By the way this is an Interview with Dr. Robert Malone and Tucker Carlson and it is very good.

I like Dr. Malone he comes across as a very intelligent honest and dilligent man.


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Dr. Mallone is controlled opposition. He is still maintaining Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory. Playing along with the devil turns one into one...

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His views on the WEF and in particular Klaus Schwab and how this whole charade is played out as expressed in this interview are spot on.

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I’ll just say a fascinating thread, feelings like we are at the edge of humanism but I refuse to believe that Computers can program computers in the base definition. That would be a computer pretending to think because it is programmed to rewrite an algorithm. There is no AI. That in itself is a PYSOP.

Good day

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What AI is… Batch programming.

Strictly obeying Orders without Questioning.

A Fascist wet dream.

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I concur on that department, but it is difficult for most people to distinguish between the truth and the lies he is still propagating... The best propagandists use the truth and add lies... According to Goebbels, good propaganda is always based on the truth and, if possible, contains nothing else...

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According to Goebbels a good propaganda apparatus makes you believe the propaganda as truth and as such you do not question it and defend it to the death because you believe yourself to be right without being it, perfect propaganda, sounds like Klaus Schwab.

And some people like Dr. Malone come from believing the propaganda to knowing the truth and that is the hardest part of all because you have to admit that you been lied to and that takes courage.

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Problem is over Educated individuals do not like to admit that they have accepted lies . Their inflated EGOS Wont allow it. Our Creator gave us a Brain to Research with and Common SENSE to sort Truth from BS.

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The human intellect is fickle at best.

Creating a group whose members believe in an existential threat is the deadliest weapon against humans...

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Do you know who you are? Do you know why you are here? Do not dismiss something that never has been used...

At least i know why I am here... to make a change...

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Two peas in a controlled op pod, those two!

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Yes, we do.

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Very informative. Remind me not to get on your bad side though.

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I'm a Fire Horse Aquarius with Scorpio rising...

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I'd settle for a bunch of these old geezers just dropping dead of old age! Kissinger is 98! Queen Elizabeth is 95! George Soros is 92! Jacob Rothschild is 85. Perhaps drinking young blood (part of their satanic lifestyle) really does extend life.

FYI: good article that explains their mindset.


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Thanks for that I have read this long time ago.

However Jesus and Mohammed both come from the same Bloodline and the same Occult background and they are part of the "Plan" of the great deception to confuse the mind of the Goy by giving a negative to prove a positive. Like today when they warn you (like Elon Musk warning of AI) they warn you of their own actions they warn you of themselves.

And just like Nostradamus who spread the plague (it always arrived 7 days after he arrived) they are spreading the plague today and warning us about their own actions playing saviour but are the real culprits.

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Trust me, kissinger is burning in hell for eternity.

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Well, we could just TORTURE a few!

It’s lots more fun!

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"Genomic surveillance is required to detect new variants that can threaten the global COVID-19 pandemic response by being more transmissible, pathogenic, evasive of diagnostics, and resistant to therapies. Regional genome sequencing, analysis, and rapid international data sharing are critical to inform public health decisions to help slow the devastating impacts of COVID-19.


Viral AI accelerates science by making data uniformly accessible through a user-friendly graphical interface and powerful programmatic interfaces, integrating data across different sources from around the world, such as NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA), Canadian COVID Genomics Network (CanCOGeN), and European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, among others. Over one million viral sequences have been added with corresponding assemblies, variant calls, and lineage assignments, all harmonized through an open source bioinformatics pipeline."


I've found this digging into this website:


From a to z

Sooner I'll write a substack about this but in Portuguese.

I feel way more comfortable doing it in my native language and most of the 250 million Portuguese speakers worldwide do not have an alternative source about this subjects and most of them aren't capable of reading English. Also too lazy to use webpages auto translators.

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Auto translators don't really work...

Check this out...


The Harvard Wyss foundation is sponsored by Hansjörg Wyss of the Escher Wyss family of whom a certain KLAUS SCHWAB of the WEF is a member of...

The circle is closing...

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This is not about me this is about us all and about the Truth what is going on...

Thank you for the links because they are for everyone...

And everyone should educate themselves...

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Most translators don't work, whether AI or not, because the culturally-specific implications haven't been mapped up, change by microcultures, and keep constantly changing. Soon, AI-assisted "translation" will be able to decieve humans, but that doesn't mean it will work "properly." Only the machines car formulate their own objectives; human interference makes them start over, creating a lot of lag and waste of time. This is important, because ultimately, that's tha "plan": AI-guided/controlled/enforced communication.

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Let me explain...

The Translators of old are the upper class and that didn't work either.

They do not want us to know the truth they never did.

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It's just about common knowledge now for those who are capable to possess such a thing that the fraudulant tests steal DNA and install self-assembling nanocomputers...

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That was a great write up. There was a brother who started an order to do just that? He took the rich thing to heart. They destroyed every single one of them horribly and no abbot has done "we must kill all the rich" ever since. I wish I could remember the name

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Thank you...

You know it's not even the rich it is the quality of life that can not be bought.

When the people realize that the greatest value they have is their life their time and their intelligenz there would not be the need for a revolution.

I have about $50 per month to live on because they destroyed my complete life.

But I have a training room with a rowing machine a mook yang jong a makiwara Bamboo a Katana and all I need to train every day.

This is worth more than money.

And my Intelligenz is worth even more, worth more than all the gold in the universe.

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After finishing off their victims, many in death camps, and replacing the enforcers with robots, they will kill each other, too, because only one can rule.

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"Olaf Scholz is a Nazi and should be hanged quatered and then burned."

The National Socialists were the good guys. They fought against the Rothschild Jewish New World Order and were defeated. You are completely brainwashed by Jewish propaganda to hate the good people who threatened the Jewish NWO.

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great comment and so true, the marxist educators infiltrated the US universities in the

1940,s and indoctrinated / brainwashed the american youth with marxism / communism

they have no understanding of the truth of the WW,s

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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were both Jewish Freemasons from Trier Germany.

Marx wrote his Marxist doctrines in England in English a language he was not capable of speaking. This alone proves that the work attributed to him was the work of the Rothschilds and their ghostwriters on behalf of the Rothschilds who needed Communism because they already planned at that stage to overthrow the Russian Zar and the Chinese Emperor and needed Communism as a "rival" to Capitalism which it is not. Communism is State Capitalism and the money is always conmtrolled in both Systems by the Rothschilds.

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild by blood and a spy educated in England and set there through the Rothschild connections to destroy Germany from the Inside which he did by sabotaging Germany from the Inside in Dunkirk through the ME262 and through Operation Barbarossa as I wrote before.

What Klaus Schwab does today through his "Global Leader" program is what the Rothschilds did all the time controlling both sides through their Occult Networks.

Today every Politician is another Adolf Hitler, Joe Biden Justin Trudeaut Hillary Clinton Ursula von der Leyen Angela Merkel Putin Macron Johnson, they are identical Rothschild Puppets just like Hitler was.

BLM ANTIFA Dogs Matter LBTCGTQ+++ are all created supported and made by George Soros another Adolf Hitler on behalf of the Rothschilds.

I despise Fascists and Communists alike and only a dead Nazi is a good Nazi.

Get your facts straight.

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Substack bug.

I cannot upvote your comment.

Consider it done here ♥️

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The National Socialists kicked the Rothschilds out of Germany and Austria.

You are totally brainwashed by nonsense. Adolf Hitler was not a Rothschild by blood and not a spy educated in England. This is pure drivel. Flat Earth level of bullshit, not backed up by evidence, logic, or common sense.


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Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild period.

Everyone who says different is an Idiot period!

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You do not think in terms of evidence and logic. You are hopelessly lost and confused.

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You sound like you are...

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Jews declared WAR against Germany and they absolutely destroyed the Germans.

This was the National Socialist platform of 1925.


Have you read Mein Kampf? You should learn history before making random nonsensical assertions.

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Show the evidence that he was a Rothschild. Explain why a Rothschild would remove all Jews from power and remove the Rothschild bankers from Germany and Austria.

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yes. There will be no other recourse

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That is my fear... they want us to kill them... be as they wish....

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I think everyone should leave the Jews alone and all their paid puppet's....they have got enough on their minds with baby dick nibbling alone!

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With a little delay, I had it shortly after I was born and nothing has changed my perception of humanity being simply an accident of nature. No other life form kills with utter impunity other species, because they are "sub-"whatever. Although I differ about the range of termination methods of these brain damaged people, I do understand where you are coming from.

When I was much younger, I wanted to create a Zoo of sorts for those truly useless eaters. Where you can stroll through the various parts of an elaborated enclosure system that allows for the spectators to observe the whole spectrum of brain damaged, corrupt 'politicians', elected and more so unelected 'officials'.

If that's not possible, then I would go for the Ants - like in the old school movie from the forties: placed in a hole, dug in up to the neck and then live broadcast when the Ants are in.

True, all this sounds depraved - but the problem is, that the real depravity is coming from those who want to get rid of us "excess population". Last but not least, it would be swell to have a science fiction story about what will become of humanity in the future. As bridges are burned now, there will be no turning back. Oh, and I almost forgot: evolution did not stop with man.

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Look up Fritz Springmeier.

Watch some of his videos on you tube.

Thats quite a heavy write up the article above.

Nothing happens for no reason!

There are no coincidences!

Currently what’s taking place before our eyes globally has taken generations to simmer throughout time.

There are those who are considered human ?

Any rational thinking for self respect on a personal level because of this were the case things would never happen the way they do.

All is an individual test of a choice we all make.

In any situation that arises on our paths as a human living a human experience.

One clear cut observation that throughout time there are classes of human that by their right of privilege expect to carry out and deliver their evil at will without consequences.

The above mentioned individuals fall into this category but have devised rules that have allowed them to carry out their evil on society.

They pay the law makers handsomely to allow them to be exempt from any prosecution.

Do not except or comply on all levels.

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