I dig your future Fritz and I even enjoy your cosmology. I get very frustrated with the world not only because of our misdeeds and direction but foremostly due to our potential. We are boundless and our future should be the stars.

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Wow… I prefer listening to and reading Dr Peterson because unlike you he understands the subtle but very real need for looking at specifics

“Education” is everywhere today… in fact? YOU WILL KNOW THE TALKING PIUNTS AND YOU WILL PARROT THEM! Or you may be shot by a blm or Antifa “mostly peaceful” person🙄

We are still allowed the freedom to speak and to post our words online in the 21st century public square PROVIDED THOSE WORDS PARROT THE LIES OF THE WICKED WHO OVERTHREW THE FREE WORLD OVER 3 years ago & have since been perpetrating world wide genocide on all of the previously fre countries 7 ways from Sunday …

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