Fasten your Seatbelts: The War is about to begin
The more you ignore me the closer I get you are wasting your time
So you wanna know me now
How I've been
you can't help someone recover
after what you did
So tell me am I looking better?
Have you forgot
Whatever it was that you couldn't stand about me
Yes I do feel better
Yes I do I feel alright
I feel well enough to tell you what you can do
with what you got to offer
Yes - David McAlmont and Bernard Butler
Have you ever seen the truth?
If you never seen or experienced it, how do you know of its existenz?
Would you know the truth when it passes you by or would you been fooled by your own arrogance rejecting it outright without ever considering it?
The one truth about truth is that it comes in unexpected ways when you are least prepared and you least expect it.
Also if you on the other hand live a life based on the illusion (self imposed illusion) of believing the truth rather than knowing the truth you will reject any and all possible information that contradicts your personally adapted point of view until you are a prisoner in your own head of your own making with no direction and no purpose ignoring everything including your own self and most important your own heart.
You see the heart is the keeper of feelings it is the place where the human soul resides.
The Heart also acts like a "Brain" for feelings telling you something is wrong.
Truth essentially is a feeling and connected to the heart and a certain vibration attached to it.
Truth essentially is a frequency.
Water is truth.
When I was about 15 someone demonstrated to me to burn water by spraying some into a cauldron of burning oil which is essentially a reduction / oxidization process needing extreme heat.
The significance of it struck me there and then opening the doorway of possibilities that don't seem to exist for most people who are in hindsight prisoners of their own making own self imposed cell doing what they be told never to experience what it means to be human.
The pain of awakening, and a pain it will be, will be silenced by the screams of the dammed dying in agony and the marching of boots in unity under the disguise of authority prisoners of their own ideology without empathy androids of the system coming to destroy the human spirit and the human soul in open hate with bloodshot eyes.
The crazy ones will be unleashed with the goal to bring you hell on earth.
What that means is a willing and wanting destruction of everything by any and all means no possibilities excluded with weapons so advanced you think you are in a movie of your own destruction of your own making.
And that is before Tesla's robot army will start policing the streets making you a prisoner forever.
How do I know this?
One truth I told you, it is water.
Another truth is this, my invention, the invention the Illuminati do not want you to know about and I write about it on my blog.
Why is this so important what is the significance of it?
To make it simple it solves many a problem that there are currently destructing you.
Problems of their making designed for them to excuse their actions to increase their authority and blaming it on you which as a result will give them more excuses for more actions of authority while they are screaming that they do if for our own good and our own interest.
The nanny state has decided that it doesn't want to be a nanny anymore so she tries to get rid of the problem (us) by poisoning our food water and minds so that we are easy prey when they draw out the big guns.
Rabbit in the headlight a million times if you understand what I mean.
One thing a tool of their new world plans is this "Green New Deal".
The "Green New Deal" is in short terms an accounting scheme promising you to offset the emissions you create to achieve net zero emissions open for manipulation and as a result will accelerate climate destruction and make you a slave for eternity until you wish you were dead.
The significance of my Invention is that is creates absolute zero emissions and as such their "Green New Deal" has no foundation to be build upon if we accept that there is a technology that creates absolute zero emissions therefore destroying their "Green New Deal" before it is even implemented.
And since this "Green New Deal" is one of the pillars of their new slave world it would render it meaningless because no argument in the world can counter that of absolute zero emissions forever.
There is nothing more powerful than an Idea that time has come and I believe that the time has come for my Invention to be openly considered simply because it destroys all the arguments for a "Green New Deal" by giving you something significantly better; absolute zero emissions.
As an argument there is no contest and they know this and they fear this because they can't control it and I know that because I am in constant talk with people over investment and some of that rejecting my proposal out of fear of their own life..
So for the last 15 years or so they deleted email accounts deplatformed me from everywhere and worse making me quite aware of little things that matter.
I am on a website called "Brand New Tube" which started deleting my comments half a year ago.
A few days ago I tried to contact "The Dollar Vigilante" Jeff Berwick through one of his associates on "Brand New Tube" because for investment.
Today "Brand New Tube" has removed the internal messenger capabilities from my account silencing me effectively but more significantly showing their capabilities of individual censorship.
If they can do it to one they can do it to all and if they can they will.
But the timing is also significant.
You see the goals are set for them the "4th Industrial Revolution" and the stage is set to make their move so they have to make their move now or never because they are a death cult and they want to take as many with them as possible and if they fail they have their Cyanide pills ready for an easy escape because after all they are cowards.
I do not believe that I am the only one quite the opposite there are now many people silenced that way so that they cannot voice their reason which creates no opposition to advance their plan to sleepwalk the herd into their brave new world of human extinguishing.
Bricks don't hit back.
For every action there is a reason and the reason for this can only be called out by the knowledge that to bring the change they want they will have to bring in an event so blinding and destructive that everyone buys it and are willingly chipped or forced upon by democratic value which in reality has ceased to exist if it ever did so.
We mean nothing to them.
Their goal is a stated goal of mass murdering over seven billion people and they are a death cult.
They are possessed by the need to win this war and sacrifice this world they try to destroy for a very long time and with it the human spirit and the human soul.
It is the great Illusion to reset the world which they want to control in order to open a gateway and feed the world to the demons of their making and their invitation.
Reject it.
There comes a moment and when it comes reject it.
Their power comes from your fear, deny them your fear.
They want your body they want your soul and fear is the key for you to give in.
Never give in never surrender.
Claim authority of yourself it is never too late.
Their evilness cannot be measured neither understood so don't even try it.
In short nothing but a general strike tomorrow and a citizen arrest of the people top down starting with Biden and the Rockefellers will do.
Stop paying your taxes.
Deny yourself from the system.
Their power comes from the control of you.
Fritz Freud
Bring on the arrests. They already built their detention centres in Australia and are planning them in the UK. That would be a great irony.