An amazing and compelling tale. I am a nobody but I have found a new calmness and way of being these last 3 years, my intuition is improving. I spread my perception of the truth as best I can but realise the majority are already matrix slaves oblivious to their situation and fate. I do not fear the death of my body but am not resigned to it being any time soon. Thank you for sharing your truth.

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I totally agree with the Education part.

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Interesting Corbett episode which briefly mentions hyperloop https://www.corbettreport.com/dyi-musk/#comment-141956

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I've heard Ai is a silicon LIFEFORM given to the Satan cult by DEMONS from another DIMENSION to DESTROY HUMANITY in exchange for IMMORTALITY. It's not man-made. Reason all the grifter politicks are afraid to step out of line because Ai can destroy by remote. Depending on who is controlling it Ai can do either GOOD or BAD. Call it the genie in the bottle.

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It is the Jews who are from ... not another dimension but another plane of existenz.

And since the Jews control AI there is nothing good on this.

And yes... the Jews control us in exchange for Immortality which is why the Jews are idiots because who would give them incest idiots Immortality.

And again Immortality can only be achieved in spirit form.

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