Too alarmin' now to talk about
Take your pictures down and shake it out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
Don't the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out?
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around
Kudos, my hero, leavin' all the best
You know my hero, the one that's on
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
My Hero - Foo Fighters
Welcome to the now.
For the first time in history a species is watching its own self destruction live on pay per view while being fed the Soylent Green equivalent of the 21st century laced with less fat but enhanced neural blockers so that they have to buy new mirrors for the old are too small.
Big Pharma sells you the antidote to the antidote they sold you a long time ago (and that wasn't working then) which turned out to be poison which they told you was necessary to cure the disease you never had.
If you ask "what happened to my Immune System" they answer: "You never had one. You are Ill you always were ill so we had to take care of you because we love you".
And because they love you... to death... they replaced your Immune System with a chip HAL999 and a free lottery draw every sunny Friday the 13th.
This Chip was made by Elon Musk and the Harvard Wyss foundation of Klaus Schwab who in his home has a framed letter from the Führer himself praising Escher Wyss (and their private concentration camp) for advancements in Eugenics.
Big Brother is broadcasting live 24/7 into your house the movement of yourselves decaying slowly in front of the shadow of what could have been while the rats have build a submarine to escape this rotten palace of idealistic meaninglessness.
What a place to be.
They are the perfect customer for the petro chemical conglomerate who created a compound that poisons your food with just so little you don't see it but enough to make you lose your brains, not that you used it much anyway.
Arsenic and Lace directed by Monsanto the great.
Most people only have a head to put a hat on so their feet don't get cold.
Most people believe everything they are told as truth.
These people live inside a dream, it is so easy in their brave world of illusion a dreamwolrd of their own creation La La Land they protect it viciously and defend their own demise while celebrating their own incapability.
It is the same dream those pesky Hippies had for sex drugs and Hippie doodle of peace and love and devil may care saying that the best music has been done on Lucy in the sky with Diamonds.
Then came Vietnam.
I hear them now I heard them before.
The chickens dance around in circles to the devils mischief hordes who play the tune of lies and deception as the fiddler on the roof catches fire from the matches in his pockets, pickpocket of course paying is for slaves.
It is business as usual.
The meaning of Business is to keep the slaves busy so they don't think because if they think they would come to conclusions other than the lies they been told and as such are useless for a system designed to keep everything the same but make it look different.
The cat is out of the bag.
My father and I never saw eye to eye throughout our life, I disliked his views and he never understood mine.
I walked away from my home and from my country and it was the best thing I ever did.
I learned the hard way, I had to.
But that is the curious thing, life, you find yourself in situations that question everything you did and everything you know you value and cherish.
Mine came when I found out to my bloody surprise the origins of Adolf Hitler.
It is beyond believe but as evidence mounts beyond the shadow of a doubt that Adolf Hitler was Jewish by his own laws and a Rothschild by blood.
This has put me into a situation where I had to question everything I knew then its value and its roots.
And I did.
When I gave my father the findings of my research something happened.
I later realized that my father and respectively his whole Generation never really knew what has happened to them and they lived with a conundrum they never understood being punished for things they never did.
The Information I gave to my father was like solving the Gordian Knot... suddenly it made all sense to him and I realized what has been done to him Germany and the whole Generation.
More so in school they "educated" us against our parents blaming them for everything at the same time praising the real culprits.
Evil Genius.
They do the same today.... everywhere.
So I like to get to the roots of things and I researched History to find an event that would make people hate Germany so much.
I found it in Martin Luther.
Martin Luther is the greatest Rebel in history having translated the Bible from Latin into German.
Without Martin Luther there would not be education something that by the deed of his work is a gift from Germany to the world.
The dictators of the Abraham Religions did not want this as their power diminished a power upheld by lies and deception to this day.
But with a translated Bible the peasants could now openly questions the lies of the totalitarian Aristocracy and they did.
As a result there was a 30 year war waging through Europe made by the Rothschilds like always.
But Truth is a curious thing.
It stands up for itself on its own it answers all questions and cannot be faulted.
As such the light of Truth spread through this world and still shines on.
The powers that were and want to be have retreated into the shadows of humanity the Occult the Freemasons and so on.
There they collect the gullible the stupid the pedo's the perverted and the power hungry and made them puppets of their evil work.
I call them Aristocracy the blue blood of the Dragon race Draco of whom they are slaves to.
Slaves of the unholy.
At the beginning of the 21st century the big bang of two towers collapsing while Nancy Pelosi covered tower7 with her big Tits so no one would question the narrative.
Ask yourselves why Nancy Pelosi is the "Speaker" of the House?
Because she is good in covering things up...
Now Nancy Pelosi calls for US ban on Russian oil over Ukraine invasion.
Let this sink in...
The entire Biden regime is an absolute and total embarrassment both nationally and globally.
Elderly Dictators in charge just can’t help but make themselves look foolish almost every time they open their mouths.
As if Joe Biden’s constant gaffes, mumbling, and confusion weren’t enough to make the US bury our heads in shame, speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t shy away from the opportunity to add to the utter humiliation.
In their attempt to intimidate Russian President Vladimir Putin into calling off his advances on Ukraine, they’re just looking dumb and dumber.
The Speaker claimed that the Kremlin’s actions are in the same league as their supposed “interference” in the 2016 election (which never happened) and Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II invasion of Czechoslovakia, according to the New York Post.
And she is not far off....
To create War you need the media to tell you there is an enemy.
And that this enemy has big teeth a big mouth and a big nose... sometimes big knockers.
This enemy is evil and eats babies right out of the incubator.
And that this enemy has weapons of mass destruction like Nancy Pelosi has...
The enemy has no McDonalds and that is evil...
Whatever your wish the media ghoul speaks to the Dictator I shall make it happen.
I take the smallest country and make it an enemy worth of an Army to be destroyed.
If there is no reason we find a reason.
If there is no country we make a country.
If there is no enemy we make an enemy.
We make your subjects believe what we want them to believe.
And if they dare to speak out against us we shall destroy their lives.
We keep the war machine rolling.
Truth shall never be in our way.
Today we have Emperor Klaus Schwab who dictates from his hive the roles of the small men like Putin Zelinsky Biden and predating the "Invasion" was the Propaganda like always...
Another day before I heard about a missile hitting the US embassy in Iraq.
Two hours later it already was Iran.
The same Iran that Benjamiono Nethanyahoo has shown with an Image he drew himself would possess the Q-Bomb.
An impoverished backward nation that declares a war on the United States of America with the power of the Q-Bomb that threatens the peace of every Nation on earth.
Do you see Peter Sellers in there?
The mouse that roared it is the same plot used by those Micky Mouse dictators to draw us into WW3.
Zelinsky Nethanyahoo Biden Putin Macron.
Take of their trousers and you see the connection.
Mickey was a Freemason too.
War is propaganda and the war is already decided before it is even started.
For those Hollywood fascists the world is just a stage and we are pawns of the Great Game... we are game...
The only war we have is the war against ourselves by those who claim to have power but in reality are just imposters.
But the game is real... the destruction is real...
The propaganda of those who write the script is like always paid for by the Rottenchilds.
World War Zion
Now I am a "fan" of predictive programming for quite some time now and I find it fascinating to peel away the patterns of deception to reveal the skeletons of Truth.
We are dealing with the Occult and that are Generational Families that own all the wealth and are highly educated but at the same time quite aware of their wrongdoings and as such deny everything and would start a World War just to cover their tracks.
Ayn Rand "The Fountainhead" was the first Novel I heard and I guess it was from Fritz Springmeier that brought me to that road.
Then came out the Harry Potter books and J.K. Rowling isn't a good writer, it seems that there are more than two and it is stitched together in industrialized fashion rather than elaboration of Adrianne's thread.
The connection there with Kurt Hahn Gordonstoun and Schule Schloß Salem was then made and the curtain fell.
The Hunger Games of course made under the same circumstances written by the Order of the Rothschild cabal with the big screen in mind to control you.
Before they were written they already knew the success was programmed in.
For them it is just a game it always is a game.
They have pleasure in the pain they create just for you.
And the more people die in their game the better for them it is.
They already made sure they are far away from where the action is.
Close enough to have a front seat... far enough to be safe.
Never to be blamed.
Such is their game.
Fritz Freud
Wonder where they are?
Good writing again, too bad it is all true and not a fiction.
We are the Prey as Dr Peter Breggin wrote. I saw his speech on Health Freedom Summit this weekend and boy is there sadness in his eyes, just like in mine.
Thank you again
Just finished discussing these monsters with my daughter questioning whether a Q-bomb is the answer. There is NO LIMIT to their depravity and perhaps it’s time for a GREAT BIG FUCKING RESET the likes of which only the Kakalaken survive…by that I mean cockroaches not the Rothchilds etc