Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Bill Gates
A list of Criminals that deserve death for Crimes against Humanity
Their plan has failed, withered failed and Imploded.
They scramble like a mad dog trying to hold on to power they never had, power they acquired by cheating lying and criminal activities beyond Imagination.
And they will not stop lying because in their opinion we are the problem because we refuse to die.
We dare to demand a life they simply refuse to give us... so we must take it... by any and all means necessary.
I write about this all along, the higher you are in their pyramid scheme the less you are Human.
It is the "culling of the herd" they so non gallantry talk in their twisted totalitarian mentality.
Furthermore these walking dead are sinister beyond the meaning of sinister, and most have become zombies that can't give you a straight answer if you ask them "is the sky blue".
The reason they are zombified is simple: Demonic Jewish Occult Possession.
The Jewish Murder Inc. aka the Jewish Occult has this world on the throat... it's leaders all of them engulfed in demonic activities to sacrifice the Human Race and replace it with programmable slaves.
If this sounds too much like the Twighlight zone than because the Twighlight Zone is Hollywood Fascism written by the Jewish Sages of world domination.
There the message is clear:
Hunger Games for you and me... and we all have to pay tribute to the Jewish Satanists who demand our life. After all the Jews are God's chosen people... aren't they?
That depends on who is your God and the purpose you been chosen for.
If your God is the Devil and your goal is destruction of all living by manipulation and destruction, then you are a Jew.
There is a symmetry to all things that keeps the world in a permanent state of natural balance.
Devil = Lived
Every force applied produces an equal and opposite force.
So inevitably, in nature all things balance itself out given time.
The Jews do not want to allow us this time.
They aim to force us doing stupid things so they can control us.
This has always been their purpose.
The Jews have no emotions, they only have mathematical Intelligence... just like their origins which is a kind of natural AI... Draco... a digital lifeform based on living energy.
As a result they see other different lifeforms just as numbers without giving it a quality, inferior to them because they lack quality, the quality of a heart.
Emotions mean nothing to them, they don't understand them and they are a distraction to their mathematical intelligence.
Therefore they force everyone to obey by their standards and as a result we live in a world based on materialistic slavery
One absolute proof is the war in Ukraine which is a Jewish war... PERIOD!
The word "Peace" has been eradicated from the Vocabulary of the masses by the Jewish controlled Mass Media who propagate a war by deception and Lies... as they always do... against the will of the people while shifting their Jewish Clown Zelinsky from one stage to another... in an admission of guilt.
Every stage is staged by the Jewish Satanists who control this Fascist theater like the G7 meeting in Japan.
What they don't tell you is that same Satanists down in the dungeons at Midnight sacrifice a living child of the same country to Molech their God to renew their death cult pledges wherever they go.
It revitalizes their Agenda and reminds them that they are in it for life or death.
Death to the Goy which is you and me.
Jewish Ritual Sacrifice.
No emotions... Nexus 7... that is who they really are.
The Jews are soulless machines who can never be Human because they have no emotions.
Here is a prime example of this:
Michael Levin is a biologist at Tufts University working on novel ways to understand and control complex pattern formation in biological systems.
He is on a Podcast with Lex Fridman who never done any honest work in his life.
In fact he never worked... so whatever he says is a lie.
What he did is simple... he studied Math and worked on AI which is a very Jewish thing because it allows the Jews to control every other race by denying them their time to develop and their Quality of life.
The Jews control all education and therefore unbalancing the Universe by denying us the freedom to develop and educate our self while at the same time inventing schemes to control us.
The Jews are manipulating Society to a level it has become dysfunctional across the board.
They call it: The Great Reset.
But what about respect?
I certainly never heard of a Jew respecting others.
Certainly not Voldimir Zelinsky, even when he had an audition with the Pope.
I mean, don't get me wrong but the Pope is a Freemason, acting as if he was a Christian.
So why presenting a Christian Leader with a picture of baby Jesus without baby Jesus...
At the same time Zelinsky wants money for a war that must not be won... are all Jews beggars?
Or is this some kind of bribery blackmail sabotage... me thinks twice.
There is only one Question remaining and it is this:
Do we live a life of purpose and are we educated to the best of our abilities to the best of Society?
The answer is a straight : NO!
Out of this question comes another:
The answer is equally simple:
Because of the Jewish Aristocracy.
You name the problem and I tell you which Jew is behind it.
The Law makers are all Jews... they make laws they themselves do not feel obliged to uphold.
Take Ursula von der Leyen... unelected Dictator of Europe dangling around the world stage as if this Bitch owns the lot.
She doesn't she is Jewish.
But this is the problem with the Jews... they create problem after problem and never ever solve anything.
So we have to kill them... all of them... because this is the only language they understand.
Don't quote me wrong, this is an act of self preservation and self defense.
The Jews are guilty as charged, they are the problem and the sooner we wise up to this reality the better the world will be.
They never have been Victims, only victims of their own... I shed no tear for them... the sooner they are gone the better off we are.
Identified they are by their actions against Humanity... and it is in their scripture especially the Talmud which is the book of Satan... meaning the Talmud is a manual for destroying the world.
I urge you all to read it and be amazed how Racist vile and violent the Talmud really is.
And all the Secret Societies from Skull & Bones to the Bohemian Grove to Oxford's Bullington Club... they are all Jewish Talmudic Societies hell bend to destroy the world.
There like in Theater they become a manifestation of Janus aka Molech aka Tiamat aka...God... aka Satan.
There is only one God and it is Satan who wants to destroy all that is good in Humanity.
And there is a real threat to Humanity here:
Replace Satan / God with Extraterrestrial invisible Energy Race aka Draco and you get it.
Oh and if you come to me and tell me "Jesus is my savior" you can go and fuck yourself because you don't understand anything.
Religion is pure Evil... designed by Jews in order to control the world by stealth.
Jews are Predators, Pedophiles, Animal Fuckers... you name it they do it.
The higher up the Pyramid the more soulless deprived they become because there is a direct correlation to power and perversion.
So I call them out because this is what I do... they are not better than me... I am better than the lot.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They are the Lawmakers Employers Bankers Media Moguls...
They make laws they don't abide...
They give work they make slaves...
They control the value of Money so you never get anywhere...
They control the Media to tell you to work harder because it is all your fault...
They control the outcome of your actions to ensure humanity never gets anywhere... always destructive... never constructive... always making things worse... never making things better.
And this goes down to the Talmud of Babylon which is when they came down to set this world on fire.
Everything we witness in real time right here right now comes down to this and there is no exception to this.
So without further ado, here is a list of people who not only deserve the death penalty but must be eliminated from existenz by any means necessary and like always I give you the reasoning so you can make up your own mind.
Please note: Some if not all are intertwined with each others by Action determination and Origin of thought which always comes down to the Talmud... divide and conquer.
1) Bill Gates
If there is any persona that personifies the archetype of a psychopath with evil intentions it is this man: William Gates the 3rd.
This freak is as ruthless as they come.
Just like others he came to fame by stealing a program called DR-Dos from Gary Arlen Kildall killing the man with the help of IBM who are ardent Nazis.
Me studying IT in the late 80's came across various incompatibility Issues and the use of undocumented CPU Instructions by IBM & Microsoft to ensure the destruction of any competition.
I there & then knew this man cannot be trusted.
But this isn't enough to demand the death penalty for Bill Gates.
Gates recently joined Warren Buffett and Sheldon Adelson in calling on Congress to enact sensible and humane policies. In this, like so many other things, he seems a person of decency, moderation, and basic common sense. Here is a man who has devoted enormous sums of his own money to create “opportunities for catalytic change which can transform people’s lives,” in Africa, including “the foundation’s key program areas such as agriculture, family planning, financial services for the poor, HIV, malaria, polio, and vaccines delivery.”
But if you look behind the curtain, you see that Gates thinks we need to reduce human population by 10-15 percent of its projected growth. One of his stated motivations for vaccination is to limit human population, not only to save lives but to reduce lives—a strange and convoluted decision calculus. The very same “decency,” reduced to a kind of technocratic and secularized utilitarianism, is really extraordinarily callous, even abhorrent, although couched in the most benign form of cheeriness, optimism, and expertise.
Now the WHO is all but a Bill Gates owned subversion, a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working from within.
And the proof is in the pudding meaning the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response: International Agreement which I pointed out is just that... a deliberate act of subversion by the Government to Install an unelected One World Government by stealth... and again this comes from the Talmud.
Andrew Bridgens... Plandemic Treaty
But if you want to reduce the population as they want to do... Bill Gates and Warren Buffet the main puppets here...
Then you need a deception...
And just like HIV you have to go to the root of inception... at the point of reproduction to inflict the most possible harm with the least power of resistance... again... Talmud.
Where is this?
The schools...
Incomes the "Trans" Agenda and CRT.
The Trans movement is a predominately Jewish movement devised to divide & conquer... Talmud.
Just like the Nazis (origin: Ashkenazi) who were ardent Zionists the "Trans" are as well ardent Zionists trying to influence Idiots.
You will find by doing your own research that the Transgender "Movement" originated with Jewish Pedophiles and non other more dominant than Bill Gates who I call out here to be a Pedophile of the Rothchild Class and deserves for this the Death Penalty.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Toolbox is made up of tools that can guide foundation staff and partners in designing, managing and measuring the results and impact of gender intentional and gender transformative programs and investments.
Don't be fooled by the term "Gender Equality" it doesn't exist.
It is however an umbrella term to slide in the Transgender Agenda as devious as it sounds it really is.
Divide & conquer... Talmud.
“We all know how much bill gates loves children, he’s been with Epstein…” Peter Flaherty (Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center )at berkshire hathaway annual meeting.
Pete Flaherty, chairman and CEO of the National Legal and Policy Center, was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing by police in Omaha, Nebraska, even though his name was on the list of attendees for the Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting.
“I apparently touched the third rail of billionaire politics when I mentioned Jeffrey Epstein’s name,” Flaherty told The Daily Signal on Monday. “I’ve been involved in shareholder activism for 19 years, and I have never before had my mic cut and I was never before arrested.”
I am Peter Flaherty, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center. If we had an independent chair, the company [Berkshire Hathaway] would be less identified with Mr. Buffett’s political activities.
He’s donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Bill Gates explained when the couple was still together, “although the foundation bears our names, basically half our resources have come from Warren Buffett.”
If woke culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus.
If woke culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus. “The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of critical race theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist,” Flaherty said at the shareholder meeting Saturday. “The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of “socially and culturally constructed ideas. This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact. … We know how much Bill Gates cares about children. He met and traveled with Jeffrey Epstein many times after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.”
And please let us not forget that Warren Buffet himself together with Bill Gates and others are thought of being behind the 9/11 Terrorist attacks.
Where was Warren Buffett the morning of 9/11 and what was he doing?
Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is, coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in the day for "safety". This early golf charity event hosted by Mr. Buffett was to include celebrities, professional athletes, and a small group of business leaders in which one of these business leaders became a very lucky person.
This very lucky person was Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Now what made Mrs. Tatlock such a lucky person for being invited to this charity event that morning? Mrs. Tatlock not only works in the World Trade Center, but her offices were right where Flight 175 crashed into the WTC 2.
So let me get this straight.
They put Bombs into the offices of Fiduciary Trust Co. International nobody worked there at that day and Anne Tatlock Bill Gates & Warren Buffet knew because they are in it and probably behind it.
Like Klaus Schwab and Evelyn Rothchild who are also associated with 9/11 as is the Bush Family Skull & Bones the CIA and the Mossad.
There were no planes... it was all a set up by them people, the same people who push CRT (Critical Race Theory) and the Trans Agenda onto us to destroy everything from within.
They then started a war in Irak & Afghanistan and they the same people are behind the war in Ukraine.
This alone means they all deserve the death Penalty... all of them without exception.
But let's not get off the rails here... let's stick with the Gates Epstein Buffet connection.
Warren Buffett, a longtime friend of Bill Gates, stepped down as a trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates organization just weeks after its founders announced their divorce.
Which means he was a long time associate of Bill Gates and by association to Jeffry Epstein... the Israeli Government (Barak) the Mossad and Jews in General to protect them doing what they do... subversion of Society to prepare us for the implementation of a one world Government and population reduction.
Warren Buffett's association with Epstein appears to be less direct. However, in a 2019 interview with Fox Business, Buffett confirmed that he had once donated $2 million to Planned Parenthood, an organization that Epstein had also supported. While there is no evidence to suggest that Buffett had any direct contact with Epstein, his connection to the organization raises questions about his knowledge of Epstein's activities and his willingness to associate with those connected to him.
You can add to this the Rothchild clan who are well known supporters of pedophilia and Human Sacrifice.
The Rothschild Family & The Epstein Network
Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?
Ehud Barak, former Israeli prime minister
Leon Botstein, president of Bard College
William Burns, CIA director
Noam Chomsky
Terje Rød-Larsen, noted ex-diplomat
Joshua Cooper Ramo, a FedEx board member
Ariane de Rothschild, chairwoman of Edmond de Rothschild Group
Kathryn Ruemmler, Goldman Sachs general counsel
Lawrence Summers
Peter Thiel
Please note that William Burns is also a WEF Member
Which by association means that the WEF and Klaus Schwab are guilty in any and every way and quite rightly deserve the death penalty by any and every means.
Bill Gates loves Children... boiled or grilled... it doesn't matter.
The Jews love Children just the same, sacrificed to their God Molech.
This is called Holocaust and the Jews love a good Holocaust.
War is a Holocaust.
And the Jews are behind every war as for them it is a way for depopulation.
And Bill Gates loves depopulation.
Vaccines and Seeds...
What Bill Gates means is Sterilization through Vaccination.
And sterilization by stealth aka Monsanto.
Monsanto is DuPont and DuPont is Jewish Illuminati.
And just like Vaccination they are somehow been given Immunity from the destructive results of their work.
I am not kidding.
Imagine Adolf Hitler been given Immunity for gassing the Jews...
But Hitler was a Rothchild... they just shipped him to Argentina.
The deeper you dig and the more you connect the dots you understand the vile game been played here... and the Jews are right at the center of it, playing the Victims they never were...
Whether it is Pfizer or Monsanto... Bill Gates Warren Buffet Klaus Schwab.
Hey while we are at it... why not combine Pfizer and Monsanto?
And this is the main reason Bill Gates should be hanged slowly boiled alive in his own excrement quartered and burned while his ashes should be dissolved in liquid acid.
And so should his wife, their Children and their entire family so that no Gates exist anywhere everywhere.
The Future Crimes of Bill Gates
Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?
Bill Gates has never been a farmer. So why did the Land Report dub him “Farmer Bill” this year? The third richest man on the planet doesn’t have a green thumb. Nor does he put in the back-breaking labor humble people do to grow our food and who get far less praise for it. That kind of hard work isn’t what made him rich. Gates’ achievement, according to the report, is that he’s largest private owner of farmland in the US. A 2018 purchase of 14,500 acres of prime eastern Washington farmland – which is traditional Yakama territory – for $171m helped him get that title.
In total, Gates owns approximately 242,000 acres of farmland with assets totaling more than $690m. To put that into perspective, that’s nearly the size of Hong Kong and twice the acreage of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, where I’m an enrolled member. A white man owns more farmland than my entire Native nation!
Now the answer to this is simple:
Billy Boy Gates is a megalomaniac Genocidal Monster that hates Humanity and is Hell bent in his drive to reduce the population of this planet.
He is and was together with his Jewish Friends behind the Covid Scam.
That didn't work because many people including me saw it coming and fought it since day one.
And if for one second you don't understand that the Jews are behind Covid here is a clip of 17 year old Avi Schiffman who knew about Covid at least three months before anyone else.
Now because this Covid scam and the adjunct Great Reset had not the wanted population reduction effect they wanted to achieve, they switch their plan.
Through Genetic Technology they now are able to not only poison our food supply but are able to Genetically target any group: Genetically targeted Biological Warfare.
If this sounds like Science Fiction I assure you it is Science fact.
I know about these things because I do my Homework.
The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.
Messenger RNA or mRNA technology, used in COVID-19 vaccines, works by teaching our cells to recognize and protect us against infectious diseases.
One of the challenges with this new technology is that it must be kept cold to maintain stability during transport and storage. If this new project is successful, plant-based mRNA vaccines -; which can be eaten -; could overcome this challenge with the ability to be stored at room temperature.
Bill Gates is the largest investor in vaccines and there’s a pandemic..
Bill Gates is the largest investor in lab grown milk and there’s a baby formula crisis…
Bill Gates is the largest owner of farm land in America and they create a food crisis…
But we aren't done yet.
Remember Skull & Bones the Jewish Talmudic Secret Society Yale is based upon?
Remember John Kerry... he is Skull & Bones.
Somehow he is also the "Climate Tsar" of the first openly Pedophile president... Pedo Joe Biden.
And never forget that Pedo Biden is responsible for the War in Ukraine along his Jewish Friends.
Small farms are significant emitters of nitrogen, according to Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry who is pushing for the U.S. federal government to crack down on farming in America to combat “global warming.”
Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).
The WEF in reality is a Jewish Dictatorship called:
The Committee of 300.
John Kerry is Jewish.
When Kerry Was Kohn: The Jewish Roots of John Kerry
Kerry to Visit Israel in First Tour of New Role. The news was a revelation to Kerry himself, who only found out about his Jewish roots while running in the 2004 presidential election. His paternal grandfather Frederick A. Kerry, was born Fritz Kohn in a town in what today is the Czech Republic before changing his name.
Note: This is a Lie... Kerry was in Skull & Bones so he knew very well of his heritage.
So small Farms are the Problem because of the Green Agenda of the WEF but Bill Gates who is the biggest Farmland owner in the USA is not?
Somehow the Logic of these Jews defy logic.
Unless that is you understand that they hate you and they mean exactly the opposite of what they are saying.
They Are Literally Poisoning Our Food On A Massive Scale, And Most People Don’t Even Realize What Is Happening
Neonicotinoids are a new class of insecticides chemically related to nicotine. The name literally means “new nicotine-like insecticides”. Like nicotine, the neonicotinoids act on certain kinds of receptors in the nerve synapse. They are much more toxic to invertebrates, like insects, than they are to mammals, birds and other higher organisms.
One thing that has made neonicotinoid insecticides popular in pest control is their water solubility, which allows them to be applied to soil and be taken up by plants.
Today, many seeds that our farmers use actually come pre-coated with neonicotinoids.
I was greatly alarmed when I first learned that, and you should be greatly alarmed as well.
Our crops are literally pre-poisoned before they even sprout.
And there are many ways to drown a Cat.
Many ways to Kill Humanity.
And we are facing extinction by Genocide and Holocaust and the Jews are at the center of this Megalomaniac Insanity.
2) Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen deserves as much the Death Penalty just like Bill Gates.
Ursula von der Leyen is what Adolf Hitler always wanted to become... Dictator of Europe
She literally goes to bed with Big Pharma.
Heiko von der Leyen is the Joseph Mengele of Mrs. Hilter.
They are both from German Jewish Aristocratic Families and they are both Criminals that deserve the death penalty.
Orgenesis CEO talks disruption: ‘We are the Uber of the cell and gene therapy space’
Ursula von der Leyen deserves to die the most painful death because she is a Dictator just like Adolf Hitler was.
Nobody elected her, yet she claims to be EU president... she is not.
The only reason she is in this position because she has been placed into it just like Adolf Hitler.
And just like Adolf Hitler she drives the world into a war against Russia.
Ukraine must win this war. And Putin’s aggression must be a strategic failure. We will do everything we can to help Ukrainians prevail and retake the future into their hands.
For the first time in our history, the European Union is providing military aid to a country under attack. We are mobilizing our full economic power.https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/ursula-von-der-leyens-speech-to-davos-2022-in-full/
Let me get this as straight as possible:
Ursula von der Leyen is the Adolf Hitler of our Time.
And just like Adolf Hitler she pushes for war against Russia.
This is unacceptable.
The EU has no power... it is no Country... it has no Military.
The EU by definition is a Union of European States.
She has no power to do anything she does... it is all a Lie... a bluff.
But just like Adolf Hitler she is a Nazi that wants to kill as many people possible.
And just like Adolf Hitler she works for the Rothchilds and the Jewish Occult.
And just like Bill Gates she tries to kill as many people through the Covid scam and through policies like this:
In the European Union it is now illegal to grow your own food
For as long as Europe has existed the family plot or garden provided sufficient food to feed even large families. The domestic garden gives a household almost total independence from reliance.
But worst of all is the so called "Digital ID" she pushes.
The Digital ID is the same technology as used in Auschwitz made by IBM to catalog the inmates of Auschwitz.
Therefore she is proof of being a stern Nazi working for the WEF which are associated by the Schwab Family directly to Adolf Hitler.
This is Illegal under German law... but hey who cares... certainly not Nazi Jews...
3) Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab if you don't understand by now that the WEF is at the center of this Genocidal Holocaust and that everything connects there you should not read my blog.
Klaus Schwab is more Evil than Dr. Evil himself.
And like his friends Bill Gates & von der Leyen he deserves to die any day by any means.
I haven't even started.
Yet already this post has become too long.
There are many people who deserve the death penalty:
Richy Sunak
Boris Johnson
Voldimir Zelinsky
Justin Trudeau
Mark Zuckerberg
Elon Musk
The Soros Family
The Rothchilds
The Rockefellers
The Clintons
and many more.
All of them work together in this war against humanity.
All of them are connected through their Jewish Heritage.
All of them hate Humanity.
All of them hate Individual Freedom.
All of them hate peace.
The Jewish Mindset is that who plays Victim teaches Victimhood to predators such as Trans Pedophiles Genocidalists War Hawks and others.
Peace is a forbidden word.
War is the Agenda.
It is a long standing plan of them and what we are witnessing right here right now is best understood by a Quote from Albert Pike from nearly 200 years ago:
“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
As you now know the interactions please go and watch the following Clip:
Col Douglas Macgregor
Interview with Mike Krupa for VotumTV on May 18, 2023
In this very important Interview McGregor tells the ultimate Truth from the involvement of George Soros & Mark Zuckerberg to the stolen Selection to the remnants of Hitler & Mussolini that feed of this phony war.
If anything it proves everything I write.
Fritz Freud
The Jews you speak of are the karzarenian Jews. The name stealers. They are not Gods chosen people. They are the very -evil , pedo, murdering children-people you write about. For them they honor satan and have no moral compass. They are the people behind all the killing and slaving being done to today’s world. All for their new world order and new world government.
You can’t justify killing a murderer... it makes you a murderer... but instigate punishment in order to dissuade another from committing similar acts on humanity... is right and justifiable.
There has to be one rule.. that applies to all irrespective of how wealthy or powerful they are...taking even one life ... is wrong... taking many... for so long...means the people stood by ... and did nothing.