Jan 27, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

Excellent as always. Ich bin deutsch durch meine Mutter, sie hat ein Chinese man geheiratet und wir endeten in Kanada. Ich genieße the way you write, I feel like I’m sitting across the table from you discussing this. BTW I agree with you on everything. Yesterday I went to my old place of work where my son and I got fired for not jabbing and the General Manager come out to say goodbye and how sorry she was…blah blah blah…she asked me if I found work. I told her yes, but it was never about the work, I reminded her that we fought this because it’s morally wrong and I’ll fight it to my dying breath. I care too❤️🙏

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Thank you very much.

I was married in China and I love the Chinese culture I learned Qi Gong Tai Qi and Wing Chun I also speak some Chinese.

We need to be steadfast and patient here for thiers are built on lies and lies van never withstand truth.

Thank you.

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Jan 27, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

So glad you care Fritz. Love reading your stuff.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Fritz Freud

Brilliant. We need more of us. Thank you

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