Awesome work by Fritz Freud.

Humanity must challenge The Big Tech Totalitarian Technocrats who have been using predictive analytics for mind control and their evil ends. Share this post with all those you care about.

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Feb 24
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Good read.

I have not finished it all yet.

Do you have any updates on the jabbed being patentable?

Are jabbed human rights no longer existing?

I have not followed up recently.

The push to vaccinate the whole planet is to use reverse transcriptase and transfection to alter the genome rendering individuals genetically modified and therefore patentable under the law a kin to Monsanto's Round Up ready corn and thus owned property by the patent holder which is the Pirbright Institute a crown corporation owned by the monarchy. This removes your human rights and voids the magna carta which is why they are trying to now ratify what's called the Terra Carta.

I remember Mr. Russell-Jay:Gould who captured the flags of all western countries and freed the citizens to deny folks being patentable.


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Worse... way worse... unimaginable worse... writing now.

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Can't wait to read it!

Getting away from this grounded desk-top tracking device until sunset. Going out to nature,

Have a great day or night...wherever you are.

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I'm using your comment... thanx for the Information.

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I need to look up the' flag capturing' you mention bexause I do not know what it means. The UK royals are interbred with their bankers the Rothschilds for 150 yrs at least - ,they appear to be behind most evil on earth for centuries before & the Rothschilds sired some of them as reward for preventing royals' bankruptcy (royals as everr looting, genocide of the planet to get to how rich they are today) I had not heard of 'Terra Carta' thanks - any links for where to learn more please? Surely 'Magna Carta' would still be valid for humans, even 'modified' ones because the modifying is done as a crime ie without consent, and with grave intended harm to the species, human race, each person (& flora, fauna also of course being engineered to be part synthetic so patentable).

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Here are a few links about the little scum bags plans :-)


https://www.sustainable-markets.org › TerraCarta_Charter_Jan11th2021.pdf

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https://youtu.be/pDuIVcWH2-U?si=ocK63rRrPI2KMgD3 watched this earlier. Shows how entrenched these tapeworms are.

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AI is an automation tool.

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Automated by who for what purpose...

That is the entire core problem and reason for this post.

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Very savvy, Fritz, and great post. AI is created and maintained by people who want to monitor, control, take, steal, etc other people’s ideas, energy, information, etc for their own self-aggrandizement.

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Great stack! But I see two problems. First is that the class action lawsuits would have to work in a court system that is above all a Talmudic one. Talmud comes above Admiralty and Commerce. So that would mean if enough people filed (what, more than half global population? less?) such lawsuits and enough lawyers and judges sided with it, the system would fall apart. Knowing the court systems a bit, I do not see how this is possible.

Second would be getting enough people to act on issues with privacy and data, when they fail to act on issues of physical autonomy and freedom.

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Spot on.

3rd Option... Publicly shaming...

That is why I made this one public...

Shaming all of them Politically Corrupt!

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That is my line of thinking as well. Well, while I am in my optimistic mood at least lolz.

My purpose is creating a critical mass of cognitively able and healthy enough to stand up for a "natural" development of our species. And I feel we are doing well, only I can not fully confirm it in the physical aspect. I do see good signs - which drive me to do even more...

btw, I can not hit likes under stacks -some sort of javascript issue on my FF. but I hear others have issues as well. I can hit likes and respond in the note/notification section, but there the display/formatting is out of whack and it makes it hard to do anything.

Cheers mate

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Same here...

However... I was surprised when I saw people using my terms... such as "Starlink Brainwave Lasers" by the Dollar Vigilante... a term that comes from my substack because I am the only one writing about it... or Jimmy Dore who actually subscribed to my sub...

Cliff High also tweeted out some of my articles and Blacklisted News took up some as well... as are redactede and Col Doug Mc Gregor who i tried to contact.

So I know people read my sub but my numbers are still too low.

Someday however i get the break through and then I can make waves.


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Ai is still learning which means it can't be a "god" if it's not all knowing. Infinity is hard to wrap a mind around because we are finite. Some things we were not meant to know. There is something above and beyond Ai. If all we do is view things from this plane of existence, we leave out the influence of the other dimensions. And this dimension is NOT the end all. Again we have the blind men and the elephant. Hard to imagine let alone visualize what we cannot see in total.

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Have you tried?

Do you want to wait?

Until it is too late?

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Yes. Have tried. It's not easy. Not everyone can get the hang of being inter-dimensional. And these days, just being in this dimension is challenging enough. I'm hearing that with what's allegedly coming down the pike for the planet, the trick is to stay alive until it happens. That means being a prepper to the max. Some preppers are fully geared up with restaurant sized propane tanks, diesel, solar, battery back up, giant water tanks, food to the ceiling, wood stoves, $500 Kevlar helmets. And that doesn't include the natural cave they're planning for when the real SHTF comes.

The whales are spending millions with an army underground, and escape tunnels that lead to a submarine.

We can talk about rights and freedoms but eventually those are not going to do much when it's Mad Max time.

Or Viggo in The Road.

James Cameron has a good idea. He bought a ship he used to explore the Titanic. Think Noah's Ark.

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hahaha fear-mongering.........people who offer solutions yet never solve any of their problems, if you solve your problem you want to solve it for other people too. Those in the business of saving themselves only, need to be saved first from their fears

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You speak of people like you!

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End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead. Killed By New Tech. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52pKpYeZ74

We Need To Stop OpenAI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyiTDbKndNM

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please I encourage you to read just a few of my posts, Jesus is pure LOGIC, hence logos, https://hrabmv.substack.com/p/two-deadly-omissions-in-seven-deadly nobody can claim to be logical or factual if not following Jesus' Words with all his heart, Mind and Soul.......this may open your eyes if you like logic, if not keep playing mini God :) what you say about AI is spot on!! AI is data harvesting! and centralization of the power, in a way that will make people salves, shutting down their Minds. which are mostly shut!so this will make it even worse

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Fundamental question is: Will they do what is law or what they state on the record?

Unequivocal NO!!!

Best solution (duh) is disconnect. Go gray, pay with postage stamps and a flip phone with easy battery removal. Go to library for research if needed. GPS for travel with off feature. Metal building, which I live in, to block RF. Window treatments to block RF.

This will for the most part remove most of toxicity, but still understand that it is only a partial solution til all these cuks are taken down..

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Is humanity condemned to be plagued by the Jews for all eternity? I certainly hope not but it does seem that way.

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Feb 21, 2024
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Yes there is.

I disagree.

I have all the answers we need.

And if I have everyone has.

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Feb 15, 2024
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Yet without concern for Humanity it's implications on Society and Individual development.

We are testing / building our Future enemy.

This needs to be prevented.

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