"Zen is the path to become Buddha... a man of spirit"

What you said about religions seems to also apply to Buddhism. Does this not confirm the Babylonian origin of Buddhism?


What you call "a small Group of Jewish Occultists" is in fact the Synagogue of Satan that existed long before the creation of Zionism or the WEF, as it was already denounced by Jesus himself, when challenged by the Pharisees (John 18:44). From that time, Judaism has evolved on 2 different levels: the traditional Judaism based on the Torah and the Satanic Judaism rooted in Babylon, which became Sabbatean-Frankism in its modern form. The great majority of today's Jews believe, in good faith, that they follow the traditional Judaism and the laws of God given in the Torah. They are totally unaware that evil Kabbalists, who pretend to be Jews, have taken full control of their religion.

Likewise, most Christians believe that Bergoglio in Rome is their true Holy Father and keep sending their children to church for their first communion. We are indeed in a time of universal deceit.

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You seem to talk negatively about Christianity. I believe that Christianity can make one a better person. And by this I mean a real Christian and not fake like some Catholic priests who are using the Church as a cover up to commit crime. The thought that there's someone up there watching and protecting us can contribute to one's good life quality. It can also lead to less crime and more kindness

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To be able to get DNA, Testing is not the only method. Why aren't they taking finger prints instead. In Africa, they have been taking finger prints of everyone getting a Passport and coming in and going out of the continent for years

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