This is an article from Winterwatch as I am still not able to think straight.
But the response to my last post quite frankly overwhelmed me.
I am gutted that so many people wished me well and I thank you all for this.
I am still far from ok and I won’t answer… not because I don’t want to but I can’t.
My situation hasn’t changed… I have pus drooling out of my ear… I have headaches like my head is exploding and I can’t hold a thought … I am def left side and I don’t know if and when I recover.
Yes I feel lonely… yes I feel sad and angry but what’s the point.
All I can do is to let go and try to heal somehow.
But the responses that you gave me … thank you… from my heart thank you.
The symptoms I have I have seen many people have and I swear this is STARLINK.
Read this article on Winterwatch and my articles on Mind control and STARLINK and you see the technologies described are now employed in STARLINK.
These People from Bill Gates Donald Trump and Elon Musk are sick Bastards.
What they do to me they do to many and soon to all.
Original article here:
The Boston Globe ran a story on the Boston Marathon Tsarnaev brothers patsies. It was mostly misdirection and a back story, but one aspect of the story is of interest: the older brother, Tamerlan, had heard voices. In fact, he used the term “majestic mind control” to describe it. This has been described separately as the “voice of God,” voice to skull or V2k. This is microwave audio technology that can project sound to the inner ear to give messages to a targeted individual (TI). In a mind-controlled individual, the voice can be used to triggered an alter persona, which is how Tsarnaev described himself.
FSU shooter Myron May feared ‘energy weapon,’ heard voices, thought police were watching him.
There are numerous examples of people reporting “mind control experiences” (MCEs) on self-published Web pages and videos. These claims have generally been dismissed or gas lighted by the usual suspects as delusional disorders. The tinfoil-hat smear has also been created to run gas-lighting interference. Unfortunately tinfoil offers no protection. These are used on the nothing-to-see-here, move-along crowd as a distraction away from the actual practice.
But as technology advanced, experimentation — and more — has been used on people, or TIs. The nothing-to-see-here crowd may need to explain why the Defense Department has patents on the technology. And if A&E can use whisper-in-ear technology to promote a television series [see “Hear Voices, It May be an Ad” -good link], isn’t it fair to assume that Crime Syndicate system has much more advanced, state-of-the-art V2k technology.
One of Jessie Ventura’s last shows in his “Conspiracy Theory” series involved people experiencing microwave technology, including voice to skull. Ventura was really going down the rabbit hole on this and other topics before the show was cancelled. He has been persona non grata on MSM ever since. This episode show is memory holed on the Net, but I have located a copy for now.
When this targeting weapon is combined with drugs, such as scopolamine or a whole cocktail of administered mind-control drugs, some individuals come under total control. This may go back a half century to the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy. Are Covid jabs playing a role going forward?
In his 2016 parole hearing, Sirhan repeatedly claimed to have no memory of the shooting of Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel. In his testimony before the parole board, Sirhan recalled events before the shooting in some detail, such as going to a shooting range the day before (June 4, 1968), visiting the hotel on June 5 in search of a party and returning to the lobby after realizing he had drunk too many Tom Collins cocktails to drive.
He next claimed to have drunk coffee in a backstage area near the hotel pantry with a woman to whom he was attracted and who may have been involved with the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. He stated that the unknown woman then took him into the pantry, which Sirhan described in his prison memory sessions as a dark room at the hotel, and that while in the pantry the woman gave Sirhan a post-hypnotic cue to fire a gun in the direction of Robert Kennedy minutes later. Sirhan was immediately subdued by several men in the pantry as Kennedy fell to the pantry floor fatally wounded.
Sirhan has claimed that after having coffee with the woman, the next thing his conscious memory can recall is being choked and unable to breathe moments after the Kennedy shooting. He said, “It’s all vague now. I’m sure you all have it in your records. I can’t deny it or confirm it. I just wish this whole thing had never taken place.”
Excerpts from the taping of Sirhan’s memory session interview can be heard below. The second video is background on the girl in the polka-dot dress seen with Sirhan.
Read; Louis Jolyon West: Johnny on the Spot Mind Controller
Fast forward to Aurora and the Batman-inspired alleged perp, James Holmes, and the subject of mind control is all over that case. In sum, Holmes sounds a lot like Sirhan Sirhan reflecting on the shooting of Bobby Kennedy. They’re confused, think they’re under surveillance and have a sketchy memory of what happened. They describe a dark place.
Holmes ended up in an empty theater, and then was later found drooling out in his car. I spent several hours a year ago listening to Holmes’ extraordinary psychiatric interview. This one lends new meaning to the term rabbit hole. My notes are here.
An A&E Billboard 'Whispers' a Spooky Message Audible Only in Your Head in Push to Promote Its New 'Paranormal' Program
Fritz Freud
Dear Father God,
We pray and ask for your Son's hands, the very same Nail Scarred Hands that were Nailed to the Cross during the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, to pay the price that was ours to pay.
We pray that those Hands Create a Powerful & Mighty Hedge of Protection around Fritz. We ask that the very same Blood that was shed from your Son Jesus Christ be Infused and Transfused into Fritz for a complete and total recovery from this Satanic attack.
We pray that by Your Stripes and by Your Blood Fritz will be completely Healed...! We close and seal this prayer in your Son's Mighty Name, Jesus Christ... AMEN
sending Aloha & Blessings from the Hawaiian Islands Fritz, kyle
Yesterday was a gift...
Today is an opportunity...
Tomorrow never promised...
Live Life, Love Others, and Leave No Regrets...
Keep up the good fight, Fritz. "Don't let the bastards grind you down." You (and most of your readers) are on the front lines of something most people can't comprehend and haven't fully encountered even in their worst nightmares.
That being said, we need to figure out shelters in multiple locations. There has got to be a combination of materials that can keep this shit *out.* Even if it's just a place for people to retreat to when it gets bad, we are all sitting ducks out here and all they have to do is keep us fragmented, then pick us off one at a time. (1m50s)
Take it from someone who deals almost exclusively with core-level problems: this is a core enough problem that nothing else will work right until we figure it out. We have to be able to save each other, or we won't even be able to save ourselves.