your soul and trust away to a stranger and left it with them. Trust is your most valuable personal asset so be very careful who you hand it to. I suspect you don't need me to tell you this anyway but I just wish more people would wake up.
"I posted a comment on Frances Leader’ uncensored in which she called me arrogant ego-hungry and worse because I am a proponent for a Zero Emission World to which she called me traitor and questioned my authority, my work and me myself which escalated in an argument (not) where everyone chipped in to stab the messenger on the ground without ever giving a thought to the Truth I spoke."
As the above paragraph is loaded with lies and massive exaggeration I refuse to read the rest of your post. I presume it is just as loaded with falsehoods.
I like your posts. If you choose not to believe in God that is your choice. You speak of truth but for myself, God IS Truth. I see Truth in every living thing I encounter and in all of nature. No one could convince me that this all came about from some explosion. I'll still look at your posts. Thank you.
Hi and thank you...
In ZEN as in Taoism we acknowledge that the Universe is alive...
In fact the laughing Buddha represents the Universe in his belly and he is laughing because all the living creatures in his belly tickle him and he enjoys life... everything alive...
It is however an expression and open to interpretation.
But it is a very nice way to look upon all things living.
If you think that the Universe is a living organism and is God you are welcome as you should.
All life is sacred...
But if God is an angry being trying to control "his" creation and giving Orders to be followed then your God is "The Architect of the Universe" the God of Death Lucifer something you have to obey... I say no... I never.
And if God is open for interpretation as it is it doesn't exist...
As always it is a personal point of perception something that comes from you and you alone.
I believe that it's the same people destroying this World that introduced christianity to us . They have admitted that the bible is fake. THEY USED THE BIBLE TO CONFUSE PEOPLE AND IT HAS INFACT BEEN CHANGED MANY TIMES OVER THE YRS.
You are spot on Winni yet it goes a little bit deeper.
I try to give you my explanation...
The Bibel can also be spelled as Babel and refers to the Tower of Babel.
In ancient Hebrew the words were written without vowels they were interchangeable.
The tower of Babel was when them, our creator race came down and diffused our language.
They did so by educating us, dividing us, leading us to different places and building nations then destroying them from within.
As a matter of fact it is happening in the USA right now.
Now the Bible is for two people... the believers and the ones that make believe.
The ones that make believe sit in the government and they are Freemasons.
Their job is the Devil to prove the existenz of God which is really our creator race a negative to prof a positive.
You see the Freemasons make the prophecies in the Bible a reality so that all the believers are hardened in their beliefs... or encouraged.
Those prophecies are based on star constellations which are mathematically predictable.
And when people believe the Bible you control their thinking and their behavior.
Furthermore believers will never question authority instead they demand it.
They also created Islam and they gave them to power to breed 4 times faster so that at around this time they out breed cockroaches.
It is all part of the plan for the final conflict and they are preparing well for it now.
Christianity makes you stupid... Islam makes you a fascist... both created for exactly this purpose.
There are 3 possibilities:
1) The Bible is real and we're experiencing the End Times per Revelations.
2) Non-human lifeforms have influenced humanity and may even have created us. This is Fritz's viewpoint (Annunaki ) and also Clif High (Elohim).
3) All religions, including satanism, are delusions and people are Evil and Stupid. If true, this means the cabal, who are Luciferians and murder children, have no one to blame but themselves.
I find it difficult to reply to your posts because your conversations are so interesting and deep it's hard to know where to start as I find myself agreeing with most of it. Unfortunately most people seem all too accepting of the stuff they see and hear from governments and the MSM that critical thought, or any thought for that matter, is deemed unnecessary, fortunately you are not like that and challenge all things using analogies which are a good way to help explain a point.
A perfect example to me of people NOT thinking is SAT NAV in cars! We live out in the countryside and are not difficult to find using a Map - the old traditional kind - but no...people seem to think the only way to get here is by using satnav. Because the (satnav) location given is wrong I always tell them we are 1/2 mile away due north of the location and guess what? every time people who have got lost and driven miles out of their way arrive here I always ask did you use satnav and every time the answer is the same YES ..every time. We even had two cars pull up at night with about 5 people thinking our house was the holiday property they booked - really! ..they actually drove 4 hrs to get here only to find they needed another 1hr drive in the opposite direction to their correct destination. Did they look at a map before they set off to get a general idea of where they were going - NO. did they look at the road signs while driving to see they were going in the right direction..NO obviously not -Someone had put in the wrong post code into the trusted satnav machine and just set off.
My point to all this is when people switch their SAT NAV on they switch their brains off.
This perfectly explains how most people would rather someone else do their thinking for them because thinking involves to much work ... so they will 'Trust' (mistakenly) that all will end well. Thankfully Fritz you are not one of these people so please continue writing, I for one really appreciate your insights and the work involved getting these posts together.
Thank you.
Thing is that technology such as sat nav or worse now Starlink are not created to benefit humanity but are planned for the destruction of humanity by the chosen few.
Nikola Tesla said once... “I am credited with being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is the equivalent of labour, for I have devoted to it almost all of my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the worst of idlers.”
I am a dreamer... I have become a fighter to protect my dreams... I dream of freedom in a world enslaved.
The world needs dreamers, most of the greatest achievements of civilization start with dreamers ...so dream on.
My post regarding sat nav was more about a reflection of our society as a whole rather than the tech stuff, it's just an example of how people 'Trust' their governments and so called leaders to steer and guide them to a place of safety and comfort which will be in their best interests, listen to politicians at election times they are always asking you to TRUST THEM, why .. because once you have given them your trust you have effectively handed over your ability to make your own choices and decisions and much like sat nav you stop thinking and making the best decisions about your direction of travel (not looking at the maps!) and pass the responsibility to others so when things go up shit-creek you only have yourself to blame because you gave your soul and trust away to a stranger and left it with them. Trust is your most valuable personal asset so be very careful who you hand it to. I suspect you don't need me to tell you this anyway but I just wish more people would wake up.
The world needs to wake up... to work together on a common goal...
"I posted a comment on Frances Leader’ uncensored in which she called me arrogant ego-hungry and worse because I am a proponent for a Zero Emission World to which she called me traitor and questioned my authority, my work and me myself which escalated in an argument (not) where everyone chipped in to stab the messenger on the ground without ever giving a thought to the Truth I spoke."
As the above paragraph is loaded with lies and massive exaggeration I refuse to read the rest of your post. I presume it is just as loaded with falsehoods.