AI to us is so nice? It is checks our spelling and give us road map directions? To them, AI is a spy machine to impose their orders on everyone. The Israeli guy Harari said it: HUMAN ARE HACKABLE ANIMALS...YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL..FORGET IT..THE SURVEILLANCE IS GOING UNDER YOUR SKIN.
Dear Fritz. Please take a few minutes to indulge in a beautiful work of art from Canadian musicians, the Barr Brothers...the best version of this song.
Genesis 12:3 "And I will curse those who curse you!" You are a vile one and you had better repent of your slander and lies NOW because you are going to go through the wrath of God's tribulation. And all you stupid ones who agree with him. Absolutely disgusting!
If God exists, we’re all going to go through the Tribulation.
No pre Trib rapture-that be wrong. Check your Bible, New Testament is easiest. Jesus tells it like it is. Oh, if you jew you don’t believe in New Testament. Sad for you.
even if you just read the list of previous projects at the beginning of the book and then the table of contents...
Jose Delgado one of the most evil of the fuckers, and his mind control projects.
Bed Time for Bonzo starring Ronald Reagan, was a hellyweird movie letting us know how "they" were electrocuting monkeys....and humans to study the brain for FULL control over all minds of all living beings.
So Ellison is happy to be able to see everything that the people do at all times, except seeing him and his tribe effing kids?
Epstein Client list...
Ellison is on it.
AI to us is so nice? It is checks our spelling and give us road map directions? To them, AI is a spy machine to impose their orders on everyone. The Israeli guy Harari said it: HUMAN ARE HACKABLE ANIMALS...YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE FREE WILL..FORGET IT..THE SURVEILLANCE IS GOING UNDER YOUR SKIN.
Dear Fritz. Please take a few minutes to indulge in a beautiful work of art from Canadian musicians, the Barr Brothers...the best version of this song.
Thank you…
KEXP is great…
My favorite will be Mogwai at KEXP.
And World Party.
Unfortunately, most people have no idea how far ahead these psychopaths, for whom the world is not enough, are technologically.
100%. Stupid fucks. All panic. The king is naken...
Genesis 12:3 "And I will curse those who curse you!" You are a vile one and you had better repent of your slander and lies NOW because you are going to go through the wrath of God's tribulation. And all you stupid ones who agree with him. Absolutely disgusting!
If God exists, we’re all going to go through the Tribulation.
No pre Trib rapture-that be wrong. Check your Bible, New Testament is easiest. Jesus tells it like it is. Oh, if you jew you don’t believe in New Testament. Sad for you.
(I know Fritz, I know what you said last time!)
Seven, six, two. Full, metal, jacket. 😂😂😂
I thought you would find this interesting and I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
to add to your list
even if you just read the list of previous projects at the beginning of the book and then the table of contents...
Jose Delgado one of the most evil of the fuckers, and his mind control projects.
Bed Time for Bonzo starring Ronald Reagan, was a hellyweird movie letting us know how "they" were electrocuting monkeys....and humans to study the brain for FULL control over all minds of all living beings.
Alien Jews made me laugh out loud.
Perhaps Alien [Fake] Jews? Maybe.
Kabbalah Rabbi Laitman says: Jews Are Interdimensional Aliens, Sent to Conquer Earth